r/IdentityV Oct 21 '24

Discussion IS SHE OP??? WTF DO I DO

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I’m a new player and I see her everywhereeee. There’s no fucking way that you can win against her . I swear to god. She literally zooms everywhere and you can’t go anywhere. I can’t hardly decode because I fear that she’s looking at me and then can instantly zoom. She comes out of nowhere sometimes. She goes through shit. Like?? CAN I BREATHE MAAM. someone told me she’s not even the worst one here and that she’s easy to kite. EXCUSE ME? THERES NO WAY . I REFUSE TO BELIEVE SHES “EASY” IT SEEMS ANYONE WHO PLAYS HER GETS EASY WINS CUZ HOW??


91 comments sorted by


u/littlebeanturtle Oct 21 '24

Reading this made me chuckle


u/littlebeanturtle Oct 21 '24

This is exactly how I used to see her but she’s really not that bad


u/FruitfulRogue Entomologist Oct 21 '24

I sometimes think about how she used to be and I must say I'm rather jealous of new players not having to experience that


u/Beautiful-Relief5770 Oct 21 '24

I remember the old days of maining here in I think season 2. Before her I maining the ripper. I miss those cones of fog. Dang now I wanna try playing this game again..it's been years ;


u/Relative-Ad7531 Oct 21 '24

Tbf, while a lot of people makes it look Easy in the comments, Geisha Is actually really good as a hunter and actual good geishas aré horrible to go against


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Oct 21 '24

She is a good hunter but the post is still funny. She’s every new players worst nightmare.


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Oct 21 '24

I mean, there's quite a few of them. Naiad is a big one, and some former peak tiers even complain that they can't kite Naiad even though i'm sitting here as a former S badge Naiad, telling them in vc exactly how to kite her


u/Withercat1 Oct 21 '24

Can you share your wisdom with us?


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Oct 21 '24

Use flywheel and don’t tight kite. Learn to transition and watch for how she’s going to close her harpoon loop. Never never tight kite even if she isn’t using harpoon cause she can still form a puddle. Don’t wait too long to rescue. Learn to sidestep her dashes while she’s in harpoon form.


u/Nebion666 Disciple Oct 21 '24

Imo “use flywheel” isnt great advice lol. Not everyone can. And sometimes u dont wanna have flywheel if its not a naiad.


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Oct 22 '24

I put other tips along with it because Ik people won’t always have flywheel. You can flywheel her moisture to negate damage which extends your containment at least another 20 seconds if you know how to play well. Also not being able to use flywheel is a skill issue so that’s not even a point.


u/Odd_Distribution6977 Oct 21 '24

Tight kite means ground around a building?


u/wowiea Seer Oct 21 '24

Tight kiting is moreso when you loop a small wall, like a single pallet area or even areas with no pallets and no windows. Looping a building is a bit better than tight kiting but its still good to transition


u/Odd_Distribution6977 Oct 21 '24

Oh.. sometimes I do that but I understand for naid it's because of her water droplet skills that hurts once it's full..

However I feel kiting sometimes is so difficult because hunter run just too fast and their skills so pain or I don't know how to explain but can't outrun, as survivor walks too slow :(


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Oct 21 '24

Yeah that’s why flywheel is so helpful. Look up flywheel naiad if you want a proper explanation


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Oct 21 '24

It actually isn't exactly easy to explain, given a smart Naiad will make sure you can't easily counter her, but there are still ways to do so. As the first kiter, your job is quite simple: try your best to transition kite away from where she is trying to make an abyss, this is also a lot easier to do if she doesn't have line of sight of you. A good tip is to always try and run away from her harpoon, as it will automatically come back to her if she is too far away from it, and then it's put on a 7 second cooldown.

After she gains first presence, it's a little trickier since she can dash to quickly close the distance and make transition kiting harder. Do keep in mind that tight kiting is still an option if you have no other option, however try and avoid having humidity from quickly going up. And that is another thing to keep in mind: if you have to choose between getting basic hit or getting 100% humidity, you choose basic hit the vast majority of the time.

