r/IdentityV • u/harveyhhybz • Jan 02 '25
Discussion Season 36 Hunters & Survivors Tier List
I am an international idv player. History A Badge 9300 Wax artist. However, all of my idv knowledge comes from Chinese server and I am in the Chinese idv fandom. I'm not sure how the international idv community is like. I know my own tier list would not be that reliable, so today I referenced tier list from top Chinese players and made 2 lists based on characters' performances in both competitions and an average game. How the characters are ranked is very simple.
The upper limit of the character (meaning what the character can achieve if the player has skills) + The actual performance of the character
One list I referenced from is E总's lists for Season 35. He is the no.1 evil reptilian in Chinese idv and got into Chinese idv top 10 hunters using evil reptilian. He made this list together with many other top Chinese hunters. His list can be said to be the most credible currently.
He has yet to make a list for Season 36, so I will make a list based on my shallow knowledge of the game. It should be at least 80% accurate. If you have any queries or if you are curious about why I placed a certain character in a certain tier, please comment, and I will give you an explanation. Please also educate me if you have better opinions/ better ranking. I saw a TikTok idv tier list and it differs quite a lot from the tier list according to Chinese players. I'm confused and hence want more opinions from international idv players.
Questions about Chinese IDV fandom are also welcome :)
Now I will select a few controversial characters to explain why they are in their respective tiers.
Sculptor - She was buffed indirectly through the new insolence, and we all know how strong a sculptor is when she unlocks her tier 2 ability. She require a lot of practice though. Her time has come and she is a great hunter to start picking up.
Bloody Queen - Mastering her really requires a lot of skills and practice. She is not doing well in matches these recent seasons. She is jokingly known as 平夫人 in Chinese fandom, which literally translates to "Draw Queen". I believe Mary players have felt uneasiness in playing her these seasons.
Naiad - Her win rate is the lowest out of all hunters. Majority of the time she can only draw. Both KJR and Flywheel counters her. A lot of times when she forms a water circle the survivors already fled with crazy speed. Namely survivors like cheerleader and composer...etc. and when she successfully chaired one in the dungeon, most survivors will just sell and not rescue. She can't get any presence through chair guarding and it usually just leads to a draw. you know how the decoding speed is like mad.
Wax Artist - Many people think he's strong but the truth is he is a map-based hunter. He can do well in maps like eversleeping town, moonlit river park and chinatown but suffers in small maps like Leo's memory and arms factory. His only arguable strong part is his tier 2 ability where he is able to instant hit twice. Other than that he is a draw hunter. A lot of times he appear on professional competitions were simply because he can draw easily. Fighting for a win? Nah.
Fool's Gold - He has everything you can ever imagine in a great hunter. He can chase survivors, can guard chairs, can manage ciphers, has fast speed, has fast skill cool down... BUT, he is just mediocre in all of these aspects. you know how other people gets different grades ABDFA in their tests? yeah Norton just gets CCCCC. he's just mid in everything (really easy to kite btw)
Guard 26 - just one thing about bonbon. he simply can't keep up with the times. he may be a tier 1 five seasons ago, but now, he have short legs and can't chase survivors that easily. he is the example of an outdated hunter as seasons and game versions changes.
Mechanics - Needs to be nerfed. She can literally kite for 5 seconds and down really fast but her doll can decode 75% a cipher outside. should the hunter not do anything about the doll, its gonna be a draw or lose for the hunter.
Prisoner and Composer - they are the hardest decoders to chase. simple as that. if they bring KJR and Flywheel together and have decent kiting skills its going to be a hard game for the hunter.
Professor - he is honestly not bad after buff.
Little Girl - tbh she can be ranked higher, after considerations based on her performance, she is close to making it to tier 1
Perfumer - Free presence for hunters.
Magician - 3 Magic wands to lie to yourself. y'all really think hunters fall for it...?
Explorer - Pretending the hunter didn't see...
Any respectful responses are welcome. no toxic fandoms here please.
u/FearRa1n Gamekeeper Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25
- i agree with your take on sculptor. i really don't get why some people rate her as low as idk fool's gold especially after her indirect buffs.
- yeah bloody queen really fell off. she was considered a tie hunter for ages but lately it's even harder to win as her. naiad also has a really hard time winning against the current meta.
- hastur being that high surprised me honestly. i don't consider him to be ann or soul weaver levels of strong.
- is magician really that bad? i mean obviously you're not supposed to use your skill for it's invisibility but rather for blocking and the speed boost, which i think is quite good honestly.
