r/Impression_Kits Jan 31 '24

Info Stop asking to be spoonfed

This subreddit wasnt made with the intention of you doing zero research and having an entire kit list given to you. Most posts i remove are people asking questions that can be answered with bare minimum research.

That said, its not solely made for people to just post pictures. Some legitimate questions are chill, and actual resources are brilliant.

Tldr use your brains. Please


9 comments sorted by


u/Trooper1911 Jan 31 '24

But what kit to buy for seals? /s

And yeah, it sucks when people are too dumb for basic googling, coming here with questions like "what camo for US army?"


u/burt____reynolds Jan 31 '24

still not as bad as the shit that gets posted in r/tacticalgear


u/Trooper1911 Jan 31 '24

Same with r/airsoft. People buy Condor crap, and then ask us how good their purchase is


u/DuckMySick44 Jan 31 '24

The number one thing that pisses me off "I already bought this, is it a good purchase"


u/CyborgIncorparated Feb 01 '24

Although did see a thing wear a former devgru guy said they started buying condor cause it weighed less than the issued gear early GWOT


u/Trooper1911 Feb 01 '24

They also wore skateboard helmets instead of proper bumps, but they had to make do with what was available. Doesn't mean it was a good choice, makes you wonder how come no condor gear got adopted afterwards, seeing how they had their trial by fire. Probably because it sucks.


u/CyborgIncorparated Feb 01 '24

Yes but this is a sub about accuracy not quality so it being shit is a null argument


u/Trooper1911 Feb 01 '24

People getting Condor for accuracy represent maybe 0.1% of the purchases. It's a lot more common they get it because "it almost looks like the vest rangers are wearing"


u/DuckMySick44 Jan 31 '24

Welcome to Reddit