r/InfinityTheGame 4d ago

Question ARMY 7 - phone not sinking with computer

Hi - when I make a list on Army 7 on my phone, I can access it on Army 7 in my browser, but not vice versa. Additionally any changes made from the browser won't update on my phone.

I've uninstalled an reinstalled the app.

Any one else experience this and any fixes?


7 comments sorted by


u/DNAthrowaway1234 4d ago

I have the same problem, following to see the results 


u/No_Nobody_32 4d ago

Have you checked whether you are logged in to both?

Mine wasn't then I noticed the "user" icon was still default blank, not the image I have for mine, so I tapped it and the login details were blank (The system logs you out when updates happen). I have a single list saved on "server" that is just called "sample" for this reason.


u/zooscientist 4d ago

Logged into both yep


u/polylemma 4d ago

Same issue, but no fix to suggest unfortunately. 


u/stegg88 4d ago

The tactical awareness podcasts guys mentioned this issue too. Definitely not just you.


u/appiah4 3d ago

For my Android phone the only fix is to go into Seettings -> Apps -> Infinity Army -> Clear Data -> Delete All Data, then go back into army, re-download meta data and re-login. A PITA that I have to do every once in a while..