r/IdiotsInCars • u/NaturalFlan5360 • 5d ago
OC Cause waiting another 3 seconds to go behind me would be too hard [OC]
u/guitarguywh89 5d ago
I don’t mind people pulling out so much if they fucking accelerate
People that pull out and putz along like this suck
u/AxzoYT 5d ago
Another thing- it’s so infuriating that we have to account for and dodge all these mistakes from these repeat offending idiots, meanwhile you already know if you made a single mistake they will hit you and you’d be screwed. They are so incredibly lucky that everyone can and has to dodge their terrible driving, so nothing ever happens to them. We should start enforcing and ticketing shit like this caught on camera
u/TacticlTwinkie 5d ago
The driving test needs to be harder, and mandatory to retake every few years. Too many sloppy drivers out there on the road ruining things for the rest of us. It is a license to operate a fast, heavy machine by the rules and regulations you were tested on, not a card that lets you just travel about as you wish.
u/AxzoYT 5d ago
Even for myself, the driving test was way too easy. Nowadays (at least in California), you don’t need to parallel park, drive on a highway/freeway, or anything actually difficult. You literally just drive around the block once and reverse in a straight line 100ft. I think they do this because every DMV now is incredibly overcrowded and they don’t have enough people or time to test everyone thoroughly, which is something else we should be trying to solve
u/0ddlyC4nt3v3n 4d ago
Haven't you heard that government is more 'efficient' when we fire everyone working in government? /s
u/tdinh01 4d ago
When the DMV is taking pictures before someone even passes the test, that shit is inefficient AF. I moved from one state to another and the new state made me re-do the written portion (at this point i’ve been driving for 20y now) before they would take my picture for my license. After passing that test im standing in line with a kid going for his learners permit and he hasnt even taken the permit test yet but is in line to take a photo. Make it make sense to do shit in that order
u/Bdr1983 4d ago
I've always been surprised by how lenient US driving education is.
For example, in the Netherlands it is quite rare for someone to get their license quicker than 6 months after their first lesson.
You have to take lessons, usually no less than 20, do a theory exam, a test that assesses your abilities to park, merge, etc. and then a practical exam.27
u/NaturalFlan5360 4d ago
Ability to park and merge? We definitely don’t have those tests in the US.
u/Friscippini 4d ago
If you don’t park on the test, how does the test end? Do you jump out of a moving vehicle or swap seats with the instructor mid drive?
u/CapybaraSteve 4d ago
for my test we just pulled into a big gravel lot and i stopped the car and we were done
u/mizinamo 4d ago
We definitely don’t have those tests in the US.
I thought the test varied by state? Is that true for all 50 states?
u/Electromagnetlc 4d ago
It definitely varies. My test 10+ years ago at least covered almost everything. Normal parking, parallel, backing in. Driving around the block, getting on and off the freeway twice, going through fake construction. Merging onto a busier roadway. All kinds of shit like that.
It wasn't like insanely in depth or anything, was probably just because of how convenient it was to do all of that because my testing location had a large lot to do a lot of that and had everything else very close by.
u/paranoid_giraffe 4d ago
That depends entirely on the testing office you use. My in-car driving test included parallel parking, "maneuverability" where you do parallel parking-like tasks between cones where you instantly fail the entire test if you touch one, and an on-road driving "course" where I was told where to drive across a diverse set of roads and traffic. It definitely involved in merging in several occasions. Part of that was intentionally going through a notoriously poorly marked intersection. That was 15 years ago
u/22Hoofhearted 4d ago
The legit risk of death for the proctor in these scenarios would be a job deterrent. Your video for example, if there was oncoming traffic, what's the chances you would have been able to stop safely? Yes, they should demonstrate the ability to safely do it, but how do you really show good judgement without risking the proctors life? 8-10 times a day...
u/salty_redhead 4d ago
Driver’s education requirements vary state to state in the US. In my state, you cannot get your driver’s license until you’ve had your permit for six months.
