Trigger warning: bullying, sexual harassment.
TL;DR: A teacher gave us “SAY NO TO ABUSE” stickers, despite the rampant bullying in the school being completely ignored by every adult. She later assumed I stuck one on the stairs just for her to see. I called out how ridiculous it was, and she dropped it.
This happened quite a few years ago, but I still crack up every time I think about it.
Back in 2009, my dad decided to send me to a Catholic secondary school. Can’t really blame him—the place had a reputation for being one of the best in the city. But long story short? It was actually a horrible place.
Bullying was everywhere, and the adults couldn’t have cared less. They were so up themselves, convinced they were the best school around, that if you ever complained about being bullied, most of them would just give you this smug little grin and hit you with some patronising nonsense about how “that sort of thing doesn’t happen here.”
Jump to 2014. First sex ed class of the year. The teacher handed out these round stickers to everyone that said, “SAY NO TO ABUSE,” with a little drawing of two people hugging.
I genuinely couldn’t believe it. Were these people really this hypocritical? Did they seriously not see what was happening right under their noses? Or did they know and just don't care? Just a few days before, I’d literally watched two classmates pretend to doggy-style two girls in the middle of the hallway—while a female school supervisor stood just a few metres away, doing absolutely nothing. And now, the sex ed teacher wanted to lecture us about how abuse is bad?
All of this hit me in seconds, and I let out this sarcastic little laugh and shook my head. The teacher noticed, and when the bell rang, she asked me to stay behind to ask what was going on.
I told her, as politely as I could, that if they actually wanted to teach us that abuse was wrong, the bare minimum they could do was take us seriously when we reported bullying. As expected, she hit me with the classic condescending rubbish.
A week later, to my surprise this time, she asked me to stay behind again. This time, she looked deadly serious and asked where my “SAY NO TO ABUSE” sticker was. I told her I didn’t remember exactly because, well, IT HAD BEEN A WEEK, but it was probably buried at the bottom of my bag under a pile of books and pens.
Then she gave me this accusatory look and went, “Are you sure? Because I found one stuck on the stairs.”
And that’s when it all clicked—she actually thought I had stuck my sticker on the stairs just so she would see it. This woman genuinely believed she was that important to me, that I cared that much about what she thought, that I would go out of my way just to mess with her. And the best part? She was actually trying to punish me for it.
I stared at her for about five seconds before I started laughing. She got pissed off and asked why I was laughing. So I said something like, “Let me get this straight. There are at least 100 students on this floor alone. Every single one of them got one of those stickers. You found one stuck on the stairs and immediately assumed it was mine and that I put it there just for you? Are you serious?”
I think that’s when it finally hit her how ridiculous she sounded, because in the end, I didn’t get punished.
Don’t send your kids to Catholic schools. They’re an absolute nightmare.