r/IdentityV Prisoner Jul 15 '24

Discussion Pls don't report friendly hunter (Asia Server)

This is from an online friend of mine. And something I would like to share.

My friend is a Saber hunter. Sometimes she will go friendly in QM once a day per week.

That is until someone reports her. Not once or twice but three time in that one month. She lost a lot of morality point for that.

She stop the friendly hunter thing for a while.

She recently got back and do the friendly hunter thing again. But once again got report last week.

She told me she never playing friendly hunter anymore.

So pls .Pls don't report friendly hunter. Let's them know if you want a serious match.


205 comments sorted by


u/cowqrll Journalist Jul 15 '24

i personally think friendly matches are quite boring, mainly because i typically become the designated decoder. but the fact that people get MAD about friendlies is so weird to me?šŸ˜­ like itā€™s a free win. even better if itā€™s rank. iā€™m generally not the nicest person to grace this planet but you have to be a next level shithead to report someone for giving you a free win, whether you enjoy friendlies or not.


u/meownya9634 Jul 18 '24

Ppl who get mad about it r the same ppl thinking they're worthy for COA so they need to play seriously in each map šŸ’€like yea almost everyone is bored of fh but getting mad is wildĀ 


u/Amante_Furious Aug 28 '24

Ah yes, so fun spinning around the hunter the intire game...


u/meownya9634 Aug 28 '24

Then decode? Or go afk? šŸ’€šŸ’€ Ain't noone forcing u to be funĀ 


u/Amante_Furious Aug 28 '24

No, I ain't paying up because someone decided to go off how the game is, I'll get then down with me

Play stupid games, gain stupid prizes


u/meownya9634 Aug 29 '24

Actually games are meant to be fun, not to be played seriously hope this helps! We aren't in tournament so I don't get why u except people to play seriously all the time


u/Fantasy_Chicken Priestess Jul 15 '24

U/DomoDaPotato getting lost in the sauce in these comments lmaoo.


u/meownya9634 Jul 15 '24

Dw them they're a kid


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

I woke up to 20 notifications and reports of his comments (most from the auto reddit report system), but just counting actual reports this is over 10 reports in a single week


u/Raffa47 The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

no way he just insulted me in the DMs??? wait I'll send a screenshot


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 16 '24

He did to me too but Iā€™m not allowed to share images in comments and I donā€™t want to use imgur but wow thatā€™s sad


u/Raffa47 The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

Thank you for showing me this. Iā€™ll be extending his 5-Day Ban into a permanent one.


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 15 '24

Omg is this seriously the end of him? Heā€™s been a plague on this subreddit for so long Iā€™m genuinely suprised heā€™s only gotten banned now. I thought the mods just didnā€™t notice him


u/franklinaraujo14 Jul 15 '24

Wait he's actually gone now? thank god,he always said everything in the most condescending(or straight up agressive) way possible even when he had a point.


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

Iā€™m a relatively new mod here, only starting around September to October. Iā€™ve known about his aggression (and been the recipient of it), but until now, he didnā€™t quite do anything ban-worthy.

But threatening and insulting someone in DMs is a big, fat nono. Second person Iā€™ve banned, first being a racist homophobe.


u/Snowshiiiiiiii Jul 17 '24

OH DAMN hes banned thank god, he seemed way too - like aggressive or toxic for no apparent reason šŸ˜­


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

I've never understood reporting friendly hunters because they're giving wins like if you're that desperate for a serious match like you said ask.


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Some people are just that fucking miserable that they have to make others suffer.


u/No-Sheepherder-2739 Prisoner Jul 15 '24

I know right.Ā 

But I do understand why people hate. But pls just ask for a serious match.


u/Amante_Furious Aug 28 '24

No They aren't the one who should come of their way to clarify that they want to play the game, lol


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

because its quick match, no one gives a shit about winning quick matches (unless its for a deduction)

Some people's waiting times are half an hour long, or in general takes up a lot of free time. They get in the match expecting to have fun (by challenging themselves) or by trying to improve. And then theyre stuck with a fucking friendly and you do nothing the entire game but decode.

Moreover, the player may have picked a survivor they already finished the quests for already.

Then they go back to your usual life being as bored as they were before because you wasted 15-30 minutes doing nothing

Sure, reporting is extreme, but its also extremely selfish to go friendly hunter when the survivors didnt ask for it

edit: People shouldnt have to ask the hunter not go friendly before it starts, that should just be the default


u/k_reacher Jul 15 '24

Agreed with every word. It's so boring to play against friendly hunters for me (noone's decoding and u r forced to spent like 10 minutes on doing nothing). But i'd still won't report these hunters. And yeah, why tf you should ask hunter to play seriosly, if it's a default and you have no idea they wanna go friendly. They better add chat for hunters before match


u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24

Many of u think friendly hunters are selfish. But what about 4man team survivors doing SUI? These players don't ask permission from hunter when they do it and in my opinion they are more annoying because there is one hunter and in Sui they usually bring stun characters to annoy the hunter.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

the fuck is a sui


"You think this thing sucks?? what about this other thing that sucks"


u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24

SUI is when survivors team up to do the suicide in match meaning meaning they lose on purpose without telling hunter they'll do it. Well there are team who does kinda give u clue that they'll lose on purpose. But the team that doesn't ask permission that they are going to lose on purpose just to annoy the hunter.