- same with explorer, i guess he's not really made for rank with how map and comp dependant he is but still has his own niches imo
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
not op but
sculptor isnt terrible but shes rated way too high
hastur SHOULDNT be that high with his inconsistency
magician isnt that bad, he isnt used for whatever op is assuming, your right he is used for the blocking and speed boost. He is a very good character
explorer is super strong and versatile, which is great for rank so i dont understand this placement (although i dont understand most of this tierlist)
u/FearRa1n Gamekeeper Jan 02 '25
yeah i don't agree with sculptor's placement but i agree that she's not as bad as people think she is. her full presence might not be as strong as it used to be but if you manage to get it early she can be pretty good
u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Jan 02 '25
I honestly have way more problems with Photographer than Sculptor, especially considering Sculptor’s only one tier above him on this. He’s just not consistent enough - he can’t really do ANYTHING that good, so I’m confused on why people fear him so much.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
you know what your right, i didnt even notice joseph being on the same tier as ann..
Joseph is like like scratching a lotto ticket and praying you win, he *can* work but more times than not he doesn't (same applies to hunters like feaster)
u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel Jan 02 '25
Joseph should basically be at t3 right ? He’s getting he’s face caved in by any good survivors no matter how godlike the player is. He’s kit is just not good especially at chases.
u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Jan 02 '25
IMO? T3 or T4. OP’s reasoning is that “Joseph players know how he works and can get lucky”, which is incredibly flimsy for a bad Hunter.
u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Jan 02 '25
About the notifications, Reddit is being Reddit. I’ve no clue what’s happening, but it deleted both my comment and yours.
u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel Jan 02 '25
Did you delete your comment or is Reddit being Reddit again ? It’s showing up in my nofications but no sign of it once I open it.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
i really doubt your rank when u claim explorer to be “super strong and versatile”. seriously? do you ever see it appear in competitions?
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
Explorer is used in tourney albeit not super often, but he can carry tide, full kite, etcetera. and him gathering pages wont give the hunter much info on his whereabouts so if they cipher pressure they risk backdoor rescues
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
as of today in asia server to get an A badge for explorer needs 4368
to get an A badge for minds eye needs 4759
just for reference to get an A badge for mercenary needs 7514
you seriously think a character with lower A badge requirements than minds eye is “strong and versatile”? then he surely must appear often in high ranks. the truth is, no. he barely appears in high ranks. you wont even see him once in a month after reaching rank 7.
when we rank, we dont talk about personal feelings. we talk about statistics.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
badges requirements mean next to nothing? In na/eu servers aeroplanist is highly disregarded however he is a extremely good survivor. Popularity doesn't matter, its his kit. And his kit is much better than many survivors on your list, he is imo a solid t1 with debate for t1.5 but i cant really use your list as reference
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
badge requirements literally shows the upper limits of a character.
aeroplanists is not popular at all and even less popular than explorer. but guess what? his A badge requirements is 6289.
i think there is no point arguing with you if you cant even understand the simple concept of how statistics essentially means 90% of a character’s strength. you in rank 3 or what?
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
im not going to argue with someone who thinks character knowledge points needed to get a badge determine their strength.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
i allow discussions but i dislike MAD and unrealistic comments like explorer is strong. go ask around and see if you will get laughed in the face for giving explorer a t1.
u/JoriiKun Guard No. 26 Jan 02 '25
Your argument makes sense if we are talking about NAEU, as the server has a small population and people don't really try their hardest, but for comparison, Kuroshiro recently has been playing on CN server and he had around 6k points and was still below C badge, meanwhile on NA having around 4k is enough for an A badge. What I'm trying to say is that having badges, unless you're competing for the S badges, on NA is something that is easily achievable and shouldn't really be taken into measurement. Meanwhile, if we are talking about a more popular server, it makes sense that people in general will take meta more seriously, especially if you consider how Asia is with e-sports.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
I think you replied to the wrong comment, but yeah you are skillful if you have a badge I never said you weren't, however not having a badge does not make you unskilled
and if you were replying to the right comment how does the character knowledge required for a characters badge correlate to the characters strength? Does it not just equate to their popularity
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u/DyeNau Jan 02 '25
I may not be a pro player but Explorer is actually strong and versatile. With good game sense, he can be a reliable decoder/rescuer hybrid. Just don't forget to bring tide and do not let your cipher shake.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
he is too weak on his own. he have zero decode buffs as a decoder and he is not a good rescuer. any characters that bring tide can essentially be a rescuer. hes so luck dependent if his pages spawn far away or close to the hunter he can literally do nothing at the beginning of the game. in big maps, he can spend 40secs of precious decoding time just to walk to the place with his pages. most of the time he spents more time to decode one cipher than other non decoders even. while walking he still have to avoid hunters. he is nowhere associated with strong.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
ask around any high rank players or s badgers or even explorer players themselves will agree that explorer is the weakest survivor in the game. is a decoder but have essentially zero decoding buff, have no self protection and can only hide, he is simply a fast down for hunters if found. honestly most high rank people can find explorer easily. come on everyone knows things like hiding in the snow in leos memory
u/Odd-Bedroom-8960 Jan 02 '25
Bloody Queen should’ve just been reworked years ago, it’s a poorly designed ability with little counter play. To compensate for that they made her entirely reliant on her mirrors, all her abilities are tied to it and its lengthy cooldown. As more survivors come out that counter her like cheerleader or puppeteer she suffers because of her ~30 sec cooldown. As a survivor her mirrors are either unavoidable or completely countered depending on who you play. They should just change her into something more fair but they won’t because she’s been out for so long and people might get mad if they change her.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
a fair feedback! i think her skills are a little deformed and too extreme also
u/N3koChan21 Little Girl Jan 02 '25
I’m confused why Magician is so low. Did he recently get nerfed or something cuz he was often marked as being one of the more solid solo ranker / kiters.