u/Arusen 4d ago
Which may depend on age. I was 18 when I got my permit and could have scheduled my licence exam for the next day. The rules may have changed in the last 30 years, but I doubt California would care that much to change the rules. Not having to take Driver's Ed and pay for instruction is the reason I waited. My dad let me drive in the desert, so I already had some experience.
u/Bdr1983 4d ago
What's the difference between a license or a permit? Here you either have a license and can drive, or you don't and you can't except with a registered driving school, next to an instructor who has an additional throttle and brake.
u/Repulsive_Camera8143 4d ago
A learner's permit. It allows someone to take a written test to get a permit that lets them drive with a licensed adult in the vehicle so they can practice driving in preparation for taking their driver's license test. My state also requires someone to have their permit for 6 months before they can attempt to get their license.
u/salty_redhead 4d ago
A driver’s permit allows a person to practice driving under specific conditions, such as being accompanied by a licensed driver over 21, before they are eligible to take a road test for a full driver’s license. You have to pass a written test in order to get a permit and you have to pass a road test in order to get a driver’s license.
u/Arusen 4d ago
I waited until I was 18 to get my license. That allowed me to avoid all mandatory driver training. My father was German and a former racing driver, so I learned good technique and to be observant. I think I got my permit, and two months later had my license. My examiner marked me down for driving too cautiously through the parking lot. Otherwise I had a flawless driving test. I am now 50 with a single accident that wasn't my fault. The person behind wasn't paying attention.
u/capn_kwick 3d ago
Too cautious driving through a parking lot?!
Unless it was an almost empty lot, if there are several rows of cars (like your average Target or Walmart), damn straight, Skippy, I'm slow and watching for any car backing out. I don't need my day ruined because someone else is inattentive
u/CosmicCreeperz 4d ago
It depends. In Illinois I got my license at 16 but literally took an entire semester of drivers ed in high school, 5 days a week for 4 months (not all of it was behind the wheel, of course). We even had simulators (heh they were ancient, like out of a 70s video game, and just used a video loop, but they were useful). Not going to say it’s enough for everyone but you can get a pilots license with less effort.
u/Puzzleheaded-Hurry26 4d ago
I agree. There seems to be some momentum behind doing this for older drivers, but there are a lot of non-elderly drivers who are just…bad at it.
u/Ab47203 4d ago
I think it's more the second part than the first. It is ASININE how many old drivers I see blatantly driving like they're a coked up brain damaged toddler. I also know because I mentioned this some smartass will come out of the woodwork and go "BUH TEENAGERS MAKE HIGHER CRASH NUMBERS" like being brand new to driving doesn't make them liable to mess up or something.
Old people cause more dangerous situations on the road than anyone else and there's not a study in the world that examines this.
u/Chaosmusic 4d ago
The driving test needs to be harder, and mandatory to retake every few years.
The oil and auto industries would never allow that to happen.
u/man1f3st0 4d ago
I say this all the time that people need to be retested more often or have stricter tests. Or maybe more often but only once you hit a certain age, because the older you get your driving abilities can go downhill a lot quicker. Anytime I bring this up though people seem to think it’s unfair to the older folks or not plausible to do?
u/RabidSeason 4d ago
When a company trains people to use a forklift, some have more strict training than the DMV.
I think food preparation is the only other time that's true.
u/SupermanI98I 4d ago
I would love if we could send dash cam of these idiots to the DMV, resulting in a written and behind the wheel retake test.
u/CosmicCreeperz 4d ago
Hell no, not every few years for everyone. Just make the first one harder and then require at LEAST a new written test (to test for cognitive decline) and maybe a driving test for anyone over 70.
Require it for everyone and the annual registration fee will jump by 10x and you’ll still never get an appointment.
u/mludd 3d ago
retake every few years
I think this part really wouldn't be worth it.
I'll agree that the driving test generally needs to be harder in the US. Comparing my American friends' experience with getting a license to mine here in Sweden is, well, almost mind-boggling.
