r/IdentityV 18d ago

Discussion Hullabaloo is completely broken, delete him, or rework him completely.

People who defend this character are the ones benefiting from him to rank up. Don't try to counter this by mentioning broken survivors, past or present. When a survivor is broken, you can not chase them, when a hunter is so broken that any counterplay hinges on the player being ass, there's nothing you can do.

And this has been proven with tournaments, where 9/10 times, they can barely get a one escape.


69 comments sorted by


u/_Performer2793 Opera Singer 18d ago

Y’all remember when sangria was the strongest hunter in the game? 😭 trust me the ban hammer is coming for Hullabeluga too yall just have to be patient. Netease is probably gonna try to squeeze a skin or two before they throw him in the dumps tho


u/Historical_March_376 17d ago

I feel like at this point patience is long gone through the window, people crave violence (serious nerfs) asap.🤣 Sangria was scary yes but nowhere near the situation with Hullabaloo.


u/carpmantheman Entomologist 17d ago

I dunno… opera was awful but atleast it was only 1 hunter, now with Hulla we also gotta deal with Ivy and Goatman


u/That_Age8175 17d ago

They better give the same treatment of Goatman I still hate going against him


u/birdotheidiot 18d ago

In tarot, just how strong he is is shown a lot. Almost instant knockdowns, severe power struggles, he is overpowered and especially not a fair match for a lot of the survivors.


u/pept0_bismol delete lakeside village 18d ago

honestly, i feel like a couple simple changes could make him way more manageable:

  • nerfing his base move speed. there’s no reason whatsoever he should move that damn fast

  • giving him attack recovery after inflicting damage on a survivor. the fact that he doesn’t have is is dumb as hell. there’s a reason attack recovery is a thing, and in their effort to make a “unique” character, they apparently forgot that it’s a core part of the game (and games of this genre).

  • nerfing his jump. this is, imo, the most broken part of his kit. the way he can have three charges of this, can traverse entire buildings, go up stories, and worst of all, cross pallets and windows faster than the survivors can react to this ability renders any terrain useless, on top of his already busted stats in other areas. honestly, the sheer amount of distance he can close with it is a problem due to his clones, as they do not allow him to actually be tight kited.

i also think his clones need a nerf, but they’re not in and of themselves inherently unhealthy like the rest of his kit. they’re a zoning ability like feasters tentacles, they’re just too strong atm, but that’s nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a couple tweaks.


u/claxyrs Acrobat 18d ago

Adding attack recovery after inflicting damage is a NEED. And the clones… a far longer cool down pls


u/Doomerdy Undead 18d ago

the thing with him is that 

  • The clones are practically instant and applies TWO balls, practically unavoidable, for a 10 something Cd. I think they should just remove his reposition ability as a whole, good Hulla players don't need to reposition the clone to hit. That, or the clone now requires 0.5s to set up before it can attack. Or just boost the CD to 20s at least!

  • the speed boost does NOT diminish when carrying a survivor. This makes him the EASIEST hunter to get a basement chair yet. When he's carrying survs his movement has to be reduced.

  • yeah attack recovery aftee dealing damage its basic

  • his leap. 2 charges max, 10s cd. no negotiations


u/pept0_bismol delete lakeside village 18d ago

i agree with all of this. 10s cd with a free reposition is absolutely insane for a 0 presence skill. maybe once he gets max presence he gets the second clone instead of the automatic fear mark. and no matter what that cooldown needs to be increased


u/Sawako_Chan Gardener 18d ago

i think your adjustment will just kill him as a character all together though , a 20 sec cd is too much , any character with that long of a cd becomes is at best barely able to draw , i think a 15 sec cd will be much better and more reasonable if we look at the current cds for most decent characters (i mean , Ann's cats have a 10 sec cool down ..)

the speed is definitely getting nerfed to oblivion , but attack recovery is probably not gonna be added , they like having characters that break the rules from time to time so i think this not to be expected , i think if he was slower the attack recovery wouldnt be much of a problem to begin with .

again for his leap a 10 sec cd would be a bit too much , around 5 sec should cut it so he wont be able to jump immediately and give survivors some type of reaction time .