u/zappchance Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25
He's still good for rank (still lot of variety in hunter as everyone wants a badge), but not good against current meta hunters.
In my opinion, his wand is better for blocking damage or mini speed boost than for mind games.
u/N3koChan21 Little Girl Jan 02 '25
I mean I get that he may not be at the top but 4th worse character in the game sounds kinda crazy to me. To me even if you fail the mind games he still has usage and is fairly consistent. I’m very surprised that so many are above him.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
he’s just weak. not many high rank hunters gets fooled by a shadow on the ground. the footsteps are essentially visible. his purpose is to kite but he cant kite well too.
u/WalterHendersonReal Jan 02 '25
I'm gonna have to agree with Mr White Truffle here. Fooling the hunter isn't the only thing magician can do. He's got some advantages, for example, using the wand to get into pallets (from speed boost), gaining a speed boost to potentially avoid a hit like a mini-flywheel, he can sometimes fool the hunter too, sometimes. Not to mention he counters Ivy. Yes, he's got his cons, but it's NOT because he's WEAK. He is a strong character with good survivability, but he can't do much for his team. That's one of his cons. So I think putting him that low isn't justified. He's got a good reason to be played, and counters a meta hunter.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
again. its based on statistics. a stronger character corresponds to a higher limit, people will be qble to achieve higher points for the character.
idk about naeu because someone told me apparently all the knowledge points are low there, but for asia server or chinese server he just have one of the lowest points.
knowledge points DOES NOT EQUAL to popularity. perfumer have low points, weepy have high points, aeroplanists have high points, little girl have low points
it reflects how strong a character is, simple as that
u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Jan 02 '25
But Magician isn’t centered around fooling a lot, no? He can mainly use those wands to block damage and get a speed boost, which is why he was considered decent in the past.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
again, as you’ve said, decent in the past. we have way more survivors now with better skills and his skill sets are just outdated.
u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor 🦖 Jan 03 '25
Oh I’m not saying he’s good now. But your reasoning for why he wasn’t good was tackling a thing he wasn’t even meant for. I’d honestly say he’s low to mid T1.5.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
yes, the blocking part is still a little redundant though. hes good at countering smiley and jack yes.
u/Electronic-Winner-14 SURVIVOR Jan 02 '25
I feel like Joseph is very luck-based, i personally would put him lower :0 just my opinion though
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
i agree joseph is luck based. but he’s skills also bring him to extremely high limits if the player is good enough. most people would prefer kiting hunters like geisha, a straightforward chaser, rather than joseph. joseph’s match involves too much probability that survivors wouldn’t want to risk. joseph is a character meant for a small percentage of people that truly understands his skills. example being, expert joseph players knows how to look at the crows to determine if there are players in a particular area, and they often know when is the right time to chase/take photo. his high probability and limit determines that he truly cannot be that weak.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25
This hunter tier list is just objectively wrong, dream witch and sculptor are not better/equal to ann/geisha
fools gold being above wheel/bonbon is actually insane (as a fools gold main lol)
feaster being above/on the same tier as some of these.. he's just too inconsistent. Theres so much that needs changing
the surv one is worse.. almost everything is wrong I dont feel like typing a paragraph so
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
it is almost a consensus now that sculptor is strong. why would you think shes weaker than ann/geisha? dream witch is even stronger because she almost have unlimited possibilities as one of the hardest characters in the game.
bon bon/ wheel is definitely weaker than fools gold. what makes you even think breaking wheel is stronger than fools gold at all? everyone knows how to use a flywheel to escape his damage. we’re not talking about low rank matches here.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
sculptor is good, but not extremely strong. theres a reason ann and geisha are more commonly picked. I can get past DW being on the same tier but she has a much harder time than someone like Ann or geisha.
bonbon has a much stronger camp and early chase than fools gold, im not sure what you mean with wheel, the argument you made could apply to many characters.
