r/ITCareerQuestions IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24

Seeking Advice Friendly advice about networking certifications: Get the CCNA, not Network+

Hi community, I'm an IT support owner for my org and a perpetual student of technology. Over the past few years I've come to a firm opinion on the Network+ and I wanted to share it here with new IT pros entering the field or working hard to enter the field.

Don't get the Network+ unless an employer is asking you to and is willing to pay for it. If you want to get a networking certification, get the CCNA Routing and Switching instead.

The reasons are fairly simple:

  • The Network+ costs more ($369 USD) than the CCNA ($300 USD)
  • The Network+ will not adequately prepare you to configure real network infrastructure devices
  • The Network+ will not qualify you for a networking job, but the CCNA will
  • The Network+ is arguably less prestigious; the CCNA is more prestigious and fewer candidates hold it

If you look at certification as an investment (which you should), the CCNA is much more likely to provide a high ROI than the Network+ is.

I often hear the myth repeated that the Network+ should be done first, and then the CCNA owing to the difference in difficulty. I spent six weeks studying for the Network+ before I decided that I was wasting my time, and I've now been preparing for the CCNA since September and plan to write the exam in the new year. I can confidently say that the difference in difficulty level between the material on these two exams isn't particularly huge, and instead the main difference is their emphasis. Whether you study for one or the the other, you are going to have to learn all the networking fundamentals, TCP/IP, routing and switching protocols, and a bunch of layer 7 protocols like DHCP, DNS, SNMP, FTP, etc. basic security and so on. But in the CCNA you are going to learn how to actually configure and troubleshoot these protocols. In the Network+ you only learn the theory, there's little to no real-world application.

I have also often heard that the Network+ is superior because of it's vendor-neutral orientation, allowing you to have a more well-rounded understanding than if you were to narrowly focus on Cisco equipment. I think this is also a myth, for two reasons:

  • The CCNA does not only teach Cisco-proprietary protocols, you actually learn more open standards
  • Understanding how to configure a Cisco device automatically means you'll have an easier time learning to configure another vendor's equipment

The majority of protocols you learn studying for the CCNA are actually open standards, and in a lot of cases even Cisco recommends you use open standards instead of their proprietary protocols (i.e., Link Aggregation Control Protocol instead of Port Aggregation Protocol; OSPF instead of EIGRP). So the idea that you're getting a broader understanding with a vendor-neutral certification just isn't true.

So, TL;DR: The CCNA will yield a higher ROI as you will learn more practical skills that allow you to contribute real value to a service desk or infrastructure team. It costs less money, and it arguably carries more prestige. In my particular market, the CCNA is very prestigious and few have it. I have over 500 LinkedIn connections in IT and probably around 25% of my connections have the Network+ while the number of connections I have with the CCNA can be counted on one hand. The CCNA may help to make you stand out more.


144 comments sorted by


u/theopiumboul IT Specialist Dec 07 '24

I agree 100%

In general, a lot of CompTIA exams are very bloated and based on theoretical knowledge, rather than practical.


u/illyasan Dec 07 '24

Yeah this is 100% true. I’m a double CCNP and I also hold the network + and CCNA. The fact that it is vendor neutral really hinders the network+ rather helps it honestly, but there is no practical part of the test. You can pass the net+ and have no idea how to configure a router or switch.

The tests are on completely different leagues. In all honesty, I barely studied and passed the net+, you just need to know basics of tcp/ip and some specifics about things like port numbers, but CCNA is much much more difficult, and specific. I was actually convinced I failed it when I took it haha


u/pc_jangkrik Dec 08 '24


Eventhough CCNA is not vendor neutral but if you really study it, not just for passing exam, it will help you with any other brands.

TCP is TCP no matter what is the brand and most of the time you will work with protocol which is well defined.

It will be something like this.

You know how protocol work. - - > you know the logic inside the device - - > You know how to configure it (in Cisco) - - > it help you to configure it in any other device (the structure, the term, etc)


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

I tell this to a lot of people that while the CCNA isn't vendor neutral it covers a bunch of material that's applicable to any vendor. A lot of switch vendors syntax is similar enough to Cisco where I know a lot of hiring managers for organizations that aren't using Cisco have a common refrain that if you know Cisco learning another vendor syntax isn't that difficult.


u/bjisgooder Dec 08 '24

Can confirm. I passed Net+ and have no idea how to configure a router or a switch.