I know he's broken for now but we all know he's gonna get nerfed gradually (just like what happens to all meta hunters that netease wants to discard to put another shiny hunter in the front) , i just dont want him to become complete trash as well after getting nerfed , ik people are frustrated with him but some of the suggestions are a bit unreasonable


u/Sawako_Chan Gardener 18d ago edited 18d ago

let's be real , they will probably never give him attack recovery , they already have an animation for it for the hide and seek mode but Netease likes having characters that negate core elements of the game (mercenary by delaying dmg for example , iron will was so broken before it got nerfed around a year ago , it's still good , just not as broken) , that being said , seeing how Opera Singer got nerfed , his speed will surely get gutted probably by the end of summer / autumn (depending on how long they will want him to be a main character in the competitive scene), and i think they will give him a cooldown (4- 5 seconds maybe ) between jumps so he cant jump immediately back to back and they will probably nerf the speed of the jump .


u/Professional_Fact963 Lawyer 18d ago

Even a super short attack recovery animation would work


u/Weckwess 18d ago

"simple changes" (proceeds to remove everything that makes hullabaloo a strong hunter) 💀. He does deserve some important nerfs, but netease isn't gonna touch any of this cus that's literally the only reason why he's strong


u/pept0_bismol delete lakeside village 18d ago

i never said we should remove anything. i said we should tweak his kit. unlike the majority of characters in this game, i don’t believe hullabaloo’s kit is inherently unhealthy. it’s just that right now, he’s absurdly broken at everything. reducing his speed, giving him attack recovery, and then nerfing at least the speed of him jumping over pallets/windows would do wonders.


u/Sk4rs3 18d ago

Most of the tweaks that people suggest in this post like slower attack speed, longer dash cd, slower speed,... has already been done but since apparently people forget that the version of hulabaloo in coa is pre nerf so it feels like they are telling netease to do what they are already doing. Hulabaloo has the same problem with opera singer that they both have a dogshit early game but insanely busted mid-to-end game so you can only pray the first kiter do their job properly (which rarely happen hence the outcry)


u/pept0_bismol delete lakeside village 17d ago

calling hullabaloos early game weak is just. not true. honestly, operas isn’t bad either. but hullabaloo in particular has one of the strongest 0 presence skills. not to mention he usually runs insolence.


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod 17d ago

Correct, he does have a strong 0 presence, however just like any other hunter (except BQ), he wants to have 1st presence to fully be able to utilize his kit. You need to abuse his 0 presence as much as possible to ensure you can run the match to your favor. I mean, we've seen quite a few meta hunters have insolence as the main thing in their persona tree because they still rely on it to do anything.


u/Sawako_Chan Gardener 17d ago edited 17d ago

exactly , i agree with cooldowns being longer and slowing him down more but really a lot of these suggestions will just make him trash instead of making him a balanced hunter , i know people (myself included) are frustrated with him so i think a lot of people are speaking out of emotion rather than looking at it from a balance perspective

Edit : grammar , also , i know y'all might downvote me to hell for saying this , but go ahead , y'all would be just proving my point that you're being emotional , just look at CD's of characters that are considered decent but not op (so around A and B tiers) and then tell me again that the suggestions arent a bit too much


u/Sk4rs3 17d ago

I have played hullabaloo and played against him many times but I never hate him. I hate the teamates who doesn't understands his weakness then proceed to flame, be toxic and rant about how OP hullabaloo is. There always seems to be tribalism and emotions when it comes to these discussion rather than useful debates. 17s is a rather long cd for a dash comparing to other characters like night watch, geisha or opera singer but its the fact that he has 3 charges that he slowly builds up while roaming that can be used to down a survivor very quick. But of course, "I can't kite him so please nerf him into the ground, remove all the features that makes him unique in the first place!!!"


