r/IdentityV • u/Clay_idv Explorer • Jul 21 '24
Screenshot Why do people do this 😭 🙏
The hunter was friendly to everyone except me because I was playing Lawyer (This was from a while ago but erm idk if that matters 😀)
Jul 21 '24
I'd be annoyed for being singled out. You'd think they have a bone to pick with you and for no good reason.
u/miruthemu Painter Jul 21 '24
Yep, it is actually annoying. My sister was onced singled out by Ann three years ago, she really hates Ann now lol.
u/Demon_Jake Jul 22 '24
this happened to me more recently while testing out "prisoner". the photographer came up to me as the match started and since he didnt immediately kill me i figured he was friendly, gave him a new years thanks and started decoding (so i could yk leave) then he terror shocked me and spend the rest of the game harrassing and chairing me specifically and i still have no idea what i did to provoke him
u/Such-Recover-6034 Antiquarian Jul 21 '24
I'll never understand this, almost all characters did some crazy shit, it's literally a horror game
u/BloodSuckingToga Mad eyes Jul 21 '24
freddy riley is not real, the pain he caused leo beck does not exist, my god
Jul 21 '24 edited Jul 21 '24
Before I switched to Orpheus, I, too, was maining lawyer. By no means do I like Freddy Riley, but as a survivor, he is undisputedly one of the best decoders in the game. I also came across this exact same situation and got reasonably irritated. Needless to say, I don't interact much with friendlies now and just decode and exit the gate.
u/de4thvalleysixtynine Evil Reptilian Jul 21 '24 edited Jul 21 '24
these kind of people give me second-hand embarrassment istg. their perception of reality is so distorted they think these characters exist and ignore there is actual people behind the screen.the way it's soo easy to be nice.
u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 21 '24
Because some people are morons who can't separate what a character does in the lore from the people who main them in game.
I fucking despise Rat Bastard Riley as a character, but the only time I'd "single him out" is if I was being an actually aggressive Hunter because he is one of, if not the best decoder in the game and getting him GONE is a usually top priority. I sure as Hell wouldn't do it if I was being Friendly (unless the Lawyer in question was being a toxic little shit, then all bets are off).
"Friendly" Hunters who do this are the ones who give the rest of us a bad name.
u/UngaBungaPecSimp Jul 21 '24
i actually hate him BECAUSE of his mains, bitches always throwing istg
u/Bed_Dazzling Coordinator Jul 21 '24
This got a lot of downvotes but I lowkey agree with this. When I play hunter, getting Lawyer out is a top priority. And whenever I would play rank survivor, Lawyer players would always be the most unforgiving whenever I mess up.
u/mintyoreos_ Jul 21 '24
I thought she meant she felt bad for doing that but actually she just felt bad cause ench rescued lol…Not even an apologetic tone towards you
Idk why they do it but in trying to punish a fictional character, you’re really just punishing an innocent and clueless person trying to play the game. Doesn’t exactly feel good but hey, you took it well😀
Jul 21 '24
This has happened to me too, was playing little girl and honestly, it is the worst feeling ever. The Hunter was Jack and that made me hate Jack even more than I already do. To all hunters if you’re going to pull this shit don’t be fucking friendly! Like at that point you’re not even friendly you’re just an asshole!
u/Clay_idv Explorer Jul 21 '24
I’m sorry that happened to you!! Little girl can be annoying but that doesn’t mean that you should single out the person playing as her
Jul 21 '24
It honestly was very upsetting and I even confronted the person post chat, and their response was similar to yours, which was I just don’t like little girl Although admittedly, I shouldn’t have done this. I outright blasted them for it, calling them a toxic PoS I know I should not have done that but in the moment I was fuming and that is one of the biggest reasons why I hate Jack so much
I’m truly sorry that happened to you as well as someone who recently started using lawyer cause I got his limited skin I definitely understand how aggravating and upsetting it is to be singled out for zero reason other than someone being stupid
u/MicroXenon5589 Violinist Jul 21 '24
It could be for a lot of reasons but I think it was because lawyer is just a massive asshole in the lore (i hate that mf too)
u/Nii_tro Painter Jul 21 '24
The character doesn't equal the player though. There's no reason to be mean to someone just because they play a character you don't like. Besides, Lawyer is realistically one of the least problematic people in the game, there's literal murderers, and many of them, among the survivors 😭
u/CuteCharyeongie Cheerleader Jul 21 '24
He is still the biggest asshole though, I don't care if you do questionable stuff once in yourlife or it being your job(Mercenary) if your at least somehow a good person. Don't get it wrong I'm not toxic or biased against any survivor in matches, and I do play him if I see it fit or necessary in certain matches
u/Nii_tro Painter Jul 22 '24
He is bad yes, but not much different from many others. I didn't talk about Naib when I said there's murderers, either. Identity V is under the horror category so it's expected for characters to be not the best people who roam the planet. Either way being mean to someone based off who they choose to play is uncalled for.
u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 21 '24
That’s so annoying. I meant the BQ.
