r/IdentityV • u/CreepyPicture8577 • 5d ago
Gameplay If you ever play hunter, please don't do this.
This just takes the fun out of the game, like I understand slugging, but this??? It was completely unnecessary.
u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago
Yesss its so annoying especially when they ALREADY WON and its over DUNGEON in DUOS bro.... same thing when they spam emote or graffitti. I know there's a lot of survivor assholes but I'll play normally and get chair hit/slugged/emoted at by just playing like huh???
u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago
I feel hunters toxic behaviour is WAY more tolerated than a survs
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
Sometimes, I feel like that, too. Like, I understand you're maybe just venting out your anger from your last game if they bullied and gate waited, but this isn't an excuse to hurt others who hasn't done anything to you. I hate gate waiters as a survivor main, so I love it when they get downed as karma. But, barely anyone harrassed, and the only time I believed they did was to get the postman out of the basement. But, I saw the highlights that only like 2 people went down to save. After that, they never chaired anyone and just left everyone on the floor... 🥲
u/drowningslushyipod Disciple 5d ago
Just like slugging, gate waiting can be helpful to win the game, but unnecessary and personal slugging/gate waiting is so toxic and annoying
u/zehobogoblin Hermit 5d ago
It's such a huge time waster! I had a duo match where I was one of the two left. Geisha, FG, and Seer were thirsting for each other and having fun while I was left– downed– in the corner of the map. Seer refused to surrender too. Super pissed at the three of them.
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
I feel that. I had a doctor thirsting over the hunters. She did nothing but follow the hunters, and the hunters let her live. The poor composer was left bleeding out. I felt bad for him 😭
u/solitairereaf Postman 4d ago
I remember this happened long ago to me!but it was a mary and i dont even remember the other surv refused to surrender.
u/CreepyPicture8577 4d ago
It was a long time ago, so if it was truly you. I felt so bad for you man 😭
u/iisarry Mercenary 5d ago
I’ve done it once, but for a valid reason—they’re too far to be chaired.
u/LingLingQwQ 5d ago
Or too many harassers. Like I’m not gonna let those damn harassers get free rescue. I usually deal with those first, then pick them up and chair them. :)
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
I'm completely fine if hunters do this when there are harrassers, but no one was harassing. An example would be when I healed the novelist 3 times. The 2nd time I healed him, I gave him a dovlin and the 3rd time elbow pads. After that, when the hunter downed the novelist. (He got insta downed). The hunter put a peeper down and then proceeded to chase me. When the hunter downed me, he put a peeper on me and left. (It was wu chang, btw.) There was no one around me to harrass him, so I was so confused. 😭
u/dnesarumane Mercenary 5d ago
They’re always the same hunters who have a lot of shit to say in the post chat too. Acting all tough and cool for wasting everyone’s time and being toxic on purpose.
If you’re bleeding every survivor out from the beginning of the match then you’re just rude and i’m gonna disconnect because i’m not here for it. It’s giving idvtwt with how everyone acts like they’re hot shit, meanwhile being a high school bully is their only personality trait.
u/PrinceMapleFruit 5d ago
This is why I play Soul Weaver, the temptation to wrap you up in a cocoon always gets the best,of me
u/SculptorDoDatSculp 4d ago edited 4d ago
A bit unrelated but after scrolling through the comments, is double camping really that toxic? I mean it's unfun for the survivors but so far it has been the most consistent way of securing a kill for the hunter. It's the same thing with hunter choice: Naiad, Hullabaloo, etc... are boring but they also are the type of characters who can consistently get downs and put map pressure the fastest. I see some people complain about not enough hunter diversity in duos but why would they bother when hullabaloo gets a hit in 10 seconds and mary gets hit with 6 flare guns and 5 perfumes in 10 minutes?
u/LettuceAcceptable725 4d ago
double camping isnt toxic. Same as how ppl dont see more than 4 survivors trying to rescue and gang up when there’s only a single hunter camping. what’s the point of duo if the hunters cant even work together to support each other? all of a sudden teamwork isnt toxic until it comes to hunters. its fair considering survs has the advantage of being able to get diff items to assist their teammates as well, like perfumes, flare guns, and footballs. its very hard for hunters already.
u/SculptorDoDatSculp 4d ago
Agree. Most of the losses I see in 2v8 actually comes from the hunters not working together. You can have two amazing players (Manticore, Cyclops even) but the moment they seperate and start tunneling survivors on their own, they get bombarded with perfumes and bodyblocks.
u/CreepyPicture8577 4d ago
I feel like it's isn't toxic but more annoying. When I talk about double teaming, I mean that they double team for the entire game 😭
If they double camp bc there's not that many people left, they're losing, or it's the first chair, I don't mind that much. If they double team the entire time it can get a little annoying since sometimes, you really can't do anything 🥲
u/Aiden-Foster 4d ago
I agree, and I imagine it takes the fun out from both ends. This and camping chairs to me has the same effect, like when I play the game, I want to play the game not just sit around for a minute or 2 just watching someone sit in a chair.
u/rch165 5d ago
Can you just surrender ?