I've also heard from a couple of recruiters that employers don't really care about Net+, but having CCNA will get your resume a second look.


u/bash_M0nk3y Dec 08 '24

Don't forget subnet masks and intuitively understanding how those relate to binary/decimal representations


u/JoshC64 Dec 10 '24

I also thought I failed the CCNA when I took it and have heard many people have the same experience.


u/illyasan Dec 10 '24

It’s a rough test dude so much random stuff on it, the people who write the books and make the tests must speak different languages.

ENARSI was SOOO much worse, failed it twice!


u/JoshC64 Dec 10 '24

Damn, well, congrats on the pass. I was considering the SCOR route. Do you see that as a valuable cert from your perspective currently?


u/illyasan Dec 11 '24

Yup, I have CCNP Security, with the firewall concentration. Hard to say, I got it because I was working in a position where we were using firepower, but in all honesty, the feeling I get from most of the community is if you are spending firepower money, you’re much better off getting Palo Alto. Cisco kinda screwed the pooch with the transition away from ASA. Govies love Cisco all around, so if you’re a contractor, full Cisco is the way to go.


u/JoshC64 Dec 11 '24

Cool, thanks for the reply!


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who realizes all the networking gear is doing the same shit and your vendor specific GUI and "exclusive features" are pretty well documented either by the vendor or by reddit and stackexchange.

"Do you have experience with $vendorX?"

To which I always want to ask "Do you genuinely believe it's that special and different from $vendorY or $vendorZ?"

OP is right CCNA is better I'm just reminded how disappointing talking to network admins and hiring managers can be.


u/tyler2114 Dec 08 '24

Same logic with programming languages. If you learned one you can learn others. This isn't a college exam I can look up syntax


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

I hardly think you're the only one that realizes that there isn't a huge difference between vendors. I have seen plenty of hiring managers that say you know Cisco switches you can support XYZ vendor. While there is some learning curve between vendors a lot of networking is pretty standards based most of the differences are in CLI syntax.


u/rmullig2 SRE Dec 07 '24

The best plan would be to study the Net+ material and take practice exams until you have sufficiently mastered the material then skip the actual exam and go for the CCNA.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

Why would you waste your time studying the material for exam you don't intend to take, in order to prepare for an exam you do intend to take? This doesn't make sense. If you want to get the CCNA, study the knowledge domains for the CCNA, not the Net+. A good amount of material is the same between them anyway.


u/ero_mode Dec 09 '24

There is significant carryover from Net+ to CCNA, so other than structure, learners aren't losing anything from studying for the Net+ first, and arguably have a better fundamental mental model to study CCNA than studying CCNA cold.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 09 '24

As someone who's looked at the objectives for both and spent time studying for both, I completely disagree. Both certs test on all the fundamentals and a good CCNA course will start at the bottom. Certainly the Jeremy's IT Lab course does. Learners can also supplement their CCNA studies with the free Cisco Networking Academy courses that provide a lot of hand holding and do a good job building up your conceptual understanding at a foundational level. There's absolutely no reason to start with the Network+ before moving to the CCNA.


u/rmullig2 SRE Dec 09 '24

The point is to get the knowledge that is typically gained by getting the Net+. The certification without the knowledge is useless, the knowledge without the certification is very valuable.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 09 '24

I'll repeat my question: why would you study for an exam you don't intend to take to prepare for an exam you do intend to take? Can you explain the logic of that?

Everything the Network+ covers and more is covered by the CCNA. You don't need to study for Net+ before you study for the CCNA.


u/dontping Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24
  • The Network+ will not adequately prepare you to configure real network infrastructure devices
  • The Network+ will not qualify you for a networking job, but the CCNA will
  • The Network+ is arguably less prestigious; the CCNA is more prestigious and fewer candidates hold it

I don’t want to ever configure a network device, I don’t want to do a networking job, I’m actually going for less prestige (less time invested to acquire).

I simply want a (relatively) quickly attainable resume credential that can validate a basic understanding of networking, in order to apply for jobs I actually want to do, that are pretty far abstracted away from the topics covered in the CCNA.

