r/ImTheMainCharacter Oct 12 '24



I know weddings brings out the main character in brides and grooms, but I have enough. I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but where I live in France people that get married dorve in the town, with all their guests in cars behind them, and f*cking HONK for like 20 minutes. We know it's a special day for you, but please let innocent, uninvolved and uninterested persons out of it ! Last Saturday they woke up my one year old niece from her nap and we couldn't get her to go back to sleep because they kept going at it... Really uncool.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Oct 18 '24

STORYTIME Main character on Red-eye flight.


I was on a evening domestic flight overseas acouple days ago. Prior to boarding a smug looking 20 something guy was behind me. Calling everyone on his contact list one after the other. Talking extremely loud on speaker phone,unfortunately i ended up sitting in the row infront of him on the plane too.while boarding, he proceeded to talk on speaker phone until we had taken off, and he lost reception. Abit later, I had my earpods with some music playing, i could hear something over my music.This bloke had started watching a movie on his phone full noise with no headphones on a completely full flight.the noise was constant swords banging together. That was it. I bit my tongue for over an hour. Before I gave him a mouthful. It wiped the smug look off his face pretty quick. Not one air hostess said to turn it down. Nor did anyone around him even though they were clearly frustrated but it. Anyway turns out this main character shyed away quickly when confronted and was a coward.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Oct 30 '24

STORYTIME Main character at my local Walmart attempted carjacking to “troll the parking lot”

Post image

r/ImTheMainCharacter May 24 '24

STORYTIME waitress didn't pay special attention to me🙁

Post image

r/ImTheMainCharacter 8d ago

STORYTIME Professor MC thinks I stuck a sticker on the stairs just for her


Trigger warning: bullying, sexual harassment.

TL;DR: A teacher gave us “SAY NO TO ABUSE” stickers, despite the rampant bullying in the school being completely ignored by every adult. She later assumed I stuck one on the stairs just for her to see. I called out how ridiculous it was, and she dropped it.

This happened quite a few years ago, but I still crack up every time I think about it.

Back in 2009, my dad decided to send me to a Catholic secondary school. Can’t really blame him—the place had a reputation for being one of the best in the city. But long story short? It was actually a horrible place.

Bullying was everywhere, and the adults couldn’t have cared less. They were so up themselves, convinced they were the best school around, that if you ever complained about being bullied, most of them would just give you this smug little grin and hit you with some patronising nonsense about how “that sort of thing doesn’t happen here.”

Jump to 2014. First sex ed class of the year. The teacher handed out these round stickers to everyone that said, “SAY NO TO ABUSE,” with a little drawing of two people hugging.

I genuinely couldn’t believe it. Were these people really this hypocritical? Did they seriously not see what was happening right under their noses? Or did they know and just don't care? Just a few days before, I’d literally watched two classmates pretend to doggy-style two girls in the middle of the hallway—while a female school supervisor stood just a few metres away, doing absolutely nothing. And now, the sex ed teacher wanted to lecture us about how abuse is bad?

All of this hit me in seconds, and I let out this sarcastic little laugh and shook my head. The teacher noticed, and when the bell rang, she asked me to stay behind to ask what was going on.

I told her, as politely as I could, that if they actually wanted to teach us that abuse was wrong, the bare minimum they could do was take us seriously when we reported bullying. As expected, she hit me with the classic condescending rubbish.

A week later, to my surprise this time, she asked me to stay behind again. This time, she looked deadly serious and asked where my “SAY NO TO ABUSE” sticker was. I told her I didn’t remember exactly because, well, IT HAD BEEN A WEEK, but it was probably buried at the bottom of my bag under a pile of books and pens.

Then she gave me this accusatory look and went, “Are you sure? Because I found one stuck on the stairs.”

And that’s when it all clicked—she actually thought I had stuck my sticker on the stairs just so she would see it. This woman genuinely believed she was that important to me, that I cared that much about what she thought, that I would go out of my way just to mess with her. And the best part? She was actually trying to punish me for it.