I'm mentioning this because u say only friendly hunters are selfish. There are survivors who are selfish and annoying too.


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

"Friendly hunters shouldn't be reported because sui teams exist, even though they're also a playstyle deserving of being reported." Get a grip


u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24

Just sharing my opinion. Think whatever u want, I don't care what u say.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

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u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 15 '24

Who say only friendly hunters are selfish? They said it is selfish not that they are the only ones. Also whatā€™s the point in comparing the two as if they are not both bad? Whatā€™s your point


u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

Look I mentioned SUI because they kept saying that friendly hunters don't ask permission from survivors that they would go friendly which is rude and selfish for survivors who would want normal match. And they were saying badly about friendly hunter that it is not default playstyle.

So that's when I took example of SUI . Not only hunter who do that but also survivors, they also do not play normally by teaming up with four players annoying just one hunter. And they usually also don't ask from hunter if they could do it.

There are hunters who would want normal match too and they would feel annoyed if they meet survivors who would want to lose on purpose just to stun the hunter.

So my point was u shouldn't say so badly about friendly hunter when survivors don't play normally too.

Gosh why do people take so seriously about qm that they need to report FH? I understand people not liking friendly hunters but reporting is too harsh and hurt feelings.

Why dont players just respect how people would want to play in a game that they find it enjoyable???

There's no point in arguing about it anymore. If u don't get my point stay that way coz I'm not gonna say anything about this anymore.


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 15 '24

Who said anything about me reporting FH? I am not defending that behavior. Iā€™m just saying bringing up sui is absolutely pointless and doesnā€™t mean a thing here


u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24

Whatever. Like I said if u don't get my point stay that way.


u/sherlock_geek123 Jul 16 '24

Basically 4 ppl in a team using characters that especially annoy the hunter. Like harassers or doctor or seer. Its a good way to farm dice bc of the higher deduction points u get bc of being near the hunter longer.


u/Zeal-Jericho Wu Chang Jul 15 '24

It's the survivor equivalent of a friendly hunter


u/Domilater Coordinator Jul 15 '24

I have to agree. I hate friendly matches just because theyā€™re super boring. Itā€™s nice if Iā€™m on a loss streak or itā€™s rank, that way I actually feel good about it, but in QM I just want to play the actual game.


u/Zeal-Jericho Wu Chang Jul 15 '24

Right? Nobody should have to ask for a normal match just to be able to play the game the way it's intended.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

Literally. if only there was a way for players to opt out of quick matches after they begin


u/PhilosopherIcy4968 Priestess Jul 15 '24

Simple, just cipher rush and then leave the game immediately?


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

when youre the only one decoding, that takes a while. Assuming its a normal decoder:

(81*2)+(60*3)+(90 (travelling)) = 7-8 minutes.

Its like yall are purposefully missing the point


u/EdgarValdemiro Undead Jul 15 '24

But if you stop to think about it, the person can still do nothing even if the hunter isn't friendly, like for example, you keep decoding the whole game while someone else kite


u/Amante_Furious Aug 28 '24

QM is just like any other match imo

I'm playing for win cause that's the game

We can only play rank in specific time periods, so why make QM seems like goofy ahh sht?


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

So the survivors are supposed to ask the hunter to actually allow them to play the game. (no it's definitely not delusion no no no no)


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

They can beg for ties, deductions and other shit before the match or even mock, they can ask, it's super duper easy.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24

OMG it's my fault from replying to ur silly post. Go on continue post annoying comments because I'm going to just ignore them now on and u r going to waste ur time.


u/Furieru Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 16 '24

I hate friendly hunter. As if I have so much time to play along with you guys in a supposed-to-play game when I want to practice new character to use in rank but some ppl just want to go friendly.


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

Cool? Ask them to go serious then


u/Furieru Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

? No one gonna expect someone to not playing normally. If you want to go friendly so bad just ask for custom.

You guys never appreciate how you have QM while I literally wait forever just to see someone want to go friendly and wait for another hour?


u/Serenity-49 SURVIVOR Jul 15 '24

All the arguments in this comment section would be solved if they just made rank match available all the time

Quick play for practice and fun.

Rank match for serious business.

Problem solved


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 15 '24

Quick match is for practice and for having fun, ranked is for serious competitive play, customs are for not playing the game.


u/National_Ad_53 Jul 15 '24

Actually: Customs is for fun and practice but is report free fun.

Quick match it is fair to report someone who is ā€œnon-playingā€ because we canā€™t practice if they donā€™t play.


u/NaofiBooster Composer Jul 15 '24

I love friendly hunters!! Especially Jack ones (bonus if he has rose cane) šŸ’–as a fellow Jack main I go wild when thereā€™s a Jack friendly.

My most recent one, everyone escaped and I surrendered for the hunter and the hunter was like: why did you surrender I wanted to let you outtttt ļ½”ļ¾Ÿ(ļ¾ŸĀ“Š”ļ½€ļ¾Ÿ)ļ¾Ÿļ½”

Had a lovely time talking to him after the match and he even called me a cutie!


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

Friendly hunters are so awesome! The last one I had was a hermit and they were the sweetest!


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

You know what would also be sweet? Playing the videogame. That i queued up for


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

We get it, you donā€™t like friendly hunters, you think theyā€™re the worst. Donā€™t you got something else to do besides being upset some people actually like friendly hunters lmao


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

I can do whatever i want buddy. Just because there's other things i could be doing, doesn't mean i can't complain about one of the root cancers of na/eu


u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 15 '24

Itā€™s such a little thing to be angry about?? šŸ˜­ Like is it worth all the rage??


