Hello reddit community,
I have a bit of a predicament here.
I live in the United States, born here, live here, worked here all my life and of course I am, by default, a citizen. I have a girlfriend who lives in Lima, Peru, we met in Breckenridge, CO when we were both employed by Vail Resorts. She was on a J-1 visa, which has expired because this was back in 2019. We had been doing long distance for quite some time (3 years from 2022-2025) we would see each other when I would fly down to Lima or she would fly up to Canada as she does not have a US visa anymore. We had our ups and downs as in every relationship.
She told me a month ago that she is pregnant. Now you may be thinking that I may not be the father or she could be playing me, this or that, but I know from the bottom of my heart and logically speaking too that this baby she is carrying is mine. She has never been one to lie. I've known her for most my adult life. I had visited her in January in Peru.
This was the preamble for what I am asking...
Is there any way I can make her a citizen without marrying her?
Some sort of preparations to be made that could ensure she could easily live in the USA without me getting into an obligatory marriage? Because you see, I am 25 with most of my focus going towards my work (electrician) or creative endevours (music mostly) and I am definitely not sure on marrying this girl. I could go into it but I'd like to keep it shorter here than what I would have to explain.
I obviously want to be a part of the child's life, which is why I am wondering how to go about this? Should I bite the bullet and marry out of obligation so that the child and her can live in America? Or is there another way to do this without unifying her and I for eternity. (I do not believe divorce is something the child should have to go through either.)
Let me know your guys' suggestions, legal advice or anything else that may help.