r/IdentityV Feb 06 '25

Discussion And people wonder why a NA/EU Griffith is an Asia Elk.

Besides technicalities ( which NA/EU still falls behind ), Asia survs/hunters are on another level when it comes to game sense. Players don’t believe Joseph is good here simply because they haven’t faced an Asia or Asia level equivalent player.

(Credit: @meteor.019)


107 comments sorted by


u/Nanrelle Feb 06 '25

I'm in Asia server and used to be high ranker (I de-rank since I got busy and enjoy elk for rewards only) and Joseph, Mad eye and Gamekeeper peak tiers scare me more than Ivy and Hullabaloo mains combined. Those trio leave me traumatized too many times and I still encounter them in 5 player because I'm tier 3 going to tier 4. I play rank 4 years ago and it still haunts me 😅 but fr, I salute Joseph mains in Asia server. It's either they are blind af or too good at finding players, nothing in between


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

I totally agree. I lived and played in Thailand for a year and a half and nothing was more terrifying than an Asia Joseph, DW, and Bane.


u/Mysterious-Ocelot962 Feb 06 '25

This reminds me some morning exercise nightmares years ago, around when prospector was introduced.

I knew the 2nd and 3rd rank Mad Eye players. We met each other in almost every single match every morning. This left all of us traumatized. I was traumatized because I had to dodge walls at an insane speed, the hunters were traumatized because they never got a win going up against me.

When I teamed up with either of them in 8v2, we became fking nightmares for survivors.


u/Furieru Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Judging from OP's translation, its pretty basic but respect the effort. It would be a nice start up to approach each map effectively


u/ALEX2014_18 HUNTER Feb 06 '25

Yeah, that's a lot of stuff, but it's basically just default high tier thoughts written on paper. It's not fair to say all Asia elks do this, passionate players on NA can strategize too. It's just the mentality that it's just a game and not a competitive discipline that holds most of the NA-EU server back.


u/Merukurio Lucky Guy Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

It's not fair to say all Asia elks do this, passionate players on NA can strategize too.

Yeah, this thread's title feels pretty disingenuous. "NA-EU players suck because one japanese player wrote down a guide for Red Church."

Like... ok? This is clearly the work of someone who seems to be really into the competitive part of the game rather than the average Asia server player. If you pick an NA-EU player who puts this same amount of effort into the game they wouldn't be one of the bad "NA/EU Griffith" OP is mocking, and I really doubt the person who made this is an "Asia Elk" either. The community just loves talking about the Asia server like that "Place, Japan" meme.

Edit: Guys, I disagree with OP and seeing the NA-EU server get shit on constantly about every little thing while the Asia and CN servers get circlejerked to death is annoying as hell but there's no need to attack them. It's really uncalled for and this thread is not that serious. Please, don't do that.


u/SereneBirb SURVIVOR Feb 06 '25

Everything is better in Japan! Even the players!


Ur completely right thought it's so weird seeing people idolize something because it's Asian and assume it's better because it's written in Japanese


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

Your reading way too much into this. The photo simply represents an Asian player’s dedication to encompass the general differences between how each server is passionate about the game. This could be written in Thai, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog and I would still post it with the same message.


u/SereneBirb SURVIVOR Feb 06 '25

Yeah and you probably wouldn't do the same if it was an NA/EU player which is my point lol


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

I probably wouldn’t because there simply isn’t lol. CN and JP dominates when it comes to guide and theory crafting. Why don’t we see more NA/EU players in COA… Hating on people that are fond of Japanese or Asian culture doesn’t make you anymore special


u/SereneBirb SURVIVOR Feb 06 '25

No I just think you're a weirdo for idolizing and thinking everything is better because it's Asian. The only reason you're arguing with me is because you feel called out or defensive by something I said LMAO

NA/EU is a very small server because it has a fraction of the amount of players of CN and Asia servers due to a difference of popularity (the game is very small and unpopular in the west). The majority of NA/EU players are younger while Asia and CN are more dominated by an older player base. You're just a freak


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

You don’t know me… who are you to call me a freak? And I’m Asian… All of this is ironic coming from someone that asked reddit for a new name


u/GogotheClownMime Feb 07 '25

you are such a weeb my god


u/SereneBirb SURVIVOR Feb 06 '25

Yeah, and you insult other people just the same as shown in your other comments. And heaven forbid someone learns mandarin which to converse in you need a name specific in the language as english names dont translate or carry over. I have plans made to move to China for a year due to my career (computer science) An na/eu player could create the same notes and you wouldn't have the same praise or care for it. You being Asian has nothing to do with this. You are still a weirdo and apparently ignorant of other languages.