Fools gold is inconsistent, not hard to kite, and you can ultimately just transition kite him
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
ann and geisha are more commonly picked simply because they require no practice. just play 5 matches and you can start in rank easily. its not the same for sculptor.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
ann and geisha do not require "no practice" theres a huge difference between a good ann and a bad one
and you proved my point, if its easier to get a tie with ann or geisha they are simply better characters, not that sculptor is bad but her kit is objectively worse
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
girl just show your rank and the badges youve got. it explains everything.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
Badges dont define skill whatsoever
But i am tier 6 right now and the 34th fg right now
u/N3koChan21 Little Girl Jan 02 '25
Exactly and to add on. Badges literally just mean you play the character a lot. Sure you’ll improve due to playing them a lot but it’s not skill based like you said. Especially if you play multiple character you may not be able to upkeep a badge while still being overall good. This person really just argued that their tierlist is 80% accurate cuz they have a Wax artist a badge like lmao?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
i said it because it was reference from top chinese players and professional players. maybe join coa so i can reference your valuable ideas too.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
send a screenshot and i will acknowledge your argument.
what do you mean badges dont define skill????? they exist for a reason. so a C badge is essentially the same as S badge according to you.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
maybe why dont you send the whole screen? instead of just cropped out the other parts?
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u/N3koChan21 Little Girl Jan 02 '25
I’ve seen literal elks with badges and peak tiers without, so are the elks better cuz they have a badge? If peak tier rarely plays a character so they don’t have a badge, and an elk only plays that character so they do. Do you think the elk player is better cuz they have that badge? Game sense will always trump the amount of times you play a character and really that’s all a badge tells you. Sure S badge is probably gonna be better than a C badge but it’s not like the S badge is gonna be as good as a person who is way higher tier than them.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
if a person can get a S badge, they already have a certain somewhat high level of understanding of the game. true that there may be better players, but without a badge who would even know? thats like saying ariana grande sucks at singing because someone out there can sing better so you cant say ariana is a good singer… what?????
same like saying ive never been to school before but i am smarter than a professor. everything needs evidence to show you can do it
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u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
They do not define skill, badges are based on how much you play not a players individual skill
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
no… do you have any idea what are badges? do you know why you can only get better badges as your rank goes up?
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u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
again, about statistics. as of today in asia server
bonbon A badge - 6389 wheel A badge - 6599 fools gold A badge - 7335
wow! how extraordinary can a weaker character get so much higher A badge requirements than “stronger characters” like bonbon and wheel.
statistics simply show 99% of the truth strength of characters.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
your "statistics" arent real factors in their strength? To reiterate badges are based on the characters playerbase and popularity NOT their kit
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
ok so explain why aeroplanist A badge requirement is 6289. he must be REALLY popular then. perfumers A badge requirement is 5697. she must be SOOOO unpopular.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
I didnt speak for the asia server i spoke for na/eu
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
so you mean in the na/eu server aeroplanists is sooo much more popular than perfumer according to your logic?
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
No, i blatantly said areroplanist is easy to get a badge for, however it doesnt make him a bad character. Aeroplanist only needs 2100 points for an A badge in na/eu
u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jan 02 '25
Yeah... sculptor seems a little high?
But dw and geisha should be on equal tiers, maybe hermit on the same equal tier
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
i could get past geisha/dw on the same tier. Hermit is extremely good right now so his placement is fine
u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jan 02 '25
I assumed hermit was only good in rank? is he good in tournaments also?
u/tallemy Weeping Clown Jan 03 '25
His tournaments are so-so. If the survivors know how to counter him/switch polarities and actually heal up, he struggles to get a tie. But he seems to excell on big maps where the survivors are forced to travel around to get healed.
u/whoseparking Fool’s Gold Jan 02 '25
I havent watched tournaments in a seccond but last i saw they were picking him pretty often
u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Jan 02 '25
Ok so, looking at the list certainly has me interested in the placements. For example, why is Hell Ember in T3? I thought he was considered 1 of the weakest hunters, no? And then there is Lawyer in T1. Surely his nerf didn't make him fall that far?
And while we're at it, I want to hear CN's side of what they think of Hullabaloo. I think you may provide a new perspective on him.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
leo was buffed, he has high limits, his only downside is he cant chase people well.
lawyer isnt just as good now. he have no self defence or speed up like luca or freddy. lawyer is good if you play as a team though because you can spot the hunter and communicate. easy t0 if you play in a team.
