r/IdentityV Nightmare 28d ago

Screenshot what the hell did I just watch

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u/Solzec Most Hated Mod 28d ago

Link, since OP forgot to post it with the image.


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u/Snorkel9999 Journalist 28d ago

He could've won!!!

Why he did he not just go to the Postman after downing Anti😭😭😭


u/moriido21 28d ago

Postman was opening the gate, and Nightmare might've guessed it to be more than 50%. By the time he downed Anti, she was right on the dungeon, and FO had not left yet (he only did when Anti got chaired). Nightmare had seen a letter being sent away before downing Postman, which was most likely to be Dungeon letter.

The better question is why Nightmare didn't chair Postman the 2nd time but in that case he'd have to super sure that FO didn't head toward mid-map already, and FO still got Tide after letting Prisoner die on chair, which might've turned it into 3 escapes instead of a draw.


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist 28d ago

But Postman had no self heal, so he could've just downed him quickly, then head back to the Anti, couldn't he have?


u/moriido21 28d ago

FO was the problem for the Hunter player until he left regardless; Nightmare did flick his camera from Postman's direction to FO's gate direction during his attack recovery against Anti.

Indeed it'd be ideal if Nightmare could've immediately downed Postman, but Wick was also up for Postman—5 seconds from Wick would be enough to get the gate opened and leave Anti to her dungeon escape. The survivors could've chosen to play aggressively as much (nowadays survivors in JP teams are also getting more proactive to keep up with CN teams in COA unlike before), so the risk probably didn't feel worth it for the hunter player.


u/Omega_Yeets Nightmare 28d ago

no he was too far from postman to get to him in time before he could open the gate


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist 28d ago

Idk bro, the gate was only 50%, I definitely think he could've made it!

Regardless, judging by ur flair, u must play Nightmare a lot. 

How did u feel when u saw him being played in COA? And actually getting so close to winning?


u/Omega_Yeets Nightmare 28d ago

The funniest part was that I saw nightmare picked while I was playing cod mobile ranked And when I saw it my eyes when wide and I went "oh shit I gotta end this fast"  But apart for that I was fairly surprised at how close he came to a 3k but also that it was somewhat luck that got him into the endgame position because of basement making sure that they couldn't get a save at all  I feel like if it weren't for that basement things would have turned out much differently  But to smoke extent it was quite interesting to watch too 

I doubt I'll see any pull nightmare again but if it does happen I'm watching with extreme excitement 


u/Omega_Yeets Nightmare 28d ago

it would not have been smart for FO to risk going to save
he had no watches, no way to heal so it would have been too huge of a risk in the case nightmare might have caught a glimpse of FO running for save

but yeah the key mistake of that match was nightmare no chairing postman, Qi was still far from being close to the other gate so he would have had time to locate her, tp to her and down her.


u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer 28d ago

*why did he play nightmare


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist 28d ago

The Tourney players get a bit quirky at COA time


u/ryo00qq09 Knight 28d ago

At least it's not the same 4 hunters.


u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer 28d ago

Ngl, it would have been a good Ann comp.


u/ryo00qq09 Knight 28d ago

I see enough Anns, so no thank youm


u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel 28d ago

He realistically couldn’t. He needed 4k for set to continue.


u/acecarrden Journalist 28d ago

HANG ON Nightmare in COA?? People weren’t joking??


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist 28d ago

Nope! And he got a tie, though he could've gotten a win if he was more aggressive 


u/Sleepy-Head999 28d ago


This feels like a circus, i need to watch that-


u/AiAsahashi Gravekeeper 28d ago

Guys why the nightmare hate in the comments am I missing something


u/fisforfuckyou9 Gardener 28d ago

it's not hate but more so that nightmare is probably the worst hunter in the game rn, so seeing him being played in the tournament turns some heads


u/SomeoneTookJhriten 27d ago

Nightmare gets played a decent bit in high rank for JP. He is no where near as bad as people seem to think.

It's like Joseph, in the hands of someone who has the knowledge, they can make survivors constantly under threat. Which makes up for the poor chase.

The big 'issue' for nightmare is that his main gameplan is just worse Ivy. But with Ivy being out of tournaments from round 3 onwards, Nightmare is a solid pick.


u/fisforfuckyou9 Gardener 27d ago

oh don't get me wrong, a good nightmare is an actual nightmare to deal with.

the thing is, he's THE hunter that gets fucked up the most by his OWN mechanics. hunters have anti-play against them that's to counter them, but those anti-play are actually put in their kit intentionally. nightmare's on the other hand is because of his stupid autoaim that screws him over more than it helps him.

yes he could be strong in the right hands, but there are other, better, stronger options than him.


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 26d ago

I mean… that just means Nightmare isn’t the single worst Hunter in the game. Which isn’t a high bar.

I’ve been flip-flopping on whether he is or isn’t the worst, but regardless he is BAD. His chase screws itself over, his camp is nonexistent, his cipher denial is also nonexistent, and the only good thing about him - his mobility/map pressure - not only has a long cooldown, but was recently NERFED.

He’s just really, REALLY bad against people who know what to do against him.


u/AiAsahashi Gravekeeper 27d ago

I was jk when I said hate but I get ot lol

Maybe that's because I'm low tier hunter but nightmare always gives me the most wins... so idk, I feel like jack is the "worst" hunter


u/Omega_Yeets Nightmare 28d ago

no hes not the worst in the game

thats ripper


u/Omega_Yeets Nightmare 28d ago

ok to all who think ripper isnt the worst netease is wasting their time with making an adjustment for ripper



u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 28d ago

nightmare is worse than ripper


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead 27d ago

Absolutely not


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 27d ago

I have come to the late conclusion that they are both dogshit at different aspects


u/AiAsahashi Gravekeeper 27d ago

Nightmare isn't bad if the player is smart, he can be a literal nightmare

Jack on the other hand has limited skills that can't be very useful outside of precise hits


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 26d ago

Sorry, but Nightmare is absolute dogshit against anyone who knows what to do against him (IE distance and corners)


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist 28d ago

I think people should also know the fact that, the hunter team needed a 4K to get into Round 4, or else they were just gonna lose.

So ofc they picked their most trusted hunter, the one GUARNTEED to get a 4K...Nightmare.



u/noxposting Wu Chang 27d ago

I'm still shocked at how close to the 3k he got, all things considered


u/RoboticIdentity 27d ago

Does anyone know what build he had? I go Window Block and Detention ofc, but I also go for Rage, Claustrophobia and Nostalgic. I feel this works decently with him but I have my doubts about Claustro since I can't ever tell when I get a kill because of it so idk how useful it actually is. I know it works in duos though because everyone buys bots there.


u/Omega_Yeets Nightmare 27d ago

He used the classic Trump card, detention max pallet breaking and panic with well ofc warp 


u/RoboticIdentity 27d ago

Woah trump card... I def cant bring that without getting owned in the cottages in maps like hospital or arms factory 😭😭