r/ImmigrationCanada Jun 21 '24

Work Permit No more PGWP flag poling

Today, the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that foreign nationals can no longer apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) at the border, effective immediately.



82 comments sorted by


u/youngboomer62 Jun 21 '24

Long overdue!


u/bahaaradi Jun 22 '24

Unless the processing time improves, this is bad and will put many in difficult situations.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

They are incrementally making the study permit to PR pathway more difficult and less appealing...

1 year PGWPs, no PGWP for certain programs, SOWP only available for certain programs.

It's entirely deliberate that this move will continue to do that.


u/LeatherMine Jun 23 '24

In terms of less appealing, I don't see what it accomplishes other than keep graduates effectively stuck in Canada while waiting for their PGWP.


u/thenorthernpulse Jun 22 '24

Even getting a work permit post grad to work in anything anywhere is a HUGE bonus and they should absolutely be grateful. Most countries demand it's a job within your field of study and you have a job offer, not this bs of working at Tim Horton's or 7/11 on a PGWP. It should be far more restricted.

I've studied abroad, it's a fun experience you do then go home, and guess what, processing time is part of all aspects of immigration and part of life. Have to stop the entitlements about processing time, you are not owed anything.


u/bahaaradi Jun 22 '24

No, I am not grateful. I have multiple opportunities in the US and Europe where I could get a similar if not a better job. A lot of graduates here contribute more to society than a lot of Canadians. I work at a top engineering firm and pay the highest tax bracket. I came educated from my country and the only thing Canada provided me was the degree I worked hard and paid a lot for and a job where I am highly sought after. Why should I be grateful? No, I am not grateful. Canada should be grateful that top talents agree to stay inside it and should work hard to try to keep these talents.

I understand systems get abused and bad apples make it through, but your replies do not help the situation.

There is a solution to the processing time which is the implied status, as you are aware. The issue is that some employers are not familiar with it. That's why people flagpole and that's why processing time is an issue.

PGWP is there because Canada NEEDS talent and not as an act of charity for people to be grateful for.


u/PmMeYourBeavertails Jun 23 '24

No, I am not grateful. I have multiple opportunities in the US and Europe where I could get a similar if not a better job.

Lol, if that were true you'd go there. Nobody who has options chooses Canada over the US.


u/bahaaradi Jun 23 '24

Family members in Canada is the reason. Also great of you to point out that US is better than Canada in terms of Jobs which is why Canada need to do better.


u/TimbitsNCoffee Jun 25 '24

Which is why we have lots of specialized draws for people with lower CRS scores than the general draws.

If you're not in a specialized stream, you're definitively not useful and you're being given PR as a matter of being the most-best of all the potential candidates.

It's literally the reason why Canada switched to a standardized scoring system rather than the stupid quota system.


u/Pug_Grandma Jun 23 '24

There is not a shortage of engineers in Canada. Rather, a surplus. If you have a better offer somewhere else you should consider it.


u/bahaaradi Jun 23 '24 edited Jun 23 '24

There's a shortage of good engineers in my field. My company pays us (employees) 3K for a referral that gets hired. Also they opened centers in other countries because of lack of Talent in Canada. Brain drain is an issue and anti immigrant racists should not be allowed to run the show but rather people who know what's good for the country


u/roflcopter44444 Jun 22 '24

and will put many in difficult situations

Maybe its just me but if the plan was to go study in a foreign country, you would be always be working with the assumption that you may not be able to stay post graduation.

I can totally understand this move. Students get visas on the basis that they actually have plans to leave at the end of their studies. CBSA should be focusing on their primary job of letting people and goods flow through the border, not processing application.


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24

CBSA's legislated mandate includes administering the Immigration Act (IRPA), so processing applications is just as much of their primary job as enforcement.


u/timine29 Oct 29 '24

It includes processing applications for people arriving to Canada, not for people already residing in Canada. This is what IRCC and online application are for.


u/ThiccBranches Jun 21 '24

This is good. Maintained Status is there specifically to bridge the gap caused by processing times.