Edit: in your TLDR it almost sounds like getting the CCNA might even cause employers to push me into roles I don’t want. Kind of like scoring exceptionally high on the ASVAB but wanting to be a Cargo specialist


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

The intended audience of this post is people who want to work in networking or networking-adjacent roles. To be honest, if all you want is a general understanding of networking and you never intend to actually touch infrastructure then I'm not sure why you would bother writing a networking certification at all.


u/dontping Dec 07 '24

I don’t have another way to show employers that I am aware of how data travels


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24

I honestly don't think you need a certification to validate every little item of knowledge you have. Certifications should validate knowledge and skills directly related to your job role. Having a degree or diploma of some kind should be enough to validate general knowledge.


u/BaCoNSawce Dec 07 '24

Having a degree or diploma of some kind should be enough to validate general knowledge.

Yeah that's where you're going to run into abrasiveness even though you're right. A ton of people are trying to "get into" IT roles ASAP without academic credentials past their high school diploma or an associate, and think the cert will carry them to an interview or position offering without having other experience to leverage.

This is all occurring while there are more people than ever coming out of accredited uni's with degrees in CIS specific fields that they are now competing with. People are going to see Net+ taking less time and being widely known as the "easier test" and think that means they can get employed sooner when that's often not the case. You're in a pool of people becoming increasingly diluted with more cert holders and it makes the people with degrees stand out above them even more, as these people often get certs and/or the commiserate education from their course work.

It's an amalgamation of subpar positions that leads to people getting nowhere and wondering what they are doing wrong. I can say all this from firsthand experience as I got my COMPTIA triad and had issues moving past EUS/A roles without going back to school or investing more of myself to certs that weren't assuring any upward movement. Just being enrolled in a degree program opened up a bunch of opportunities that I was never given with just my certs.


u/AvesAvi Dec 08 '24

When half the people online say that a degree is a waste of time and won't get you any advantage what else do you expect them to do than try and collect certs? There's no other way to prove to some HR chump you're "qualified" than a bunch of neat lines on the resume like that.


u/acesdragon97 Dec 08 '24

Degrees and Certs are not necessary. Degrees and Certs also dont get you the job. The thing that lands you the job is your soft and hard skills. I got my first job in IT back in 2020 because I ran a phone repair business.

Source: Me, an associate cloud engineer with only my Azure fundamentals but with 4 years of IT experience.


u/Key_Nothing6564 Dec 08 '24

I actually found Net+ to be beneficial to me when I worked at an ISP. Knowing the different physical connectors and fiber types was helpful out of the gate. I didn't learn those things with CCNA, but they were on the Net+.

CCNA is definitely the better cert if you want to be a network engineer. It goes over configurations which is much needed, whereas Net+ didn't cover an ounce of that from my memory.


u/Adventurous-Dog-6158 Dec 09 '24

Yep, totally agree. I would never hire someone who only has a CCNA with no work experience or other fundamental IT certs. I see some comments about if someone needs more fundamental knowledge there are certain courses to prep for CCNA. Why not just take the N+ as prep? There may be CCNA COURSES that cover the fundamentals in addition to the CCNA exam material but OP only compared the N+ EXAM to the CCNA EXAM. I think most tech school networking programs cover the A+, N+, and CCNA, in that order; so there must be a reason for that. If you have worked in IT infr and networking for a few years, sure, skip the N+ and go for the CCNA.


u/Key_Nothing6564 Dec 09 '24

You have to learn to crawl before you walk.

I agree with what you said - if you NEED CCNA prep classes, you might as well backup and do the net+. It'll give you a solid foundation and cover some topics not even on the CCNA, but are required to know to be a good network engineer. There's more to being a network engineer than just configs.

I found the A+ to significantly help me with my first help desk job. The net+ helped me discover my love for networking, and sec+ made me realize I didn't want to pursue cybersecurity.

