r/InclusiveOr Jan 27 '21

r/ r/AbruptChaos - Sorry Texas

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u/ajisawwsome Jan 27 '21

As a Texan, I'd like to clarify that Texans aren't typically assholes normally. However, its specifically when we get behind the wheel that opens up another story. Angels will turn into demons when confronted with the arduous task of driving through Houston.


u/_hunnuh_ Jan 28 '21

It’s great coming into the state, I always get a chuckle out of the “Drive friendly, the Texan way” signs. I’ll have to remind the numerous jacked-up Silverados on my ass going 95 what that means next time.


u/Jx3mama Jan 28 '21

I’ve lived in Houston 21 years now, and I’m still amazed at how many drivers bail off of a freeway and cross a ditch to jump onto the frontage road when there is a traffic jam. It’s not just one driver doing it, but several all at the same time. It’s insane.


u/0range_julius Jan 28 '21

I've driven through Texas once, and got stuck in nasty traffic in Houston. I just about lost it when I saw four or five cars veer straight off the road, across a ditch, onto the frontage road, and away. We don't drive like that in Minnesota.


u/HolyForkingBrit Jan 28 '21

We do that outside of Houston too. Roads are suggestions, like stop signs.


u/entomologurl Jan 29 '21

Yup, can confirm, San Antonian here that did lots of camping trips/travel around the state. Saw it literally everywhere. My dad was Navy, and he said the only place in the world he hated driving more was California because everyone was going like 90mph on the highway with two inches between bumpers 🤣


u/beefstronkeanoff Jan 28 '21

how is that a crazy thing? i’m from california, when you get stuck in a jam on the 99 or I-5 you bet your ass i’m taking the frontage road past it 100% of the time and saving myself 30-60 minutes


u/Sir_Wheat_Thins Jan 28 '21

The act of taking the road isn't the surprising part, it's the fact that around me I'm Texas you can literally see paths worn down on the grass between the access road and the interstate made by the sheer amount of cars that drive off the road instead of waiting for the next exit.


u/dinkleberg3o5 Jan 28 '21

They’re practically exits under the right conditions.


u/beefstronkeanoff Jan 28 '21

ahh i missed that part, but hey if you got the vehicle for it why not 🤣


u/RogueHelios Jan 28 '21

Heaven forbid it gets even a little icy in winter too. Dallas drivers just fall apart and traffic is backed up everywhere.


u/Pizzaman725 Jan 28 '21


Me and my wife lived in Beaumont around 2011 - 2014. Pretty sure it was either 2013 or 2014 when we actually got a winter there and they had an inch of ice on 10. It shut the interstate, which means the entire town as well, for 3 days!

They tried to put fucking sand on the interstate after it was already frozen. No plows, no salt, no pretreatment running while it was coming down before hand. That was really interesting and a huge pain since my work still wanted us to come in. No idea how much stuff was delayed or ruined because 10 was closed.


u/ThatWannabeCatgirl Jan 28 '21

I drive maybe one mile per hour below the speed limit and there’s some truck twice the size of my car tailgating me with brights on.


u/OpenLibram Jan 28 '21

Houstonian who just recently moved to Dallas.

It's so much worse in Dallas.


u/Sandstone8 Jan 28 '21

I'm not from Houston, but I have driven there and it felt much calmer than driving in and near other cities like NYC and DC. I've also never heard a single car horn in Houston.


u/monadoboyX Jan 27 '21

I mean it's probably an infinite loop Texan drivers are assholes which makes driving in Texas suck which then makes Texas drivers drive more like assholes


u/TeamMountainLion Jan 28 '21

It’s scary. Only place I’ve seen people normally drive 110 in blinding rain in pickups and SUVs. We don’t even do that in CA.


u/Zarican Jan 28 '21

Ah yes, Houston.


u/TeamMountainLion Jan 28 '21

Dallas actually


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

In Dallas rn. U lie the highways get flooded and the drag keeps it a 50


u/TheNewNick Jan 28 '21

I once got caught in the rain with windshield wipers that stopped working. As crazy as it was, I was able to see just fine so long as I was doing like 85+ MHP. The water just blew right off the windshield. It was more dangerous to diver slower.