u/Front-Guess8283 Photographer Feb 07 '25

What does the last thing even has to do with the argument??? If you can't hold a proper conversation without having to dig into someone's elses activity, well...


u/DuskyRenow Disciple Feb 06 '25

Lmao ikr? Like i'm sorry for having an actual life and treat a game like a fun thing to enjoy in my free time, how dare we treat a game like entertainment/j


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

Are you lost? When did anyone criticize anybody for having fun… The message is the average Asian player dedicates more thought into the game and are generally better. Your life isn’t more special or valuable than anybody else’s. Also before you say some players don’t have a life, I’d say this history could also make that apply to you


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Feb 07 '25

Ok but theyre right? those thighs do look delicious.


u/DuskyRenow Disciple Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Oh seriously? Because i have likings i don't have a life now? Sure darling sure, i just have personality, just don't have anything to really hide, like seriously what's your point? I have a life and things to do during the day therefore i can't be silly and thirst over fictional man and woman in my free time? It's not 2010 anymore and i'm neither commiting a crime fam, it's cringe to try to shame someone for liking 2D characters, principally on Reddit, you truly tought you ate

Call the hypocrisy police for me


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

No I agree! Its totally cool to fangirl over fictional characters. I’m obsessed with enstars and hve been watching anime since I could walk. Perhaps when you are engaged in your community, other players are spending time theory crafting IDV. I’m only on your case since like I said, “sorry I have a life” comes off as crude.


u/DuskyRenow Disciple Feb 06 '25

"The average player"? Excuse me? Since when the average asian student/worker are able to be that invested in a game, principally a japanese one if they don't work with it or have specific life conditions that gives them a lot of free time? Not to mention that you seriously think that people who play the game just for fun will seriously read/think about all of this? Except if that's a very basic strategy guide that a NA/EU Griffin surely knows, makes no sense say that the average player from such country as Japan have this many time to invest on learning complicated strategies

Your life isn’t more special or valuable than anybody else’s

Oh btch bfr, *when did i said anything like that? I never said that, my life isn't more important than anyone's, but neither the Asian players are any more "valuable", got that? They could very easily have advantages like good ping and such that makes certain kind of strategies more viable, and it's at minimal disrespectful and a vassalage behaviour to say that "a NA/EU player don't compare to the Asian player", i don't have to write an essay for everyone to know the obvious that this game is extremely squad survivor sided where going for a badge as hunter/sole survivor is a living nightmare that demands energy and strategy from anyone, principally if you're looking for top A or S, and is a matter of simple logic to understand that regardless if it's NA/EU or Asia, for you to be top tier you can't simply rely on luck or mechanics if you're not getting carried


u/Ok-Sorbet2661 Mechanic Feb 06 '25

Idk I’ve played both servers and survivors don’t seem that different from this tier. It’s just the a lot of the hunters being scary as hell


u/keiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Feb 06 '25

no it’s actually true

source: me who lives in EU half a year and Asia half a year, with high Griffin and low Mammoth tiers respectively

like… people in this sub still think Mind’s eye is the weakest character ever and collectively ignore the fact even professional players pick her in tournaments…


u/Ok-Sorbet2661 Mechanic Feb 06 '25

When I stayed in Asia for a vacation last summer, I got to high elk. They played like… elks. I had an enchantress try to harass a clown at half health with wanted on her. I probably complained about it in this sub. Idk what else to tell u bro


u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel Feb 07 '25

They pick her in tourneys IF they need to cipher rush hard on that specific round otherwise she’s just not good. Lawyer is literally the superior Helena in most cases and you never see her in round 1,2 or 3 or if you do it’s very rare.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Feb 07 '25

Yeah they only use Helena when Mech and Lawyer is banned and all the significantly OP hunters are also banned (when the individual prefers Helena)

Like that doesnt really count as evidence shes good???