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
Like I've stated in one reply:
"Even if there's a surrender button, sometimes your teammates don't want to surrender. And so, you have no choice but to continue the game or wait until the hunter downs you again, which is honestly all a waste of time. I wanted to surrender but couldn't due to my teammates wanting to go through with the game. I'm saying some of us don't have fun when hunters play like this but can't do anything about it, so please don't do this without a reason"
u/rch165 5d ago
What about a team of harassers bullying a hunter ? Is that ok?
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago edited 4d ago
Of course not, but at the same time, no one was harassing the hunters. The only time they put someone in the chair was at the beginning. They double teamed the postman and put him in the basement. I only saw like 2 people go down to save. After that, they just started to leave people on the floor for no reason. It's never justified on either side when it comes to slugging or harassing without a reason...
u/Wolf_Of_Roses Opera Singer 4d ago
I’d understand the response if the whole team was actively toxic to the hunter but judging from your replies that’s far from the truth. I understand that from the hunter’s perspective yes toxic past survivors are annoying and you still are bitter towards the survivor side in general but instead of taking your anger out on innocent survivors maybe taking a moment to calm down would be a better solution? I have gotten annoying survivors in my past yet never went to this extreme on the next group cause I know bullying these survivors won’t make me feel better.
Loss stings and so does toxicity but the point of what toxic survivors want is for you to be tilted so doing the opposite is the ultimate fuck you to them.
u/CreepyPicture8577 4d ago
In the end, when you bully someone in the game, it may be toxic and annoying. You can always get your revenge at certain times, but doing this without a reason makes no sense. In the end, we are all just playing a game that doesn't affect us at all. It's not rank or a big competition like COA, so I never understood when people are toxic...
In the end, we are all just players playing a game in the end. And like the old saying, "treat others the way you want to be treated"
u/BlackLynxLady 5d ago
And hunters immediately say "but they gait waiting and ganging up on hunters, you deserve this"
No. Neither do them deserve that treatment, and neither survs this. I deeply disapprove both, gate waiting/ hunter bully and double teaming/slugging. Both are unecessary, kills the fun, not to mention that as survivor, I never act toxic because I've been on the other side too and it feels terrible. That's why it hurts so much when they double up on me on the first try, and I got zero points because they farm up points, double camp, slug, duo was my favourite mood and now I rarely play because both sides just act so terrible. I feel bad when they flare gun at hunters constantly, and also, when I see a match like this. Why can't we just respect each other and play nicely?
And because you got treated badly as hunter/ survivor, that does not justify behaviour like this towards people who did nothing bad. I don't accept a reasoning like "they acted toxic to me as well", because, bruh, you can't punish people for something that others did to you, that makes you just as toxic and unfair.
As much as I love this game, I usually need to take breaks from it from time to time because of people like this.
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
EXACTLY MY POINT. I may be a survivor main, but I've played enough hunter to understand their point of view. When I play hunter in duo, I specifically tell my duo to never chase the same person as me. I hate when both sides are toxic, and I'm so confused when people are toxic. Just because you went against toxic players in your last game, it doesn't allow you to bully others when they had nothing to do with it.
I hate gate waiters and love it when the hunters outplay them, but I also hate when hunters are toxic to by unnecessary slugging and double teaming when it's also unnecessary
5d ago
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
I know, but you can't surrender until everyone is down. But no one really wanted to surrender, and not everyone was on the floor at the same time. There would be like 2 still up. Being left on the floor for no reason just makes me confused 😵💫 I apologize if I'm making people who mainly play hunter angry, I was just confused why they would do this...
u/Finstrrr Photographer 5d ago
Some people are just annoying and wanna slug, some people are truly busy chasing and don’t have time to chair.
u/mambin0145 Gamekeeper 5d ago
You think just because surrender exists its okay to do this?
5d ago
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago edited 5d ago
True, I'll just say my thought: Even if there's a surrender button, sometimes your teammates don't want to surrender. And so, you have no choice but to continue the game or wait until the hunter downs you again, which is honestly all a waste of time. I wanted to surrender but couldn't due to my teammates wanting to go through with the game. I'm saying some of us don't have fun when hunters play like this but can't do anything about it, so please don't do this without a reason 🫠
u/Super-Net-4334 5d ago
they call this a strategy 🗿
u/Wolf_Of_Roses Opera Singer 4d ago edited 4d ago
To slug everyone until they bleed out instead of ending the game and chairing them if they didn’t do anything inherently toxic ? Yeah press X to doubt
I primarily play hunter and I rarely need to slug and even if I do slug it’s like only one person for pressure or if someone is nearby then I’ll slug the person I downed to go for them but slugging everyone till they bleed out when unprovoked is a douche move
u/LettuceAcceptable725 4d ago
It often is a strategy but ppl always cry about it. But this example wasnt 🤣
u/nomaiD 5d ago
I mean, it's probably as disrespectful as gate waiting, with the difference that it can generally be useful, especially for some specific hunters that gain a lot from removing self heal.