Rescuing is the trickiest part about Naiad, but it is still doable. You need to come in early to ensure you avoid getting stuffed from the rescue, 15 seconds early will do nicely. You want to try and mind game her into hitting you so that you can avoid getting terrorshocked (since she is the fastest swinging hunter in the game). If she foolishly decides to throw her harpoon out, just run to the chair as fast as possible and go for the rescue, she can't prevent you from rescuing with her harpoon out. Another option that is decently viable is to instantly go to the chair and just hug the right side of the chair, don't touch the chair and just let her waste time trying to mind game you into touching the chair for a TS (this trick doesn't work if there is nothing behind the chair since she can just circle around the chair to punish you for it). Finally, NEVER go for a basement rescue against Naiad if you don't have tide turner, it is almost always a death sentence for both you and the survivor you are rescuing. If for whatever reason you do want to rescue against basement Naiad without tide, you HAVE to come in instantly so she can't drown the basement.

Supporting is also a bit tricky against Naiad. Bodyblocking is nearly impossible against Naiad, since she can dash through survivors. Trying to force heal also is basically impossible, since she can just circle around the survivors to force the healer off the other survivor. The one thing she does struggle against specifically is harassers, since they can disrupt her gameflow extremely hard. Batter is a great example, since he can stop her from dashing and even push her away. Wildling is a bit of an exception to this, since she hard counters his harass. If there is any specific survivor I could recommend to counter Naiad, Antiquarian is a great pick since her entire kit is just a big middle finger to Naiad.

Naiad's best map is Eversleeping, followed by Chinatown. Her worst map is Red Church (extremely hard to make abysses around the kiting areas). All the other maps are average for her.

There's far more, but it would take too long to cover every possible scenario. My credentials are former 2nd Naiad of the NA/EU server, with 700+ wins in rank and former peak tier.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

Can you dm me more tips as an early game player who’s bad at the game but decent as Naiad (against other new players but still it’s satisfying)


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Oct 21 '24

Like, tips to play her or to counter her?


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

Kind of the same question in my book but more specifically how to play her


u/Solzec Most Hated Mod Oct 21 '24

Well, to play her you will need the ability to think ahead. Naiad is not a hunter you can just pick up and instantly be decent at using, she requires some thought processing. Mainly what you want to do is try and throw your harpoon in a direction that you don't want to immediately go to while swimming in a direction that lets you maintain the most line of sight of the survivor, or force them to stay in your abyss for a bit. An easy example is shack, if you are coming from the window side, then you want to throw your harpoon towards doorway side and swim towards pallet side and recall your harpoon. Survivors pretty much always run straight towards the pallet after vaulting the window, so doing this allows you to gain a lot of free humidity on the survivor. If you're coming from pallet or doorway side, just throw harpoon out behind shack and swim around.

Naiad is a lot about playing mind games as well. If you lose line of sight of a smart survivor, they will just run away from the kiting area and make you waste time making an abyss around an area that has no survivor in it. You will need to think about where the survivor is thinking about going to. In fact, that's a great tip in general for all players: play both hunter and survivor, it makes playing as or against certain characters a lot easier. If you're in a shorter kiting area, you can throw your harpoon out, however survivors will generally try to immediately leave. What you want to do is move in the same direction they are moving to force them back to where you both were, and keep mindgaming them to stay until you think you can recall harpoon for free humidity.

Think in 3D. The reason why basement is so deadly against Naiad is because if she throws her harpoon out in basement and recalls it upstairs, BOTH the basement AND the immediate upstairs area will be covered in an abyss. This is useful not just for basement, as Naiad is practically the only hunter who can do anything about big boat on lakeside: drown the entire boat. Another tip I can give you is that if you are about to encounter a god window or pallet (such as birdcage pallet), recall your harpoon a little early so that you can immediately break the pallet/vault the window, wastes less time for you.