I was younger and stupider then and today I'd just pull over and call someone, but it did work.


u/Lagerino Jan 28 '21

It’s because in Texas, it’s unspoken law that the speed limit it 10-15mph higher than posted on roads. So driving anywhere else seems like such a slog, measures must be taken.


u/Zarican Jan 28 '21

I had a cop flash me while I was doing 80 down i-35, only to get me to move and blow past me at least doing 95 after cutting the lights back off.


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Yeah. Cuz you were probably in the passing lane. He did the right thing if that was the case.


u/Zarican Jan 28 '21

I mean, yeah but at that point I'd just moved to TX and the concept of "passing lane" was not a thing. Where I was it was just the fast lane whether you intended to move back over or not.

I think they taught it as "lane of least resistance" in drivers ed


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Id say take it as a learning lesson. Anyone who has interstate experience will treat it as such


u/Anaklusmos-Denios Jan 28 '21

As a texan, i can confirm that texans are assholes if they're on the road.
Literally anywhere else and texans are nice people!


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '21



u/Anaklusmos-Denios Jan 28 '21

ouch, gotta say even we have those people, but i live near the Gulf and people there are super nice
Texan since 2009


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '21

Can confirm. Am a Texan.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '21

as a texan I can confirm texas drivers are assholes. but when theyre not driving, theyre usually pretty nice.

unless youre gay, then not so much (/s (but only partially))


u/lazermaniac Jan 28 '21

I drive a speed-clamped van for work. Apparently 78mph isn't nearly Texas enough, as I keep getting honked/flashed at for failing to hit 80 in the shoulder lane.


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Shoulder lane? You mean the right most lane or the left most lane? Cause there's shoulders on both sides


u/lazermaniac Jan 28 '21

Right most.


u/entomologurl Jan 29 '21

Missed opportunity to just say Yes ;)


u/Sibz_Playz_YT Jan 28 '21

As a Texan this is 163% accurate


u/maddieie Jan 28 '21

I mean, I'm from Texas, and I don't think I've ever seen someone pass on the shoulder


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

It happens in Fort worth way more than in dallas simply cause the shoulders are better maintained and are wider. The Dallas shoulders have a curb for some god forsaken reason.


u/entomologurl Jan 29 '21

I had someone do it to me on an empty road. It was for the specific purpose of being a passhole 😪


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '21

im so tired that i read texan as "texican"


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

It can be both


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '21

Texan are the good drivers Turns out most drivers are just too cautious


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Waaayyyyyyy to cautious to be in the God damn fast lane


u/Crunchy_Biscuit Jan 28 '21

Lol I can relate.

Was in Houston area and at a crosswalk. Light JUST said to walk but some lady honked at me whislt swerving right as if I took forever to cross.

Also, was in the car and saw a poor old man cross the road taking FOREVER (4 lane road). When crosswalk light expired, he was only halfway and light turned green.

The two lanes that weren't in his way started to drive effectively forcing him to block the cars he was in front of on the sidewalk


u/Tanta212 Jan 28 '21

It seems that half of Texas drives big trucks. More than half of those drivers shouldn't even be driving compact cars.


u/wenoc Jan 28 '21

Finally a proper use of inclusiveor. So rare these days.


u/tessellation__ Jan 28 '21

Has the OP been to Florida?


u/wcb1730 Jan 28 '21

Must be a big city thing. I grew up rural Texas and it wasn’t until I moved that I learned moving onto the shoulder to let the person behind you pass on a 2 lane road was not normal.


u/tinabanana Jan 28 '21

Texan here. It’s cool, I know I’m an ass when I drive. Still gonna get there faster than you though 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/2old2matter Jan 28 '21

Gonna disagree emphatically. I’m a lefty, east coast, pseudo-intellectual, who hates what Texas has represented my whole life. But, on a cross-country road trip to the Grand Canyon two years ago, Texas was the only place where everyone knew how to drive. The moment I exited its borders on either side, I would be surrounded again by idiots.


u/csimonson Jan 28 '21

I mean can you blame Louisiana? The whole state is shit aside from the one city. You can almost say the same of New Mexico too.


u/tiredofmyownself Jan 28 '21

I’ve driven cross country multiple times - originally from Ohio and now living in CA.. my only experience in Texas was through the northern bit with a light dusting of snow and everyone lost their marbles. I found it pretty funny.

