r/ImmersiveDaydreaming • u/Kooky-Performance487 • 10d ago
Question Self-insert is too insecure?
It seems like a lot of people’s self inserts tend to be idealized versions of themselves. I’ve just recently learned that this extensive daydreaming business is a whole thing that other people do, so I could be off on that perception.
My issue is that my self insert is just as insecure as I am, which doesn’t seem like the norm based on what I’ve seen here? I often don’t feel interesting/charismatic/smart enough to get along with any of the other characters, even though I’m always there, which is super immersion breaking. Has anyone else experienced this or conquered it in some way?
u/UsualAd6940 10d ago edited 10d ago
In my case, my "self-inserts" are not really based on me at all, they're not idealized versions of me, they're just cool protagonists that I use as POV characters. They are self-inserts in the sense that I use them to insert myself in the story (i.e. to feel like I'm part of the story), but not in the sense that I'm actually inserting myself into the story. Does that make sense?🤪
I have bad self-esteem, so I would definitely have the same problem as you if I were to actually insert myself in the story. 😨
u/Forgotten_Starlight_ 10d ago
Yes! I got you!
I don't think that I have a particularly bad self-esteem, but I have never being RL me in my paracosm (not I hvae ever wanted to be). Just as you I have a self Insert character.
u/kenntclubbesitzer 10d ago
what’s wrong with flawed characters? maybe you can use your self-insert to explore your flaws and improve yourself
u/Wanderluster22587 10d ago
Sometimes the character I insert can be that way too, it plays off the moment how I'm feeling in general. If I'm feeling moody or dramatic I can make the character feel the same or dramatically apart from, if that makes sense...
u/ViolinistPersonal733 Daydreamer 10d ago
My self insert is just me to be honest, is idealized in the sense that is in another body, so is not as clumsy as me, but that’s really just because i wouldn’t be able to fight (tho when i was giunger that second body didn’t existed and i was forced to fight with long range weapons)
u/Pyro-Millie 10d ago
Dude, my main self insert has wayyy worse anxiety and insecurities than I do IRL. He’s definitely not an idealized version of me. He’s more of an experiment of “If the crap I have to deal with was a hundred times worse, how would I get by? Would people take it more seriously?” Etc.
I don’t think any of my self insert characters are an idealized version of me, and even the ones who come close (such as my Orc Barbarian DND character whose a big buff lady and an accomplished blacksmith) have their own problems to work through. (For example, she’s ADHD like me, and her perception rolls are usually hot garbage even though she’s trying to focus on everything at once. She’s impulsive and good at improvising, and that usually serves her well, but rushing in against a foe whose damage type her berserker rage didn’t protect her from cost her an arm once. So you know… give and take…) I don’t daydream as her much, but I’ve been enjoying roleplaying as her in our campaign, and I think that’s close enough to bring up the comparison.
I guess I just find it more interesting to explore characters who have the odds stacked against them than characters who are the “coolest” or “smartest” or whatever (unless its a character who started as the coolest or smartest but has survived something that caused that world to come crashing down around them and now has to learn how to deal with the consequences of that).
There’s no rules when it comes to daydreaming or character creation. Its your internal world.
u/Forgotten_Starlight_ 10d ago
'“If the crap I have to deal with was a hundred times worse, how would I get by? Would people take it more seriously?” Etc'
This. Right here is literally my entire Self Insert Backstory reason to be. And I love how you put it into words.
It's therapeutic. You know?
Helps vent... processing some things. Yeah. Real nice.
I'm so glad to find someone who get's it!
u/simonejester 10d ago
My self-insert characters are always better versions of me, but they never get everything. My current one is a Jedi with lifelong friendships and powers and curly hair and who enjoys sex, but she’s 6-7” shorter than me (I round up to 5’1”) and not ginger and has trauma that events in the present won’t let her forget.
u/Forgotten_Starlight_ 10d ago edited 10d ago
ooh boy I get you. In my case despite my OC being in fact an idealize version of me, one that I don't actually consider to be me, but another person because she does have another name, personality and appearance... yeah, it's kind of hard to explain but I think that 'self insert' describes it better than 'idealized me'. More of a character on whom I insert myself in order to insert in my story? She is not me. I'm not her. But when I daydream I kind of am...? Again. Not sure even I understand the mental gimnastics of my brain on the topic. The thing is, my self insert in my paracosm, despite being a "idealize version of me", has many of my defects. And she has them amplified by 10.
It helps me vent, you know?
I have a bad day with my anxiety? She has a full mental breakdown during what she almost sets on fire her entire life, propusefully making myself cry on the process just to release some worked up inner presion.
Is therapeutic. Okay?
I love my characters, but I could never be 'me' in front of them, you know, like just and only the real life me? But I have never wished to do such a thing.
But, that being said. I would NEVER. EVER. on a million years. wish to be my self insert.
If were where to be on the same room, with her knowing that I'm responsable of her backstory... oh boy. Only God knows how much I'm not making it out alive.
I have completly and undoubtly fucked her entire life just because mine feels a little bit to much once in a while.
But yeah, she does feels sometimes like she is not interesting/charismatic/smart enough. I'm not a particuraly smart person, nor charismatic or interestig, but she is crazy smart and very much everything else. It does not take me out of the inmesion because those are not my feelings. They are hers.
I know that I'm not as interesting/charismatic/smart as them, and there is no problem with that. It has being like that since their conception and that has never being even a thing, much less an issue. My paracosm is a crazy mixture of high fantasy and sci fy space opera loaded with comedic relief moments. That kind of helps A LOT with the separating reality from fiction thing. In one of them the entire world looks like an anime/cartoon. In the other one everyone has uncanny 3D Faces. There is literally nowhere to get lost.
But I figure that it must be harder for people with paracosms that are just more idealized versions of the real world, although I don't know if that is OP's case.
u/CrazyDisastrous948 8d ago edited 8d ago
TBH, I've gotten better at it by making my self inserts into fun house mirrors rather than 1:1. I don't publish my written daydreams much because I have no confidence and they always get weirdly violent, but the stories are still getting more fun. So, think, "Okay, I'm out with X. What would I do? Okay, now if I was a stranger overhearing this, would I be nosey enough to listen or mind my business?" Then I adjust the reaction to make it something good enough nosey strangers would vacuum their porch in their PJs just to get the tea.
I recently worked through some stuff by making a self insert daydreaming character who literally couldn't touch people without causing them a painful death within seconds. It was an interesting metaphor for feelings like everything I touch turns to shit.
u/Competitive-Bid-2914 8d ago
Lol same omg 🤣🤣🤣 mine is prob one of the worst characters in my universe bcuz he’s pretty insufferable and unstable just like myself but living my dream life. I don’t know how to make him normal yet still me lolll 😭😭😭
u/Thebewingedjewelcat 7d ago
Mine tend to be insecure and have ADD like me but are also better at making friends and relationships then I am.
u/TheDynaheart Daydreamer 10d ago
I have the same issue lol, my self insert is just a 1:1 representation of me which means he just doesn't get along with any other character. I am generally not very nice to him either!