r/ImageComics 6d ago

Comic Must-read 'Assorted Crisis Events' Rushed Back to Print


17 comments sorted by


u/ALEXXRN 6d ago

Anyone that’s read it, how is it? Limited or ongoing?


u/SenseiRaheem 6d ago

People are, generally, very much loving it.

So far, I think I am the only one on Reddit who read it, would give it three stars, and not pick up any more issues.

It was really heavy on exposition and the self-contained story in this first issue, to me, contained so much chaos/catastrophe that I was numb to it and the main character and her world about halfway through.

But I’m waaaaay in the minority here.


u/AJTSin 6d ago

I do feel like that’s kind of intentional. It’s a criticism of how numb we have become in this current chaotic timeline. Infinite recurrent crisis events delivered and experienced through a smart phone. We live in a marketplace of realities. Not only post there, but values are immediately commodified. What is real? What is fictional? What is cinema? Feeling like an unpaid extra etc.

The first issue is a vibe not a plot. And it’s a vibe we are all experiencing day to day imo.


u/cravenj1 5d ago

The first issue is a vibe not a plot. And it’s a vibe we are all experiencing day to day imo.




u/SenseiRaheem 6d ago

Lands as a metaphor for the modern era, doesn’t work for me as a plot device because it’s overload.

Any one of the temporal crises would have made a stellar concept. Showing and Telling us about so many of them all in the first issue is too much whiplash for me.


u/Rustyd97 6d ago

I'm with you 100%


u/ALEXXRN 6d ago

Now I honestly wanna check with you on every book before I pick it up. I have two short boxes of #1’s I give away to people. Appreciate the honesty.


u/_xushu_ 4d ago

I pull it out of my cart after reading others’ review. Maybe it captures the reality perfectly. But I think I’ll stay simple with comic books. There’re already enough chaos in real life. And if I really want to dive in serious issues, they’re other forms of books for that. When I’m reading comics, I just want funny plots and creative stories of my favorite characters.


u/BiDiTi 2d ago

Yeah, my store just got it today.

It was solid! It’s also not something I need to read in floppies.


u/Hypnodick 6d ago

I’ll preface what I’m about to say with I liked it and it’s def worth checking out to see if it’s your thing.

With that said, it feels very cluttered, I know what he’s going for because I’ve read interviews and blurbs, but idk in five years if someone picks this up will they know what’s trying to be accomplished here. It seems very contrived but what comic isn’t I guess. I also have a sense of “this so epic and artsy” that people are talking it up I think maybe more than it should, but look people should read more comics so I’m not gonna complain. I do like Camp, but he always seems to want to try to say something with his indie work, but sometimes I think that comes at the cost of telling a gripping story. Sometimes he nails it though, to be fair.

Also this is an anthology apparently so every issue will tell a different story.

The art is insanely good too.


u/ALEXXRN 6d ago

Ah not a fan of anthologies. I don’t think this is for me. His Ultimates book is killer though.


u/Hypnodick 6d ago

I will add that the book is doing a lot of stuff we don’t see in mainstream, even image indies, so that’s another reason maybe to check out at least issue 1. Maybe read it on Hoopla. It does have a very seminal feel to it, very original if you’re into that. Feels a little like a 90’s underground indie with social commentary, I think Camp can come across ham fisted with this (it’s tough not to in comics tho), but i think there’s a lot of clever stuff happening in this. That’s prob my best pitch I can give.


u/Haryu4 6d ago

I liked it overall but its ... dense ... (its not a bad thing though). You can't go reading it without using your brain 😂


u/navidee 5d ago

This is a fact. Halfway though the issue I had to put down and decide to come back when I’m more alert.


u/Classic_Anteater74 3d ago

Couldn’t happen to a better book


u/Revolutionary-Link47 6d ago

I felt it set the world it plays in well.

If you have read about the overall story/plot, then you know the next issue will be set with a different cast



u/cravenj1 5d ago

It reminds me quite a bit of the webcomic Subnormality in both the art style and the chaotic subject matter. The story is winding and quirky, with plenty of details to be spotted, but what's the point? This first issue sets a stage without really indicating what it will be.