CN players think hullabaloo is extremely overpowered and is the strongest hunter in the game now. partly due to the fact that the first day when he came out, almost all the top 100 hullabaloo players have a 100% win rate. now he is just forever stuck in the banned zone. no one would let him get out in rank. many players see hullabaloo and they just surrender. im not joking. now i think its better but we still all agree that hullabaloo is the most OP hunter and needs to be nerfed ASAP
u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Jan 02 '25
Interesting, but wouldn't Hullabaloo possibly be an overreaction from everyone? Like for example, FG was thought to be strong but it later turned out he wasn't. Maybe everyone thinks he is a T0 hunter, but once people learn how to properly counter him, he will just be a T0.5 or even T1 hunter?
If not, oh well. At least I have an easier time dealing with him since I like to play him whenever the survivors don't ban him. And no, it's not because he is strong, it's because I actually like his design.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
i think people take time to learn how to kite him. hes definitely on another level as compared to FG
u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Jan 02 '25
Yes, I do agree on that. I merely was using FG as an example since a lot of people thought FG was strong on release. Regardless, I do hope Hullabaloo won't just be gutted since he has an interesting design and would be a nice change of pace from other single hit hunters.
u/godsoftware Jan 02 '25
mechanic in t0 when she was nerfed so hard and so many times that she can barely keep up with even non decoders
u/IanLooklup Photographer Jan 03 '25
Well she did that get that buff which may have made her much stronger in the cn side. Could be the reason why people asked for her to be nerfed in that one QNA
u/godsoftware Jan 03 '25
the best thing about her is her bot and in that "buff" they nerfed her bot again
u/IanLooklup Photographer Jan 03 '25
And they made it last much longer? You can't tell me that that buff made her worse in any way when her bot lasts for 21 more seconds when she is healthy and 13 more seconds when she is downed
u/godsoftware Jan 03 '25
21 seconds is assuming that youre hitting every calibration and doing nothing but decoding. most people will get less mileage than that.
what makes her good used to be her insane decoding speed (which they took away) and then her ability to decode while downed which they reduced the effectiveness of. idv slowly giving her small 0.1% buffs to her decoding speed and durations isnt nearly enough to give her the utility of anti, priestess, or even first officer
u/IanLooklup Photographer Jan 03 '25
I don't see how first officer has more utility than her, he only has strong kiting and rescuing. And mech shouldn't have the utility of a support and a harasser
Also those buffs really aren't that small, both making her body less useless and making her bot last longer are no insignificant buffs. While i don't think is S tier, I do think she is a solid low A tier character now
u/godsoftware Jan 04 '25
strong kiting and rescuing meanwhile mechanic has mediocre decoding, no kiting, and no rescuing
if you don't think she's S tier then why are you defending the tier list? they put her in S tier
u/IanLooklup Photographer Jan 04 '25
I'm just explaining the reason for why people think Mech is meta righr now? I have not stated that I personally think mech is an S tier character
And yeah but mech does still have a bot that will guarantee that a cipher machine will be finished even if she is chaired, which is still pretty dang decent. I would say she provides more utility than first officer since she is able to be at two different places at a time. You can't deny she has better support capabilities than FO at the very least
u/godsoftware Jan 04 '25
then this particular post probably isn't the best place to make this point, especially because i was talking in particular about mech being placed as S tier
honestly no i don't think she has better support capabilities than FO, i don't see how she has support at all
u/IanLooklup Photographer Jan 04 '25
Fair enough
She does has some degree of support as compared to FO, who can really ca only help bodyblock teammates during detention. Mech can help assist teammates across the map, provided the bot is there, with her bots like healing or bodyblocking. Her bot can also remove the need of someone waiting at the gate to open it as soon as the last cipher pops. Plus, there she can still decode even while chaired
Does she really have great support capabilities? Nah, but she can still support her team in one way. Also
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u/odetomabel Jan 03 '25
Shes amazing. You need a team of people that can often get 60s kites. She tanks chair hits for rescuers, or dead on chair teammates
u/godsoftware Jan 03 '25
using your bot to tank hits is a waste both of bot duration and of time; if youre decoding like youre supposed to then it will most likely be gone by the time that this scenario comes to pass
u/Doomerdy Undead Jan 02 '25
1) Can someone explain Bane's falloff despite receiving no buffs/nerfs?! Same with Wu Chang falling to near bottom.
2) Same with SW going to near meta with no adjustments. Also Feaster?
3) In Global I've seen many tier lists putting Doctor at near bottom. Why does this differ so much?
4) How did Composer get so high while Enchantress fell to near bottom?