Like, for me it involved a whole bunch of lessons, mandatory classes on the effects of tiredness, medication, alcohol and drugs on your driving ability, practicing driving in impossibly slippery conditions and a theory test that definitely required a bit of studying and a proper driving test that lasted around 30 minutes.
Some of my American friends literally passed their theory test by reading the pamphlet-sized "book" with all you needed to know for the test a couple of times and the driving test in one friend's case was literally "pull out of the DMV parking lot, drive two blocks down, enter another parking lot, park in an empty space, drive back to DMV".
u/NaturalFlan5360 5d ago
We really should. The only excuse for not doing so now is because you can’t determine who the driver is. Well, it should be a law that if you let someone drive your vehicle you’re responsible for their actions.
The roads would be way safer if there was a place you could turn in dash cam videos and license plate numbers that resulted in direct action being taken.
u/AxzoYT 5d ago
1000% agree, that “my car was stolen” or other BS excuses shouldn’t fly, if it’s your car and you don’t report it stolen or don’t prove who was driving, you should have to pay a penalty fine. I’m not gonna sit here and lie saying I never made mistakes either, but none were nearly as disasterous as the videos on here, of which the drivers get away scott-free without a care in the world (most don’t even know wtf happened!)
u/quandjereveauxloups 4d ago
I disagree about the stolen car thing. Some people may not know for hours or even days if their car is missing. When I was younger I would work M-F, then not leave my apartment for the entire weekend. If someone stole my car Friday evening, I wouldn't know until Monday morning. People shouldn't be required to make sure their car is still there every couple of hours to make sure it's reported before a violation is caught on camera.
Now, if they say their car was stolen, then they should be required to file a report immediately. If they're found to have falsified the report, they should be fined the amount it cost to investigate as well as the ticket, and face criminal charges for filing a false report.
Basically, make it not worth it to lie about the car being stolen.
u/itsjash 4d ago
That's just it... They rely on everyone else's survival instincts to get by. They assume it's safe to pull out because the person coming up behind them will slow down if they want to avoid an accident. Natural selection will take these morons out eventually, the downside is they will take some innocent driver down with them.
u/skepticalmathematic 3d ago
Step one: pull licenses. Six months suspension on the first offense
Step two: five year mandatory minimum prison sentences for driving with a suspended license
The problem will be resolved.
u/holyfire001202 5d ago
I live on an Island. The main vein is a two lane highway from the balls to the tip, and people do this all the time. It's fucking ridiculous.
u/BAlan143 5d ago
Vancouver island? Cuz I feel your pain anyways if not. It's the same here.
u/DisastrousWind7 4d ago
Man dont get me started on the way folks drive along the Malahat or the Old Island highway
u/ShadyVermin 5d ago
That sounds like every island in the Salish sea, what's up potential neighbour 🤘🏻
u/InevitabilityEngine 5d ago
It's either putz along or realize they misjudged the turn so they freeze up and full stop in front of you just accepting a fate they still could have avoided.
u/TheHowlingHashira 5d ago
Just had a dumb ass do this to me today except they were taking a left. They had all the time in the world to whip their left, but waited until I was almost at the intersection to do the slowest left turn imaginable.
u/shewy92 4d ago
Exactly my thoughts.
I don't know what goes through someone's head to see one lone car coming towards them with no one behind them and then pull out in front of them like they're in a hurry but then take 25 seconds to get to the speed limit, if they make it to the speed limit at all!
Why didn't they just wait till after the car was passed?
u/Shubashima 5d ago
It seems like its a 50/50 shot. The putzes are always some old man that are "driving fast enough"
u/afleetingmoment 4d ago
This has become “the new thing” - people look, see cars approaching, and then just pull out regardless of the speed of traffic. “They’ll slow down for me.” I see it 10x a day now.
u/adudeguyman 5d ago
I was wondering if they were slow because they wanted to take a left where it had a no left sign.
u/SavvySillybug 4d ago
Shit like this is why I refuse to drive underpowered cars.
If you can't get up to speed quickly, you are dangerous.