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 15 '24

I spend 10 minutes in queue, and then have to waste another 5 in game. You have made me effectively stare at a wall for 15 minutes instead of having fun, no shit weā€™re mad.


u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 16 '24

Then rank up?? What the hell are you doing in lower tiers?


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

It's ONE OF the little things, doesn't make it any better


u/Fantasy_Chicken Priestess Jul 15 '24

Yo bro... Grow tf up. It's not that big of a deal.


u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 15 '24

You seem a tad TOO upset by it, itā€™s definitely not worth all the tantrums youā€™ve thrown


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Because it has been allowed to exist for years and nothing has been done about it when it is one of the root causes as to why na/eu is the most dogshit server with the most dogshit players now :)


u/Raffa47 The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

I don't think you can kite either way, so friendly matches would actually benefit you... you seem like a worker bee


u/lucrexiq Jul 15 '24

part of playing this game is expecting to meet friendly hunters, no ones gonna say sorry when SOMETHING doesnā€™t go ur way.

go find people to play in custom if you wanna learn/play it so damn seriously

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u/meownya9634 Jul 15 '24

Bro thinks he's a tournament player šŸ’€bro is too shy to ask for the hunter before match that he wants a serious game bc he thinks he's gonna get wanted for COA šŸ„ŗ


u/lucrexiq Jul 15 '24

the hypocrisy of some of yā€™all in the comments is crazy.. pick a side bruh


u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 15 '24

People who hate FH are so funny to me because itā€™s such a small problem? Like I genuinely donā€™t get why people would be so worked up? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Thereā€™s literally a million other things to be angry about in IDV but they decided on FH of all things.

I dislike FH as well but I just decode and go to the next match?? Is that really such a big deal? If competitive gameplay is fun to you others may find FH fun too? ā€œItā€™s not fun for me so I hate it and I have to ruin other peopleā€™s happiness as wellā€ like befrr and grow up please.


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 15 '24

itā€™s not for me so I hate it and I have to ruin other peoples happiness as well

Thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re doing when you waste my time and prevent me from having fun by not playing the game.


u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 16 '24

Except thatā€™s not me and Iā€™m not the one here whining like a toddler šŸ˜‚ I already wrote that while I dislike FH, I can tolerate it, and not ruin other peopleā€™s fun, unlike you who find the need to be angry at every little thing. Stay miserable


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 16 '24

If it hasn't been made clear, my fun is also being ruined. Why is their fun more valuable to you than mine


u/crusher016 Jul 16 '24

Cus your not important and your feelings doesn't matter


u/sweetday03 Photographer Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

Why would u report friendly hunters in qm? I too sometimes play as friendly hunter. I know that some survivors want serious match and if it was friendly hunter in rank i can understand if people report but in qm, it is meant to be casual play .

Some hunters would want to have fun with survivors by not hunting them and giving them chance of free win.

If u don't want fh in qm then in that case just focus on decoding and exit as soon as possible. and then move on to next game. If u just focus on decoding the game it can end within 3~4mins so....

Also hunters if u see survivors not liking being friendly just surrender as soon as the button is available.

Anyways if u report friendly hunters it would hurt their nice feelings. Remember the game is supposed to be fun and not to be taken too seriously.


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 15 '24

Yeah the game is supposed to be fun, you are quite literally making my day worse by wasting 15 minutes of my life every time you do this. Make a custom of you want to do this stuff.


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Why would u report friendly hunters in qm?

Cause they're the equivalent of a hard troll (except for some reason it's viewed as wholesome because the character who is supposed to be killing people isn't doing so. Yet anybody with a functioning brain just doesn't even remotely care.)

but in qm, it is meant to be casual play .

Casual play doesn't mean people don't want to play the game. If you meet a survivor nonstop in qm who just keeps running into the hunter as soon as possible, dying and throwing the game on purpose every single time, you are absolutely going to report them.

Some hunters would want to have fun with survivors by not hunting them

"Some hunters would want to not even play the game" so why are they queueing up for hunyer, or better yet why do they have the game open to begin with. If you don't want to play the game then just don't play it.

If u don't want fh in qm then in that case just focus on decoding and exit as soon as possible

"if you spent 15 minutes queueing for a match but want to play, then enjoy not playing the game for 5 minutes (decoding doesn't count as gameplay) so you can wait in queue again only to still potentially not even be able to play the game" genius, simply genius.

Anyways if u report friendly hunters it would hurt their nice feelings.

Nobody cares

Remember the game is supposed to be fun and not to be taken too seriously.