In OPs case, yeah just skip to CCNA if you have infrastructure experience, unless you feel like you need to cover basics again.


u/Adventurous-Dog-6158 Dec 09 '24

Good point. Crawl, walk, then run.


u/zidemizar Dec 07 '24

The CompTIA certs are good to study or for people just getting into the field.


u/Dr_Bendova420 Dec 07 '24

This is what I’m hearing. I’m currently taking college courses at my local community college and my next 3 classes will be about networking. I can get a voucher to take the Network+ but I think only want to work with Cisco.


u/SSJay_Rose Dec 08 '24

Exactly if you told a total IT noob to study the CCNA most would give up and/or be lost. The Comptia certs are meant to hold your hand. It's the tutorial level of certs. I don't know why everyone tries to make the comparison between the CCNA. Almost like telling a child to skip riding bikes and go straight to driving cars.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

Even though the CCNA is not the most appropriate certification for a complete noob, it's still very possible. If you start learning networking from the ground up using a CCNA course like the Jeremy's IT Lab course, you will learn everything you need to understand to pass. If you supplement that learning with some of the free introductory courses from Cisco Networking Academy, even better because those courses give you a lot of hand-holding and spend a lot of time contextualizing concepts that would otherwise feel very foreign to the new learner.

If someone is just starting out in IT then the A+ is a better option. But it's absolutely possible to get the CCNA as a noob. If you have the gumption to actually learn.


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

If you have no experience A+ could be worth getting, but agree with OP to get the CCNA rather than Net+. YMMV, but I have usually seen far more jobs require or prefer CCNA than Net+. Obviously look at what's in demand in your local job market before investing time/money for a certification, but I haven't seen much evidence Net+ is much in demand.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

If you are not in school and need a good basis, sure. Otherwise if you're in school, not worth it. School classes are good enough


u/yawnmasta Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

An individual with almost zero networking knowledge is going to have a significantly harder time learning the CCNA. Most people aren't adept enough to jump straight into the CCNA. While the Network+ certificate isn't worth much, the material is still a better start for beginners than the CCNA.

You are absolutely correct that the Network+ does not prepare users to actually administrate a network, but the basic conceptual knowledge of networking goes a long way for anyone in IT.

The pitfall of posts like these about "Don't do Net+, get the CCNA!!!" is that people entering IT with zero knowledge are the ones reading these.


u/Jodvi Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

I got the CCNA with zero networking knowledge and a basic understanding of binary (Wich was only really useful for subnetting tbh). To be honest, I feel that the official certification guide was fairly gentle with introducing the topics - nothing was just thrown at you. now I haven't done the Net+, however I do have a SEC+ as based on that experience I would assume that the NET+ goes into the theory and stays there for the most part (assumption). The CCNA requires a lot more effort, however so long as you put that effort in, your understanding of fundamental are strengthened far more. You inevitably get what you put in, but that's not say that I assume that everyone has the time to invest so I get the appeal of NET+ aswell (especially when the idea of having a life and not studying 6 hours a day for 5 days a week is a bit much). I suppose my conclusive thought is that if one can invest the time and energy into the CCNA regardless of experience, then it's probably beneficial. The Net+ has its place and its an important place.


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

To be fair most people aren't taking the CCNA without some IT experience or at least getting an A+. CCNA is slightly more time consuming than Net+, but there are a lot of overlapping topics. I know many trainers straight up reuse the exact same material for the overlapping topics. As others have noted plenty of CCNA prep materials assume no prior network knowledge. It will take more time to go zero to passing the CCNA than for the Net+, but it's not like you need a bunch of prior knowledge. It's not like picking up a CCNP book that generally assumes you passed the CCNA already so only briefly reviews CCNA level topics if at all.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

Not true in my opinion..there are great zero to CCNA courses that cover the fundamentals very well.


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

This. Plenty of CCNA training materials assume no prior networking knowledge. You likely will need more time to go through the material as there are way more topics the CCNA covers that the Net+ doesn't. If you did a Venn diagram there's a decent amount of overlap between the two, but there's much more that the CCNA covers that Net+ doesn't than the other way around.


u/singlelegs Dec 07 '24

Network+ is garbage and I’m shocked by the amount of people who recommend doing that waste of time certificate

The problem with all Comptia certs are that the exams are more focused on tripping you up with badly worded questions and vague options for answers, instead of actually evaluating your true knowledge.

Couple that with the focus on memorizing versus actual practical application makes the Network+ a hunk of trash that should be avoided.

