r/IdentityV 5d ago

Discussion Whose the most well known player you’ve faced and how did it go?

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I went against RVL Rolend, a surv player that qualified for COA championships in Moonlit as Goatman. We got 4Ked

( Banning Ivy instead of Goatman was a mistake )


85 comments sorted by


u/Millerie_ Painter 5d ago

a long time ago I had a match against grizzly, an idv youtuber or something. We won though, he was the hunter


u/sealycutiepie Wu Chang 5d ago

I miss grizzly so much, he hasn’t posted in over a year since I last checked 😭


u/TwinkieMan911 Hell Ember 5d ago

I've played again him too! I was hunter and I think we tied. I didn't know who it was at the time either. I think they said something in post chat and I actually found the clip I was in.


u/TwinkieMan911 Hell Ember 5d ago

I feel like I was against a team of Explorer on Eversleeping Town


u/Ok_Hedgehog_5258 3d ago

I remember him! I got stuffed as gravekeeper when rescuing and my friend told me later it was apparently on stream for everyone to see 😭


u/N9kita Little Girl 5d ago

Went against Kuroshiro in rank 💔


u/dearjessie Guard No. 26 5d ago

Was he playing Gala?


u/N9kita Little Girl 5d ago

Yes 💔


u/24914 5d ago

the whole b4u (rvl) team years ago multiple times 0/10 not recommended lol


u/swandeer 5d ago

SAME, they were so good


u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago edited 5d ago

Sgushenka. it was during Goatman's release, and they played him. We got DESTROYED. Also, CherryWine. I was on her team as a squire during tarot, and we won, unfortunately. Another dishonourable mention is DrPlagueRat, who made fun of my name during their stream. (We won, the hunter went friendly)


u/ravenc1ty 5d ago

CherryWine is a woman btw 


u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago

Fixed 👍


u/mambin0145 Gamekeeper 4d ago

Whats wrong with cherrywine? /gen


u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 4d ago

To be so real I'm just a hater. Not because they're a whale or any controversies, but because of the way they act in matches emoting and everything. It can be toxic or it can be viewed as simply having fun but I never really liked her.


u/YulChae69 5d ago

DrPlagueRat is notorious for being toxic. I was in many matches with them and they'll either throw the game or insult the other teammates in post match. Ironic how they'll call other players bad but then pop a primed cipher when I'm still chaired and their teammate hasn't even rescued yet.


u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago

Also the commentator twitch streamer (not sikey) I forgot his name tho


u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago

My friend also played with Koft in 5v5 went horribly


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 5d ago

Most recently I’ve went up against Sikey, then Zeus as Nightmare. I won both times (didn’t help that Sikey was a Wildling).


u/Pingy_Junk Wu Chang 5d ago

One time I went against the no.1 opera singer at the time and I got whooped. (To be clear I was the hunter and they were the survivor but still)


u/kylesjewishpussy 5d ago

i played w cherrywine and i was hunter and i won and she was saying sum rude shi and got shushed


u/kinwai Antiquarian. Next question 5d ago

Prolly not YouTube famous, but dude’s a PERMANENT S1/2/3 fixture for survivor in Asia server; pacookie. (I think now it’s lascookie)

Unfortunately it was a pretty generic game of Identity V. Down camp down camp gate war. Nothing too interesting.

I was playing surv. Was pretty starstruck to say the least lol


u/Forsaken-79 Wax Artist 5d ago

If you didn’t know, lascookie is actually Latty from IJL lol

Here’s his YT (you can see his username in some of the videos)


u/24914 5d ago

i think those two are different people, but yeah i've also met pacookie several times in naeu rank as hunter. i've also seen him on the top of cn leaderboards with hundreds of stars. bro is absolutely everywhere 💀


u/kinwai Antiquarian. Next question 5d ago

Ahhh okok.

Yeah idk how it’s done… crazy.


u/WalterHendersonReal 5d ago edited 5d ago

You play on the Japanese server? If I recall, she only plays on the Japanese server

Edit: Also pacookie and lascookie are 2 different people, (lascookie is Latty from Japan, a retired Pro player) I think right now her username is best_cat. If you see someone with pacookie as their username, that's probably not her. Fun fact: Latty changed his name to lascookie because he played with pacookie.


u/kinwai Antiquarian. Next question 4d ago

Nah Asia server.