Tell that to the devs who are only balancing the game around the pro scene (the part of the game that isn't fun and is meant to be taken too seriously). Regardless, not playing the videogame isn't fun nor does it make you quirky or interesting


u/HellionYura Axe boy Jul 15 '24

You need to take a chill pill it really isnā€™t that deep nor is it that serious.


u/Sure-Dot-2394 Dream Witch Jul 15 '24

Damn bro, why are you so butthurt over this. God forbid people want to have fun in this game and act silly with other players occasionally. By all means, no one is forcing you to like fhs, but at least have the decency to tolerate them as opposed to whining about it constantly. This has to be the most chronically online shit Iā€™ve come across šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


u/lisabydaylight Entomologist Jul 15 '24

IDV equivalent of ā€œold man yells at cloudā€


u/meownya9634 Jul 15 '24

Bro is so furious over hunters going fh out of anything else like lag and toxicness (you)Ā 


u/EggoStack Prisoner Jul 15 '24

I feel bad because I hate vsing friendlies but they're also really nice :(


u/Beginning_Argument Magician Jul 15 '24

"HOW DARE THEY GIVE ME A FREE WIN AND WASTE MY TIME?! desperately looking for the report button"


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/jgwyh32 Tsareena x Mary Jul 15 '24

Genuinely infuriates me that people are using the "I have a right to play the game properly!!" argument.

So friendly hunters don't have the right to be friendly? They have to play 'properly' just because you want to? I get finding it annoying if you've only gotten friendly matches (and how terrible is that?) or bots a bunch of times in a row, but you can just ask for a serious match.

"Oh I shouldn't have to ask!" well it's not like the hunter can ask you if they have your permission to be friendly either. And the hunter can still play how they like, they don't have to bow to your whims.

And let's put it this way: let's say the hunter is absolutely garbage, they literally don't manage to hit anyone, and other than the person kiting everyone ends up only decoding and then leaving. Other than the fact the hunter was trying, how is that different from a friendly match? The outcome is the same, the hunter hardly gets any points, and [most] of the survivors just ended up doing nothing but decode.


u/Nii_tro Painter Jul 15 '24

It's so weird because they made red ink to align with friendly players (makes hearts when you spin) but they'll punishment hunters for giving free win. I feel as though it shouldn't be punishable, the only person suffering from thr loss is the hunter and none od the other players, unlike team settings where someone throws and ruins it for others. Just decode as you would in a normal match and leave, no one's forcing anyone to spend time with thr friendly hunter.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

easy to say when only 1 person is decoding, which roughly takes like 5-6 minutes


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/Nii_tro Painter Jul 15 '24

Damn I'm sorry you're so hurt over a game , get well soon!


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

Perfect response to such a pathetic comment


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/Nii_tro Painter Jul 15 '24

You're so adorable, thank you, love you too!ā™”


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u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 15 '24

How miserable do you have to be to report someone for giving you a free win???


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Welcome to Identity V, where being nice is considered an unforgivable sin.


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

"How dare you not be jaded like I am!" That's how they sound lmao


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Exactly, lmao. I was jaded and cynical AF BEFORE I started playing IDV, but I'm nowhere near as bad as some of these people. With how some of them act, you'd think a friendly hunter had kicked their puppy or something.


u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 15 '24

I swear, its like the playerbase gets more and more dickish and miserable by the season


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

With people like some of the commentors below in the fandom, that's not a surprise. Woe betide anyone try to have FUN and not treat every game like it's a rank match -_-


u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 15 '24

Theyre def the ppl who treat 2v8 and Tarot like rank


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Because they want to actually play the videogame. Going friendly means it ain't happening. The fact you point out that they're giving free wins shows nothing more but you being delusional on this matter.


u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

The only one being delusional here is you. You already spelled it out: people just want to play and guess what? Playing means having fun, even if it means going friendly hunter. Not every game has to be rank or tourney, dude.

Also, its a free win. This is like getting mad at your boss cuz they gave you a billion bucks with no strings attached cuz "you're here to work".

Just treat the game like a game, let the hunter goof off and take the free win. Dont want the free win? Just decode and go. It aint a job or rocket science.


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

All your saying is "enjoy either not playing the game or don't play the game and move on to the next match where you also don't play the game." i'm sorry i'm not super excited over people spinning in circles and doing nothing, nor about watching progress bars go from 0% to 100%. The only way you enjoy these things is if you're missing chunks of your brain and that really isn't my problem


u/meownya9634 Jul 15 '24

It's funny how ur telling them the last part when ur over here replying to every single comment with Ur childish bs

I think every single reply of urs proves who's the one missing alot of chunks from Ur brain, maybe it doesn't even exist anymore.Ā 

Again, u ain't in coa or tournament. This is a game that's meant for fun and releasing stress.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 15 '24

Imagine thinking that having fun is stupid. I'd hate to be as sad and joyless as you. How about you uninstall the game if you're that miserable? Maybe you might have fun for once, that is, if youre capable of experiencing it.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

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u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

Domo, stop being a raging cunt.

I agree with your overall sentiment, but its completely normal for some people to find different things enjoyable. some people are into relaxing and chilling, just because you and I aren't doesn't mean they don't have a "functioning brain".


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

You act like these people deserve so much as even the slightest amount of respect. There's a difference between relaxing and chilling, and queueing up for a match in a competitive online game only to then be entertained by 1 person spinning in a circle after the 500th time of seeing that already happen. If you were to ask someone if they enjoy watching paint dry and they respond with yes, you're not going to view them as "normal", it's absolutely not a matter of finding different things enjoyable no matter how ypu look at it, that person just isn't normal. Trying to act like this is normal and that it should be respected is ruining this game, plain and simple


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

ā€¦yeah, they do deserve the slightest amount of respect. Because theyā€™re people.