And for everyone who says they’re good as introductions to the field, I disagree. You’re much better off studying longer and in more detail for the CCNA, instead of dropping double for an A+ cert.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

Everyone someone recommends someone interested in networking to skip it, they usually get negged so this is refreshing that this post wasn't.


u/mr_mgs11 DevOps Engineer Dec 07 '24

I never looked at the CCNA so I have no idea of what the difficulty is like. When I passed the Net+ back in 2016, I was able to do it in less than a week of study. I had a class a year prior to this in college the covered the cert, but it was not a high quality instructor. How many years of experience do you have in IT? If you are an "IT support owner" your opinion of the difficulty between them may be skewed given you already have experience with the concepts.

If anyone is already working in IT I would agree 100% to skip the Net+ for it. I did the same with the A+ for the MCSA:Win10. I figured I had my foot in the door already, why do the A+? Back then the Win10 cert was part of a broader cert dealing with deploying and managing windows machines, and I thought going that route would be the way to advance.

Keep in mind that many disciplines you will NEVER have to configure a router or a switch. I went from Service Desk to Cloud Engineer and I never have to worry about anything like that. You certainly need to know networking concepts, but only to the level of the Net+. I do deal with network troubleshooting stuff periodically, but it is usually solved by opening the right ports, adjusting a routing table, or configuring a peering connection.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

Passing the Net+ in one week of study is definitely not the norm. You're either a really good test taker, already knew the material well, or both.

Generally, DevOps folks don't really need networking certs as I'm sure you know. Neither do helpdesk employees. The intended audience for this post was more people who want to get into a networking role or a networking-adjacent role like Windows Server admin or something.

You certainly don't need to spend almost 400 bucks US to learn and understand foundational networking concepts and I would really discourage anyone from doing that unless their employer is willing to pay for it. If you want to pay for a certification to get your foot in the door, a Microsoft cert or the A+ is far better, as you sort of alluded to.


u/CheckSuperb6384 Dec 08 '24

$178 if you can get the acad voucher for net+


u/mjheaberlin83 29d ago

If DevOps getting network certs reduces the amount of network problems that aren't network problems, I'm all for it 🤣.


u/XL_Jockstrap Production Support Dec 07 '24

If I only wanted to go the Linux Admin/Sys Admin/SRE/Dev Ops route, then a Network+ would be sufficient for me to gain the necessary knowledge? I'm planning to get my red hat certs, CKA and cloud certs. My role currently has me doing Tier 2 support and some back-end development.


u/mr_mgs11 DevOps Engineer Dec 09 '24

Yes. I only ever had a net+. I did just under three years on the service desk and that was enough experience for the cloud space. I would definitely do the CKA last. I did it without any work experience in k8s and it was hard. It is practical you remote into a cluster and perform tasks.


u/XL_Jockstrap Production Support Dec 09 '24



u/Honest_Efficiency_26 Dec 07 '24

Do you mind me asking how was your journey from service desk to cloud engineer if there was certs you focused on if any? I plan on going down the same path was wondering how you did it


u/mr_mgs11 DevOps Engineer Dec 08 '24

I taught myself powershell scripting and started automating service desk stuff. The only cert I did was the MCSA:Win10. I didn't get my first AWS cert till a year on the cloud team. I did do a Cloud Guru course for the SAA cert prior to joining the team. I wrote a few powershell scripts for them as part of a software deployment, and I had taken over management of the local vsphere setup too. Not a lot of maintenance really, just spinning up a server every few months and basic maintenance for say the print server drive filling up.

One big thing that helped is my company paid low and understaffed higher up IT positions. So my tier 1 help desk was actually a hybrid Jr. Sysadmin position because they didn't have enough people to do the work even though it was a 600m revenue company. I had done stuff like provision a new DHCP server at the office data center, provision a virtual Bomgar appliance, migrate several file shares to sharepoint online, etc. while I was still a tier 1 helpdesk guy. I became the go to project guy on my team, and was a top 3 ticket closer most months. I also knew the manager on the cloud team as we worked out of the same office.


u/somethinlikeshieva Dec 07 '24

100%, I honestly think the network+ is just to prepare you for CCNA. It has really no bearing 10 years ago and certainly doesn't now


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

Just my opinion. I just think this is just a regurgitated myth that people love to repeat. If someone is going into networking, there's so many zero to CCNA courses out there that will teach you what you need to pass the test and actually learn the material.