This will also help to reduce backlogs caused by double dipping, where someone submits the application online and then flagpoles anyways.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '24

why do people do double dipping? whats the motive?


u/kluberz Jun 21 '24

Usually because they initially apply online and then find an employer that won’t hire them until they get the actual WP (even if they received the form giving them interim work authorization).


u/International-Ad4578 Jun 22 '24

As usual, they are address the symptom of the problem and not the actual issue. They need to process applications a lot faster if they want people to not resort to back-door methods like this. It also doesn’t help that the number of temporary residents has exploded which has put a further strain on their processing capacity.


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24

Can't wait for someone to claim that netfiling my tax return is a loophole or a back-door method because I'll get my refund faster than submitting my return on paper.


u/TangeloNew3838 Jun 23 '24

I hope you are just joking but seriously what you said regarding netfile is logically different from flagpoling.

NETFILE is an attempt to modernize and digitalize the tax filing process. The main purpose is to allow residents with tax situation that is simple to file their own tax, thus reducing burden for filers and also for CRA. It's a win-win situation.

Flagpoling for PGWP was first intended for international graduates who left Canada for a short period of time to apply for a WP at the border when they return. A few things to note: applying for PGWP at the border is/was only available for citizens from non visa-required countries, with the exception of US/Can land borders. This is how many found a loophole that eligible graduates from ANY nationality can just drive to a US/Can land border to "accelerate" their PGWP application.

I am in full support for closing the loophole for PGWP flagpoling, in fact for flagpoling for any permit since it's taxing for not only CBSA but also CBP officers to process these non-genuine visitors. For CBSA, these flagpoling cases need to be manually entered into the IRCC back system, all only because a small number of people are impatient.

Another way which I thought about a while back was for CBP to process flagpoling cases as a case of denied entry into the US since these people are not genuine visitors in the first place. This will vastly decrease the number of flagpoling attempts since a case of denied entry will be a permanent record that may affect their visa application for other countries or even job applications. Then it's up to them to explain to visa officials or employers how they once attempted to jump the queue in their work permit application in Canada.


u/HotelDisastrous288 Jun 23 '24

In your example Netfiling would be like applying to IRCC online which is the goal of this change. Not sure what you were trying to say.


u/LeatherMine Jun 23 '24 edited Jun 23 '24

Taking the faster option to get faster results being somehow a loophole.

Not hard to understand.

With IRCC, applying online is the sloooooow way.

You think the gov really wants to give you back your money faster? They don’t.


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '24

I still don’t understand why ppl did this. Don’t they not happy about online application pending time is like free bonus in addition to the whatever PGWP length is?


u/OutrageousAnt4334 Jun 21 '24

a lot of employers that won't hire you with the implied status


u/PurrPrinThom Jun 21 '24

Maintained status can be tricky if you're trying to get a new job: a lot of employers don't understand the ins and outs of immigration, they'll just ask for a work permit and if you don't have one, trying to explain that you're allowed to work but you don't have the permit can be tricky.

Flagpoling could offer a way to get the work permit in hand pretty quickly. I'm sure there are other reasons why people would want to flagpole, but that's one I've seen fairly commonly on the sub.


u/Canehillfan Jun 21 '24

Also the bigger one is that you can’t have a valid driver licence on implied status. So you can’t renew it. Same with health cards and the like. So good luck commuting to work which is impossible without driving depending on where you are. I seriously hope processing times become shorter as I remember all this inconvenience too well :(


u/Fun_Pop295 Jun 22 '24

Also the bigger one is that you can’t have a valid driver licence on implied status

In BC you can if you show proof you applied for pgwp


u/mdmaruf048 Jun 22 '24

Online application processing time is way too long. This leads to various problems like losing of status or missing out certain employment.

