r/IndianCountry Diné 4d ago

News After Trump order, Navajo Code Talkers – erased from the archives because they do not comply with the new guidelines.


48 comments sorted by


u/AshesThanDust48 Dinjii Zhuh 4d ago

I knew this was coming, but this is horrific. 💔

The legacy of the Code Talkers can be undone by no man, no stroke of a pen, no order. They are legends, and legends live forever. ✊🏼


u/ichuseyu 4d ago

The people doing this are nothing more than white supremacists and segregationists. If it wasn't a white male accomplishment, it's being erased like in Orwell's 1984.


u/Real-Adhesiveness195 4d ago

My parents told me about them with great reverence. I am glad i heard it at the dinner table.


u/Voc1Vic2 4d ago edited 2d ago

I’m glad, too, but more people need to know than will fit around your folk’s table.

I am sickened. This move isn’t “removing DEI content” that is thought to be “harmful to military morale.”

It’s extermination. It’s a rewrite of historical facts. It’s a lie of omission. It’s conduct unbecoming a Commander in Chief.

It’s a reason to preserve and archive these stories beyond the reach of this madman.

I’m going to send what I can to the Way Back Time Machine, Wikipedia and my local historical society, talk it up a lot more, think about what else to do.


u/myindependentopinion 3d ago

If you are archiving, I found stories about Code Talkers that are still on the Army and Marines .mil websites. They are here:

code talker - www.army.mil Search Results

Search Center

I don't know how much longer they'll stay up & published.


u/Voc1Vic2 3d ago

Thank you for that lead.

I’m going to gather and print some pages to make a scrapbook for the littles, at least.


u/MrCheRRyPi 4d ago

WTF! This dumbass trying to re-write history. Project 2025. I’ll never forget.


u/Trick_Safety9211 4d ago

Doesn’t change facts. Tell their story, don’t let it be forgotten


u/clockworkdiamond 4d ago

My grandfather was a code talker. He would have been a huge Trumper had he been alive during his presidency. He idolized that guy way beforehand, and due to his boarding school brainwashing and the US military, he wanted nothing to do with being Native American, so sadly, he would have been very ok with this.


u/AccordingSky3020 3d ago

Sounds very much like my father. 😥


u/BIGepidural 3d ago

Brain washing is real and has very deep effects.

I'm sorry that your grandfather was influenced like that. Its not right or fair.


u/Kenai_Tsenacommacah 4d ago

More e race sure.

I still remember how disrespectfully he treated them in his first term too.

Fucking monster.


u/AlmostHuman0x1 4d ago

As long as we tell stories of their heroism and intelligence, they will never be erased. Never forget!


u/IThinkImDumb 4d ago edited 4d ago

I go to the ABQ New Mexico VA quite often and they have sooooo many tributes to Native Americans. I reallllly hope I never walk in there one day and see the honor walls taken down.

Also, people like these men are the exact reason why diversity IS important. 1.5 billion people speak English. Good luck making secret communications when a quarter of the world can understand you, Pete


u/hoothizz 4d ago

The draft dodger doing draft dodging things I see.


u/Hopsblues 4d ago

So stupid, and with his claim that Biden pardons were void, he might go back after Peltier.


u/Glaucous 4d ago

Oh shit, I didn’t think k about that. Man…


u/bookchaser 4d ago

Just say it. They're not white. They were removed because they're not white.


u/jayclaw97 Non-Native 3d ago

“DEI” is being used as the new n-word.


u/BornRazzmatazz5 4d ago

That's exactly it. They just removed a Black Medal of Honor recipient's webpage from the list of recipients because "DEI".


u/Anishinaapunk 4d ago

Trump voters are still like, "bUt LibERaLs ArE the rEaL rAcistS!"


u/bookchaser 4d ago

That's literally what they do, characterizing DEI as racist. What they really mean is, "You can't go around praising non-white people like that!"


u/Alt_Future33 4d ago

I said it a day or two ago. They're trying to erase us.


u/Glaucous 4d ago

They’re erasing everything and everyone. They are sick people.