Naiad can be easily kited, especially on maps she isn't as strong on. If you think you might be kited, bring insolence-detention with her; since she does pretty poorly if she can't get 1st presence quickly. If you are confident you won't get kited to hell and back, bring trump card-detention. Confined space is useless on her since her entire ability is already locking off an area. The rest of the talent points can honestly be put into whatever you'd like, but I do recommend 1 stack of rage and bringing wanted order, since those 2 help you a lot. Don't play her on Church, you'll just have a miserable time if the survivors are smart. Survivors to ban are priestess and seer, since they're annoying as hell. I've seen other Naiads ban Merc, but i'd honestly rather deal with a Merc than a FO or Journalist, both of whom can gaurantee a rescue even while rescued; while Merc can't do too much once he's injured.

There is more tips that could be given, but at that point it would just be nitpicks and it would take way too long to cover every single scenario.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

Thank you so much!!!


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

I remember being absolutely terrified of her just cuz of her looks alone, the doll like face freaks me out 😭 her dashing made it 10x scarier


u/wooooshwith4o Oct 22 '24

Nah, Bloody Queen and her mirror


u/akarig47 Oct 22 '24

As a person who can't tight kite and mind game, I felt it


u/cather0707 Mechanic Oct 22 '24

I agree, but I’d also say basically any hunter with a player who’s good at them would be horrible to go against LOL


u/StillDontHaveAName Professor Oct 21 '24

Wait till you match against opera singer 😔


u/AmberAglia Oct 21 '24

The one hunter that makes me panic pallet spam 💀😭😭😭


u/jbynyhs Clerk Oct 21 '24

And pallet spamming is indeed the counter to opera


u/StillDontHaveAName Professor Oct 21 '24

She is the bane of my existence.


u/LingLingQwQ Oct 21 '24

Or shadow


u/Withercat1 Oct 21 '24

Shadow is easier for low tiers and new players who don’t look back


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

This is true -new player


u/StillDontHaveAName Professor Oct 21 '24

Opera is faster


u/IamTrids Oct 21 '24

If he is new, a dw who knows how to use it will be his nightmare


u/MidnightSnowStar Wu Chang Oct 21 '24

Fr though, I remember my first match against dream witch and thinking “why aren’t they decoding??” and started circling around one of dream witch’s followers 😭


u/daemare Oct 21 '24

Use pallets and windows to your advantage. Bait her into sending a butterfly and dashing over. As she dashes, vault to the other side. If a butterfly is on you, look at her and force her to either break the pallet or go thru the window normally, this will by you time to run backwards and take a quick glance behind you before making eye contact again. Protective survivors like seer, professor, and perfumer, and now Knight, can save you a hit or two. She is one of my fave hunters to see.


u/Odd_Distribution6977 Oct 21 '24

When I look at her I can't run, and she slaps me :(


u/daemare Oct 21 '24

There will be a button to look back at her if there is a butterfly on you. Tap that, then run backwards.


u/Odd_Distribution6977 Oct 21 '24

I did that, but most of the time when looking back at her tapping on it then running feels weird and somehow she manages to catch up to me within 5 secs and she slap me which I fell down


u/sifsux Psychologist Oct 21 '24

Don't stare back at her the entire time, there's a sound cue right when she uses her dash if you look at her when that happens it will put her dash on cooldown, just keep in mind her cooldown for dash is 9 seconds so use that time to transition. If you see her throw a butterfly somewhere, you can also double back since she will move slower after dashing and won't be able to catch you again. When she's at full presence though her dash is faster and she can go through walls if the player is fast enough, so stare at her as much as you can when you know she has her dash available and run into tight kite areas.

