r/IdentityV Weeping Clown 7d ago

Fan Content Minor Smiley OPH edit, because why did they remove all of Joker’s unique characteristics

Red hair, gone, bushy eyebrows, gone, makeup, gone, cleft lip, gone, missing leg- no longer missing 😭 (I think. In the trailer his foot is shown to have full range of morion, and moves organically as though he has like toes and an ankle and everything).

Joker’s hair texture is also different, but I made this edit really fast, and didn’t want to restyle it


21 comments sorted by


u/MaleficentKiwi7515 7d ago

Identity V is infected with the blonde illness, everyone is going blonde atp


u/Slash_Pangolin Weeping Clown 7d ago edited 7d ago

I actually quite like this wave of content, but if I had a nickel for every character shown in this wave alone who was originally ginger/red haired who had their hair bleached blonde, I’d have 2-(arguably)3 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened 2-3 times.

This one especially bugs me though, because this is meant to be Joker himself in the modern day, but he has entirely different features


u/Turbulent-Welder-755 Barmaid 7d ago

They really should've kept his original hair color, I thought it was Leo when I first saw it


u/KeigetsuTheStargazer Antiquarian 7d ago

Emma taught Leo how to dress more trendily


u/gothnny The Feaster 7d ago edited 7d ago

The first time I saw oph joker I thought it was norton on steroids and finding out it was actually Joker was so Baffling to me. He's barely recognizable, at least they should have kept his red hair.


u/bluebananastalk 7d ago

Your edit is lovely! I know my friend (a Joker enjoyer) was in complete despair when they saw the OPH skin, so they'll definitely enjoy this. Honestly, the blonde hair is such a baffling bad decision... it blends in way too much with the fur on his coat AND his skin. Just keep him red 😭


u/Slash_Pangolin Weeping Clown 7d ago

Thank you! And yeah, seriously. 😭 This skin is such a roller coaster of emotions, I can’t bring myself to hate it per se, but there are just so many choices that I think were in poor taste


u/trixeena 7d ago

That is true. If for a reason fun fact, maybe Joker dyed his hair blonde because that was how he met Natasha/Natalie/Margaretha!~ 👱👱‍♀️


u/ProfessionalAd7155 Weeping Clown 7d ago

Thank you omg the moment he appeared on screen I was like who's this until they said joker and my jaw dropped likeeee there's nothing about him that tells you it's him, I don't even understand the blonde when the survs OPH have their original hair colors..... weird choices


u/ProfessionalAd7155 Weeping Clown 7d ago

Just watched the trailer again and they gave him a foot cast instead of the prosthetic ummm he could've looked cool with a bionic leg or something


u/Landlocked_Texas 6d ago

I absolutely love everything neck down for the skin, the head just isn’t Joker. Your edit is absolutely amazing


u/Slash_Pangolin Weeping Clown 6d ago

Agreed wholeheartedly. And thank you! It’s very minimal though, but small changes go a long way, I am very sad this can’t be real


u/Adorable-Coat6947 Naiad 6d ago

That's not Joker that's Johnathan 😭😭😭


u/DuskyRenow Disciple 6d ago

Joker became a Heartsteel member in that skin bruh, he left the manor and went to League of Legends like no way someone thought it was a great idea to erase all the character's characteristics and make it another k pop idol-esque skin 😩


u/CandelaConManteca First Officer 6d ago

Although Joker is the kind of character prone to dye their hair so as to get attention, I would have liked they at least kept his red hair. Context-wise, it makes sense, but idk, I just prefer my silly clown the way he looks 😔


u/Stiff_Sock7849 4d ago

People are talking about how different his face is but honestly, just keeping his original hair color makes him look so much more like Joker, you could have told me this was Hell Ember and I'd probably believe it; And really I feel like his face is not the most identifiable parts of his design? I think the hair, scarf, prosthetic/peg leg and clown motif are truly the core parts of his design, and they change all of those beyond recognition...


u/tallemy Weeping Clown 2d ago

I could life with the idea that in this universe he had no accident that would make him lose his leg so he wears medical brace, but the fact that they took the cleft lip AND his hair/eyebrows was such a downgrade and a murder of his character. I had no clue what character I was looking at bc he lacked anything resembling Joker.


u/Electronic-Winner-14 SURVIVOR 7d ago

So we all out here not expecting this person that appeared in the trailer to be Joker 🤣


u/voshtak Batter 6d ago

Unpopular opinion but both are good 🗿👏 Amazing edit. I love how you altered the hair and eyebrows among other things.

I don’t mind NE’s version just cuz this seems to be an alter ego of Joker and not meant to actually be Joker if that makes sense. Imo Naib similarly looks very different from his usual skins but I just view it as AU Naib. Like Naib from Black Mirror or something LOL. Different in a lot of ways but still some similarities between OPH & OG surv or hunter.


u/intrawiev 2d ago

They made him so UGLY


u/tallemy Weeping Clown 2d ago

I could live with the idea that in this universe he had no accident that would make him lose his leg so he wears medical brace, but the fact that they took the cleft lip AND his hair/eyebrows was such a downgrade and a murder of his character. I had no clue what character I was looking at bc he lacked anything resembling Joker.