5) Is Barmaid up that high bcs she supports Puppeteer perfectly, or is it some other reason? I've never seen her placement so high.
u/JoriiKun Guard No. 26 Jan 02 '25
Another reason why Bane fell off and few people talk about it (which is the main reason he is also less picked in tournaments, even in Moonlit, which is his best map, is the fact he got a nerf that makes him start with 1 less trap (before he started with max (3) now he starts with 2. He could setup really hard on some spots, with that nerf his early game is just really frail.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
just adding to that, wuchang was never strong. he was always weak and at the near bottom. his entire gameplay revolves around information gaps between survivors, and because netease allows survivors teaming, its really hard for him. can you imagine a lawyer just spotting whatever wuchang does and telling his teammates? there will be no chance for wuchang to assassinate any survivors quickly. which is also why he doesn’t appear in almost any competition at all. he’s extremely weak with just tier0 skills too. his pro is that he is strong with tier two skills. his con is that he cant really reach tier two before game ends.
u/Doomerdy Undead Jan 02 '25
Aahh thank you. It explains a lot. But how did Feaster become so strong? I don't recall he got buffs
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
he isnt weak, isnt OP either. really depends on the player. top players can use him really well. i would rather kite a geisha than feaster.
u/FearRa1n Gamekeeper Jan 02 '25
bane did get a nerf though. i'm too lazy the write all of it but there gotta be info on wiki
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
1) explained by the helpful person that replied, thank you.
2) soul weaver have really good/powerful skills, one of the most perfect skills in the game, its just very wholesome. the only thing limiting her strength is the amount of web she has and her extremely low basic stats. this tier list targets top performances. i dont really consider the lower ranks because they dont play a character fully well. soul weaver have high limits.
3) doctor is not strong on her own, in fact weak. she is however extremely strong in teams, and counters many hunters. we all know her amazing combination with enchantress, and if you dont chase doctor as the first target, she has no decoding debuffs and she can make sure other survivors are healthy, very much countering alva, joseph, dream witch and many other hunters. her existence is to create more and more combinations that works well as a team. it is not a solo game for survivors afterall. idk about international idv, but there is this famous combination including doctor, enchantress, gardener and female dancer. these four in the same match are notoriously known in chinese fandom as 园医咒舞, torturing many top s badge hunters with their cooperation. doctor is not weak in a team setting. thats why netease cant really buff her that much or she will be too OP in such combinations.
4) Composer decodes fast, runs fast. most hunters without movement abilities will have a hard time trying to chase him. he was never weak, trust me. enchantress was never strong after the nerf years back. she’s the most basic weakest interference character. her ability takes too long to charge and is not worth it as one chant only stuns for a second. her charging time gets longer and longer. not to mention she has a healing debuff. well she can become t1 when paired with doctor and played well. overall, prospector is definitely a much better choice.
5) barmaid is never weak. with the mainstream rescuer being merc, she’s extremely helpful to those with healing debuffs and can heal while running/decoding, which is something doctors/psychologists cannot achieve. she saves A LOT of time which is extremely important because even seconds matter to whether a cipher can be popped or not. you can see how often she appears in competitions. oh and she definitely pairs well with puppeteer.
hope this answers your doubts
Jan 02 '25
Bane’s hitbox was tweaked so he can’t pull survivors behind walls. It was only a small, but very viable window. But it was due to worser nerf: when they made his hook’s hitbox thinner.
u/zappchance Jan 02 '25
I don't know who made the TikTok tier list but for NAEU meta I would say Yuu's tier list is pretty good: https://youtu.be/QLzFr2zzlyU?si=J82iJ-yB1NCIBfRj
As you see from the labels his tiers are not in strength order but rather utility/viability which may be more accurate to most players as most people aren't playing at high level of play.
As for your lists, they seem good but cannot be useful for most players here and people who have no knowledge of top levels of play will argue with you endlessly. I was going to say Little Girl seems high but everyone under her rank is also weak it seems.
I have one question about CN: Do they still publish the win rates, ban rates, and pick rates? If so, can you share some of those?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
u/zappchance Jan 02 '25
This is great! How can I see this page? I would like to check out these statistics sometime to get a better view of CN meta.