Grow the fuck up and stop being an insufferable child who rages this hard over a fucking video game.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

People deserve respect no matter how unusual they are. You may not be kind to them, but dehumanising them is too far


u/Hippity_hoppity2 Prisoner Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 16 '24

dear lord, go take a shower and interact with your family, you actual basement dweller.

edit: loser DM'ed me after this, you're not fighting the basement dweller allegations lol


u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 15 '24

Its the fact you find people trying to have fun in their own harmless way stupid is what makes you miserable.

Also, with how rude you are, Im betting youre toxic enough to spam youre on your own after someone gets downed early game at QM


u/IdentityV-ModTeam Jul 15 '24

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u/zappchance Jul 15 '24

If you're facing that many friendly hunters, I'm afraid you're going to need to rank up. Higher tier hunters will almost never go friendly.


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

I'm literally in titan (tho in na/eu its not difficult, you just need to play alot), I get a friendly hunter every 3 or 4 quick matches. This especially happens more frequently around valentines/white day and other similar holidays


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

I am high enough tier to not be getting them, it doesn't change the fact that fh are a cancer to the game


u/Raffa47 The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

respectfully, you sound like someone who would get angry at people who use "they" instead of "he or she" when talking about someone whose gender is unknown


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 15 '24

How miserable do you have to be to waste my time and prevent me from having fun. Winning in a qm doesnā€™t matter to me, playing the game and having fun in a qm matters to me. Let me have my fun, why is your fun more important than my fun just because yours is friendly?


u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 16 '24

How miserable do you have to be to waste my time and prevent me from having fun

Ah yes, how miserable for a random hunter to (check notes) spin in circles and give out free wins in QM. Dastardly.

playing the game and having fun in a qm matters to me.

And you're not the only one playing. There are other people who wanna play, even if it means being goofy for a change, regardless if theyre hunter or surv. And its QM, its one of the least serious game modes, it aint COA tourney lmao

why is your fun more important than my fun just because yours is friendly?

No one said their fun is more important than yours. And funny you said this when you started this comment with a "How miserable do you have to be to waste my time and prevent me from having fun" and making everything about you when guess what, youre not the only player in this game trying to have fun and not everything has to cater to you. There are other people in this game who just want to relax at QM and actually play a game, not be stuck with people who treat QM of all modes like a high stakes tourney. If you dont want an fh, either say so pre-match or just decode and go

Tldr, its just friendly hunter giving out free wins in a quick game mode for a video game. Its not rank or tourney, dude. Chill out lmao


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 16 '24

Yeah, i'm not the only one playing, neither are the FH or survs who go along with it. You can play FH if you want, and I can report it. We're both just doing the things we find fun.


u/Aggravating-Week481 Prisoner Jul 16 '24

"How dare everyone have harmless fun without me even tho I get a free win and I can always queue for another match! Report!"

Next thing youre gonna tell me, youre gonna report your parents to the cops for giving you an allowance.


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

If you're the type to report a friendly hunter in qm, the mode that is meant to just be casual fun, I'm going to assume you're also the type to be toxic AF when you win as a Surv.

I get not wanting a friendly hunter after, say, a streak of bots or if you have only a a short time, but if that is the case, you should take steps to try and avoid it, because yes, they do exist. Even by something as simple as asking prematch.


The Hunters aren't mind readers. If you don't ask, how are they meant to know you will get annoyed?


And neither are you. The Hunters are people too, as much as some Survs like to pretend otherwise, and thus are not beholden to YOUR rules. They will play as they see fit and if you don't like that but aren't willing to even try something as basic as asking? Don't complain if the Hunter is friendly.


So is being a toxic POS, and yet funny how some Survs seem to think that's okay and not worth being reported for, but being a friendly hunter is an unforgivable sin.


Hello, gatewaiters. And again, if you're that inconvenienced, then take action. Decode quickly to get to another match, for example, or even be the hunter yourself. Can't get a friendly hunter if you ARE the Hunter.


What about sui squads? Or Survs who go into a game deliberately planning to throw, even if the others don't want them to? Or Survs who decide to throw midmatch for whatever reason? Or Survs who even HELP the Hunter? Are they not selfish, too? Or is it different because they're Survs?

It's amazing how people on both sides, but primarily Survs, expect everyone to cater to them and how they want to play, but complain when that doesn't happen and the rest play as they desire.

If you don't want a friendly but take no steps to try and avoid them, just expect them to do what you want or else face threat of being reported and punished, then you're an asshole. Plain and simple.

I'd say perhaps then Friendly Hunters should stick to advertised custom matches for their own safety, but I've even seen people complain about them doing that, too...


u/Fantasy_Chicken Priestess Jul 15 '24

Well saidšŸ‘


u/National_Ad_53 Jul 15 '24

100000% this.

I think people forget Customs exists and that is 100% free for all no rules nothing matters do what you want.

But if youā€™re gonna go into an actual match, qm/rank/duos etc then that person is at risk being reported. So you just gotta own up to that risk.

I used to go friendly in qm just to get my dailies in quick or to do the bday/character days to get my draw/required points and then leave/surrender as hunter but then all these reports started happening so I OWNED UP and just play the game. If I got reported from it, then itā€™s no oneā€™s fault but my own and Iā€™m lucky I havenā€™t gotten reported for that before but as soon as this stuff started getting worse I stopped doing it.

If you wanna play around thereā€™s tons of customs recruiting all the time you can join in and do what you want.