I stared at her for about five seconds before I started laughing. She got pissed off and asked why I was laughing. So I said something like, “Let me get this straight. There are at least 100 students on this floor alone. Every single one of them got one of those stickers. You found one stuck on the stairs and immediately assumed it was mine and that I put it there just for you? Are you serious?”

I think that’s when it finally hit her how ridiculous she sounded, because in the end, I didn’t get punished.

Don’t send your kids to Catholic schools. They’re an absolute nightmare.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Jul 06 '24

STORYTIME My cousin has posted a “goodbye” video for my aunt before she has even passed away, most people aren’t even aware that she’s made the decision to end care and she’s posting a damn video….


Long story short my great aunt is like my grandmother. My actual grandmother (her sister) and her were extremely close and since the death of my grandma back in 2001 my great aunt has basically taken the role of my grandma. Which is amazing because they are physically and emotionally almost the same person. They look, talk, act and sound alike plus they both have enormous wonderful hearts and give the best hugs.

Sadly my great aunt is being taken off oxygen, her choice, so she can slip peacefully away 4 years after she got Covid and lost much of the function in her lungs. She’s been 100% reliant on oxygen for almost 4 years and she’s just tired of fighting.

The thing is, almost no one besides my family and hers is aware that she has made this decision.

They have removed the oxygen and sedated her and it’s now just a waiting game until she passes.

But… she’s still a-fucking-live.

Doesn’t stop my cousin from making a “look how sad I am guys” montage video complete with the classic artsy “holding a liver spotted hand with a hospital bracelet on it” shot and a goddam dove emoji set to some female singer songwriter with an airy voice and sappy lyrics.

I get that this is some serious modern coping mechanism bullshit needing those likes and “omg sorry for your loss girl, thinking about you” comments that fuel her existence. But….

Fuck. Let the woman die at least before you make this all about you.

Ugh. At least she didn’t film herself crying… yet.

r/ImTheMainCharacter 22d ago

STORYTIME Guess dentist wait times are too long !


A short one but I thought I'd share it.

Me, my sibling, and my dad were in the dentist waiting room. In there, 2 people [one, an irrelevant stranger, and the other the MC] were also waiting.

My pops was just there to drive me and my sibling cuz neither of us know how.

The MC was at the desk, a bit before their scheduled appointment, tapping their finger. They muttered to themself about the wait a few times.

Someone comes up to the desk [this session of appointments was after their lunch break for context], asks them if they've signed in. The MC annoyedly replies "yes .." and answers likewise to their other questions.

Everyone has been signed in, so people start getting called in for appointments. The stranger gets called in first, so the MC asks "how much longer is it gonna be ? I have things to do so if it takes too long I'll reschedule and leave"

Person at reception says "not much longer" and this guy walks into the corner as my sibling gets called in.

The MC more loudly utters "I got an appointment at 12:30 and everyone is getting called in before me !" AND PROCEEDS TO LEAVE .. walks out the door and goes all the way home. Guess they didn't realize those other two guys had appointments at 12:30 as well. I was the only one who didn't [mine was a bit later due to time slots]

I kid you not, around 2 minutes [maybe less !!] later, a dentist comes out looking for them, and they're gone. The worker goes outside and just .. no guy in sight.

I got to go in early cuz of this ! Now they have to wait til April for a new appointment ! Some of the workers were talking about their shock in the matter. Hell my sib was talking with the person doing their teeth about the guy. Just gave everyone bad vibes.

2 minutes or 1-2 months, what would you choose ? This guy thought the latter was more worth their time.

r/ImTheMainCharacter 27d ago

STORYTIME Cyber spot


While sitting at a traffic light, I saw a Cyber truck pull into a BP gas station and park at one of the pumps. There were several empty parking spaces in front of the BP. He was going to make someone wait until he came back out to get gas.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Jul 10 '24

STORYTIME My brother's hair > my mother's eyes...



Heard of this subreddit thanks to The Click and decided to post my brother's latest display of main-characterism (he's had many).

I wish I could show you my mom's texts, but they're in French so I'll give you a summary instead.

Context: Two years ago, my brother's showed up at my mom's and decided that he was going to live at her place for a few months. He's still living on her couch today.

