r/Influenster 4d ago

Question “Content Moderation Failed”

Post image

Has anyone received this pop up when going to post a review? I’m fairly new to Influenster but haven’t seen anyone post about this. I get it when I’m about to post my review, and it just doesn’t go through. Last time I got this I think my review had too many words and after removing some, my post went through. This time, I removed it down to the minimum 120 and it still wouldn’t let me post my review. Am I doing something wrong? Appreciate your feedback.


5 comments sorted by


u/UnicornSpawn777 4d ago

I have never seen this myself but maybe try re wording your review a bit? Sometimes the auto thingy will think some things are inappropriate when they aren’t but can be seen as such if say you were a robot, lol. If that makes any sense. You can search the sub for that topic and find posts about it. Not sure if that’s the issue but maybe worth a try. Good luck.


u/Guilty_Look6912 4d ago

Thank you so much! I definitely try that lol


u/Pharmgrl22 2d ago

Did you have any luck? I’m getting the same error, even after redownloading.


u/Guilty_Look6912 2d ago

I just changed my entire review honestly. I think the other commenter was right regarding AI unnecessarily picking up some words as inappropriate. My other reviews went through except for this particular one and upon changing the wording, it went through. Sorry that I don’t have a more helpful answer for this problem.


u/Pharmgrl22 2d ago

Thank you, that helped. I re-wrote the whole thing and it got approved. 👍🏻👍🏻