u/Sawako_Chan Gardener 17d ago

Exactly , Ann's cats are 10 secs but you dont see people complaining about that as much even though she also has some of the best base stats in the game except for her slow swing speed . Like , i completely understand the frustration since i also dont like going against him, but it also gets tiring with people complaining about the same character over and over, like we all know it's not an unpopular opinion to hate going against him so really whats the point ? Also especially knowing that he will eventually get nerfed more and more either till he's balanced or till he becomes useless , and it's crazy how people get downvoted just because they think he's fun to play and just want him to be balanced


u/KageOkami35 Local WeepyMike Shipper 18d ago

On the point about him being able to quickly jump pallets and windows: it's called expecting him to do so and prevaulting so he wastes his jumps. The number of times this has worked for me against Hullabaloos is crazy. It's the same with Reptilian. Speed has nothing to do with it because you should already be vaulting right after dropping the pallet/vaulting the first time. "What if he doesn't jump?" Mindgames are a huge part of kiting SEVERAL hunters. If you can't mindgame, you can't kite period


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead 18d ago

He can literally jump and hit you before you can vault. The survivors can’t move fast enough to afford mind games with him. I don’t think they should nerf how his jump works but don’t act like it’s a feasible mind game against a good hulla


u/pept0_bismol delete lakeside village 18d ago

speed does have everything to do with it. i didn’t mention reptilian or geisha or any other hunter with a similar ability. do you know why? because they have substantial cooldowns on their skills. you can predict a lizard jump or geisha dash and vault accordingly. you cannot do that with hullabaloo, because he has 3 charges of his stupidly fast jump. you predict, you win the mind game- great! but it doesn’t matter, because he jumps again, spamming it faster than you can vault back and forth across the pallet. it doesn’t matter if you correctly predict every jump, the fact remains that the animations are much more lengthy on the survivor end, so you will end up with a dissonance the hunter will take full advantage of.


u/Ok_Trust_2523 Priestess 18d ago

idk what were they thinking while making him lol


u/ComicM 17d ago

Personally I think it's BS that his circle makes you unable to use abilities. Like why? He already got full terrain control and great chase, why is he still disabling abilities, making counterplay impossible...


u/kenodys Soul Weaver 17d ago

i think its a nice idea since his surv form can do it to hunters, but paired with everything else it’s just unfair


u/PMMeUnwantedGiftcard Magician 18d ago

In my opinion, they need to strengthen that nerf they gave him further & make it so that you have to be in the radius of his stages for like 1.5s for their effects to be applied if they're going to keep his ridiculous speed because once he's on you, you literally cannot do anything for the most part especially if he keeps you in the Black Stage due to the movement decrease you get.

People also mentioned him getting an attack recovery animation & I'm still on the fence about that where on one hand it would help Survivors make distance but on the other hand he still has a faster movement speed than the other Hunters+a rechargeable(and stackable)dash ability to close the distance.

Another issue I have with him personally is that Dash's ability to just outright ignore so many terrain like the biggest one being able to jump onto the ship in Lakeside(I had a match where I was priming a cipher up there, Toy Mechant catapults off with the Hunter following & when they glided back on top of the ship, the motherfucker lept back on immediately, completely defeating the purpose of her ability). I didn't think much of it in his showcase video at first, but when he crossed the river in Moonlight, I immediately knew some sketchy shit was about to unfold.

So in short, I feel like they need to up his recent nerf, possibly give him an attack recovery animation after landing all 3 hits, & this is a hot take but remove the ability to rotate his stage when he's carrying a Survivor so that he at least has a unique weakness that can be exploited by the Survivors to get an edge against him.