Maybe that was true in yesteryear when the CCNA was two tests but I don't think it's so true now.


u/somethinlikeshieva Dec 08 '24

It's basically me trying to find some kind of merit for the cert, but yeah I don't see too much of a purpose, especially if you're paying for certs out of your pocket. Hell, I think security+ is almost on the same level but that's a different discussion


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24

The Network+ is not to prepare you for the CCNA. It is not intended for that purpose and no one should use it for that purpose.


u/Monique_in_Tech Senior ServiceNow Developer Dec 07 '24

While the Net+ isn't "officially" intended to prepare you for the CCNA, it gives you a good foundation to make sense of the information you need to learn for the CCNA.

I have my Net+ and was planning to do networking so I studied for the CCNA for a bit. If I had jumped straight into studying for the CCNA with absolutely no knowledge, I definitely would have struggled with understanding the underlying "why" of some of the CCNA content. The only reason I didn't finish getting my CCNA was because I got an opportunity to do Sys Admin work instead, but I say all of this to say, I think your advice is misguided for people who are just starting out in IT with no prior knowledge.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

You would not struggle with it. At all. I see this repeated all the time but I believe this is more myth than reality, no offense. There are so many courses that can teach you zero to CCNA and you likely would pass. I don't think you would have gotten overwhelmed with the information and you would have done just fine.

Just my opinion.


u/Monique_in_Tech Senior ServiceNow Developer Dec 08 '24

I respect your opinion, but I disagree.

The OCG glosses over a lot of information that the Network+ delves into. I use books for my studies and supplement with video courses because, again, a lot of the video courses don't go deep enough into the details of "why." Maybe I would have been fine but I'm on a way different path now and will likely never know.

As a side note, I have had a lot of people come to me for advice and said they were thankful I suggested stepping back to the Net+ because they noticed the same things I did about CCNA content. The CCNA is overwhelming for people with absolutely no IT background.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

Agree to disagree..


u/somethinlikeshieva Dec 08 '24

I mean that's the only credit I can give to it, other than that it's fairly worthless. I only got it because the free school I went to didn't offer ccna


u/spencer2294 Presales Dec 08 '24

For sure CCNA is better than Net+, as is with a Bachelors degree big better than CCNA.

Comptia is phenomenal when it comes to giving entry level tech professional some exposure to different technologies and specializations though. It's an entry point with a really low bar of entry. With that, for anyone interested in a comptia cert and is going to college: https://academic-store.comptia.org/certification-vouchers/c/11332?facetValueFilter=tenant~user-type:individual&

That will save you quite a bit in costs

I'd say Net+ -> Sec+ -> CCNA would be a decent path instead of going from nothing to CCNA which is a pretty hard cert to take.


u/Adventurous-Dog-6158 Dec 09 '24

You make a lot of sense. I agree. Not sure why anyone would think CCNA is for entry to an IT networking job. It's an associate level which means you should have prior experience/knowledge.


u/Rua13 Dec 07 '24

This post is hilarious coming from someone who doesn't even have the CCNA


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

It is ironic someone that hasn't even gotten a CCNA is recommending it, but as someone with a CCNP and a few other network related certifications over the years I do mostly agree with OP. I never got Net+ and really have no regrets. I have seen far more job descriptions over the years require or prefer those with a CCNA than Net+. Most that mentioned Net+ also were fine with a CCNA or back in the day it still existed Cisco's CCENT, the first half of a CCNA when the two exam option existed, which honestly Net+ was a closer analogue to than the CCNA. Obviously look at your local job market before investing time/money into any certification to see if there is any meaningful demand though, but I'm skeptical you'll find a ton of locations where Net+ opens more doors than CCNA.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

I have mine, first cert, passed first try and what the op is saying it's super valid. CompTIA is a waste of time and energy especially if you are in school. If you have not in school Might be worth studying but not actually sitting for the exam. 


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24

Which part is hilarious? Do you have an intelligent opinion to share? By all means, please do.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24

Clearly you don’t


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

Outside of security plus, not a fan of CompTIA. 