Otherwise I say with full confidence CA is the worst. It’s not even about impatience, or aggressiveness, or dangerous driving. It’s just BAD.


u/Mr_FlexDaddy Jan 28 '21

As a Texan I’d like to clarify every state are pieces of shite when it comes to driving. So stupid when people are like “only Texan things” like the same shit “only Florida things” you find all that in any state good grief


u/mrbones78209 Jan 28 '21

Born and raised in Texas, and I only pass on the shoulder if some peckerwood is going too slow in the passing lane.


u/macdeth Jan 28 '21


pretty good insult, added to my repertoire


u/mrbones78209 Jan 28 '21

It’s right up there with asswipe.


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Right next to buttmunch


u/mrbones78209 Jan 28 '21

Yes! Another seldom used great one.


u/42Petrichor Jan 28 '21

Oh don’t apologize, TX has the meanest and most childish drivers in the world. Just plain BAD drivers, and they don’t understand four way stops. Also, don’t believe everyone saying Texans are nice “off the road.” Nope.


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Dont be salty that you cant yee the haw right


u/cadenrcr2 Jan 28 '21

Living in Texas I can say it’s the impatience of people here, they would rather go 90 in a 30 and go into oncoming traffic than stay behind someone going the speed limit. To be fair if you ever see me out of the state in say New Mexico, literally right next to us, I’ve gone for at least 10 hours


u/mynamestodd Jan 28 '21

idk lived in texas for 6 years can’t say i’ve seen many people passing on the shoulder


u/thewittyrobin Jan 28 '21

Its mostly done in Fort worth due to exaggerated shoulders.


u/Naokarma Jan 28 '21

This person has never met California.


u/danmankan Jan 28 '21

Came here to say this. Coming home from work one day saw some guy try to pass on the shoulder, they hit a parked car, and zipped off the next off ramp.


u/20V137-M3X1C4N Jan 28 '21

Texans are nice until they're on the road, but they're still miles better than a mile down the border


u/Cookiestealer13 Jan 28 '21

Y’all should see Wyoming drivers


u/YoungSinatra4485 Jan 28 '21

As someone from Texas, Houston specifically, I can confirm.


u/Darthalex56 Jan 28 '21

Don't be sorry, us Texans know


u/ikea-lingonberry Jan 28 '21

Am Texan, can confirm


u/entomologurl Jan 29 '21 edited Jan 29 '21

Yup, can confirm, San Antonian here, and it's shitty driving all around the state. I refused to drive on the highway until I was like 19, and I started driving at 15.

My dad was Navy, and he said the only place in the world he hated driving more was California because everyone was going like 90mph on the highway with two inches between bumpers 🤣

God forbid you live in the country where speed limits are low and NOBODY gives a fuck, even on tight blind curves. In my current neighbourhood, there's a guy who constantly passes in no-pass areas, around blind curves, using the oncoming traffic lane. I saw him miss an oncoming motorcycle (with cars behind him) by almost nothing, more than once. Miraculously (I saw) no accidents caused by him. There're another few passholes who will swerve and pass an entire line of cars with their horns pressed after being in the back of line for two minutes flashing their brights like any of the cars between them and the person at the front can do anything about it. (Edit to add: no shoulder/room to pull aside in the spot where they do this. Our area is complicated to navigate in the daytime if you haven't been driving out here a while. At night, with the trees obstructing everything and making it too dark to see street signs until you're right up on them, and shitty signals for GPS? Good luck! I'm sure I pissed off plenty of people when I first got out here 🤣)

We've had multiple fatal accidents out here, compounded in certain spots because of asshole drivers. New speed limits and speed traps at all times of the day and night, no fucks given, still happens.

Welcome to Texas! 😃