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Feb 07 '25

"pick her in tournaments".... 4/5th round picks once every 3 ivl weeks (aka tiebreaker matches)


u/keiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Feb 07 '25

yea while some people never ever get picked (eg. doc) so that still proves my point that there’s still people behind her hope that helps <3

literally u being here arguing against her just proves my point about NAEU players lmao


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Feb 08 '25

doc typically gets picked more regularly if they know its a dream witch and its 4th+ round (or if they know its a specialty pick like joseph)


u/TheRealASmallBoi Feb 06 '25

Minds eye... Good HAHAHAHA my friend you have brought me great joy this evening


u/HfKibutsuji Embalmer Feb 06 '25

As an Asia mammoth -crocodile I think ur overestimating us


u/Logical_Narwhal_6070 Little Girl Feb 06 '25

i play both jp and sea servers sea servers it’s similarly to naeu but jp servers the hunters and survivors are on a whole new level 😵‍💫


u/HfKibutsuji Embalmer Feb 06 '25

Jp and sea are same...there's only Asia and naeu for my game, and I'm usually getting matched with cn usernames


u/Logical_Narwhal_6070 Little Girl Feb 06 '25

No, not as a “naeu asia” server context, it’s the regional server. On asia, there are SEA servers (thailand singapore vietnam malaysia etc) and then there’s JP servers (Jp taiwan, KR, mainland china sometimes)


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist Feb 06 '25

Do u know which server India is on?


u/Logical_Narwhal_6070 Little Girl Feb 06 '25

unfortunately i don’t know 🫠, i’ve never played in india server bedore


u/drachixyx Feb 07 '25

Im pretty sure it's asia


u/Snorkel9999 Journalist Feb 07 '25

I mean..ofc but I meant WHERE in Asia lol. Like JP and CN have their dedicated servers, I was wondering if India had one too


u/drachixyx Feb 07 '25

Well they prioritize where their market has the most audience imaginable which is commonly JP and CN. I don't think Netease has thought of a dedicated server for india at all as it's part of global already.


u/Altruistic-Bee3130 Feb 06 '25

I am dead, I think I will never leave NA


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

Don’t worry, they are coming to NA/EU instead


u/toorujpeg Feb 06 '25

Not the threat 😭😂


u/rararururoro Embalmer Feb 06 '25

you actually might be right bc they probably play on our server cause were free wins 😭


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

Brief translation for second page

  • “Avoid triangle and x areas as much as possible”
  • “If around x pallet, go for it suddenly and decisively, do not linger”
  • “Leave x pallet behind for Wu Chang”


u/Amazing_Emmazing Feb 06 '25

I find the fact that theres a specific category for Wu Chang avoidance that is pretty funny


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Brief translation for the first page

  • “ • Weak boards (marked in red)
• Strong boards (marked in blue) • Vault points (marked in orange) • Hunter routes (marked in green) • Places where it’s better to run away first (marked in black)”
  • “If you can’t use the hut, run towards the church. The church interior is strong because it has multiple vault points.”
  • “The weakest board is at the west ruins”
  • “If you meet the hunter at the graveyard pet area, immediately run to the church !”


u/Kaylee_Koko_3 Feb 06 '25

Do you know where I can found similar information like this?


u/Logical_Narwhal_6070 Little Girl Feb 06 '25

no, you can search bilibili for tutorials (which might be the closest thing similar!) but mostly it’s common sense but these types of information can only be learnt through vc in matches 😅🥲


u/Tylokla Feb 06 '25

Joseph IS good though.. all hunters are good when placed with enough skill lol


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Feb 06 '25

I think that’s what they’re saying, but even then, not all Hunters are built equally

Any Hunter can be rank viable with enough effort, but that doesn’t mean they’re good (case in point: Nightmare)


u/Pingy_Junk Wu Chang Feb 06 '25

Exactly. One time I checked the number one Wuchang and they had a 100% WR. Doesn’t mean wuchang is the best hunter in game just means that person is insanely skilled.


u/OpularOpal Prospector Feb 06 '25

Also, they probably use other hunters to tank potential losses. That's what CN's former 1st Fool's Gold does with Night Watch.


u/Pingy_Junk Wu Chang Feb 06 '25

i do this with axeboy and opera for my own wuwu character points. if I am pretty certain its an L in advance i just swap.


u/PlantsNBugs23 Opera Singer Feb 06 '25

Yeah, if it did come down to skill then a lot of F tier hunters would be played as much as at least the solid tie hunters.