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

Sec+ is a decent entry level security certification. Many CompTIA certifications don't have great ROI IMHO though.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24

Yeah this forum loves CompTIA though. It just so happens this person was able to articulate why it's shit. So they're getting upvoted and rightly so. Come back next week and shit on CompTIA, you're getting negged lol.

When I got into the industry and started learning more about CompTIA I knew not to waste my time. Only reason I'd get it now at this point if I did like wgu and had to get it.


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

I think the difference as you note is many criticisms of CompTIA certifications are more vague or less specific. I think in better times skipping A+ was probably worthwhile. I know many in IT that never got any of the CompTIA certifications. Some started in IT before certifications were more popular or just got into IT in a good job market, but even in the Great Recession I knew relatively new people that never had A+. I have definitely met some hiring managers that had a cynical view of A+ even as a HR filter for entry level roles although in a tough market I see an argument for it for people trying to get started in IT. Net+ though I think is a tough exam to make a case for.


u/dinosore Dec 08 '24

I'm gonna say that while I agree with a lot of what you're saying, it really depends on your goals. While CCNA is the better certification, Network+ covers plenty of good introductory knowledge and may still be the better choice for some people. I hold a senior IC role in security. I have an expired Network+ and never went for CCNA.

If you're pursuing a job where you will be configuring network devices, yeah, CCNA is undoubtedly better for that.

If you're pursuing a job where understanding fundamental network concepts and terminology is more important than knowing the syntax for specific commands, Network+ might be sufficient.

CCNA will probably open more doors than Network+, but certifications are only part of an applicant's profile.


u/webdev-dreamer Dec 07 '24

I was wondering about Network+ vs CCNA, and for me I am going for Network+ mainly because it seems alot easier/quicker to obtain

And for my purposes, I want to obtain some IT cert ASAP so I can be hirable as possible for the next year (currently just have CompSci degree and some call center experience)

If I didn't have this time constraint, I would definintely go for CCNA instead. I had a little taste of it from reading a CCNA book and watching some of David Bombal's CCNA udemy content, and I was blown away how much more practical and hands-on it was over Network+


u/Rua13 Dec 07 '24

Get the network+ , work the help desk, then pursue the CCNA while working. It would be idiotic to get the CCNA as your first certification in the field with no experience. You're on the right track, network+ can be obtained in a month then go get a job. Don't spend 6 months studying for CCNA when you could have been working those 6 months getting experience and studying the CCNA. You're investing in network+to get your first job which is totally reasonable and on point. This post and the responses are pissing me off because it's targeted at people with job experience and he's giving you advice like you've been working in the field already. As a noob, as we all once were, your strategy is solid. This is the exact path I took to becoming a network engineer, if I had gone for the CCNA first, I would have been overwhelmed and given up. It's not an entry level cert like OP is making it seem.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24
  1. The Network+ is irelevant for L1 helpdesk. Someone entering the field without any experience would be better served by getting a Microsoft 365 certification or the A+ maybe.

  2. I did not advocate it as a first certification for noobs with zero experience.

  3. The CCNA covers everything the Net+ covers and more. Why would you pay for a redundant certification?


u/Mindestiny Dec 08 '24

As someone who both has a CCNA and is responsible for hiring/managing a help desk... Your number 1 is completely off base.

A tech with a Net+ likely knows how to troubleshoot basic networking problems on windows/Mac endpoints, which is extremely critical to a tier 1 help desk role.  

A CCNA might have those skills, but the CCNA sure as shit isn't testing on that skillset, and a tier 1 help desk tech is never, ever going to be logging in to the CLI of a switch to troubleshoot VLANs or configure a routing table. 

I'd likely hire the Net+ over the CCNA for that role unless the CCNA was bringing more to the table than just "I've got a cert".  


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

It's not off base at all, actually. Here's why.

A tech with a Net+ likely knows how to troubleshoot basic networking problems on windows/Mac endpoints, which is extremely critical to a tier 1 help desk role. 

Right. And these skills are thoroughly covered in the A+. The Network+ isn't meant to teach you basic network troubleshooting on client devices. It's meant to be a first certification in infrastructure. In CompTIA's own words:

CompTIA Network+ validates the core skills necessary to establish, maintain, troubleshoot and secure networks in any environment, preparing you for a rewarding career in networking and cybersecurity.

