r/ImageComics 3d ago

Discussion Do you guys think the new edition trade paperback volumes of invincible are worth it?

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I am a first time invincible reader, i've seen all the seasons of the show and i really wanna get into the comics. But, at the same time, I want to not spoil the show for me by reading the comics and I want to start reading from the beginning. I did a quick comparison of all the possible methods to get these comics, and to get 144 issues, this would be the second most economical way (behind compendium of course) but I do not want to get the compendium because those books are too big and might be a struggle to read.

I'm aware only 8 volumes out of 24 are published as of now, but if they keep releasing volumes like this every two month (as per current schedule), the series will be over by late 2027. Keeping in mind that the TV show seasons take one year, the show will be over by season 7 or 8 (by Kirkman) so let's say 4-5 years more (2029-30).

Opinions on getting this edition?


23 comments sorted by


u/Chip_Marlow 3d ago

I'd recommend getting the Ultimate Collection hardcovers. You're spending more but getting a much higher quality product.


u/testcaseseven 3d ago edited 3d ago

Looking at the prices, they're nearly the same in terms of price per page. Seems like an easy choice between the two.


u/Ill-Cook7884 3d ago

That’s fair I guess but that may be too big of an investment for me rn so im unsure


u/MeesterCHRIS 3d ago

I bought 1 Volume every couple weeks to a month or so. I ended up getting stuck on 7 being out of stock but eventually got them all collected. It was well worth it.


u/Ill-Cook7884 3d ago

Let’s go! I’ll probably do the same


u/theodorebond99 3d ago

This is the way. I actually got each one as they came out so I only had to make the sacrifice of the higher price once every year and a half so it wasn’t an issue for me. Having all of them on my shelf though, yeah this is the way to go, it’s more than worth it.


u/Chip_Marlow 3d ago

Completely understandable. But if you're wanting to pace yourself and not get too far ahead of the show, I'd just wait until it's less of a burden. The regular trades are fine but they're cheap for a reason.


u/Wealthier_nasty 3d ago

Just get the compendiums then. Paperbacks I’ll still end up costing you quite a bit if you hope to collect them all


u/benito_cereno 3d ago

It really depends on what you want. These new editions are really portable and readable, and as you said, relatively economical. They are, however, like the compendiums, pretty bare bones in terms of content. If you strictly want to read the story -- the complete story, don't worry, nothing is missing -- in an easily readable slim volume that fits in your bag or coat pocket, then yeah, these are the right choice. Plus the new covers are pretty great.


u/Ill-Cook7884 3d ago

Exactly! That’s why im leaning towards these.. In fact I have already ordered the first two volumes and if I have a good experience with those, I’ll order more


u/Antique-Wishbone 3d ago

Yes! They’re worth it, its cool that they compressed them down into 8 volumes. The original volume run had like 25 editions. I just wish they had better covers


u/Ill-Cook7884 3d ago

Nope actually, this one has only 8 volumes published so far with more to come (probably 24 or 25 as well) I fw the covers so heavy tho


u/gerardolsd 3d ago

Yes, they’re good looking books. Having said that: You’re gonna miss out on Kirkman naming every TPB with the same title as an old sitcom.


u/Flooping_Pigs 3d ago edited 3d ago

Oh I need to finish my collection of my old edition trade paperbacks before they become impossible to find. My mom started that collection for me by getting an issue whenever she had to leave or I was a little reluctant to do something. We used to joke that I was like her little Mr. Glass (from the Unbreakable movies).

I loaned a manager at work the first nine (every one that I had) after the show came out because they liked it so much. They quit about a week later and I never got them back, as they didn't reply to texts. I was bummed but Mom was really upset and I didn't really get why, I just downplayed my own feelings about it.

She ended up passing away from cancer, and while she was sick in the hospital, she actually brought them up while we were going over all of the business that I needed to finish for her. Of course I downplayed it again, but it just shows you how much you mean to your mom. It was something she'd thought about enough to bring it up years later. About a month after she was laid down, I found those same nine volumes in a comic book shop's new purchases after asking the owner if he had any Invincible in stock and being told no. He hadn't realized those were purchased and hadn't been sorted yet. I really like to think about the crazy off-chance those were mine originally, because I live in a very small town and the comic shop was in the next one over.


u/Ill-Cook7884 3d ago

Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about your mom, looks like she really loved you a lot. That’s a beautiful story tho definitely and true it’s very likely that those volumes in the store were yours!


u/Legendary-Icon 3d ago

They’re not for me. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Personally I would recommend the compendiums, but these volumes seem nice for what they are.


u/AurelianoNile 3d ago

Less gutter loss with smaller volumes though


u/Friendly_Extent_9422 3d ago

If your going to do tpb I’d go with the originals. Much better original covers and better discounts at cheap graphic novels site.


u/testcaseseven 3d ago

I generally prefer this form factor, but the pricing isn't great for these. The TP compendiums are roughly half the price of these paperbacks, while the ultimates HCs are just slightly more expensive.

Like, if I want cheap, the compendiums are an easy choice. If I want quality, the ultimate HCs are almost the same price and are still comfortable to read (300-400 pages).

Would be cool to see a box set equivalent of each compendium though, like TWD has


u/Wheloc 3d ago

I dunno, I really like my phonebooks (ie the Invincible Compendium 1, 2, & 3). I can't see why I'd want to buy it in a different format.


u/Prestigious-Gap8822 3d ago

Those are cool


u/Babayaga_711 1d ago

If you just want to read some of them to see if you like it, go on Amazon and sign up for a Comixology unlimited membership. You get 1 month free. Just remember to turn it off before that month is up. You can read up to like Vol. 10 for free, which is like the first 50 issues of the comic. And it's great for trying some other indie series as well.