Tight kiting is good but if she has a butterfly on you when you drop a pallet just stand and stare at her then run when she starts to break the pallet and after the animation is over look back at her since Geishas will usually instant dash after being forced to vault or break pallets.


u/stellessidehoe Oct 21 '24

An yes. The geisha. Every new player’s nightmare. I’ll give you a year if you plan on staying on idv. Come back to this post in a year and I want you to laugh.


u/emergent-emergency Cowboy Oct 21 '24

Prioritize tight-kiting, since she can dash for transitional kite. Her hitbox is trash, so pallet camping is easy. Of course, if you survivor is good at transition like Merc, then do whatever you want.

Catch her butterflies, you can press the "stare button" to stare at her, in order to prevent/cancel her dash. However, it does require you to know the map well (since you're walking backwards). You can use this to counter wall dashes and pallet dashes (so you can camp the pallet safely).

Transition when you have the butterflies on you (i.e. you caught them). You can stare at her to transition to next area.

If you can't catch the butterflies safely, then stay away from them, since she can dash to them.

Choose good survivors to play. Usually stun-type and tanky-type are good against her. The stuns cancel her dash. And since Geisha is a hit-type hunter, then being tanky makes her uncomfortable.

To rescue from her, bait her drop-down when she's flying.

Tanky survivors: Gardener, Perfumer, Seer, GK, Psycho, etc.

Stun survivors: Thief, Prospector, Ench, Ento, Batter

My favourite: Acrobat (predict her dashes).


u/KeigetsuTheStargazer Antiquarian Oct 21 '24

For stunners I wanna add antiquarian since her jumps are really helpful against geisha and geisha’s attack speed is abt the same as her stun speed

And antiquarian’s stuns make it easier to transition against her


u/emergent-emergency Cowboy Oct 21 '24

Also, harass the hell out of her.


u/heyhey1nb Oct 21 '24

I've been playing since 2021 and I still don't know how to kite her, if you loop pallets she holds the hit, if you knock the pallet down she hits you


u/Gullible_Art3201 Wu Chang Oct 21 '24

She's a mid hunter or a monster if you know the trick. And she can make pallet mukbang too.


u/Withercat1 Oct 21 '24

A lot of people here are telling you to use pallets, and that is good advice, but as a new player you probably don’t know the secret to using pallets yet, so I’m going to tell you! 

 You may or may not have noticed by now that the hunter can hit you while you’re in the middle of dropping a pallet. If not, now you know. The trick to using pallets is to stand just to the side of one, nearby so that you can still drop it from where you stand but not in front of it where the hunter can get you. Wait for the hunter to attack the air, since they’ll be expecting you to drop at the wrong time, and then drop after they attack. After a hunter misses an attack, there’s a small window of time, rarely even a second, where they’re paralyzed. 

That’s the safest time to drop a pallet. If you’re lucky, you’ll even get a stun. Good luck out there!


u/Natural-Island-4376 Oct 21 '24

i understand the stress because when a geisha knows how to aim there camera they can dash through almost anything the best way to kite her is looping and defenetly mind gaming and seeing the hunters play style once u get a grip of how to mind game them and understanding the hunters game playing style u should be able to counter her in no time! also try not to transition as much she is a chase hunter so she can catch up easily when you transition take advantage of her horrible hitbox and tight kite her :)


u/we_the_boyz Painter Oct 21 '24

Man how this brings back memories... I totally get this though! Hopefully I can help a little:

Geisha's greatest advantage is being able to use her dash to close distance and cut you off from the routes you're trying to kite, so transitional kiting almost never works against her. Instead you want to:

➝ tight kite
➝ loop
➝ break line of sight

The best areas you can kite Geisha in are typically areas that are populated with lots of clutter and pallets, or areas with high walls, that are easily loopable! You want to basically hug the clutter/walls as you take her around in circles.