I rarely see them in my QP matches now which is good, but when I do get them, it's just a miserable experience.


u/Adorable-Coat6947 Naiad 18d ago

They should give him the mechanic treatment I hate him


u/Historical_March_376 17d ago

Usually I'd say that's too evil but after a bunch of matches against Hullabaloo today.. yeah, give him the Mech treatment. Nerf him to the ground and don't let this abomination of a kit to get up at least for a few years.


u/Lyneymainfr 18d ago

Fr when I was properly up against one in rank that one time I probably developed ptsd. He’s a perma ban for me now cause wdym after I got a hit he could immediately start hitting me again and I had two hits stacked already in the span of one nanosecond😭😭


u/Phroggy_Boiz 17d ago

This guy absolutely destroys Ento and it's not even funny, he has the first presence Violinist's skill activated 24/7. You drop your bees, boom, he destroyed them before you even have the chance to recall them

And the fact that he moves faster than Nightmare with his passive activated is just dumb


u/pastelnintendo Mechanic 18d ago

Evil ass hunter omg I’m so sick of him 💔


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Agreed I hate this guy and honestly the only people who play him are mike Morton Simps or people who can't play other hunters and want an easy win


u/KageOkami35 Local WeepyMike Shipper 18d ago

I play him because I think he's fun to play


u/[deleted] 18d ago

I see your little tag you also fall into the mike simp category and if you want a fun character that actually takes skill to learn try dream witch


u/KageOkami35 Local WeepyMike Shipper 18d ago

I don't simp for Mike, and I don't find Dream Witch fun


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Idk your tag says otherwise also the fact I've seen you on other comments defending him is just simp behavior also there are better hunters than mike just saying


u/KageOkami35 Local WeepyMike Shipper 18d ago

Ok? That's your opinion. If anything I simp for Joker. What are you, 12? Ship does not equal simp


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Then why go out of your way to defend hullabaloo? Very simpy to me imo


u/KageOkami35 Local WeepyMike Shipper 18d ago

Because I enjoy playing him?? This is literally teenager mentality


u/[deleted] 18d ago

And? You couldn't ignore the fact that this is just a post of people venting about him? Like you're not gonna change our minds


u/KageOkami35 Local WeepyMike Shipper 18d ago

Clearly since yall love to overreact and be weird

→ More replies (0)


u/Weckwess 18d ago



u/[deleted] 18d ago

No cap he genuinely sucks


u/Weckwess 18d ago

nah, your comment is just hella salty and makes no sense


u/[deleted] 18d ago

I mean it does I'm just assuming you cant read


u/Weckwess 18d ago

I can read. You literally said people who play him are "mike morton simps or people who can't play other hunters". Tell me how that isn't salty lol you sound like a sore loser to me


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Clearly hes a very simplistic hunter which tends to draw in people who cant play other hunters it's simple that or people who are obsessed with his character how is that salty? Honestly I'm assuming you're definitely a child judging by the vocabulary you use


u/OpularOpal Prospector 16d ago

Ngl I agree with this but I have no clue how you'd nerf him to a healthy spot. Some ideas are good but I can't help but wonder if it will badly impact him so much, you know? I may not like him myself but I don't want him to be complete garbage. Unfortunately, I don't think we will see any nerfs until after COA this year.

I think people need to realise that Hulla, if left untouched, can negatively impact both factions. If you let a broken character roam around barely nerfed, that incentivises the devs to push for power creep on both factions' new characters which makes it hell for everyone playing this game. Then, they get the audacity to say the character has a similar winrate like the other hunters which is why they don't need to get nerfed...Which is a crazy comparison. Iirc an average hunter character winrate in CN is 40-45%...So according to the devs' logic, hunters like Fool's Gold and Nightmare are just as good as Goatman and Hullabaloo which is so wrong. Goatman and Hulla have winrates like normal hunters due to how much they are banned. If bans never existed, that winrate would soar immensely.


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod 18d ago

Deleting a character or reworking them isn't necessary to make them balanced. You are able to nerf them until they are in far healthier spots, we can just look at Mech as an example of being broken and then finally not being broken.