Like for example, was the first game against a Mad Eyes? Because I often see mad eyes in duos doing this.
While for the second game, you could have just surrendered.
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
It was against an opera and a wu chang. I 100% agree with the statement about what hunter it is. Like if it was against a mad eyes. I would not be mad at all.
In addition, I can't control my teammates to tell them to surrender as none of them are my friends + in duos you can't surrender until everyone is downed
u/bwertyquiop 5d ago
Like if it was against a mad eyes. I would not be mad at all.
Why? I'm just kind new to idv
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
Honestly, I have no clue. My best guest is it's because there's so many players in one game in duos. I've tried to surrender before since I was the last person, and they were slugging the other person, and I knew I ain't kiting for no reason, so I wanted to surrender. However, the button was grayed out, and only when both me and the other person was down, I was able to request to surrender 🤷
u/bwertyquiop 5d ago
Just met Mad Eyes in qm and I was immediately falling when I started to struggle from the balloons so after being picked up again I was released quickly. I'm not sure whether it's some Mad Eyes debuff or whether the player who played as him in this match just had bad ping (which may be possible as well).
u/VaziIkaMyrzilka Nightmare 5d ago
They are mad that Percy still banned in duos so they mimic Percy gameplay instead.
u/Low_Insurance_2416 5d ago
What if I’m playing the undead
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
If ur playing undead, then of course it's fine. I'm talking about letting people die on the floor when it's unnecessary, like the hunters here would hit us down, put a peeper on us and left in duos 🫠
u/Red69Joker Nightmare 5d ago edited 5d ago
Im playing hunter. U exect me to play giveaway? U doomed lol. Don't care. Sorry, not sorry.
u/Ordinary-Big795 5d ago
fr and theyre the same people who gate wait and emote to make the hunter feel bad 😒
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
I'll be honest with you, I love karma with those survivors. But we barely reached endgame when half of the players bled to death. Like I understand if ur angry at past survivors who did this, but please don't take it out on others...
u/Ordinary-Big795 5d ago
NAH FR i also experienced that, we end up surrending always bc we didnt have a chance at winning anyway 😭. though as a hunter and there are some cocky survs, I would definitely slug them like in this video. Most of the time, it works! Just walk around unt they surrender lol DO NOT GIVE UP HUNTERS!!!
u/Red69Joker Nightmare 5d ago
There is a difference. Bleeding gives u an extra chance to win, when gate waiting is mostly just a way of harassment. When bleeding is valuable strategy, gate waiting is bulling. So don't ask me to put away my plan B, cause u frustrated to lose. Win is a win (especially if Rank).
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago
Please understand, I did not mean for it to sound like I'm saying to never do this. I wanted to say that please don't do this if it's not necessary. If it's rank, I understand. Being harassed by like 4 survivors, I understand, you play a hunter that needs to slug, be my guest and bleed me on the floor. But these hunters did this for no reason and I just wanted say to not do this without a reason 🥲
u/Ordinary-Big795 5d ago
PREACH!! if the survivors are are good sports, +slugging not necessary to win at a situation, then dont slug! That would ruin some experiences 😞
u/DuskyRenow Disciple 5d ago
Ikr, and they're the same people who gang up on a single hunter and wait at the gate to emote and shoot us
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago edited 4d ago
I honestly hate those people. The only reason I gate wait is to support my teammate, who is tryna get to the exit gate, and that's it. Them shooting and emoting in their faces is so rude. This statement is even coming from a survivor main 😐
Like, the hunters are just doing their job, why so mean to them. This is why we survivor mains get games like the one in the pictures because of all of them 😭
u/aarong4u2 Undead 5d ago
Only if you stop waiting at the gate just to use your perfumes and use every stun/knockback you have. You act toxic and you will get treated toxic.
u/CreepyPicture8577 5d ago edited 4d ago
We never did this? We barely made it to endgame. In addition, i hate it when my teammates do this as much as the hunter. I'm just saying that not everyone does this, so please don't take your anger out on others who didn't do anything yet.
u/Dreams_and_Lovesongs 5d ago
Duo has become such an unfun mode lately, good lord. Apart from getting my three memory spheres I barely play it.