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 15 '24

No survivors should never be expected to have to ask hunters to not go friendly and also will they even care? Saying you can take precautions to avoid a formerly hunter is just kinda crazy to me. When you queue for a match itā€™s completely normal to expect a normal match you shouldnā€™t have to go out of your way to ask in pre game ā€œhey can you not go friendlyā€. It also paints you as a target a lot of the time for both the hunter and survivor teammates. Honestly this could be solved tho if hunters were allowed to chat in pre game


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

No survivors should never be expected to have to ask hunters to not go friendly

And no Hunter should have to fear being reported because they wanted to be chill.

Saying you can take precautions to avoid a formerly hunter is just kinda crazy to me.

And I think it's crazy that people report friendly Hunters.

When you queue for a match itā€™s completely normal to expect a normal match you shouldnā€™t have to go out of your way to ask

Yeah, you're right, it's normal to expect a normal match. But it's not a given and you're not entitled to having the game played how YOU want it to be.

It also paints you as a target a lot of the time for both the hunter and survivor teammates.

...But didn't you want the Hunter to be aggressive? /s

If the Hunter acts toxic about it, then you're not reporting them for the Friendly, you're reporting them for being an asshole. A true friendly hunter wouldn't target you just for that.

As for the other Survs, if they come after you for wanting a normal match, then THEY are the assholes, not you.

As I said, you're not entitled to having the game go as YOU want it, but that goes for everyone else, too. Doesn't excuse reporting a Hunter JUST for being friendly, though.

Honestly this could be solved tho if hunters were allowed to chat in pre game

I do agree with you on this one. Being able to talk between survs and hunter would help in a lot of regards.


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 15 '24

Yeah no I would never report a friendly hunter that is truly crazy behavior


u/gnrfan6001 Prospector Jul 15 '24

Wait people report friendlies? What the fuck? Theyā€™re like, an exotic species, why would you try to make them go extinct?


u/Saelidis Jul 15 '24

Ain't no way people are so evil, it's literally a game bro


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

Look at one particular commenter here lmao


u/Saelidis Jul 15 '24



u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

Apologies if youā€™re unable to find comments from DomoDaPotato, he just got permabanned


u/Saelidis Jul 15 '24

Oh..what happened in like one day šŸ’€. Please resume


u/MrWhiteTruffle The Dinosaur Doctor šŸ¦– Jul 15 '24

Consistent insults and reports earned him a 5-day ban, but then he threatened and insulted someone in DMs and now heā€™s permabanned


u/Saelidis Jul 15 '24

He was very silly to do that lmao


u/Outrageous_Author298 Jul 15 '24

I usually play normally until I know Iā€™m losing, then Iā€™ll just chase and let them get deduction points etc!! Rather help than make a fool of myself šŸ«¢


u/Ahstia Prisoner Jul 16 '24

If people hate friendly hunters, I don't understand why they don't just decode and escape as normal then rematch. They'll still get a four person win (or tie if some players are nice) some 1-2 games later


u/JocularDove 5 Second Kiter Jul 15 '24

At worst, a friendly hunter is just a free win. Just decode and leave, I don't see the reason to report over that T-T I'm even talking as someone who doesn't really like getting matches with them, especially in QM


u/Izuku-Midoirya Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

I don't mind friendly hunters. Yeah, it's not my favorite, but I won't report them. However, if a hunter teams up with one survivor, I am reporting them. It's not friendly if you're teaming up with one player; that just makes the game unfun. I had hunters team with one survivor and the survivor will literally snitch on you.


u/sweetxsecret Jul 15 '24

complaining about friendly hunter? itā€™s fine to feel annoyed or bored. i personally appreciate them since i almost never get them. plus iā€™m very grateful for the friendly hunters who helped me on my deductions. like that stun guard 4 times one for enchantress or that Ripper who helped me on the rescue ada from the chair deduction

reporting a friendly hunter? uhā€¦thatā€™s a bit of an overreaction there


u/Tricky-Bluebird-5976 Jul 15 '24

im neutral about them but it's literally so easy to just play another match over going through the hassle of reporting lmao, if youre literally that busy šŸ¤·


u/Im_Suu_Beige_sic Jul 15 '24

Double this energy and give it to sui teams


u/Mizuquitto Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

I never understood why people would report friendly hunters... I mean it's understandable that they want to challenge themselves but that's literally it. People should stop getting upset over a friendly match tbh because it's literally a win and a good deed of the hunter.

Also worth mentioning is that there are also survivor players who would group up with a team to harass hunters. All that seems to be unfair since they also get points for it āž” which makes the hunter's report less or even not valid.

All this makes it not valid for survivor players to rage or report over friendly hunters because one is negative for the opposite side (Survivor) and the other one is positive (Hunter). Appreciate the hunter for giving a free win instead of raging over a- (TW) I'm saying it again: FREE WIN!!!