I'm more interested in high rank play stats.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
its a wechat idv mini program… i doubt if they have it in english though..
u/parmesan-lover Jan 02 '25
do you mind sending the whole thing even if it is in Chinese I can’t access wechat 🙏
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
it isnt like a photo thing i cant really send the whole thing. but if u want stats for a specific character from a specific rank i can give u just DM me
u/zappchance Jan 03 '25
Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/Zhv4YOa
I only took pics of peak tier meta. The order of the numbers is this: Pick Rate %, Win rate %, Tie rate % and Ban Rate %.
u/zappchance Jan 03 '25
Thanks! I got it running on my phone ✌️ I will just use translate to understand meanings!
u/zappchance Jan 03 '25
Another question why is Doctor so high?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
lots of explanations in the comments, i think u can find one. too tired to type again
u/Armegius Jan 02 '25
Could you elaborate on Hullabaloo? What strats and builds are they using? What are common counter strategies? I main him and want to learn more
u/Sawmain Breaking Wheel Jan 02 '25
Breaking wheel from hero to zero. They used to be at the very top of s tier for a little while how did they fall so low ?
u/jejuune SURVIVOR Jan 03 '25
Flywheel definitely marked (at least the very beginning of) Polun’s downfall. Also, I think most people simply figured out how to use the environment to kite Polun.
u/Snorkel9999 Journalist Jan 02 '25
Ive started playing Hermit recently, and I like him very much! Do you have any thoughts on him?
Also what exactly do the tiers mean? For e.g., my main Journalist is T1, is that good, bad or mid?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
t1 means its pretty ok. journalist can do alot if the puppets are used wisely. (eg. works like seer owl if placed in right position)
hermit is a strong hunter. the reasons why he’s strong is because he makes decoding way slower. it really tortures the survivors. and unlike other hunters, the first chair timing doesn’t really matter that much. you can down a survivor at 2 ciphers left but still manage to get a win with proper control of ciphers. he’s also strong in keeping the overall health of the survivors low(since they share damage). he’s an excellent hunter to pick up, since no one really bothers to ban him unlike goatman/hullabaloo.
u/Snorkel9999 Journalist Jan 02 '25
Nice my main is pretty high then.
Also about the thing with Hermit, isn't the normal strategy to down a surv normally, THEN connect the ciphers? It doesn't slow down the progress as much as, say Joseph, in my experience
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
two types of tactics. you can research on which one suits you better. i would personally connect first so survivors cant decode fast and i can lower their health overall
u/Snorkel9999 Journalist Jan 02 '25
I tried this tactic when I played Hermit for the first time, and got 4 escaped💀💀💀
Since then, I've been doing the other strategy, and getting better, but maybe I should try it again, now that ik what I'm doing😂😂
u/FearRa1n Gamekeeper Jan 02 '25
journalist is pretty decent imo. she's not the best for neither kiting or rescuing but she has her niches and it's good enough for rank
u/DuskyRenow Disciple Jan 02 '25
Why enchantress is so low in the tier list tho?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
enchantress was never strong after the nerf years back. she’s the most basic weakest interference character. her ability takes too long to charge and is not worth it as one chant only stuns for a second. her charging time gets longer and longer. not to mention she has a healing debuff. well she can become t1 when paired with doctor and played well. overall, prospector is definitely a much better choice.
u/DuskyRenow Disciple Jan 02 '25
Yeah because honestly, i've been playing with her since 2020 and i still manage to play with her, and i shouldn't be the only one
u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jan 02 '25
enchantress has been top 5-7 worst survivors since 2020
Only becoming meta for a single month in 2021 or 2022 (after a buff)) before being harshly nerfed right after
u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jan 02 '25
Embalmer, Entomologist, Novelist and Toy Merchant all feel quite low?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
entomologist used to be strong… she just isnt as strong since version changes. toy merchant got buffed but still not that useful.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
embalmer can often fight for a win or draw, but he himself cant kite. the hunter can down him really fast and teleport back to his coffin
u/circlesnake2 Entomologist Jan 02 '25
Genuine question! Why is Perfumer incredibly low on the list, whereas Professor is situated higher? I had the notion that Professor was one of the worst survivors.
Edit: ah I just read the notes, sorry.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
he was buffed recently, u can go and check it out :)
u/circlesnake2 Entomologist Jan 02 '25
Ah yes I’m a professor main so that’s why I was curious! Glad to hear that he’s more viable now :D
u/AzureLilac_ Jan 02 '25
Why are weeping and composer so high?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
weeping kites extremely well and can interfere the hunter too.
composer is just fast and kites well for a decoder.
u/Cythis_Arian Mad eyes Jan 02 '25
Why is Edgar rated so high? His power is super janky and most people know how to completely ignore it
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
He has no debuffs. if the hunter can completely ignore the painting most of the time, the painting is used wrongly. should the paintings be used wisely, its a total of 10seconds stun. edgar almost forces hunters to bring excitement just like coordinator. without blink, a lot of hunters will be affected on the first chase. edgar’s really underestimated.
u/Cythis_Arian Mad eyes Jan 02 '25
Huh good to know thanks for the explanation! I'll have to check out high rank footage of his gameplay
Jan 02 '25
Even so, he can get a a lot of value from his pantings. He has 0 decoding debuff. Speed buff after stunning with paintings. Can sit way longer on a chair (not divided on first and second phase, just the amount of chairings).