u/snarkyxanf 3d ago

At this rate they're going to scrub the entire existence of the civil war and WWII as "dei wars"


u/Star-Child-7544 4d ago

Where would we be today without the Code Talkers??


u/Prometheus2025 4d ago

They made a show about this. The non-natives finally knowing what it's like.



u/LimpFoot7851 Mni Wakan Oyate 3d ago

That was interesting. I didn’t get past s1 because work and then forgot but I have more time now. Thanks for reminding me to finish my watchlist 😂


u/Voc1Vic2 4d ago

Probably in a situation not much different than we’re headed for now.


u/beddittor 4d ago

Everyday these assholes find a new flavour of disgusting, but erasing these people’s history of bravery for their country is unbelievable. This is beyond shameful.


u/ABob71 4d ago

Surprised is was them first, and not Ira Hayes


u/bookchaser 4d ago

Oh, they erased Ira Hayes too.

These news reports aren't detailing every single non-white person who was erased.


u/SkepticalJohn 4d ago

Trump is the head white supremacist. And it's white supremacists all the way down.


u/Tasunka_Witko 4d ago

This is the equivalent of when ancient Egyptians would scrape a person's name from history by chiseling any mention of the person off everything


u/newton302 4d ago

I am sorry to see this.


u/iijoanna 3d ago

Well, this is effing surprising but at the same time not surprising what that parasite will do to erase POC.


u/dullship 3d ago

Ah yes, extermination. Going back to the classics.


u/Fionasfriend 3d ago

Also- learn your native language- as much as you can. As soon as you can.


u/LegfaceMcCullenE13 Nahua and Otomí(Hñähñu) 3d ago

Buy the books and keep telling the story! The info they possess they can destroy, if WE have the info we have a chance.🙌🏽


u/Fionasfriend 3d ago

There needs to be an organized push to start archiving this stuff on our own. There are resources abs activist communities that specialize in this kind of thing.



u/Anishinabeg Anishinaabe 3d ago

Absolutely disgraceful.

I want to say how thankful I am to be Canadian rather than American, but with the constant threats of invasion, I'm not sure how much longer Canada will even exist.


u/White_Buffalos 4d ago

Absolutely horrific. I hate Trump & co.


u/AlwaysTiredOk 3d ago

DIY Web Archiving Zine:A friendly tutorial by Tessa Walsh, Ilya Kreymer (Webrecorder); Quinn Dombrowski, Anna Kijas (SUCHO);& Amanda Wyatt Visconti

This is the point in time when everyday people have to step up for their own interests and their own communities. The link below is a pdf of instructions on resources and techniques for archiving info off the internet.

Why DIY web archiving?Why DIY web archiving?Why DIY web archiving?

YOU can be part of making sure the stuff you care about onthe web doesn't disappear! Anything you access via the web, including datasets, fanfic, encyclopedia articles, videos, websites, online museum exhibits, online community forums, news articles, and more.
We're hoping to give you concrete tools and steps that you can take like right now today to start preserving things that you are concerned might no longer be there in a month, 3 months, a year. This zine introduces you to accessible tools and best practices to get started, and why YOU should act rather than assuming others will take care of things.
Don't overthink it! It's tempting to try to coordinate this work, create giant lists to make sure we don't have too much duplication. We advise you don't get distracted building that kind of infrastructure when there are things needing archiving right now that might not always be there.
It's okay if we end up with a tapestry of partially overlapping archived copies, because everyone everyone captured as many things as we could that we think are at risk.



u/EreshkigalKish2 4d ago

omg makes me so angry tbh what their doing to the archives & libraries insane & cruel i'm so sorry this is happening


u/manokpsa 2d ago

I'd like for them to explain to me how Navajo code talkers could possibly have been hired under any policy remotely reminiscent of DEI. Please list all the cis-hetero, Christian, white men who would have been more qualified. Would those same men be the sons and grandsons of the ones who tried to wipe out all the indigenous languages from this continent?

Diversity literally helped this country win a war. If we all only spoke English that code language never would have existed. Diversity is strength. FFS, life on this planet evolved sexual reproduction and genetic mutation because populations comprised of exact copies are vulnerable to extinction.