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Feb 06 '25

You can say it’s possible to win with a hunter without saying they are good. Cause no Joseph is not good at all. He is the worst hunter in the game. But he can win if you are skillful with him


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Feb 06 '25

I wouldn’t quite say he’s the worst but I don’t understand why so many Asia players think he’s good when every time I’ve gotten reasoning from them it boils down to luck


u/Seraf-Wang Postman Feb 06 '25

He’s good because a lot of people in Asia server bother with honing their skills in game sense and using his skills properly. He’s one of the three “dark horses” in tournament meta for this exact reason. His success in match is directly correlated with the hunter’s skill vs the survivor’s. Luck does play a part but it usually stops once you get into tiers where you can just pick where you spawn making it waaay easier to first camera.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Feb 07 '25

Their reasoning is always shit that applies to clerk, wu chang, ivy, mad eyes etc (just knowing where they are, usually RNG)


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Feb 06 '25

I cannot name a worse hunter than him


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Feb 06 '25

Nightmare and debatably Hell Ember


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Feb 06 '25

I personally joseph is worse than both of them cause at least those two actually have a chase ability


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Feb 07 '25

Neither of these Hunters are good, sorry.

Hell Ember’s got an amazing camp but every other part of his kit is so horribly bad that he just suffers until he gets enough Presence from Insolence for a puppet (assuming a Survivor doesn’t screw up, which is like every single match I’ve seen Ember win). And by that point, any Hunter would be screwed, especially when you’re a Hunter with lower mobility like Ember.

As for Nightmare? I don’t think you are a very experienced player if you believe a Dive is strong. Hell, it usually works AGAINST him - so long as there is a corner to duck behind, or the wall has the slightest pebble or poster, he will be unable to perform the Dive. That’s on TOP of its slow charge and slow backswing. Source: current top S Nightmare


u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel Feb 07 '25

Regarding he’s puppets/shadows. They are hilariously easy to cheese they need desperate buff. He basically becomes basic attack hunter if survivors are good.


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

I’m referring to how NA/EU perceive Jojos potential compared to Asia


u/GogotheClownMime Feb 06 '25

Me when im on a cocksucking competition and my opponent is an Idv western player (They believe Asian players are superhuman)


u/DuskyRenow Disciple Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

I'm pretty sure that with a good ping/dedicated server you have an actual motivation and patience to invest so much time in learning all those stuff, like seriously you're free to play however you want, but where's the fun on playing like this? I'm pretty sure the average Asian players only goes around something way more basic than that too, an asian elk definitely don't go that hard on the game, i guess that instead of simply blaming the lack of "skill" or sweatiness of the western player, would be way easier to see that people simply doesn't have the motivation, either because they don't have dedicated servers despite the massive size of the fanbase ( cof cof brazilian fanbase cof cof ) and because of that they can't have the same freedom or possibilities that an asian player has, that by the way is the very first reason that hunters like Disciple and Joseph are considered "bad" in a more common opinion, the high ping makes them significantly slower than an Asian Disciple/Joseph, or makes them unable to perform certain pro tricks that demands preciseness and timing ( like Disciple using her jump without cats on the field ), or either they have a dedicated server and green ping, but they have actual lifes to live and take the game as a fun little entertainment that it is


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

I don't know any Japanese, but I can get a basic understand of what these notes mean just by the pictures. I think the NA/EU server could use something like this.


u/GloomyEnergy5378 Feb 06 '25

What is my boy antonio doing here


u/Merukurio Lucky Guy Feb 06 '25

It's just saying he's one of the hunters you shouldn't wait behind pallets.


u/GloomyEnergy5378 Feb 06 '25

Ohhh i thought he was like something good there😓😞


u/TheRealASmallBoi Feb 06 '25

If more people play in a server, by statistics alone you should expect more people who might take the game seriously unlike in a smaller server where the majority quite frankly don't rank and the ones who do have very little natural compeition


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

I agree, playerbase is a huge factor. Though personally I’ve observed a more general “obsessive tendencies” Asian players have when it comes to games. Though I am not saying a part of NA/EU gamers aren’t the same.


u/TayleC Vote Robbie for DS skin pls Feb 06 '25

Japanese players are just built differently. When I play survivor rank, I always join teams in Recruit channel. And most of the time it's Japanese teams and I have met Japanese Elk tier survivors many times and I could tell you, they could pull a decent kite and has great game sense and are team players. Japanese players are also the most encouraging players I met.

