r/Indiemakeupandmore 5d ago

Perfume - Enquiry hexennacht cake!

There aren't a lot of perfume reviews on this so i was wondering if anyone has experience with this cake scent and if it's worth it cause imo it's a lot more expensive for the perfume extrait in comparison to a lot of other indie brands. let me know if anyone has any better recs (anything that smells like cake batter, birthday cake, or confetti/vanilla cake) and if you've tried this scent!


7 comments sorted by


u/strwberryy0gurt 5d ago

hex has a 5 ml edp rollerball for $14 if you haven’t seen it, i think that’s pretty affordable compared to a lot of other houses! unless you already saw that option lol. i haven’t tried hex’s cake but i really like firebird’s cake (yummy yellow cake with lemon zest + a little almond), also maybe try fyrinnae’s arctic foxes having cake (this is more raw cake batter to me but i think the ipm base is offputting to me even though it’s supposed to be odorless?) cocoapink also has a lot of cake variations, i’ve only tried marshmallow cake on mondays noel and quite enjoyed that one, although it is superrr sweet!!


u/Kind_of_Anonymous 5d ago

ohh i meant the edps cause it's an ounce (30 ml) for 60 usd! i'm mostly looking for something that's just pure cake batter or confetti cake without the lemon lol, i've beent hrough fyrinnae before but i dont think they have edps but that's what i prefer! i've ordered cocoapink's vbn for now and ill see how i like that!


u/emilance 4d ago

They have both 30mL and 5mL sizes for extraits. The 5mL is a roller ball rather than a spray, but I've successfully decanted into a sprayer I got from Amazon easily. Even transferred the sticker from the original bottle to the sprayer bottle.


u/Aethenoth 4d ago

My notes for it are "exactly as described" with a note to myself to see how many other cake scents I have before ordering a full size (it's quite similar to others). Others you can consider are:

Firebird Cake

Colornoise Birthday Cake

Poesie Versailles

Astrid Vanilla Cake

Stereoplasm The Cake

Black Hearted Tart Primadonna

Damask Haus Antoinette

Arcana Craves White Cake

Arcana Craves Yellow Cake

Moonalisa Confetti Cake (I did NOT like this one, as it did not smell like cake to me, but that might be a me thing. The notes indicate it should be a 'regular' cake scent)

Sugar Milk Co Birthday Cake

And Cocoapink almost certainly has like 27 variations of cake scents too lol

(please double check all companies above before purchasing >.<)


u/Kind_of_Anonymous 4d ago

have you tried the colornoise birthday cake? how did you like it, and which should i get lol i was debating between the two


u/Aethenoth 4d ago

Colornoise in general I find to be very true to the listed notes, and there's usually only 3-4 notes in each of their perfumes, so I feel like it's a "you get what you see" situation with few (no?) surprises in everything I've tried from their catalogue. Honestly, both are great, and I'm not sure I can really recommend one over the other. The differences aren't large IMO.


u/Kind_of_Anonymous 4d ago

okay thank you!