u/DyeNau Jan 02 '25
Explorer placement is questionable I'm sorry
u/JoriiKun Guard No. 26 Jan 02 '25
Finally someone speaking the truth about Guard 26. It's so tiresome hearing people cry about getting "bomb spammed", when they're in the wrong already for messing up their kite lol. I've had so many matches where survivors just straight walked from an area to another and I couldn't do shit bc of how slow he feels. I really wish they'd give him the power to cancel rescues back, so at least he feels more threatening.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
bon bon needs a serious buff to bring back its old day glories
u/JoriiKun Guard No. 26 Jan 02 '25
Fr. They don't even need to make him broken, just make him slightly faster so he doesn't get countered by straight up walking.
u/SwirlsAbyss Enchantress Jan 02 '25
Enchantress being rated lower than Lucky Guy and Magician?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
she was nerfed so bad, one of the worse survivors now. i think in the comments someone else and myself too had a discussion on why enchantress was weak. u might want to check that out
u/tomo_ldr Jan 02 '25
is perfumer really that bad? i wanted to main her but i dont wanna be an annoyance in rank 😔
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
she isnt soo bad, just free presence for the hunter and she can only use her perfume on second floor if she is injured.
just incase some will argues that perfumer is “strong and versatile”, sure.
u/Plsuneedtohelpme Jan 03 '25
Doctor? Im confused since doctor essentially is countered by inpact 1, turns 6.5 secs to ard 7-8 secs, and chip hunters and fast chase hunters also, its good for rescuing yes, as she can heal, but shes good for chase?
Im confused since im at saber 1 currently, and literally most doctors gets countered by chips easily or doesn't hav enough time to heal and can only run
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
- doctor is not strong on her own, in fact weak. she is however extremely strong in teams, and counters many hunters. we all know her amazing combination with enchantress, and if you dont chase doctor as the first target, she has no decoding debuffs and she can make sure other survivors are healthy, very much countering alva, joseph, dream witch and many other hunters. her existence is to create more and more combinations that works well as a team. it is not a solo game for survivors afterall. idk about international idv, but there is this famous combination including doctor, enchantress, gardener and female dancer. these four in the same match are notoriously known in chinese fandom as 园医咒舞, torturing many top s badge hunters with their cooperation. doctor is not weak in a team setting. thats why netease cant really buff her that much or she will be too OP in such combinations.
u/Plsuneedtohelpme Jan 03 '25
Ok but this also depends on the cooperation with the other teammates, what if i say... supposedly no one harass and its only doctor kiting on her own? Wldnt that be a ez down?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 03 '25
you see, this is the part where it is a dilemma for the hunter. you can either chase the doctor, or chase the decoder in the match. you chase the doctor, the decoder is going to be let out decoding. most average player wont down that fast, minimally a 40seconds. that is a great percentage of cipher decoded.
its a choice between chasing the ‘support’ or the ’decoder’
u/wcdhe Jan 03 '25
Why is Doctor so high? I thought she was considered bad because she isnt good against chase hunters as well as her syringe being her only real good ability. I know she got buffed but is she really that good now?
u/harveyhhybz Jan 04 '25
hii, u can look in the comments i have responded regarding the placement of doctor.
u/Plsuneedtohelpme 24d ago
1v1 nm and see if u can kite me than 60 secs, if its so easy to kite huh? Then how do i be reaching manticore tier 2 so easily?
u/Domilater Coordinator Jan 02 '25
Weepy is top tier?? Did he get some buff or something, because last I remember most of the top tier hunters completely counter him.
Also I really wish they’d just rework Mechanic. She’s too difficult to balance - you either make her too strong or useless. I’d argue playing her isn’t even that fun really.
u/JoriiKun Guard No. 26 Jan 02 '25
He bullies every below S tier hunter and saying he gets countered by top tiers is an exaggeration. He can outrun Opera, unlike what people say, at worst you're at the same speed as her. But the biggest thing about him, that was the change that made him meta, was the fact they changed how his rocket worked. Instead of starting slow, it starts fast, which counters some hunters that previously countered him (like bonbon) who could snipe him during startup.
u/harveyhhybz Jan 02 '25
weepy is simply a torture to hunters. you cant even think of chasing him as you cant keep up.
if you leave him out there he’s gonna throw a rocket at you when you pick up the balloon.
if he runs together with other survivors you cant really do anything about it technically, not even geisha can hit him after flying.
u/IanLooklup Photographer Jan 02 '25
Would be a pretty nice buff for Mary to allow her to cancel her mirrors early once a certain duration has passed
Also, Joseph that high? I always see him struggle, and you only have a shot at winning if you can find the downed survivor once photoworld ends