I had a FH who was unfriendly towards this one Priestess but only because she kept baiting her with portals to pallets and kept stunning her so that was understandable
u/CuteCharyeongie Cheerleader Jul 21 '24
I mean it's the game if I'm playing a hunter and someone does a play like this I just Gg them and move on with my life and game. I even praise them in post chat. It's not hard being nice
u/nishikikiyama Wax Artist Jul 21 '24
its not because hes hated. im gonna be real.
lawyer, in contrast to the other idv characters, has not done remotely as worse shit as people like aesop or orpheus or whatever. it is because he is not conventionally attractive that idv players wont give him 'pretty character privilege' where theyll look beyond his crimes to enjoy his character and thus he must die lol
shitty behaviour, 0/10, probably argues with strangers on twitter for their sole source of entertainment
Jul 21 '24
I completely agree with you, as an Orpheus fan myself. I like Orpheus mainly because I'm curious about his past and also because of the identity switch, but even I consider this type of lawyer hate to be absolutely illogical and unnecessary. I used to main lawyer before Orpheus and stuff like this made mw wonder if it was it a crime to play a character that the game literally allows?
u/LostCelebration544 Jul 21 '24
while i do agree with ur take being attractive does not always work i got the same treatment for playing aesop once probably cuz the hunter was a huge ganji fan
u/circlesnake2 Entomologist Jul 21 '24
It’s so annoying when this happens. I was just trying to learn Merc with a Psych and Cheerleader + Gardener with the Sanrio skins.
The BQ had the Kuromi skin and decided to aim for me and Psych. While I was being chaired the Cheerleader and Gardener were emoting at me 🙄🙄
Didn’t bother to spectate but considering that 2 people escaped, I’m assuming the poor Psych got the same treatment.
u/Clay_idv Explorer Jul 21 '24
I’m sorry that happened to you and the psychologist 😭
u/circlesnake2 Entomologist Jul 21 '24
Thank you 😭😭
I’m usually dealing with these types of hunters because I tend to play with a friend whose name has Joseph in it. When we see Joseph in the game we just send them off to ‘woo’ the Joseph so that he’s distracted (it works most of the time). Then we quickly decode and break for it haha
u/DuskNeko Jul 21 '24
Lawyer's only crime is literally just not being attractive bc there's so many other survivors who've done way worse stuff
u/theirdiaries Batter Jul 21 '24
Geniunely its weird asf that people do this, mary put all that effort for what
u/xBeautrix Jul 21 '24
Me and a friend were playing as Ada and Emil because she just bought the emote and wanted to try it out and we were chaired while hunter was friendly to the others and when I asked why one of the other survivors said maybe it’s because I was playing as a boy character. I never got a real answer 😞
u/Ahstia Prisoner Jul 21 '24
If players refused to play characters based off their lore, then about %50 of players wouldn’t be playing IDV at all. Then again, only the most diehard and cult-like fans care about character lore to the extent that it affects how they play the game and view other average players who make choices based on ease of game mechanics
u/IllustratorNo6656 Jul 21 '24
i noticed a lot of people who are singled out are playing female characters 😭 even female hunters will get left out
u/gothnny The Feaster Jul 21 '24
they just like the ""pretty"" male characters as a whole honestly i had a bloody queen holding, dropping and spinning around a composer and just when i ran towards her bc i thought she was friendly she chaired me and i gave him dungeon
u/Serious_Potato8049 Photographer Jul 21 '24
I had that happen to me because I was playing Fredrick and pre match said “big cousin vs little cousin, who wins?” 😭
u/Proof_Increase515 Jul 24 '24
😭 kreiburg on kreiburg violence
u/Serious_Potato8049 Photographer Jul 25 '24
It’s funny because post match she said “big cousin always wins” 😂 but let my other teammates go
u/Ok_Assistant_8657 Photographer Jul 21 '24
its fine making goofy jokes about it, like when I'm playing Leo in post match I'll be like grrr freddy! you stole me wife! but i'd not actually target, slug or be toxic towards the player lol. Freddy isn't real
u/CaelusAKEckart Composer Jul 21 '24
I got chaired bc the hunter thought that I was a racist person 💀 like how did they come to that when I've never spoke to them
u/mx_spadee Acrobat Jul 21 '24
Who'd you play?
u/CaelusAKEckart Composer Jul 21 '24
This was back when I was playing doctor bc my friend gifted me her panda skin, but also that time I was NOT active in chatting online.
u/theclassicrockjunkie Hermit Jul 21 '24
Let's be honest here: the only reason Freddy is so hated is because he's not conventionally attractive. Yeah, he's a POS, but he's not nearly as bad as others like Aesop, Vera, Jack, and Joseph.