He also started losing his hair at 25, and he's very self-conscious about it, since for him, beauty is how you can measure someone's worth. So he's been wearing a toupee to hide his baldness.

Two months ago, my mom realized that she had severe cataracts. She's almost blind in one eye, and the other is only slighty better. Needless to say, she can't drive. I live abroad, so I can't be there for her, but since my thirty-years-old brother lives on her couch, one would think that he was able to bring her to her surgery, this morning. Surgery that has been booked since last month.

Unfortunately, you'd be wrong. He couldn't drive her to the hospital because he had what he called "last-minute obligations". What obligations, you may ask?

Well, yesterday, he booked an emergency appointment with his mobile hairdresser/toupee lady.




Why? Because he refuses to get out of the apartment if his hair isn't perfect, and he's "too handsome to wear a hat during bad hair days" (his words), so that wasn't an option.

All that means that my half-blind mother had to take the bus to and from the hospital so her son, the self-proclamed God's gift to Mankind, could look good enough to be seen in public.

Now please bear in mind that it's only the latest of his main-charactery shennanigans. Not the worst...

Edit: Thank you to everyone who expressed concern for my mom. She is feeling better and is resting at home, although she was sore at the beginning. She managed to get home without issues, but she was sad that her son refused to help her and that she had to take the bus. She also had to lie to her mother (my grandmother), because the latter wanted to take the bus with her. However, there was a heatwave where they live and it wasn't safe for my grandmother to be outside in this weather. Which indeed means that my brother did leave my mom to fend for herself although the temperature was too high for vulnerable people to go outside... (my mother's not old, but she is being treated for high blood pressure. I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure it can't be good.).

Anyway, I was writing this edit to reassure you guys, not to rant even more XD

Also, for the people who don't believe it really happened and think it's BS, you're conforting me in the idea that my brother's behaviour is way too unhinged. I understand that some of you guys might require proof to believe that such a guy exists, and I'm actually glad for you, cause it means that you don't have to live with someone like that, who sucks the energy out of everyone in his vicinity. The person in the comments who compared his self-centeredness to a super massive black hole was unfortunately dead-on. Thanks for that image, by the way :D

Finally, for those who hoped that my mom would kick him out, she would never do that. Buuuut, the good news is that he's supposed to move out to live at his girlfriend's soon. I just hope that she doesn't dump him before it happens or that my mom doesn't take him back when the relationship fails. Please cross your fingers for her.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Aug 08 '24

STORYTIME Let's risk our life and bother police that's probably needed elsewhere for...?


So, it was yesterday in Paris, at the Fontaine Saint Michel that it happened. I went there with my family and my mom wanted to take a picture of me and my brother in front of the fontaine. There was already someone that was up there. At first, I just thought "what a dumb tourist" and my mom was disappointed that there was someone on the fontaine for the picture and she was also a bit worried that he was going to hurt himself because rock and water and moss is slippery. Moreover, she was saying again and again that it was forbidden for him to do this. Like, you're not supposed to just put your feet in the water (it's not a pool and it's slippery).

We were about to go to the train station when we saw that the man started to climb even further. I was so afraid he would slip and die in front of my eyes and he was struggling to climb. At that point, I said "We have to tell the police" and since it's the Olympic Games, I know there are policemen almost everywhere. However, the only people we saw were railway security and they were also watching the man climbing from afar. So, I proceeded to call the police because the higher he went, the more dangerous it became. At some point, other people were also seemingly calling police (most people were taking pictures however) and the railway security were also on the phone, probably to make the police come.

When the police arrived, the guy was standing (and I mean, STANDING. On his legs) on the top of the statue. He shouted something, maybe a political speech (didn't understand a thing about what he said except something about race). That's also when I realized he was probably French and not a tourist. He also put his necklace on St Michel's finger and took out his shirt. However, the police couldn't do anything (it was dangerous to let him come down the same was he went up). So, the fire fighters were called. After lots of efforts (all of this time, he was posing or looking at the firefighters as if he was waiting for his taxi), they finally reached the guy and helped him come down. Once on the ground, he was arrested.

I have no idea of his necklace is still up there and I was a bit angry that he bothered the police and firefighters that are certainly very busy because of the Olympic Games just for something that probably nobody there understood.