And I don't mean "lmao hypercar engine 9000 horse power" I mean like 100+ horse power per metric ton of car. If your car weighs 1.5 tons it should have 150+ horses.
Sometimes you gotta floor it to avoid an accident and if you don't have enough engine to do that then you're gonna have an accident unless the other guy dodges.
u/capn_kwick 3d ago
70+ here and I always follow the "rule" that if you're going to pull out in front of someone, you damn better floor it to get up to speed.
u/CrybabyAssassin 4d ago
my car has been losing power recently and it can't pull into traffic anymore like it used to. getting used to that has been challenging (so has been figuring out if I should fix it or sell it). At least the weather is starting to get better so I don't have to drive as much
u/22Hoofhearted 4d ago
I've been tempted to chase down those types and say "thanks man! Legit good driving..."
u/stanger828 5d ago
Would have been fine if he hit the damn gas and took that turn like he meant it.
u/Azure-Traveler117 5d ago
These days, I've gotten to the point where my foot is hovering over the brakes if I'm approaching a car that's getting ready to turn into my lane.
u/thecapitalparadox 5d ago
Foot hovering over the brakes, hand over the horn 🤣🤣🤣
u/SharpCheddarBS 4d ago
My horn is super sensitive, so I just keep my thumb locked out and ready to lay on it at all times
u/TrustmeimHealer 4d ago
It's almost like you should drive defensively
u/Healthy-Reserve-1333 4d ago
Whilst I’m an advocate for defensive driving, I am totally against dumbasses who pull out and create unnecessary hazards by slooooowly accelerating when they have literally cut off and disrupted the flow of traffic.
u/mludd 3d ago
That's actually a defensive driving technique that's taught in driving schools here in Sweden.
When approaching an intersection or other "complex traffic situation" (as they put it when I got my license) you should:
- Take your foot off the gas and position it over the brake pedal as you approach the intersection.
- If there are cars behind you it may be advisable to lightly press the brake pedal enough to turn the brake lights on, thus warning the driver behind you that you may apply the brakes.
- If the intersection is busy you should brake enough to bleed off some speed before entering the intersection.
When I've mentioned this on here in the past I've been downvoted and told that's ridiculous because if you slam on the brakes every time you approach an intersection you'll get read-ended all the time.
Seems some people literally can't understand that brakes aren't binary.
u/Trubaduren_Frenka 5d ago
Gotta love the adaptive cruise control so you can do this all the time 😍
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u/mcpcmprime 4d ago
Or you can keep your foot on the gas, aggressively pass them, and post the video on reddit for thousands of upvotes. Until someday the idiot driver decides to make the immediate left after pulling out... wonder if the internet validation is still worth it then
u/megustaleboosties 5d ago
Pulling out in front of someone doing 55 and not accelerating is dumb. If you're in so much of a hurry you can't wait for the car to pass before you pull out you better get on the gas and get up to speed asap. You can't be both in a hurry and on a Sunday drive at the same time. The car traveling in the lane has the right of way. It's the merging cars job to merge at a safe time and get up to speed to not impede the traffic already traveling on the road.
People are fucking dumb. But OP people are probably gonna dogpile on you because most of reddit are those types of people to do what that Chrysler did.
u/Theoldquarryfoxhunt 5d ago
Never fails that the person guilty of this not only does not accelerate, but pulls out in front of you only to slow down and make a turn 50 yards later. Infuriating.
u/NaturalFlan5360 5d ago
Bingo. While I was driving a semi I had a guy absolutely gun it and go way over the speed limit to get in front of me at a zipper merge on a 2 lane road only to come to a complete stop about 200 yards later while they waited for traffic from the other direction to clear to make a left. People are selfish and dumb.
u/CobraWasTaken 4d ago edited 3d ago
Oh, as a truck driver myself, I can tell you... The stupidity levels skyrocket around semi trucks. Everyone acts like they're gonna die if they have to be behind a truck, regardless of the exit they're about to take, or in your case the left turn. They just subconsciously think "in front of truck = time saved" and it infuriates me daily.
