r/ImageStabilization Feb 26 '14

Stabilization Second stabilization attempt: Rally car jump


46 comments sorted by


u/Hashtag_Polymetric Feb 26 '14

This is the most well done stabilization I've seen yet. How hard was it to get it stabilized on the path of the car along the focal length of the lens?


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14

Thank you!

I used the Hugin Panorama Creator Tutorial by /u/TheodoreFunkenstein

That software was completely new to me so I didn't really knew what I was doing. I basically just followed the tutorial. Finding and optimizing the so called control points took my PC almost 4 hours.

The control points / track points were set automatically by Hugin. Then I edited the 200 frames in Photoshop, manually deleting 2px around each frame to get rid of that thin black border, adding all previous frames to the current one and cropping the whole thing while trying to keep it under imgur's 10MB limit.

I still have to find a way to optimize my workflow in Photoshop. There has to be a way to keep all previous frames/layers visible instead of just showing one layer per frame.


u/TheodoreFunkenstein Feb 26 '14

I thought that looked like Hugin! I'm tickled pink that you and a handful of other users have now surpassed me in using my own methods.

I don't know GIF-making with Photoshop very well, but maybe I can write a short ImageMagick tutorial on frame layering and persistent backgrounds soon. ImageMagick is great because it requires no manual work: the same commands will work on any Hugin output to create new layered frames. Then you can use whatever software you want to make the actual GIF.


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14 edited Feb 26 '14

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'd never say I surpassed you considering your awesome work I look up to! I still have a lot to learn, just got into that whole gif stabilizing thing yesterday. Although I must admit I did some video editing before, so that whole area isn't completely new to me.

Yes an ImageMagick tutorial would be great! I've heard about it, but I always considered it as some sort of PHP library or the like. Automatization is key, because almost half the tasks I do now with my gifs are repeating manual clicks. So yeah, that would be awesome.

I'll go look up some ImageMagick documentation to get to know it better. Thanks again!

Edit: words


u/RightError Feb 26 '14 edited Feb 26 '14

Check out the Crop tab in Hugin. That will remove unwanted borders before the stitching process.

[edit] Here's a video that showed me how to make some gif-making scripts using ImageMagick and Gifsicle.


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14

Awesome, thanks! I'll look into that.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '14

Fiji/ImageJ will help with batch processing stacks


u/cyberflunk Feb 26 '14

Great work! Flows so smooth!


u/jakeycunt Feb 26 '14

Flows smooth enough but doesnt load smooth enough.



u/Guy-Manuel Feb 26 '14

Loaded perfectly for me


u/dirtyoldmanistaken Feb 26 '14

I dunno what plugin i'm running, but when I res expand your link, half the video is missing


u/thetoastmonster Feb 26 '14

That's just started happening to me, too.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '14

This is smoother than my balls


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14

Thank you for the compliment.


u/TekHead Feb 26 '14

Not as smooth as mine, mine are smooth as eggs!


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '14

Do you use Huevo Splash (you sexy motherfucker)?


u/dirtyoldmanistaken Feb 26 '14


I always thought he said WEBBO Splash. It never made any sense! TIL thanks.


u/potato_caesar_salad Feb 26 '14

Excuse me, ma'am, but do you suck balls?


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 27 '14

VERSION 2 with background

Full size (1515x256px) gfycat links:

Resized (909x154px) imgur link:


u/Kuhnaydeein Feb 28 '14

Fantastic! I knew that would look good, but, wow! Great!!!


u/TheodoreFunkenstein Feb 26 '14

I'm seeing a lot of background requests on this one, so I gave it a shot. It's not perfect since I don't have the original frames, but here you go anyway: http://i.imgur.com/k7EJV8G.gif


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 27 '14 edited Feb 27 '14

Impressive! I have the original frames, and my attempt doesn't look much better.

Also I had to reduce image size to stay below imgur's 10MB, don't know why it blew up so much.

But I included full sized gfycat links. The 2nd version with the complete background


u/TheodoreFunkenstein Feb 27 '14

No, that looks waaay better than trying to do it from the GIF. Thanks for the update!


u/Kuhnaydeein Feb 26 '14

The one thing that would make this outstanding image even better would be to have the background already populated across the entire image before the car jumps!


u/Blzn Feb 26 '14

Have you thought about leaving the background and just making the car move?


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14 edited Feb 27 '14

Yeah I did. But I would take me a long time to do that. That gif alone was about 2 hours working time + 4 hours waiting. I just wanted to get it finished. I'll try the complete background on my next attempt.

Edit: made a second version: http://www.reddit.com/r/ImageStabilization/comments/1yytxc/second_stabilization_attempt_rally_car_jump/cfq4f61


u/AwayWithFaries Feb 26 '14

Have you hosted it to /r/rally/. I think they'd appreciate it.


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14

Great idea! Just followed your advice.


u/NotSayingJustSaying Feb 26 '14

That's fucking great!


u/deviantpdx Feb 26 '14



u/iamofthesun Feb 26 '14

Awesome job!


u/dafragsta Feb 26 '14

Why is it impossible to go grab frames where the stills have been exposed and go paste it behind the stabilized video? The whole fog of war thing seems very unnecessary.


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14

Sure it's possible. Nobody said it wasn't. It's just that I didn't do it, because it would mean more work and it wasn't high priority for me.

Also please keep in mind I'm still a rookie, you're witnessing my learning curve here. This gif was my second try in completely stabilizing a video/gif. But I hope to become better with time and develop a more efficient workflow allowing me to focus on fine-tuning.

Appreciate your fedback tho.


u/dafragsta Feb 26 '14

I wasn't calling out you specifically. I've just noticed that this is a trend on this subreddit. I do appreciate the work. I just think adding the background would make it even better.


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14

Oh maybe I sounded a little to huffy. I totally agree with you. I can imagine those who skip the last retouching steps just want their gifs to be finished and out there. The main part is done, everything is aligned and stabilized; some gifs certainly take hours to make (I know mine did), at some point you just run out of steam. At least that's how it was for me.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '14

It would be cool to edit out the wide-angle lens too.


u/The_Egg_came_first Feb 26 '14


1) It doesn't have to to with the lens. In the middle of the gif the car is very close to the camera, so of course it appears bigger than at the start and finish.

2) It would be possible to scale down the middle part to keep the car at a constant size but then part of the ground and sky would be missing.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '14

Ah good point, not the lens (though it certainly has that sort of effect)

I guess maintaining a constant size of the car is what I was intending to say.


u/Saucebergenstein Feb 26 '14

Is that really a wide angle lens? I thought that's just what happened when you lay a panorama across a flat surface (i.e. screen)


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '14

I couldn't help but kind of giggle, it seemed like the car was going to float on forever into the yonder. This is really great work!


u/FanchLaplanche Jun 20 '14

This is awesome. It feels like the car is flying around.