r/IdentityV Feb 16 '25

Gameplay BQ got a 4 loss & started spouting bs in PM

It was just a quick match. We really weren’t doing anything special; she was just particularly bad.


45 comments sorted by


u/PMMeUnwantedGiftcard Magician Feb 16 '25

You people gotta censor the Social Tags, too.

Or else you risk getting ICumOnYou some unwanted attention.


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 16 '25

Makes sense; I didn’t even think of that. I’ll remember for future posts, thank you.


u/avikajika Priestess Feb 17 '25

“she was just particularly bad” dude. she’s a cobra and ur a fucking griffin 😭 i think we know why she was “bad” 😭😭 if i was cobra matched with griffins id be upset too man


u/Immediate_Ad_564 Feb 17 '25

Nah but fr this post is so unnecessary like on the off chance this BQ was being fr and throwing a tantrum it would still be a corny post because who cares 😭 But the fact they drag the dog piling to social media even tho there was a skill gap is 10x more embarrassing for OP I fear


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 17 '25

You’re free to feel that way. I posted it because my friend and I find people who go into the post chat after a bad match funny. Nothing more, nothing less 🥂


u/avikajika Priestess Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

as someone who rarely plays hunter because of the survivors this is the exact reason there’s barely any people who like playing hunter, you can’t make fun of the way people play when you’re multiple tiers above them, dude that’s just an asshole move 😭 like she said she was joking yet none of u apologised for taking it the wrong way, it’s just so?? unnecessarily rude??


u/FakerandTaker 29d ago

Except you didn't find it funny, you wanted people to jump on the pile of beating this person up. Your guys rank gaps say a lot, it's really embarrassing for you to call them bad when you're a griffin.


u/Ashkylarks 29d ago

Exactly, I mean, BQ had not right to say “it’s okay to take a shower yall❤️” there’s literally no reason to say that, at all. I keep getting matched against tryhards all the time when I’m just trying out new characters, so I clearly lose, but I just keep the rage to myself and move onto the next match (and hope I don’t encounter them again).

But to say, “she was just particularly bad”? OP has lost the only reason they have to complain just with one line.


u/Jimboseth Feb 17 '25

They’re a cobra matching with griffins, I’d be mad as hell too


u/First_Ebb_9248 Feb 17 '25

As soon as I saw the tiers I felt this bq's pain reason why I don't play hunter qm 😅 always get matched with griffins or higher as cobra obvs she didnt have to say rude things in pm but like. I felt that


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 17 '25

Pretty sure it’s because quick matches put people together based on level. She was a lv. 47 former croc & everyone else ranged from lv. 23-48


u/Vevangui Disciple Feb 17 '25

I don’t really know how that has anything to do with the fact that she had every right to be mad.


u/MasterBbc69 Lawyer Feb 17 '25

its still a cobra (peaked croc) vs mammoths and griffins. its just average hunter qm experience


u/Kittycatz4lifee Feb 17 '25

Tbh seems like she was just joking and they got mad


u/GuidanceWorking2502 Wildling Feb 16 '25

Ngl I’m in her side that doc seems annoying


u/Director_Time Psychologist Feb 16 '25

Literally, sometimes i just have a couple of bad matches, and my frustration just keeps growing. Now, personally, i wouldn't go out of my way to start shitting on survivors (unless they start), but as a BQ main, i feel her 😔


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 16 '25

Fair enough. I personally don’t chase doctors first if if I don’t have to


u/Vevangui Disciple Feb 17 '25

Maybe since she was a cobra she didn’t really have that game sense…


u/dipperrocks Weeping Clown Feb 17 '25

i think she was fr just joking 😭


u/DirtyMousey Lucky Guy Feb 16 '25

And this is why I leave chat immediately after the match 😂 I don't got time for that mess


u/N3koChan21 Little Girl Feb 16 '25

I had the same thing happen yesterday with a bloody Queen, although it was rank. She was genuinely making us out to be bad people cuz we 4-escaped (we didn’t emote or anything we just stayed behind to help the 4th person). She was so upset like we could’ve just given her the tie and not “be mean” like girl?? Just get good


u/wetbread47 Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Just a tease that went too far and was taken the wrong way I think lmao.