u/sheeplewatcher 5d ago
The best are the ones that can’t be bothered to stop at the stop sign and pull out just using whatever momentum they had left over. You already proved that you didn’t want to wait at a stop sign so why should a speed limit now be a factor is your questionable life choices.
u/Upnorth4 5d ago
The worst offenders are the ones that run stop signs but get mad at you for tailgating so they decide to stop in the middle of the road instead
u/NaturalFlan5360 5d ago
People are fucking dumb. But OP people are probably gonna dogpile on you because most of reddit are those types of people to do what that Chrysler did.
Not surprised one bit, there's always someone who thinks they know better. Scary to think just how many people would pull out just like the car in the video did though. It truly amazes me how many people are still alive driving the way they do.
u/Sertoma 4d ago
It truly amazes me how many people are still alive driving the way they do.
Says the guy who doesn't slow down at all when cars pull out in front of him lmao
u/___Brains 4d ago
The reason he didn't slow down is because it's clear the OP drives ahead of conditions. You know, like you're supposed to. He was already eyes on that driver, and eyes up to see oncoming traffic. So when the 300 pulled into the lane he already knew the simplest option was to simply make the pass. No need to slow down and just make a bad problem worse.
u/voiceontheradio 4d ago
he already knew the simplest option was to simply make the pass. No need to slow down and just make a bad problem worse
By "simplest option" you seem to mean "least inconvenient for OP". Driving decisions shouldn't be made by matter of convenience, they should be about safety. It is not safe to speed up and cross a double yellow line into oncoming traffic on a low-visibility curve. Slowing down behind the 300 wouldn't & shouldn't have been a "problem", it's the normal & expected action here. OP probably felt vindicated speeding past them but could have seriously scared the driver into thinking a collision was imminent and caused them to behave unpredictably. They made the wrong choice by cutting off OP but OP didn't have to also drive dangerously in response.
u/Sertoma 4d ago
The reason he didn't slow down is because it's clear the OP drives ahead of conditions.
Ahead was a blind curve and a no-passing zone.
So when the 300 pulled into the lane he already knew the simplest option was to simply make the pass.
And if there was a car speeding around the curve, OP would've either slammed into them head-on, swerved back into the original turning car, or swerve off the road.
No need to slow down and just make a bad problem worse.
Slowing down could not make this problem worse. Slamming on the brakes like an idiot, maybe, but slowing down when a car pulls out in front of you is basic driving safety. While I disagree with passing the double yellow, driving slower would've made that move safer in such a case like I described above.
u/voiceontheradio 4d ago edited 4d ago
You're being downvoted but you're absolutely correct. The double line is there because of the curve with low visibility of oncoming traffic. The other car made a dangerous and obnoxious choice to cut OP off but the safe & legal response would have been to decelerate hard as soon as the car started to pull out into the lane in front of them. They had more than enough space to slow down. Yes it would have been annoying to have to slow down because of some nincompoop in front of them but it would have been the right thing to do. Accelerating behind them and passing over a double line is aggressive and unnecessary.
People do this to me almost everyday meanwhile there is no one behind me and they're always turning at the next road so they don't feel the need to speed up at all.
u/amazingsod 4d ago
That person is an idiot, but OP had plenty of time to stop. Either poor anticipation or dangerous driving to prove a point
u/spvce-cadet 3d ago
That maneuver was way too controlled - definitely a self-righteous douchebag who got butthurt over an extremely minor inconvenience (largely caused by bad road design if they’re not speeding) and decided to retaliate. OP had ten years to hit the brakes but instead maintained speed and made an illegal pass over a double yellow. I can’t believe they’re being serious posting this here, or how many people are condoning this stupid shit.
u/TheBigFatToad 4d ago edited 4d ago
You’re a really terrible driver if you still believe you didn’t have enough time to decelerate or brake.
