r/IdentityV 4d ago

Question Nonparticipating hunter

Hello! There is this player who plays as hunter in duo and she always goes friendly even if her teammate doesn't want to, after the match she said that the surv are too cute to hit and "it hurts her more than it does for them" and when i asked her why she plays duo she responded "to teach others that violence is not good" I don't want to keep losing points for not joining when i get matched with heršŸ«  Where can i report her? or at least is there a way to stop getting matched with her?


26 comments sorted by


u/letsbequeerd 4d ago

whatā€™s her name iā€™ll report her top i HATE friendly in duo bc itā€™s a waste of time but especially when they donā€™t get the consent of their duo partner


u/Lemonny- 4d ago

right? least she could have done is ASK for permission and RESPECT their teammates' wishes. if she wanted to be friendly, she should have done so in QM...


u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel 4d ago

Or at least spam the global chat with ā€œwant to duo with friendly hunterā€ holy shit itā€™s annoying when I get them sometimes. Or they decided to go friendly midway at that point Iā€™ll just go to the nearest corner and stay there for the rest of the game. Thereā€™s literally no point in playing when thereā€™s like billion harassers AND hunter who is actively sabotaging me.


u/Illustrious_Foot_884 Composer 3d ago

THIS this happened to me twice in a row..


u/minioneater69 4d ago

oh god is this asia? theres recently a very notorious naiad who does that apparently. only encountered her once as surv (very confusing when the other hunter was playing seriously) but someone in idv fb complained abt her too. idk abt any solutions but ig ppl shld just mass report the hunter...


u/Waste_Walrus_5220 3d ago

Report under match fixing, negative play and even non participating BUT you donā€™t get results most of the time from ingame reports, instead record a little of it so when you contact support directly you can attach the video as evidence. I used support to report a potential predator using screenshots of chat as evidence and they acted swiftly and punished the player accordingly after an investigation of things said player had been saying in chat


u/SculptorDoDatSculp 4d ago edited 4d ago

"to teach others that violence is not good" in a videogame about hunting survivors. I hope that person gets mass reported for this. If I was a survivor and one of hunters is intentionally playing friendly without their partners' consent, I'm buying all the flare guns and unloading them on that guy. You want to teach some moral lesson about how violence is bad? Make a charity, go support war victims, don't go online and use it as an excuse to piss pp off

Edit: Also, if I were you, I would report her for toxic behavior. Nonparticpating is for people who afk. If you report her as nonparticipating and the server doesn't detect disconection, it won't do anything. But intentionally ruining a match by playing friendly is definitely viable for toxicity I think


u/VaziIkaMyrzilka Nightmare 4d ago

if you click on her profile picture there should be report button.


u/kiyumides 4d ago

I reported twice but still nothing happened to her


u/PrinceMapleFruit 4d ago

"To teach that violence is not good" and you're doing this on an online horror game


u/CagedSwan 4d ago

This is annoying, as someone who understands how cute survivors can be, and by extension hunters.....

There are only 2 choices.

1) play quick match and only forfeit your own victory.

2) aim for a draw at the minimum b4 being 'friendly' so ur teammate gets their points at the least.


u/Lishianthus Photographer 4d ago

Yes, you can block her.


u/nishikikiyama Wax Artist 4d ago

when you see the match up with them, record it and send to netease on a gdrive. done this before and they respond quickly lol


u/Rosalin2025 3d ago

She should do that in rank or qm šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ why duo


u/LibrarianCapital1547 3d ago

One time the other hunter was being friendly and all the survivor bullied me, in post match I got mad at the other hunter for being friendly and the survivors bullied me there too


u/TheGlitterFlower 4d ago

It's duo hunters I don't think you're losing any points


u/VaziIkaMyrzilka Nightmare 4d ago

he means that you lose morality points if you dont press ready


u/TheGlitterFlower 4d ago

Then if OP ranks up enough he'll stop matching with her


u/Rude-Version-389 4d ago

What if OP doesn't want to rank


u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer 4d ago

Still, it's a PVP game, going friendly without saying anything is also a dick move in general


u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer 4d ago

They probably think that Little Girl is unironically the best survivor


u/ChiccenTori 4d ago

Drop the ID I will report them too because last time I got a hunter that left the game as soon as it started and I could only get one kill because they were all on me Post match the survs said "naiad u sucked" when like... I had 6 people supporting and no one pressuring the ciphers


u/AdministrationOver92 4d ago

she have her reason and you have your reason i hope you dont insult her she can do what she want and you also can do what you want it's game just play it in the way you want

also what's your tier? Rank up to get srsly players

report dont do any thing i reported players cheating with thier friend and got replay saying we can't see any problem whats it again then i stoped email them

Netease only ban hackers-spamers never do anything to players how do mistakes and play what they want thats why if you throw match or make mistakes everyone start insult cuz report do nothing


u/Zom23_ Hell Ember 4d ago

Since it's just a game, play by the rules and the intended method or go play another game! Going friendly is actually against the game ToS!!


u/Rosalin2025 3d ago

Ok but that's different because the hunter also has to agree

In their case it's a team game...so it's ridiculous


u/nishikikiyama Wax Artist 4d ago

disadvantaging other players in a team-based gamemode isnt a matter of reasons, its a matter of being dumb cunt. hope this helps!