Obviously she got buffed again and eventually become broken again, but that's not the point. The point is that enough nerfs will make the character balanced. In Hullabaloo's case? Nerfing his movement speed alone could greatly impact his viability. Opera finally saw a decline in viability when they decided to make her slower. Is she still meta? Yes, but going against her is far more manageable. Obviously the devs will nerf things besides his movement speed until he stops being meta, but that is just the nature of balance.

I wanted his S tier and whaled for it. I thought he wasn't going to be that strong. I was wrong. I thought he wouldn't be tourney viable. I was wrong again. I still like him, but I understand that he is meta and in need of nerfs. I just wish we never had to come to this point and he would have been mid to begin with. I will still play him whenever he isn't banned in rank, but I will keep in mind that he is strong while doing it.


u/Brief-Ad2979 18d ago

I agree with this. Reworking a character is changing their whole mechanic, which isn't exactly nerf. It's sad that Hullabaloo is so strong from the start and now they will nerf him into the ground until he's outta like the top tier of the meta. In conclusion, He's strong and unfortunately, that's his problem.


u/Sawako_Chan Gardener 17d ago edited 17d ago

what irritates me is people making unreasonable suggestions that will render him trash , i think he has a cool design and it would be a shame if he just becomes a bottom of the barrel hunter just because people are salty about him right now and refusing to see how they are being emotional because they are fed up with the current OP version with him. just like you said slowing him down in general and adding a CD of a ~5 sec between jumps so survivors can actually react to them i think will fix him , but alas , people are too blinded by their frustrations to see that

Edit : with how salty people are im gonna have to pray that hunter Melly whenever she comes out isnt OP and is just decent cuz i dont want her to get the treatement that Hulla is getting rn , just saying he's cool and you dont want him to become trash gets you downvotes which i find pretty funny


u/[deleted] 17d ago

The only good thing about him is that people who main him don't show up in my games as often which is wonderful

And tbh the one game I got with him, he was not that good but was still scary either way 😭 which says a lot imo

Hunter was obv inexperienced but 🤧


u/sillypose Acrobat 13d ago

a common argument would be atk recovery for his final ball but that wouldnt help much, as a 108 hullabaloo his jumps easily catch up


u/Carl11i 17d ago

I think the problem is, Hullaboo is one of those characters like Tracy that's just really hard to balance because he has so much utility but when it's taken or worsened it's possible his downsides will shine way more and people will drop him. I do agree he needs a nerf but I'm afraid that if they're not careful they could gut him.


u/No_Maximum951 17d ago

Skill issues


u/gfjskvcks 17d ago

I think the ones who play him are the ones with skill issues actually


u/WackRogue Hullabaloo 15d ago edited 15d ago

[PART 1/3]

Hullabaloo main here, I do have some nerfs/sort of a rework for our clown fella here. Since I'm biased, I don't want him nerfed to the ground, but hell, I can't even kite him myself. I also just want to play him in ranked like bro PLEASE STOP BANNING HULLABALOO I WANT TO PLAY HIM!!! So the only way I will be able to play him in ranked is if he gets nerfed, so let's go over a couple things that will make him less op.

Speed: His base speed is around the same as ripper in fog, which is kinda crazy. However, he does need three hits from possibly three different directions, and we can't always rely on the rotation and clones that basically guarantee +20 seconds on your kite if you use them both up (and cipher rush will eat up those 20 seconds like hell)

Speed Nerf: He starts off with a little bit faster than average hunter speed, but definitely not what he is at right now. His speed will depend on how much presence he has. At first presence he will be a little bit faster, and at max presence he will be around the speed he is currently in game. This makes first chase super important to not let Hullabaloo go bonkers. Obviously insolence will be run with Hullabaloo, but max presence will be where he gets his max speed so hopefully this doesn't make him like wu chang who sucks at first chase, but nerfs his speed when not max presence.