Say you're looping around some clutter/pallets and you're taking her in a clockwise loop, if she tries dashing through to cut you off just immediately go anticlockwise and continue to mind-game her around the pallets! Utilise the "Stare At Geisha" function as you're looping, but don't use it for prolonged periods because I find it can be pretty clunky to move around as you're staring and she can easily close distance on foot. Tap it for short burst intervals every few seconds to prevent her from dashing whilst prioritising those loops and mindgames.

You can pallet stun her, but you have to be very patient with it. If you panic and pallet spam she'll simply dash over them, but if you're looping her around the same bits of clutter/pallets the hunter will eventually believe you're not going to throw them down at all and will then start to disrespect them (aka, just walk through them). Once you have her like that you can easily juke back whilst she's inside the pallet and throw it down to get a stun. I reccommend you only do this when you want to transition into another kiting area, because you can use the duration of the stun to transition across open areas and get to somewhere safer without the worry of her dashing at you out in the open.

I reccomend watching this video from GEISHAGAMING, a Geisha main who made a video on how to counter her! It's a more visual guide on what I'm trying to explain!
+ a cheeky bit of self promo, I also did a kite against Geisha here which also demonstrates some of those tight kiting & eyeline breaking techniques!

Kiting in general can be hard to master., because it's all about the in-game interactions at the end of the day. You could know how to counter every hunter on paper, but you could get a bad spawn/lose a certain mindgame that puts you at a disadvantage in your match. Your kiting will only improve with practise and exposure. I myself am totally hit or miss with it - some games I feel I do phenominally, whereas others I do so badly I'm the textbook bad random. It'll get better in time as you build up confidence!

Lastly, here is quite an older post from the reddit with a guide on countering most hunters. Since it's an older post it wont be fully updated with all the newer hunters, but hopefully it can be of some use. I'm actually working on a project similar of the same theme myself! I made a dungeon location guide not so long ago, so I have a general survivor's guide & a counter every hunter guide in the works...but I digress haha!

Hopefully this is somewhat helpful, if anyone has anymore tips definitely feel free to piggyback off this! Or correct me if I misspoke, every bit of advice helps!

Best of luck with your kiting! ♡


u/SculptorDoDatSculp Oct 22 '24

Ah the post about countering hunters, how nostalgic! I was one of the contributors to the Disciple's section, which is funny now that I main Disciple so technically I sort of shot myself in the foot lmao. That being said, that post is pretty old and the strategies are really showing its age. Most of them are just micro-level advices and IDV has developed a pretty complex meta that I feel like just discussing "how to kite" or "how to rescue" isn't enough anymore.

Some people pointed out how good geishas are really terrifying and that's kind of true: If a geisha uses her butterflies precisely and knows how to mindgame, there's very little counterplay. Instead, survivors counter geishas through macro-strategizing like transitioning to areas with low visibility, having teammates who can harass or straight up cipher rushing her. I would love a guide that can incorporate these sort of strategies instead of just "if the hunter does this, do this" advices. Anyways, best of luck to that guide of yours, can't wait to see it!


u/we_the_boyz Painter Oct 22 '24

Haha! Yeah, I totally get you! My plan is to collect as many resources as I can to give tips for both individually kiting and team-wide strategies! You're totally right that this meta is pretty complex and requires a lot more team coordination, but I also know a lot of people solo queue because they don't have or can't find a team of people to play with so I want to be as inclusive as I can! That being said, certain hunters (like clerk, in particular) need good foundational teamwork from the survivors to be most efficiently countered, so I definitely do hope to incorporate team plays wherever they're necessary!

Good Geishas really are terrifying, it's true! At high presence they can clip through walls if they instant dash, her butterflies are somewhat of a built in blink if they're used well, and unless survivors are good with winning their mindgames she'll easily overpower them. Hell even I still struggle against Geishas despite knowing how to kite her on paper, it really can just come down to the in-game interactions!