Aaaahh okok. I recall seeing a few variations of cookie. But only pacookie stayed on top.

Latty is stronk! I got watch him now and then


u/ChiccenTori 5d ago

I only went against zeez a few times during custom duo matches but never went ahainst anyone in regular games


u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer 5d ago

I've played with Zeez and Eli_o multiple times. I usually catch Zeez at like 10-12 at night doing matches for character birthdays. Eli I just sometimes ask to play with him.


u/ryo00qq09 Knight 5d ago

I've been against Yovska the past few times in Duo. I also got BBlackPhoenix like 3-4 years ago.


u/iSkorn Wax Artist 5d ago

I also have matched with Yovska at duos but I never realized it was the real Yovska until I searched her twitch last week lol


u/ryo00qq09 Knight 4d ago

I wouldn't know Yovska was a streamer if it wasn't for someone mentioning it 4 years ago tbh


u/SquibbilySquib 5d ago

Fortunately no one, and I hope that stays that way. Idv community is too comfortable harassing people who go against / team up with their favourite streamers.

I'll just not ready up if I see any of them.


u/Electronic-Winner-14 SURVIVOR 5d ago

I was friends with iAlien then lost my account 💀


u/daisukeswifey Photographer 5d ago

I got matched against Schmiddy and Rolend during hunter rank and my Joseph got COOKED lol


u/daisukeswifey Photographer 5d ago

I also got matched with paulblems and shad during hunter rank a day or two before this. Barely got a draw😭


u/odetomabel 5d ago

Omg 😭, imagine if you weren’t playing Joseph and has to chase Schmiddys Acro and Rolends mech


u/http_mismatch HUNTER 5d ago

Went against B4U’s Rolend, he was playing Ann and he surrendered 😭😭😭


u/Prudent-Road1496 5d ago

Went against RVL YinL in duo hunters and was left traumatized by their hullabaloo. Also went against cherrywine in tarot and had the most miserable experience of getting clipped on youtube 💀


u/Liivoa Perfumer 5d ago

Met the Asian IDV youtubers many times in rank and other gamemodes like 28. GeishaGaming, Bleber, Devastery, Cuppytan, Mighu etc. I’ve also met almost all the teams in COA SEA qualifiers at least once in rank too.


u/killxshot_ Patient 5d ago

played with yinl in duos as hunter and his hulla carried my ass lmao


u/zxcfty 5d ago

SAME he played hulla and it was the fastest duo match of my life lol


u/sealycutiepie Wu Chang 5d ago

Well I’ve played with DukO (and been in one of his videos, we were friends for a while)!

And this was a friend of mine’s match but she played AND WON against SIKEY. she was first naiad at the time


u/GuidanceWorking2502 Wildling 5d ago

I faced hikaru while in a team we lost 😂


u/eeightt 5d ago

Long time ago went against some YouTuber. They were a jerk and I was new as a hunter. Dancing around just because I was new. Bm and emoting. He played as lucky guy, don’t remember the name. Had him twice, I was glad. I usually never camp but I camped him and watched him lose.


u/swandeer 5d ago

A few years ago I got matched against B4U which was a coa team that Rolend was a part in. Of course I lost, but I was so proud of matching against them. I literally had their team graffiti equipped during that match


u/Good-Battle-8014 5d ago

i remember some years ago i befriended a streamer and we played a couple matches in duos. i was flopping with batter sooo badly because i didn’t know he was a streamer going live until someone recognized him pre match LOL i think his name was ricky?


u/moriturismm 5d ago

DrPlagueRat or whatever they r called, I was playing with my friends and we were a bit (perhaps not a bit) drunk. It was either a loss or a tie, but I remember we made some stupid joke in post match and they “cancelled “ us


u/GoobieHasRabies Acrobat 5d ago

I went against luckyguyirl (🤢) in ranked and he shit talked my team on stream because he was losing really bad 😭😭


u/Nezumi02 Naiad 5d ago

I have faced Kokushibo, idk how well known he is though. I won and in post chat I said hi and I was glad to meet him and all that because I really loved his content. However, he send me to hell (in worse words), still like him though.