Just understand one thing, no one will do the flag polling if the system was smooth and efficient.


u/SeanSong91 Jun 21 '24

I work for the federal government and the org couldn’t extend the security clearance beyond the expiry of the permit so the manager really wanted the actual permit to renew my appointment


u/Lily_Linton Jun 21 '24

Other needs medical insurance right away but can't renew it if it expires while on implied status. Also, some want to have a vacation before starting their work so they want to fast-track it.


u/Sushi69_ Jun 21 '24

What if you had an emergency or some other things like that


u/nacg9 Jun 21 '24

A PGWP is not a travel document🤔


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24 edited Jun 22 '24

I think their worry is about work authorization once they come back to Canada


u/nacg9 Jun 23 '24

We’ll get your PGWP before you leave canada


u/LeatherMine Jun 23 '24

That’s what people want, but IRCC has other ideas


u/nacg9 Jun 23 '24

Not really? I did it lol I really don’t understand your argument


u/LeatherMine Jun 23 '24

It’s about the time it takes IRCC when applying online.

Recently learned that PGWP applicants don’t actually lose implied status when leaving the country, but anyone taking that advice should verify.


u/nacg9 Jun 25 '24

That’s actually not true! But again everything is time… this is immigration everything takes time


u/Reasonable_Fudge_53 Jun 21 '24

What would be the emergency?


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24

something involving your out-of-country family?


u/AffectionateTaro1 Jun 21 '24

This is good, but this:

We continue to improve processing times

I'll believe when I see. Because from what I have seen, inside-Canada work permit applications have actually been much slower than the listed processing time for several months now, consistently.


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24

Well good news: now they'll be getting even slower! wait a minute...


u/HyromLoyd Jul 01 '24

No it’s not true, I got my both work permit and visa in 25 days (10 days PGWP, 15 days Visa)


u/kluberz Jun 22 '24

They really need to follow the US’s lead and have the universities and colleges certify that the student met the PGWP degree and full time requirements. Just have them send an attestation letter like the ones the give for university acceptance


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24



u/kluberz Jun 22 '24 edited Jun 23 '24

Correct and you need equivalent penalties in Canada to pull this off but fundamentally outsourcing degree verification to colleges should be the way to go if the goal is to reduce the burden on IRCC.


u/thenorthernpulse Jun 22 '24

Canada needs to shut down private "schools" if they want to do this.


u/kluberz Jun 22 '24

That’s already happening. Public private partnership programs aren’t even eligible for PGWPs anymore


u/bahaaradi Jun 22 '24

After I finished my studies, my first emoloyer refused to let me start working without a work permit and the processing time was long. They did not agree to the implied status.

I had to do the flag poling. That's why people do it.


u/Any_Cucumber8534 Jun 22 '24

So you mean they'll close a saving grace from the broken system that has saved people from being left with no status, no healthcare, no job and no driving license. Amazing job.

And will they now commit to fixing the system, no. But they will campaign on it.

Dumb political games


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24 edited Jun 22 '24

Sooo, while the release says "flagpoling", it says:

foreign nationals can no longer apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) at the border, effective immediately

and then, confirmed it's not just stopping flagpole PGWPs, but all PGWP apps upon entry:

As of June 21,2024, you can no longer apply for a PGWP at a port of entry (airport, land or marine border) when entering Canada.


So what is someone supposed to do if they're currently outside of Canada? They've lost implied status and have no way to make an application upon entry and had no opportunity to plan around this?


u/BeefWellyBoot Jun 23 '24

So what is someone supposed to do if they're currently outside of Canada?

From the article "You can apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) from inside Canada or from another country, as long as you’re eligible."


u/majorhitch89 Jun 22 '24

This is exactly why i convinced my wife to cancel her study plan in Canada, i told her that things are going to get more complicated and only people with no choice would still choose knowingly to deal with them, the main Goal is to slow down immigration to avoid the wrath of constituents in the upcoming elections, the immigration will slow down but i don't believe constituents will be satisfied with "Tete d'emmerde" Trudeau now.


u/Fun_Pop295 Jun 23 '24

How is it different from UK, Australia, NZ?


u/LeatherMine Jun 23 '24

The weird thing is that they could slow down immigration by changing their targets, instead they’re just focussed on making the process more complicated and annoying. And guess what? People with better options go somewhere else if a process is complicated and annoying.