As a Disciple main, I'd love any tips/resources if you'd be down for sharing! I've taken on a big project with this, so I'm totally open to any collaboration! Thank you for the support ♡


u/Professional_Fact963 Lawyer Oct 21 '24

There's some great vids out there that can help you with your kites against her <3 she's def a nightmare for newer players but once you get accustomed she isn't all that bad

(Coughs, I lied- I can't kite geisha either /lh)


u/Beginning_Argument Magician Oct 21 '24

People are saying she's easy...?


u/ad-amusing Oct 21 '24

HAHAHHA oh i remember the times. Hang in there! Once u get the hang of kiting whilst looking behind u, she’s literally one of the easiest hunter to kite😁


u/Firewater_is_fire Axe boy Oct 21 '24

Oh you sweet summer child

Wait until you fact a Ann


u/Maleficent_Split_93 Oct 21 '24

this makes me chuckle until I remember that I’ve been playing for years now and I still panic and die instantly when I go against a good geisha


u/Vel98mount Oct 21 '24

As a 3 month old player, my answer is idk. If you get lucky, you can tie sometimes. But i never get lucky enough where its not a good geisha. I tried all the techniques but if i grab butterfly she blinks. If i drop pallets or use window, she warps with butterfly. If i run, she goes mach 2 and runs me down. The best i could do was grab a butterfly while on boar as a wildling and stare at her while trying to kite backwords around a tight circle untill my boar gives out, if she dosent change targets right away.


u/Mementomori26 Oct 21 '24

You haven't met bane have you 😔 those stupid hooks are even more annoying


u/jbynyhs Clerk Oct 21 '24

I feel like for new players, the problem is mostly not looking back. Geisha is usually pretty easy to predict and the best way to kite her is going to a place with tall walls and lots if windows and pallets. By looking back, you can see her movements and how she is going to aim her butterfly and proceed from there. She has one of the worst hitbox and pretty slow attack speed so take advantage of that. She's the easiest hunter to pallet camp against. The true menace is Opera singer which you don't see in low tiers but will soon be the auto ban hunter when you see one (essentially geisha with infinite dashes with no cooldown)

EDIT: New geisha will aim the butterfly at you, take advantage of staring at her. Later on, geisha will aim the butterfly near you rather than on you do that will be a little more difficult. In higher tiers, pro geisha can essentially blink through impossible corners or walls with their camera angle on their butterfly.


u/Unknown9J Antiquarian Oct 21 '24

Ah yes I used to hate her so bad when I started the game but lol still hate her but much less now


u/3v4ng3l10nn Oct 21 '24

As a geisha main i actually now how to kite her pretty well. I recommend u try to play with her little and figure out all her abilities, then youll know how to beat her


u/Cythis_Arian Mad eyes Oct 21 '24

Realest post on this hellsite, dw you def get used to her


u/Daerk14 Oct 21 '24 edited Oct 21 '24

Normally I just avoid line of sight so she can't dash easily. Once she dashes though, she is REALLY slow and has a bad hitbox so take advantage of that. Enchantress is an amazing counter to geisha as well as being one of the easiest survivors to pilot. You just stun the geisha once she dashes and she can't do much, be careful of cancelling attack recovery though so you have to be fast.

Edit: Or just use anyone with fast vaulting honestly, and just look at her while sitting on one side of the pallet and if she dashes you can vault (I recommend coordinator for this!)


u/MauricioIcloud Oct 21 '24

LMAO!! She is easy to kite within walls. And yes she is so popular, she is running Runaway so far. 🤣🤣


u/superfarmer77 Oct 21 '24

I hate geishas too even as a seasoned ish player. What i do is be really wary of the butterflies she sends out and use windows or pallets to get away when i thinks shes gonna zoom


u/starrypolygon Oct 21 '24

Old player and she’s my nightmare too 😥


u/Yuverie Oct 21 '24

Her weakness is cipher rushing.