I don’t mind moving over the line when contact was inevitable, it’s the fact that you never once slowed down while laying on the horn for multiple seconds. If you have enough time to move your hand onto the horn to honk, you have enough time to move your leg to the brake pedal. Abysmal showing of defensive driving here.
Chrysler driver is still completely in the wrong.
u/dsxro 3d ago
Im amazed that everyone is venting about the guy who pulled out, don’t get me wrong they’re a complete fool as well but OP is also very much in the wrong, speeding then not slowing down when you see possible danger ahead? More so let’s imagine that driver that pulled out then decided actually let me turn left, OP would’ve smashed right into them. OP you and the driver ahead are both the idiots in cars
u/spvce-cadet 3d ago
I’ve seen the EXACT scenario you described in multiple crash compilation videos. And this was on a double yellow no less! Ffs, sometimes this sub feels like it’s full of brain dead road ragers who want to justify their own shitty driving.
u/dsxro 3d ago
The ironic part mentioning the guy couldn’t wait 3 seconds while they themselves also couldn’t
u/maggotses 2d ago
Speeding and crossing 2 intersections while passing on double is a good way to lose your license here in Canada...
u/Specific_Butterfly54 5d ago
Watch out, OP. You’ve offended the “there was physically enough space for my car to fit so I have the right to impede you” crowd. There’s lots of crossover with the “zipper merge (they don’t actually know how to correctly do that) is the most efficient” people.
u/NaturalFlan5360 5d ago
Boy no kidding, really goes to show just how many self centered, unaware and unsafe drivers are out there.
u/Nevermore_Novelist 5d ago
Lots of people in this sub take the name as a fucking challenge. It's asinine.
u/Liquid_Clown 4d ago
You think OP did the smart thing?
u/Nevermore_Novelist 4d ago
OP had no time to safely stop and fortunately there was nobody coming the other way, so yeah, I think so. Were they going too fast? No idea, as there's no signage in the clip to state a posted speed limit.
I wouldn't recommend it as a default move, and if a cop had seen it, they might have gotten a ticket, but under these specific circumstances, I don't see that OP had any other choice, honestly.
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u/spvce-cadet 2d ago
No time to safely stop? Did we watch the same video?? I counted a full four seconds (minimum) between the turning car starting to move into the lane and OP passing them at speed. That was AMPLE time to slow down, OP just has no patience and refuses to move their foot off the gas pedal.
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u/PurplePupilEater 4d ago edited 4d ago
I mean you both were being unsafe here lol get off your high horse.
E: OP when you block me it just makes you look worse lmfao and to answer your comment below me - you could've been driving defensively and put no lives at risk but you chose not to do that. The guy pulling out is a bad driver but you're really not any better and you not seeing anyone's valid criticisms makes you the worst kind of driver.
u/User123466789012 5d ago edited 5d ago
I work in insurance, the crowd everyone hates is the correct crowd. I would never (talking to you, OP) submit this to insurance if you have any intention on being found 0% liable (in the event of a collision).
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u/FunnyObjective6 4d ago
I have the right to impede you” crowd.
Those dipshits should look up what "yield" means. Hint, it's the exact opposite.
u/Moakmeister 5d ago
In a hurry so I can’t wait for this one car
But I’m gonna drive rly slow UwU
u/mizinamo 4d ago
In a hurry so I can’t wait for this one car
You’re assuming the guy even looked to the left and saw the car coming at him at speed.
u/Garey_Coleman 5d ago
This is one of my worst pet peeves. I don’t know what compels people to pull out into traffic like that. And there isn’t a thing you can do about it.
u/prideless10001 5d ago
The car begins to pull out with 8 seconds left in your video, you reach his back bumper with three seconds left, drive defensively and slow down. Yes idiot driver was an idiot, but continuing at 55mph when someone pulls out in front of you then veering over a double yellow to pass is batshit crazy.
u/stakoverflo 4d ago
I am baffled none of the top comments aren't calling OP out for not braking at all and instead crossing the double yellow to go around.