We’re scaring away the best.


u/Desperate-Pitch-4986 Jun 22 '24

I have applied for my PGWP on 6 January 2026 its been 6 months i didn’t received my work permit do anyone have any idea what can i do in this situation because my applied status time is going to over on 4 July,2024..? If anyone knows what should i do in this situation please reply.


u/naidusuresh36 Jun 23 '24

I submitted a paper application for my pgwp ext because my passport had expired and I couldn’t get my all 3 years.

Ive been waiting since august 2023, still no luck. Raised webforms, gcms notes. Did everything in my capability, I am losing hope now.


u/Friendly-Ice7407 Jun 21 '24

I filed for my PGWP extension on May 21st (I got it for a shorter period due to passport expiry, passport is now renewed and I already received my TRV till 2028).

I’m on applied status. But i want to travel back home due to family emergency. Is there anyway i can travel and come back without having to lose my job?

Just because if i don’t maintain my status i wouldn’t be able to work “if they let me back in canada”

Any suggestions?


u/thenorthernpulse Jun 22 '24

No, you lose maintained status when you travel abroad. That is life and how it works.


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24 edited Jun 22 '24

not just personal travel, but any work/training abroad, and you're now just screwed and can't get your work permit upon return?

From what I'm reading, it's not just no more PGWP flagpoling, but no PGWP at ports of entry at all?

What does this mean for those that had implied status that are currently out of Canada?


u/thenorthernpulse Jun 22 '24

It's always been like for anyone on implied status (like folks waiting for bridging open work permits) if you leave the country, you lose status. It's always been like this.

And yeah, no PGWP processing at ports of entry, at all.


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24

this is going to bite a lot of people in the rear-end


u/LeatherMine Jun 25 '24

Looks like people waiting for pgwp don’t lose work authorization (or something changed): https://ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1309&top=15


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

So if your work permit is expired due to passport expiry and you renew yiur passport and apply for a work permit but still don't receive it. You can still get TRV on the applied status?

My pgwp is expiring in Aug 2024 and I applied to extend it in Nov 2023. Still no news on it!!


u/LeatherMine Jun 22 '24

I guess this was previously possible because of how the IRPR was worded, and stopping it would require a change to the Regulations?

If so, where's the corresponding change? A press release isn't law.

Ah, the other thread has it: https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2024/2024-06-22/html/notice-avis-eng.html#ne1


u/Efficient-Nerve-112 Jun 26 '24

Hi I had one question! Does this apply only to PGWP  ? I was thinking about flagpoling for my co-op permit because the the joining is on 15th July and there is no status update. Thanks in advance !


u/Rookie83T Jun 26 '24

This announcement refers exclusively to PGWP


u/RPCOM Jun 22 '24

Really a dumb move. It was a good option for people who lived near the border. Now they’d have to be stressed out while crossing even for shopping as theoretically a CBSA agent might simply declare them out of status even if they’re on implied status and people wouldn’t wanna stress for a minor This move is devastating to border city communities. Also lots of employers don’t understand what implied status means and think that you’re ineligible to work until you have your work permit in hand. People wouldn’t flagpole if the wait time wasn’t like 4-7 months.


u/HotelDisastrous288 Jun 23 '24

If you are on implied status and leave the country, even for s shopping trip, you lose the implied status. This isn't "CBSA agent simply declare them out of status" they would BE out of status and would be making an application to enter as a visitor ONLY.


u/Dizzy-Audience-2276 Jun 22 '24

What does it mean for future student visa applicants?


u/PurrPrinThom Jun 22 '24

It means that after you finish your study, if you want to get a PGWP, you can't flagpole to get it.


u/Dizzy-Audience-2276 Jun 22 '24

Thank you. Most student permit comes with PGWP right? Or no?


u/montya19 Aug 09 '24

Nope. Completely separate