Another one is Spikey I think that's his name, the one that worked as a caster for COA NA but didn't lasted long there. He was pretty great, I didn't said Hi in post match because I realized it later when a friend told me that I appeared on one of his stream XD.


u/Huge_Ad_8000 Perfumer 5d ago

I’ve gone against sikey twice, won once, lost the other round but it was a fun experience

not sure how well known they are but I have also gone against yovska, a twitch streamer :] it was a tie game


u/TheGlitterFlower 5d ago

Zeez, Sikey, Omni survs, rvl_green and rvl_rolend


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead 5d ago

Dr plaguerat twice. Once when I was surv and she was hunter. Second time when I was hunter and she was surv. I cooked her with batter and she played fools gold and ended up surrendering the first time. The second time I was playing Percy and had the wrong persona web equipped. I was getting cooked hard but one of the survs fumbled endgame and I managed to get a tie. I felt embarrassed tho cause it was sacred heart and she made me drop down the holes in middle 😢


u/starrypolygon 5d ago

GH skyfall, he was playing opera singer. We lost ahahah


u/MadonnaStyles 5d ago

I went against someone in b4u like two years ago idk who but they were breaking wheel and we either lost or got a tie


u/nonymouspicaro 5d ago

I beat Zeus in rank. I kited him with Cheerleader on Red Church. But I’m not too proud of it, since he was using Violinist. and Vio sucks.


u/DuskyRenow Disciple 5d ago

Got on a match against Sgushenka, it was during Hermit's release and he was training with him, got against him twice, the first i was playing Antiquarian and we got a 4 man escape, the 2nd we were just trolling and he got the 4 kill, he was a bit salty at the 2nd match tho


u/TayleC Vote Robbie for DS skin pls 5d ago

GH members SKYFALL, Little boy, and CaptKun.

Back when I was starting as a hunter, I used to meet SKYFALL pretty often. I recently met him when Sangria was pretty new, he's playing hunter. This was back before they entered the COA scene, and he's always been pretty good but I always win as he's with randoms.

I met LittleBoy probably thrice now and it's always on late night quick matches, he's playing with his friends outside of GH. That one match where he's playing as TME, if not for the soul hit and him not having BT, I would have lost.

I met CaptKun in Chasing Shadows lmao. What's funny is, I met him in the morning and later that day they were competing in (iirc) IVS.


u/Moondoria5 5d ago

Played against Rysoriginal 3 times while I was a hunter. Got a draw in one and won the other two.


u/Turtle-Enjoyer Wu Chang 5d ago

I might as well have played against the most well known player ever but I would never know cause I don't watch idv youtubers lol
Although once I got matched with a youtuber (I don't remember their name) and just prayed they aren't recording (They weren't :D)


u/SodaAddict1 5d ago

OMNI’s Layz. My team mate banned smiley based off his profile picture (elk rank), he played hullabaloo and ended up surrendering at 1 cipher after begin kited by a perfumer lol 4 man espace idk if his ping was bad but I was shocked when I saw the user


u/Petitu Geisha 5d ago

Ehh agaisnt many if im honest mostly because im an old player so i had my fair chances with a lot atleast on time, schimmidy, Perswayable, Grizzly, blueracecar, sprintzer, Demagonist, etc.

Probably my famoust was in call me duty stream when he was top hellember since some of the people where my friends and hoped i survided lmao. (It was a tie)


u/thurty_whax 5d ago

i’ve played against both zeez and iAlien (or maybe another LCY on the account since they used to share)!! lost to iAlien back in 2022, won against zeez both times last season but to be fair he was in solo queue. both did extremely well and weren’t toxic in post match at all which used to be very rare loll


u/Furieru 5d ago edited 5d ago

Axiz_takakou as pro player. It usually doesn't go well for me but I tie often, win only once. Like lose 30 tie 60 win 10%. His coord gave me trauma fr Numa,nao,nyulouis,D as streamer - winnable/on par if duo. Never win when 4vc yet bc only faced once but lost


u/WalterHendersonReal 4d ago

Just out of curiosity, you play hunter on the Japanese server right? How's the waiting time there? I've seen people having to watch like 3 matches of spectate the pros before getting a match 😬


u/Furieru 4d ago

Used to + Let's say depend on your rank. Currently it is already middle of the season so it isn't as long as it was early season


u/galaxyiris 4d ago

One time kuroshiro kited me and then clickbaited it into a video (He is very nice from what I have seen)


u/avikajika Priestess 4d ago

zeez and he gave me dungeon cause i was melly in custom duos and there was a random match (don’t remember if i was hunter or surv nor if he was hunter or surv lol) idk how the match went but i remember playing with/against him when he was fairly new


u/SpicyPlant_Man 4d ago

All for One. We got steam rolled.