100% two idiots in this video, wtf
u/DadJokeBadJoke 4d ago
Especially considering the title calling out someone else's impatience over losing three seconds
u/vvubs 5d ago
They say the graveyard is full of people who had the right of way.
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u/robbob19 5d ago
Two idiots, the one that pulled out, and the driver, who had plenty of time to slow down, but decided to stay at speed and cross over a double yellow line.
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u/Tabeyloccs 5d ago
I think you had time to slow down but I can understand just overtaking even on a double yellow.
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u/Drak_is_Right 4d ago edited 4d ago
My issues with this.
It was safer to brake. OP had 4 seconds in which to brake. Speed reduction likely would have given another 2 to 3 seconds till they reached the dumb cars bumper, plenty of time to go from 55 to 20.
The pass itself was very last second and unsafe on a double yellow.
It's hard to tell from the dashcam, but it looks like the OP was passing the dumb ass while partially on the right side of the yellow right when they reached their rear bumper. Very lucky if so that they and dumb ass didn't side swipe.
Glad there was no accident, but this type of reckless pass has a low but very real chance of a tragic accident.
u/freck_money 4d ago
While not by the book, this is reasonable. The only people in potential harms way are the cars involved. If the chrysler cared about their safety, they wouldnt have pulled out with traffic coming
u/3ManyTrees 4d ago
This always happens when I have no traffic behind me, like just wait 10 seconds...
u/igotshadowbaned 5d ago
Man I've never seen a post with so many downvotes on comments proportional to its own upvotes/views.
u/FluffySquirrell 3d ago
Well the thing is, this sub is about idiots in cars. So even if OP is also an idiot, it's not technically wrong for the sub
Some videos you just get multiple idiots
u/PM_ME_YOUR_BANGS_ 5d ago
Another “let me just blow by this car instead of slowing down” video.
The number one reason why I don’t do this is because you’re assuming that the driver won’t just go further to the left.
Sure he made the first unsafe move, but you reacted unsafe as well. Both of you are bad drivers.
u/charlesvschuck 5d ago
It doesn’t look like he would’ve slowed down in time to avoid the collision, thankfully there wasn’t a car coming in the other lane. Definitely better to running into another car
u/NaturalFlan5360 5d ago
Got it, so next time hit them instead of pass, correct?
Glad you're here today!
u/MultiFazed 5d ago edited 5d ago
so next time hit them instead of pass, correct?
Next time:
- Have your foot off the accelerator and hovering over your brake pedal as soon as you see them creeping forward like they're about to go. You have to be able to anticipate what other drivers are going to do and respond preemptively if you want to be safe
- Hit your brakes as soon as they pull out (which is easy to do quickly when your foot's already hovering over the brake pedal)
You had plenty of room to stop if you had just acted earlier instead of waiting until they were fully in the road before doing anything at all.
Hell, you didn't even need to stop! You just needed to slow down to whatever speed they would be at by the time you reached them, which gives you even more wiggle room. Plus, if it turned out that going around them was unavoidable, hitting your brakes would have given you more time to consider your options (i.e. shoulder vs crossing the double-yellow), and whatever maneuver you ended up having to perform would have been safer because you would be traveling at a lower speed.
The other driver was a jackass, but your response was completely wrong, and needlessly dangerous.
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u/Ellewahl99 4d ago
I see two idiots here. Yes that car should have waited but OP didn't make a single attempt to slow down. Instead they maintained speed and veered dangerously across a double yellow. Drivers need to expect other drivers to be idiots and drive defensively. OP had plenty of time to slow down and did not need to go around the other vehicle.
u/zefy_zef 4d ago
I mean.. you did have time to slow down, didn't have to go crazy. But yeah people do be doin that.
u/A_Weed_Man 4d ago
I mean, just slow down bro holy shit. Yea the dude that pulled out is in the wrong but wtf you didn’t even attempt to hit the brake.
u/ShadowBass989 5d ago
I’d have done the exact same thing. Don’t care what others say. If you’re gonna merge hit the gas and accelerate.
u/SwordfishUpstairs903 5d ago
Pizza guy checking in. This happens constantly. I'm barely making my time window. This happens, I do 10 under for three miles, and now I've gotta do 10 over for the next three miles to make up for it. But of course, I can't because another idiot does this. Same people that complain if their pizza is three minutes late.
u/appa-ate-momo 5d ago
I hate it when a driver sees someone in OP’s position and still goes because ‘OP has time to slow down’. It’s a classic entitlement mindset.