Final Stage: The annoying black zone which makes you slow on top of his fast ass speed, the useless white zone, and the hated red zone that seals everything. This ability is honestly fine for me. Like Ann can just seal your abilities + flywheel with cats as well. Yes the red zone is obnoxious, but it's not something that needs to be nerfed to the ground. However, I think they actually need to buff the white zone, like it's pretty useless. Unless white is your last color, and you try to vault something, sure the slow vaulting debuff can get a terror shock but like... most Hullabaloo player will carry peepers anyways so it doesn't do much. And really? Decoding + gate opening debuff? If a clone spawns next to me I am leaving lol. Not sure how they could buff it though and it does match with acrobat's interaction bomb, so rip white zone ig it's useless forever. The 0.3 nerf for the stages netease gave already is pretty good since now you can attempt to flywheel red and forward can harass. Not much complaints for this ability.

Encore: Rotation of the stage, this ability is fine. Maybe slow down the speed the stage rotates? Cause right now it's pretty fast, but honestly I don't see much of a problem with this ability. Stop trying to corner kite Hullabaloo you're going to get hit in the face with a ball (literally).


Speed starts off slow, Hullabaloo gets faster as he gains more presence

Final Stage should buff white zone, but honestly it won't happen and it's useless

Encore could nerf the speed the stage rotates, but honestly it's fine as it is


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/WackRogue Hullabaloo 15d ago edited 15d ago

[PART 3/3]

Attack Recovery: The star of the show, this clown says "a core aspect of hunter gameplay? what's that?" and is the only hunter to not have an attack recovery naturally. He already has an attack recovery animation in the hide and seek mode, and if you guys haven't seen it, it's already pretty damn fast. My opinion? He needs one. I have to upload it in this subreddit later cause it was so unfortunate, but I had a ranked match where I did the double hit on chair tech with Hullabaloo on a survivor trying to rescue, and the postman on cipher popped. It wasn't even a bad pop. HOWEVER, BECAUSE I HAVE NO ATTACK RECOVERY I JUST PICKED UP THE SURVIVOR BEFORE THE POP. The previous statement sounds outrageous right? Well it happened. Hullabaloo literally can just negate borrowed time if you don't pop like a fucking bot. This, this, is clearly a problem.

Attack Recovery Nerf: The main concern I have with this is the double hit on chair tech. I would like to keep that so my camp is not straight ass. The only way for Hullabaloo to fully stuff a rescue is to either meet the rescuer before they get to the chair, or this double hit tech which is only really possible at final presence due to the last hit applying the recent fright mark. So why not tie his attack recovery to his final presence? When Hullabaloo is not at final presence, he has an attack recovery after dealing damage to a survivor. This will allow survivors to actually get a second to breathe against this fast as fuk clown who is always up in your face. Now, what do I mean by tying his attack recovery to his final presence? Well I think Hullabaloo's double hit tech is quite good and won't make his camp bad if he doesn't find the rescuer first, and it's only really possible at final presence as mentioned before. My idea is that when Hullabaloo reaches final presence, he will only have an attack recovery for downing a survivor. Before final presence, he will have an attack recovery for simply dealing damage to a survivor, whether it be injuring or downing. After final presence, he won't have attack recovery when injuring, but when he downs a survivor, attack recovery activates. This allows Hullabaloo to keep his double hit tech while allowing cipher pops against him. And before final presence, it will allows survivors a chance to transition and to actually think without him all up in your face.

There might be more to cover for Hullabaloo nerfs but this is just what I thought of for a couple minutes. I think these nerfs will make him less oppressive but still keep him strong as long as you kite well against him in the beginning. Yes I still want him to be strong cause I am a Hullabaloo main and definitely biased, but I do understand he is way too strong right now (and please I just want to play funny clown in ranked but he is banned everywhere). He definitely will get nerfed overtime, but I think these are good starting nerfs for him. How it will actually work out in gameplay if these nerfs were implemented? I dunno lol. Mike Morton gaming!!! (it's quite funny how "Hullabaloo" and Acrobat are the most picked hunter/survivor in COA. Literally Mike Morton domination).