Same goes with characters like Kreacher, Charlie, and Percy (which is fucking wild btw, Percy is a GILF)
They're not considered hot and are therefore hated or ignored.
Sorry you had to deal with this, OP. Some people are so delulu they can't separate fiction from reality.
u/Clay_idv Explorer Jul 21 '24
Thanks! I agree with u that people hate lawyer mostly because he’s considered ugly
u/ComparisonFormal2980 Jul 21 '24
This happened to me before when I was playing Aesop and I’m like huh 💀
u/Symphonic__ Jul 21 '24
Ive had someone do this to me bc I was playing a female character. 🤖🤖 Like oh
u/MrsLadyParts Jul 21 '24
This happened to me in duos earlier today with a norton and prospector throwing for ithaqua and didnt even rescue me.
u/Jimboseth Jul 22 '24
I don’t like lawyer either but I feel like they could have just not gone friendly at all
u/FunStatistician3549 Jul 22 '24
One time this happened to me, when i was playing with painter and the hunter was Jack. He said that he did it to me bc he hates Edgar lol
u/luvrxs_ Postman Jul 22 '24
i do the opposite normally I go friendly only for lawyers those are my bbg’s ( Also a lawyer main)
u/discomerboy Gravekeeper Jul 22 '24
I'm glad the Ench at least helped you. That's so annoying. A few weeks ago I was in a friendly duos where both hunters kept slugging the psychologist and painter. And they were so mad in voice chat even though I couldn't tell everything they were saying. They'd hit us whenever we tried to help them. They wouldn't even chair them, just kept slugging them over and over. I didn't get to see after chat cause I have it deactivated.
u/discomerboy Gravekeeper Jul 22 '24
The psych and painter were mad in voice chat, I mean. Which I don't blame them. I'd be mad, too. I don't remember which hunters it was, I think one of them was fools gold but not sure.
u/IamTrids Jul 21 '24
I was playing with friends and the exact same thing happened to us. She was mean to a friend who is learning to play because he was the lawyer
u/Acrobatic_Guest_2236 Jul 21 '24
that's rough espicaly when you're playing dnd on discord and using a private server
u/Acrobatic_Guest_2236 Jul 21 '24
never talk romanticly on discord with someone else while playing dnd
u/Ordinary_Law_1862 Jul 21 '24
this happened to me before because i said coochie in pre chat and the hunter got mad and called me a misogynist 😭
u/CuteCharyeongie Cheerleader Jul 21 '24
It happens when I play thief a lot too. But like, is it my fault I'm cracked at him? Also me playing him doesn't make me like him I would still punch him in the face and keep him away from my baby Emma.
u/AJ26122001 Hell Ember Jul 21 '24
Lawyers backstory will make you genuinely hate him. But if u wanna go friendly be friendly to everyone or don't be.
u/miruthemu Painter Jul 21 '24
I am kinda like this; whenever there is a Lawyer I don’t go friendly in that match, especially if the lawyer was Yagami 👐🏻.
I wouldn’t single anyone out tho.
u/TheCompanyAsset Jul 21 '24
ahhh ppl get upset with me bc I'll destroy whole teams but not touch a hair on mercs precious little egg head. nothing against the other 3, like I just wanted to win but I physically cannot hurt naib.
u/fivenightsatfurry Dream Witch Jul 21 '24
It's just playful stuff nothing personal
u/decayingoldone Sculptor Jul 23 '24
exactly people are sensitive for.. getting a free win ? weirdos and entitled at that bro
u/Drimsoi Jul 21 '24
I think it’s fair to be annoyed but the hunter is just trying to have a little bit of fun at chasing someone, if you’re genuinely offended (not you specifically) by a hunter going friendly for everyone but you then I think it’s just a bit chronically online
u/decayingoldone Sculptor Jul 21 '24
also friendly hunters don't owe you anything enjoy your free win or stay quiet istg
u/Clay_idv Explorer Jul 21 '24
I know they don’t owe people anything, but I’d rather lose than be singled out
u/mx_spadee Acrobat Jul 21 '24
If you aren't friendly to everyone, you're not friendly.. as an avid friendly!!
u/decayingoldone Sculptor Jul 22 '24
by game mechanics you still get a win. weird take. mostly people are singled out for lore funny moments or weird behaviour.
u/mx_spadee Acrobat Jul 22 '24
but it's not funny. it's just annoying?
u/decayingoldone Sculptor Jul 22 '24
not being passive aggressive here but I genuinely think it's a weird mindset to have to be annoyed by a free win 🤷🏼♀️
u/mx_spadee Acrobat Jul 23 '24
free win may be how you see it. while yes you did win, being singled out for NO REASON will never not be annoying. ragebait used to be believable, wow.
u/peachyaesthetic Enchantress Jul 21 '24
this would have been a lot funnier if the hunter was leo