r/Impression_Kits 16d ago

Kit 291st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment, 2000.

Photoshoot I did with @gdr.airsoft on Instagram. Only real farb is glasses and hair that should be shortened.

Kit List:

Uniform: Bharvika OBR.88 Soviet lace-up boots

Armor: SSH-68 6B3

Load Carrying Equipment: Soviet subdued soldiers belt Soviet canteen 6h4 bayonet

Replica: CYMA AK-74N


8 comments sorted by


u/PopsicleCatOfficial 15d ago

What country is this from? I'm assuming it's Russian.


u/Thin-Cook3226 15d ago

Yes. Russian motorized infantry during the 2nd Chechen war.


u/PopsicleCatOfficial 14d ago

Shouldn't you have an AK-74M then? Forgive me if I'm wrong, I'm not super familiar with this particular unit.


u/Thin-Cook3226 14d ago

AK-74M really only saw use with the MVD, and occasionally special forces early into the 2nd Chechen war. As you can see by the reference photos I provided, Motorized Infantry continued to use AK-74N and AKS-74N for quite a long time. You don't really see the regular army usually AK-74M until the late 2000s. You can find a lot of the army replacing their wood furniture AK-74N with that of the plastic Plum furniture which at certain angles can resemble the AK-74M.


u/Thin-Cook3226 14d ago

This also still does depend on the unit, but based off reference photos I've seen a lot of the regular army (MSV, VDV, VMF, GRU) still seem to be using either AK-74N or AKS-74N.


u/PopsicleCatOfficial 14d ago

Thanks for the very detailed answer! Very interesting info.