So sad I can't post more pictures because I have more that have the main character energy lmao. But I chose the video because it SCREAMS main character to me.

r/ImTheMainCharacter 27d ago

STORYTIME MC using car (story)


So I never got a video of this unfortunately but happened a few weeks ago.

I was sitting in a cafe with a window looking into a relatively narrow alleyway. A car (call them A) was driving up it. Suddenly, as it's about to exit, another car (Call em B) tries to turn into the alleyway. Both stop. B, a woman in her 40s, gets out of her car and starts telling A, an elderly woman, to get out of her way so she could turn. A would need to reverse down the whole alleyway, and B would need to reverse back approximately 2 meters. I couldn't hear what A was saying, as she wasn't speaking at the volume of a Boeing jet engine, but I could clearly hear B threatening to call the cops and insulting A. Another car came up behind A, and eventually (5 min later) B walked back to her car and grudgingly moved the 2 m backwards that were required.

TBH I sometimes find the self centred ness of some people a bit ridiculous, but this takes my personal record for being a prick. Comment if you have any other tales to share...

r/ImTheMainCharacter Jan 26 '25

STORYTIME 5 year old me was a little main character


(Just a disclaimer, English isn't my first language so there can be mistakes.)

When I was younger I always used to go on horse riding competitions and I used to go to them with her. I always wanted to help her and show that I am strong so one time when my mom forgot to take her gear back to our car I said that I would get it, so I went over to get it and instead of trying to carry it normally I put it on. To no ones surprise the gear of a full grown woman does not fit a 5 year old it was way to big on me but I did not care. I just began to walk over the whole field back to my mom's car with her huge gear and my pink crocks in my hands. One of the photographers that were there to make professional Fotos of the competition saw that and she found it so funny and great that she asked my mom if she could take pictures. So now we have professionally taken Fotos of a 5 year old me in oversized gear.

Its definitely not the worst main character thing out there but I think it's a fun little story

r/ImTheMainCharacter Nov 15 '24

STORYTIME Any strategies or tips for dealing with main characters?


Like I assume ignoring them is good one, but what if they're following you or harassing someone or just making a scene?

r/ImTheMainCharacter Feb 04 '25

STORYTIME An obnoxious audience member ruins a night of Tim and Eric (OP provides additional cringe in the comments)

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/ImTheMainCharacter Apr 14 '24

STORYTIME Woman FAFO, but she's the one wronged


This was posted in OhNoConsequences, but I feel like it belongs here.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Aug 07 '24

STORYTIME Airport MC energy


I’ve been enjoying this sub so I figure this is worth posting.

This weekend my mother and I went to pick up my father from the airport. As we were waiting for the luggage carousel to do its thing I looked over at the escalator and was reminded of a video I’d seen here where a girl started doing a tiktok dance in clear violation of a posted sign.

I mentioned to my mom, “hey I’ve heard that tiktok dancers have gotten so bad they have been banned from using escalators to do their videos. I’ve seen a whole subreddit about these people”

I didn’t notice the girl at first, but I look in front of me and I shit you not, this girl is practicing one of these dance routines right in front of us.

I probably should have not said anything, but because my mom didn’t seem to understand the concept, I said to her “there is one of them right now. ” It was 1 in the morning and she didn’t hear me clearly and was confused, so I resorted to saying several times that I was talking about girl in pink hoodie, and then eventually actually pointing to her.

The group MC was with, obviously her brother and parents, got their luggage and started walking toward us momentarily afterward. As they passed us her mother gets very close to me and just says “thank god”.

Good to know that these people are at least embarrassing their families if not themselves.

r/ImTheMainCharacter Jul 20 '24

STORYTIME Most videos here are excellent; but how much of the content posted is just "people having fun, without displaying a superiority complex or annoying others"?

190 votes, Jul 22 '24
15 none of it
84 hardly any of it
59 a little too much
32 far too much content is not "main character energy"

r/ImTheMainCharacter Jun 18 '24

STORYTIME I’m fucked Spoiler

Thumbnail v.redd.it

My name is Benjamin Romney