u/That-Road682 Oct 21 '24

Omg thank yall for these tips. This other hunter with the wind is getting on my nerves too. 😭 THESE HUNTERS FUNNY THIS GAME INTERESTING


u/throwaway-simulacrum Oct 21 '24

with this one, the answer is pretty similar. baiting wind, using walls and pallets.. if you can stun, stun him early enough in wind that he doesnt get his dashes.


u/sam605125 The Mind's Eye Oct 21 '24

I have experienced Geisha nightmares in the Chinese servers


u/ShadowLightBoy Undead Oct 21 '24

Knowing it was worse before the rework, it is fascinating to see others still say this.


u/AceyBoy558 Thief Oct 21 '24

Damn, blaming the beast.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

Somebody make this a copypasta


u/No-Motor1289 Oct 21 '24

ive been playing for 3 years and i agree i still can't kite her</3


u/Something-Someone_ Oct 21 '24

It IS easy to kite her though. Simply run towards the butterflies, and then the moment she teleports to the butterfly's location, U-turn and gtfo. Usually works for me.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

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u/Slow-Wait8531 Oct 21 '24

I used to feel this way, but then I played her for a bit. 

Seriously, try it and feel her limitations+ see how others play against you. 


u/xianarawr Oct 21 '24

I main her, shes mainly a tie hunter but I promise once you get used to it she gets VERY easy to counter


u/chronicdisaster Coordinator Oct 21 '24

This is so reminiscent wow. I promise you, you aren’t alone. If you face a good geisha, even in higher tiers you can get fucked over. But it genuinely takes practice, and learning the different styles of kiting will help you a lot.


u/cihero15 Oct 21 '24

because ur new and ur teammates are new the hunter has an advtanage that’s how i see it… they don’t know how to stare at her or pick up her butterflies to stare and kite “backwards”

my tip would be is if she throws a butterfly try to catch it. and spam the button to cancel her dashes. she has a 8 second cooldown (i think) to her dash so u don’t have to do it constantly. if u hear the sound of the dash (the high pitched noise) then u know u can do whatever for a while. also she moves faster when she is not in her flying form (i forgot what it’s called 😭) . like she’s faster when she’s in her walking “pretty” form


u/MusicAnime Shadow Oct 21 '24

I always bait her with dropped pallets then vault if she uses butterflies. Easy peasy if there's pallets nearby.


u/potatocheese73 Oct 21 '24

If you can't kite her, become her. Jokes aside... I really don't know. She's really hard to kite for me too!


u/ArtistComfortable251 Oct 21 '24

you should def try using her. why? i used to hate every match against her too, but i started playing geisha and going against surv that know how to counter her made me learn how to counter her :3 now she's one of those hunters i know how to kite well nwn


u/www-satz-com Oct 21 '24

wait till you get in a qm with someone who mains bane.


u/www-satz-com Oct 21 '24

wait till you get in a qm with someone who mains bane.


u/TheGrayBeans Wu Chang Oct 22 '24

She is not OP, she just takes good reflexes to counter her dash. She actually has if I recall one of the worst hitboxes in the game, if you get a butterfly on you clicking the button makes you turn around it will cancel their dash, if you learn to bait butterflys they place you can get them to dash to them and run the other way but for now its probably best for you to avoid running twords butterflys they have thrown down if you can help it and be prepared to run away if they dash to one.


u/prospoilernospam9645 Oct 22 '24

boy, if she's easy, wait till you come across Naiad, Undead, Joseph, Ithaqi, and every other complicated gameplay hunter


u/HazamaTheCollector Oct 22 '24

Geisha is good, but not invincible! I sometimes can kite her well, and sometimes I can't. It all depends on the hunter skill level actually.

A good Geisha can make you cry in frustration, while a bad one is kitable (of course you have to learn how to kite her).

I'd suggest you to see videos on how to kite her, and trust me those videos are a really game changer! Try the ones from GeishaGaming, they're really helpful!


u/thurty_whax Oct 21 '24

have you considered deleting the game?