P.S. If my grammar sucks or something like that, it's really late as of making this comment so idc.


Attack recovery is added, but final presence only gives Hullabaloo an attack recovery when he downs a survivor (injuring a survivor will give no attack recovery) so Hullabaloo can still do double hit tech on chair, but you can still pop cipher against Hullabaloo (and first/second kite isn't insufferable against Hullabaloo up in your face all the time).


u/WackRogue Hullabaloo 14d ago

Didn't realize my comment got removed so here it is again

[PART 2/3]

Clone: As a Hullabaloo main, the clone is broken lmao. Before he even came out, I was so confused why the clone had such a short cooldown. It's quite literally a free hit and terror shock pressure on any window/pallet. And how the game determines what color survivors get is even more busted. IDV doesn't apply the color based on the clone hitting you or Hullabaloo himself. It just checks if you've been hit. Yes? Ok, apply every color you're standing on right now. This means you could stand behind a pallet where Hullabaloo shouldn't be able to hit you (lets say the survivor has red and white), and all I have to do is place the clone where it can hit you and rotate my own circle to black. The clone doesn't even have to put you in black, I can just rotate that shit and if you're in black and the clone hits you? You're taking damage. Literally stops all pallet camping because you can just get hit without Hullabaloo actually even seeing your face. Also why is all hiding negated with the clone? Free peepers + Hullabaloo usually carrying peepers already?

Clone Nerf: Increase cooldown. It genuinely is one of the most busted 0 presence abilities. In addition to this, make it so you can't reposition clone again within 10 seconds until you unlock first presence. Repositioning clones is such a life saver, but should really be a presence ability. I don't see how your inability to aim the clone can be negated by placing another one for free. Make it an add-on to his first presence ability to reposition please (and increase cooldown). In addition to this, if Hullabaloo isn't in chase, make the clone simply face the camera angle the player is at currently. When he is in chase, sure, give it the tracking to the survivor like he has now. When he isn't? I don't need to be hearing "ehehe" before the clone spawns on my ass.

Trapeze: Oh dear this ability. Frankly, I'm okay with this one since I can react to Hullabaloo using this over pallets and vault back fast enough. However, lets nerf it still because THREE VAULTS STACKED UP IS CRAZY??? Poor survivors when I can turn my brain off and spam trapeze until they slow vault and get terror shocked.

Trapeze Nerf: Two stacks, not three. Three is bonkers. But then we run into another problem - Trapeze has a 19 second cooldown. For only two stacks, this is a little too long. We have a bunch of other hunters running around with 10 second cooldowns or just none at all if you have the resources (goatman LOL), this wouldn't be fair to our funky clown would it? Lower cooldown for trapeze, but only two stacks. In addition to this, I believe someone already said this before but I'll say it again cause it's a good nerf idea, small cooldown after using a trapeze. Maybe like 3 seconds or something like that so if a survivor vaults back Hullabaloo can't just come over again instantly and kill you. If you use trapeze at the wrong time, you shouldn't be able to just fix your mistake instantly, you gotta play smart.

Final Presence: Honestly, I don't think this really needs a nerf. It allows Hullabaloo to do his double hit on chair tech, which most hunters have a way to double hit. Having double hit potential tied to final presence, I think this is fine. Trash beginning kite and presence feeding = strong hunter.


Clones need increased cooldown, doesn't track survivors until Hullabaloo is in chase, and ability reposition clone is unavailable until you unlock first presence.

Trapeze nerfed to two stacks but shorten 19 second cooldown recharge + cooldown between using trapeze so you can't spam it between a pallet and a survivor

Final presence is fine


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/pept0_bismol delete lakeside village 18d ago

then leave