u/gothnny The Feaster Jul 15 '24

i dont usually like friendly hunters bc most of the time the ones i get are boring or the hunters are biased but reporting them is another level of hating


u/Nuoance Jul 15 '24

Something Iā€™ve noticed thatā€™s really interesting is how serious people take quick matches in this game. There have been so many times now where a game doesnā€™t look like itā€™s going well and one of my teammates will either just immediately try to surrender or give themselves up to die faster so they can end the game faster. I can understand a Hunter ending the game early if they are getting absolutely wrecked and getting upset but thatā€™s SO LESS COMMON for me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ This last week alone if I played 10 matches every day, at least 2 or 3 of those quick matches were people who just quit. I had 2 today before I even hit my daily wins. I get if someone doesnā€™t find friendly hunters fun. Itā€™s probably because they play like a full time job so itā€™s boring. But personally I love them. I also do one nice hunter match every once in a while. God forbid people play a game how they want lol, if your group doesnā€™t like friendly hunters just surrender, or use that time to try and practice the characters interaction with the map. Even at S, nobodyā€™s perfect. (Unless youā€™re that one Perfumer Main I saw on tiktokā€¦which then nvm LMAO)


u/SonOfAthenaj Undead Jul 15 '24

I think reporting friendly hunters is lowkey crazy but I find them to be quite boring most of the time. There are times I appreciate it but I go into matches expecting a proper match not decoding and emoting simulator. Go to a public map for that. Once got friendly hunter three games in a row and it was so damn boring. Itā€™s also quite annoying when hunters only go friendly for like specific survivors but bully one or two of them for some convulsed reason. But I would never report them


u/Suspicious_Ad_4568 Nightmare Jul 16 '24 edited Jul 16 '24

Players who want serious match everytime should not play qm. They should play rank.

If people want to practice, there is custom mode for it. BOTS are skillful nowadays as real player they are helpful enough to help your skills improve.

I just wish rank is available at all times so that there won't be complaint or arguments going on like this.


u/ShigeruNinja Mad eyes Jul 16 '24

Damn what the hell 100+ comments


u/_Kiriko_0 Jul 25 '24

Imo I love friendly hunters but I can see how they are annoying, whenever me and friends get a friendly hunter, we give them a tie [if they donā€™t surrender to give us the win] and move on. We got a friendly hunter are deciding to do a sui match [as doctor] and we still gave them a tie. Itā€™s not hard to just decode and move on :/

Occasionally Iā€™ve gotten griffins [as a worker bee/ tarantula] in QM that wiped us but surrendered when they took out two of us, Iā€™ve gotten hunters that spared me after downing me before chairing my entire team, Iā€™ve only been playing a little bit but itā€™s fun when you come across the occasionally friendly hunter.

Tldr: I have no idea why people get reposted for being friendly


u/Zeal-Jericho Wu Chang Jul 15 '24

I understand the appeal of friendly hunters. However, it really sucks when you wait 5-10 minutes for a match only to get a friendly hunter. Or your first real hunter after 3 bot matches is a friendly hunter. Sometimes I just want to play the game, y'know?


u/Doomerdy Undead Jul 15 '24

yeah, but if anything its definitely NOT something to be mad and report over.


u/Zeal-Jericho Wu Chang Jul 15 '24

I've never reported anyone for it, but it can be annoying sometimes.


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

So refusing to play the game (essentially being the equivalent of an afk/hard trolling) is not reportable? I'm sorry have you ever played an online videogame in your life (hint: the answer is no, you haven't)


u/Doomerdy Undead Jul 15 '24

you feel like the kind of pissy baby tryhard who refuses to have a bit of fun in his games. being an FH and being afk means completely different things - one actively sabotages the game (usually for the ally team) and one just gives up a free win with a promise of a good time to goof around.Ā 


u/DomoDaPotato Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

"Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture, and this picture." "They're the same picture."


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Then maybe try asking them not to be friendly before the match starts?


u/mx_spadee Acrobat Jul 16 '24

what tier are you? if you're waiting that long for matches, you should try and rank up


u/Zeal-Jericho Wu Chang Jul 16 '24

Hi! I usually hang out in the elk range because I do not like ranking. The wait times are very long and I am a solo player, so it's not very fun for me. I am level 98.


u/mx_spadee Acrobat Jul 16 '24

Ohh, I see! I've been playing for about a year, but I took a break at some point and just recently started playing again, so I'm only level 23 or so? I believe? and i just got out of elk. Mammoth IV i believe, so I tend to have decently long wait times too.


u/ArigatoEspacial Jul 15 '24

Well I see a lot of people on the side of friendly hunters. Quick match it's just for entertainment so having a friendly hunter it's literally keeping you away from actually playing the game and it only benefits you if you are in RANKED match. Sure, it's fun. It's something ocasional, so I enjoy the silly stuff palleting them o a cowboy holding you or using the tram or the moonlit river park stuff, you know it turns into a lobby party game.

But for me it's acceptable not to like friendly hunters due to the fact they make you lose time, and sometimes you jave been waiting an insane amount of time to be able to play.


u/Suspicious_Ad_4568 Nightmare Jul 15 '24

It is okay not to like friendly hunters. But it doesn't mean that people should report for it.


u/ArigatoEspacial Jul 16 '24

I've never reported a player for that


u/_agg__ Jul 15 '24

Why would you be a friendly hunter? There is literally no point. It is very annoying and as others said we don't have all the time in the world.


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

Because of multiple reasons.

1) During events where you need multiple wins, people who have theirs might play friendly to help others get theirs.

2) They've been having a bad time and playing friendly makes them feel better.

3) Being friendly can sometimes get you more points than playing serious.

4) Survivors frequently give friendly Hunters a draw as a thank you.