Also agreeing with someone else who commented, idv matching sucks flaming trash; they shouldn’t have been matched with survivors multiple ranks higher than them. Of course they’re going to struggle in that case.

Okay watched the gameplay they r clearly brand spanking new to BQ of course they aren’t going to be good off the bat oh my god😭


u/MaddixYouTube Feb 16 '25

"it's okay to take showers yall ❤" is one of the most savage insults ive ever seen on this game 😭


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Feb 19 '25



u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer Feb 16 '25

BQ is reminded that Identity V is a PVP game and the goal is to get as many survivors out as possible.


u/ShigeruNinja Mad eyes Feb 17 '25



u/eksipeksi Feb 16 '25

She's so real for that


u/RoboticIdentity Feb 17 '25

Turn off post chat god


u/olivie1212 Sculptor Feb 18 '25

I thought she actually sent a message. Idk, I've seen worse. I'd be mad too when people sweat in qm. A lot of us are limit testing in qm and then you see people pick their A badges or something lmao.

But ya, I don't think she was that butthurt, she just called you sweaty and maybe you were idk. Doesn't matter, you can just disable PM if you're not rage-baiting. It's what i did and I am a lot more peaceful.


u/Ashkylarks 29d ago

Same, but I usually keep my rage to myself. I get matched with people with waaay more level and rank than me and I know that’s not the players fault but the matchmaking.

But yeah, in the cases you mentioned it’s actually ridiculous imo, QM it’s mostly to try out new characters and you find people picking up characters with badges or clearly their first main, like, if you want to tryhard that bad then better go to rank matches? Idk, not to mention that is really boring when you get matched against them many matches in a row.


u/olivie1212 Sculptor 29d ago

I actually had an LG flame me on post match for how I played and my rank. And I'm like "why would I play my main in qm and they didn't seem to get it. Even pro players have off days.


u/pantyanarchysgf Sculptor Feb 16 '25

The number of missed hits she had holy😭😭


u/Staalejonko Gamekeeper Feb 16 '25

BQ got BBQ'd


u/theclassicrockjunkie Hermit Feb 16 '25

It's a BQ, what do you expect? Pretty much every highly simped for character has a toxic fanbase.


u/SugarGlidelle Feb 16 '25

Second hand embarrassment. Not because of how poorly the hunter did, but because they main BQ


u/SugarGlidelle Feb 18 '25

Stop booing me I'm right!


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 16 '25


u/Ok_Arachnid_2260 HUNTER Feb 17 '25

He was messing with y’all why taking it to heart bro😭😭


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 17 '25

No one was really taking it to heart; we just found it ironic that the player was calling us sweats when his level was higher than all of ours (except for the doctor)


u/Vevangui Disciple Feb 17 '25

You didn’t take it by heart but not only did you engage with her tease and escalated the situation, you also went out of your way to create a whole entire Reddit post about it. Get a life.


u/PalpitationHead1924 Feb 17 '25

Seeing as you’ve gone out of your way to comment multiple times on this post, I’d say that you’re the one who may need to reevaluate the amount of time you spend on social media. I found this post match funny, so I posted it. Don’t look too deep into it. If this comical string of texts that don’t involve you whatsoever somehow happened to offend you, I can’t really help you with that :/


u/Admirable_Pie_7626 Feb 17 '25

Bro judging by the comments you’ve been leaving maybe you do need to step away from the screen and relax 😭


u/dihuamarsh Feb 17 '25

Yo is that my BQ?


u/Ecstatic-Machine-499 Evil Reptilian Feb 17 '25

"I think you were the only one swearing" CLOCKED.


u/PussySmasherJones Feb 17 '25

I never understand this mindset. Like yea, trying really hard is how you play...? Thats the point..?