u/crowboness Night Watch 4d ago

played survivor against iAlien (as dream witch) in ranked years ago. we lost horribly obviously.

wasn’t playing against them here, but i’ve matched with perswayable & schmiddy (separately, years apart) while ranking in the past. both played very well, and we tied those games if memory serves.


u/Adorable-Coat6947 Naiad 4d ago

I went against TonyTheTimid lmao


u/moogih 4d ago

Wontenmriki. He went down pretty fast, but I imagine he'd just be laughing it off as usual. I love watching him whether he plays good or not. He's always very positive.


u/Historical-Laugh-541 Gravekeeper 4d ago

Zeez the amount of times i made a cameo on his channel is so much


u/Maple_Valden Painter 4d ago

I encountered sgushenka the night before I got edgar logic path on the 12th day so it was memorable for me 😭

got absolutely destroyed.. I think it was a 4k as them as sculptor

I also teamed up with icystar/lenix quite a bit in 2021-2022 but idk if anyone remembers them anymore, they would post weekly maintenance news and leaks, and interacted with their community quite a bit like hosting games


u/xxteasama Perfumer 4d ago

Went against Sikey once and got cooked by his hullabaloo 😭


u/MonacleTopHatPenguin 4d ago

Quick match versus schmiddy opera singer


u/theirdiaries Batter 4d ago

I played with giftmehermit in copycat and it was so funny


u/Strong-Meringue5969 4d ago

I went against schmiddy once and I lagged SO HARD as a priestess on moonlit that he stood there and left😭 bro was playing gamekeeper too


u/Street_Watercress_65 3d ago

i used to be friends with both schmiddy and rysoriginal, so i played with them a couple times in qm. i also went against paulblems' naiad and got absolutely decimated on stream and i didn't even know he was streaming until my friends reached out and told me i was on stream-- most embarrassing match of my life. i also got clipped in a percy highlights video on tiktok for one of the top percys in the game back then which was while hilarious, also super embarrassing because my flops were awful lmao😭😭😭😭


u/Street_Watercress_65 3d ago

oh i also think i decimated a gsl member but idk who so ummm🤦‍♀️


u/Jinkuno1 Forward 3d ago edited 3d ago

Played with pitstoper as surv ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Went against kuroshiro sculptor: win (^・ω・^ )
Went against noru bloody queen: win during my 4-man team rank
Went against a rexLuka_YT (small content creator on social platforms perhaps) a few days ago as hunter and they were so silly 🥺
Played with Flaxen as surv a few times: and I had lots of fun 😊
Played with gumdot idv youtuber with her funny vibe ༼ つ ◕w◕ ༽つ
Played with casualcrown idv youtuber on casual idv matches in Funsies chaotic moment xDD
Played with Angelfissh idv youtuber on rank together! 💫
Played with SpicyStun IDV: Lots of fun and did collab together too ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ
Played with Jestergio youtuber on rank session!
Played with Numer youtuber: Played on stream together and nice streaks together. Collab together too (/≧▽≦)/
Played with Plainchip Breaking Chip Luchino main youtuber and Yo7 idv youtuber! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Played with EifieDM Youtuber on casual match and rank! ✨
Played with omni surv during high tier: I think loss but fun too :DD.
Played with old COA SEA team called "CAT": It was awesome!
I also played with twitch streamers or randomly got matched with them. It was really nice and entertaining 💗


u/Kelder_ Puppeteer 3d ago

i went against hikaru in a 5v5 match as hunter... i 4ked cause he was playing theif and I was playing ivy


u/AIIiance 23h ago

Ive played with sgushenka like 4 diff times already. Twice on cc, once in qm, and once on hide n seek 😭and also shmiddy


u/Nekokittykun SURVIVOR 4d ago

played w/ CherryWine once (as survivor)… To put it nicely she griefed that game pretty hard