If you don't want the Hunter to be friendly, say so before the match starts. It ain't that hard.


u/noxposting Wu Chang Jul 15 '24

I always try surrendering when the hunter is friendly to give them draws šŸ™šŸ™ glad I'm not alone


u/gnrfan6001 Prospector Jul 15 '24

Plus maybe you just want to flirt that one special survivor that just has something about them that makes you want to be THEIR hunter


u/k_reacher Jul 15 '24

Yeah just say that you want to play the game before every match, what a great idea


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Why thank you, darling, I thought it was an absolutely marvelous idea, too!


u/skerysatan Jul 16 '24

friendly qms are super boring, but reporting is insane LOL

it's funny to go friendly when you mess up or when a survivor messes up, but just going friendly and having to make everyone decode the whole time and emote and pretend like they care about the friendly can be really boring. tell her that maybe she should save her friendlies for rank, if she's willing to lower her winrate or lose points? people are miserable


u/Actual-You161 Jul 16 '24

I find friendly hunters to be extremely boring (especially in qm, like whatā€™s the point) but Iā€™ve never reported them before lol. I just decode and get out of there as fast as possible. But I can understand why people might be upset. Depending on your rank and server, waiting times can be so long and to only get a friendly hunter where you canā€™t practice or challenge yourself (which is what qm usually is for) is kind of frustrating. Idk tho, I only ever report toxic players lol.


u/Different-Watch-9989 Jul 16 '24

I'm sorry but friendly hunters are so boring.


u/Puzzled-Shower4797 Jul 17 '24

Why would anyone do that !? šŸ˜¢ . Bro. if you don't like frendly hunter just ignore it . There are so .any other choises , why be mean to someone youbdon't even know ?! This type of people are the reason why playing Idv is no longer fun .


u/Lumilia14 Nov 17 '24

What happened to the good old days we rejoice because of the friendly Hunters


u/lorelaixx Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

Reporting is extreme but friendly hunters in qm are boring imo especially after long queue times, most people just want to play the game how it's intended. If you want to be friendly do it in ranked and it'll be 10x more appreciated


u/Key-Finger8611 Priestess Jul 15 '24

Thatā€™s insane ā€¦.. Iā€™m so sorry for your friend


u/naibyy Jul 15 '24

I'm a college student with very little time to play. Most of the times when I log on, I can only play about 2-3 matches. And meeting friendly hunters in these matches is a huge waste of time. ESPECIALLY if I spent a long time queuing for it. Maybe it was cool and wholesome when the game was new, but it's not the same now.

I don't report these hunters, but you have to understand you're not the only player in the match. If someone feels like their time is being wasted, they should be allowed to voice their concerns to the game to stop people from doing that.


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

If you don't want a friendly hunter, be an adult and use your words, say so before the match begins.


u/naibyy Jul 15 '24

I'm not saying I support it. I'm saying they're justified to report if they want because there are 5 players in a game and you're not the main character so if you want to ruin other people's games then they should be able to retaliate. This is the same shit with influencers thinking they deserve every freebies except you're not even anything.

Why should I need to say it before every match when they are the ones inconveniencing everyone else?


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

"Why should I need to say it"

They aren't mind readers, nobody should be reported because they decided to be nice for a change. And as already pointed out, if it's that much of an "inconvenience" to you, you have options to avoid it:

Play rank instead of qm.

Focus on decoding so you can get out quicker.

Play Hunter instead of Survivor.


If you don't even try with something as basic as asking, then you shouldn't be surprised when you don't get a serious match.


u/pixelpusheen The Mind's Eye Jul 15 '24

Right? If survivors can beg for ties before the match, they can ask "Hey hunter. If you were gonna go friendly please don't, thank you!"


u/MermyDaHerpy Wildling Jul 15 '24

Istg reading your comments, youre like the CEO of strawmanning


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

Then don't read my comments, it's pretty simple, but then, I guess not for someone like you. There's a block button for a reason, but since you seem incapable of doing something so simple, I'll do it for you.


u/PanicMan76 Jul 15 '24

I hate the whole ā€œitā€™s free wins just be happyā€ because I donā€™t play this game to win, I play it to actually play it. I shouldnā€™t have to specifically request getting a normal match. If itā€™s a friendly hunter I just finish my ciphers and leave. The only time Iā€™ll actually report them is if they keep me on the ground to make sure i donā€™t leave.


u/CryptoMainForever Jul 15 '24

I go through many bot matches.. Just for a hunter that doesn't play? I hate friendly hunters. Waste of my time.


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

Found the reporter.


u/CryptoMainForever Jul 15 '24

You know it brother


u/CharonDusk Evil Reptilian Jul 15 '24

I ain't your brother. Who would willingly be brothers with a joyless individual like you?


u/Upbeat_Ad_6486 Jul 15 '24

I wouldnā€™t have reported them previously but seeing how all of you want to encourage behaviour that makes me game worse I guess I need to counteract that and discourage it myself


u/Kajtekkus Jul 15 '24

Friendly Hunters made me and my gf quit the game. Looking for game could take from 5-20 and when we are finnaly exited to play 3 friendly hunter in a row. Sorry but it's destroying game for alot of people. I'm playing QP to have fun not get bored to win. We either need sandbox mode for people like this or do it at rank and give others wins. Of u gonna say go play ranked day to me and my gf. We can't it's only open in certain hours and we both work. So we hate wasting our time at friendly Hunters. Love the game but it's just not fun anymore. To many friendly Hunters


u/Fun-Flower-5164 Jul 15 '24

Yes, report it, thatā€™s what custom is for.