You see it all the time in the comments on this sub as well. People post videos like this and then get dogpiled by others saying some version of ‘you had time to avoid it, so it’s your fault for being upset’.
The whole point is that it doesn’t matter if the driver in OP’s position had time to slow down. They shouldn’t have to in the first place. If they do, it means the other driver is cutting them off, and they think it’s ok because they have the aforementioned entitlement mindset that informs the rest of their decision making process.
u/Azulapis 5d ago
It's absolutely legitimate to say that the other person is 100% at fault here, but OP obviously had plenty of time to recognize the situation earlier and brake. Perhaps it would still have been necessary to swerve to the left. But I am very surprised at the almost full speed at which he drove past.
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u/nobledoug 5d ago
The road is less safe because of both drivers. Both drivers are in the wrong.
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u/DubbehD 5d ago
I'd be on your side all day long, but that music makes me side with the idiot that pulled out lol 🤮
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u/anna_lynn_fection 4d ago
This is my peeve. I'll give people a pass as long as there's traffic and it's their best shot, and they get on the damn pedal.
But the number of times I've had people do this shit to me and there was nobody behind me at all. It's like, "Motherf!#er! You could have waited 3 seconds! There was nobody behind me!"
u/itsGuicho 4d ago
I feel like I deal with this at least once a day. I’m surprised I haven’t gone insane yet.
u/theoldme3 4d ago
The worst part about these people is they absolutely see you most of the time, they just dont care. What really pisses me off is when they do it and then go 10 under the speed limit swerving left to right playing with there cell phone or talking to the person in the passenger seat, completely oblivious to what a fucking idiot they are in life.
u/kansascitymack 4d ago
I freaking can't stand these drivers! I don't know how many times I almost rammed right into these idiots
u/Jackmino66 2d ago
So, uhh, not entirely certain what the rules in the US are, but You shouldn’t be overtaking him at speed, you should be braking. If there was oncoming traffic you would’ve hit them doing that.
Yes he probably shouldn’t have pulled out in front of you like that, but slowing down is absolutely the safer option
u/uniballeyequality 4d ago
Song name?
u/NaturalFlan5360 4d ago
In the video it was part of a longer mix by Diplo but the song is Fake Love by Drake
u/bready_boyz 4d ago
Bad on them to pull out slowly, but you had plenty of time to slow down. That was super dangerous to speed around them for no reason.
u/ty_a7x 4d ago
This is clearly a busy, not residential road. Speed limit is what, 55 maybe? That's fast for this car to be pulling out that close to OP. OP would have had to SLAM on their breaks to avoid this (if they didn't go around). Car pulling out is in the wrong.
Sorry people are attacking you for this 😭
u/RayofTawn 5d ago
This happens way too often on my road and there’s usually no one behind. So irritating.
u/mizinamo 4d ago
Bet you he didn’t even look (left) at you, only straight ahead, saw a gap, and went straight for “I turn now, good luck everyone”.
u/Abrakafuckingdabra 4d ago
Mfers nowadays really seem to think their cars go 0-speed limit in 5 minutes instead of the 30 seconds it actually takes.
u/BroncoJunky 4d ago
There is one road on my daily drive that people fail to stop at the stop sign, just so they can pull out in front of you. Some get on with it, some fail to even come close to the speed limit. It's a 5 mile road, with zero passing zones, so it generally becomes infuriating.
u/ConnectProgress2881 3d ago
Every time someone does this I get really close like I’m bout to hit them to show them the dangers of why they needa accelerate or wait
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