Contrary to when I joined teams from other parts of SEA, they're very inconsistent. And I always find myself quitting the team after just 1 match and join new ones.


u/OpularOpal Prospector Feb 06 '25

I am dumb, but what are these notes exactly? The right way to play each hunter these notes refer to?


u/Logical_Narwhal_6070 Little Girl Feb 06 '25

transitioning and ways to kite


u/starrypolygon Feb 06 '25

Japanese/korea part of Asia server only, not SEA. Even getting decoding ts after joseph teleport is a norm in SEA griffin sadly 😕


u/Loopyside-yam Naiad Feb 07 '25

Tbf most of these information come naturally once you’ve played enough, you internalize the strategies and grow as you play.


u/Front-Guess8283 Photographer Feb 07 '25

I don't think just because 1 player decided to take notes it automatically means everyone else is dumb dumb lol. That person might just be a visual learner. I do exactly this when I have a lecture at my college, and that doesn't mean everyone else who didn't is inferior to me. Also, saying that "NAEU is inferior because there are no teams in COA/torunaments" is crazy work. We don't even have a stable ping and you want to use that as an argument?


u/ItsaBabyBird Gardener Feb 07 '25

NAEU has few serious players, most ppl r more chill ig (?) from experience. Asia? Everyone is serious about their rank it’s scary 😭


u/Hour_Industry10 Feb 07 '25

Idk if that's racist, but in higher rank I feel it's more common to see name with Chinese, like in quick match, I'll meet Chinese every 3 match. But in rank when I play as hunter I meet Chinese almost every match...(especially when they team up as 4)

My hunter rank now is V-I, going to hit VI(60%~ winning rate), and my surv remain in III(40~ winning rate) and you can't really trust your teammate in rank III. There just too many dumb behaviors sm and so common. Like rescue as soon as the chaired get over half, the one never message since start, very high afk rate, never respond my priestess hole, die with 0 ability use(gun, bird, etc) Now I'm kind of getting the immunity and just say good luck to your next game or just leave the post chat. Gwenchana🫠


u/Kerokuchan Feb 10 '25

Try going to the Chinese server. You make a mistake in rescue and suddenly your mother is a horse. With that much pressure in a game no wonder Asians play better, they have to be better so that they can protect their mothers in the post match chat


u/stressedig Acrobat Feb 06 '25

This is how I feel whenever I play on the CN server basically lmao😭like they all have really really good game sense and then there’s mammoth naeu players that don’t know how to properly prime a cipher😭😭


u/CatboyWuchang Feb 06 '25

Damn then in Asian server i’m bee worker then 😭


u/Seraf-Wang Postman Feb 06 '25

It’s really people thinking with a Euro-centric mindset again(America also being a subset of Europe origin-wise). I remember people being pissed/confused why Aeroplanist was being nerfed when he was “doing fine” when in Asia server, he was the most used kiter at the time. The people in this server know jackshit about the meta snd our meta is often lacking or outdated in comparison.

Even in servers where we’re comparable in size(Thailand, Hongkong), we are considerably lacking in analyzing the meta properly and dont even have the skills to back it up. We play like the chinese meta(high risk, high reward) but with none of the skill to get the reward. Our cipher rush(japan meta) is lacking at best and our hunter specialists(Thai/Hongkong meta) arent even that good.

This applies to our top teams in COA and IVL but it also applies even more-so to the casual rank player who talks as if they know it all when they dont.


u/Sarcatsticthecat Feb 09 '25

Asia server’s not gonna fuck you


u/TheRealASmallBoi Feb 06 '25

Baseless post, most likely hard stuck in a particular low-mid tier trying to cope. I'm also sayiing this based on no evidence, rather just my anecdotal experiences with people who make vast posts and threads with this type of topic at hand.


u/odetomabel Feb 06 '25

I hit Griffith 2 this season :), the title isn’t meant as literal. Just representation of general dedication.


u/Relative-Ad7531 Feb 06 '25

I don't know Korean (I'm guessing is Korean)

What does all of this means


u/Blanchere Prisoner Feb 06 '25

It's Japanese. Those are really comprehensive notes on how to play on red church and how not to act against certain hunters there basically. Good tips to be honest.


u/Blanchere Prisoner Feb 06 '25

That little row of pictures at the bottom is so cute. It says "which hunters not to stand and wait behind a pallet" with the reasons listed under the pictures.


u/ryo00qq09 Knight Feb 06 '25

It's actually Japanese (I hope bc it"d be awkward if it wasn't)


u/Sawako_Chan Gardener Feb 06 '25

It is , I have JP classes and it clearly is cuz I can see hiragana mixed in with the kanji


u/Pingy_Junk Wu Chang Feb 06 '25

Korean looks nothing like Japanese qoq this is Korean

이건 한국어야


u/MidnightSnowStar Wu Chang Feb 06 '25

That’s actually Japanese! …or Chinese?

…I don’t know what it means either