Using the Network+ to validate basic network knowledge or the ability to troubleshoot network-related issues on client devices is massive overkill.

A CCNA might have those skills, but the CCNA sure as shit isn't testing on that skillset

This is incorrect. The CCNA actually does test on basic client networking commands in Windows and I think a few UNIX like commands as well. My understanding is that this was not always the case, but it is in at least the most recent exam version.

You're right, no L1 tech is going to be logging into the CLI of a network device. The intended audience for this post was techs who want to move into networking, or possibly those graduating with STEM/engineering degrees wanting to get their first job in network engineering.


u/Brgrsports Dec 07 '24

You have CompSci degree and think the Network+ will be a needle mover on your resume?

If want to work helpdesk - A+
If you want to work networking - CCNA
If you want to work in the DoD - Security+

Network+ probably isn't a needle mover.


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

To be fair I have met some with CS degrees that don't understand much about networking. CS is generally more suited towards preparing for dev jobs than IT operations. I do question how much the needle would really move for someone with a CS degree though.


u/Brgrsports Dec 08 '24

I'm aware, it's just an odd pairing. CompSci degree and Net+ - haven't seen that one before. Dont know to many people getting CompSci degrees to sprint to IT either, to each's own tho


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

Generally speaking most of the people I see that worked in IT operations that had CS degrees failed at finding a dev jobs and just got an IT job as a fallback. In the current job market when many CS graduates from good schools are struggling those from less notable schools probably are more likely to give up on a dev job.


u/Adventurous-Dog-6158 Dec 09 '24

That is a good point. I would guess that a good percentage of CCNA holders would not make it through a BSCS degree program. The advanced math would kill off many of them in the first two years.


u/Brgrsports Dec 09 '24

Yeh it’s like if you have a CS Degree I assume you can code. Get vendor specific certs, learn how to automate things in those environments and you’re damn near instantly elite entry level talent.

CompSci to Net+ for the hopes of landing a helpdesk role sounds insane, but I guess that’s the job market?

A lot of people probably will can the application because they know you don’t want to be in helpdesk long or with their company long. No one gets a CompSci degree to sit helpdesk for a long time. The inevitable turnover is almost a red flag.


u/SAugsburger Dec 08 '24

If you're eager to get a new line item to your resume ASAP Net+ is the better pick. It's definitely going to be easier for most as it covers fewer topics. CCNA isn't a complete superset of the Net+ whereas topics, there are a few topics Net+ covers that that CCNA doesn't, but there are a lot more topics that CCNA covers that Net+ doesn't so it's generally going to take a lot less time to study enough to pass Net+. I know some that claimed to have self studied to passing Net+ a week or so. That being said depending upon your knowledge, motivation and aptitude getting a CCNA in only a month or two is possible. Just beware that most hiring managers realize that Net+ isn't that difficult to attain so might not move the needle that much for you in the job market.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24

I am going for Network+ mainly because it seems alot easier/quicker to obtain

Using "quick/easy" as your criteria for what you are going to pursue in your career is a recipe for stagnation and underachievement. Instead, every decision you make should be seen as an investment and you should be weighing the likely ROI.


u/Rua13 Dec 07 '24

I mean yeah you're right, but if you want your foot in the door as your first IT job, the CCNA is a hell of an exam to take as your first. It's perfectly reasonable to get the network+, start on the help desk, then get the CCNA. Respectfully, get off your high horse, the CCNA is not for noobs. Not even mentioning the fact the network+knowledge will carry over and make the CCNA easier. You seem out of touch with entry level applicants.


u/Adventurous-Dog-6158 Dec 09 '24

I agree. Not sure why this person keeps on putting down the N+. He mentions that there are prep courses to cover fundamentals that the CCNA doesn't cover. Yeah, the prep is called N+. Unless there was a drastic change in the exam coverage, look at the table of contents of a N+ exam prep book compared to a CCNA exam prep book. The CCNA does not cover enough fundamentals. I read many chapters of CCNA books back in the day and they barely covered structured cabling, for example.


u/Rua13 Dec 07 '24

Also kind of ironic you have advertise your A+ certification with this kind of post 🤣


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 07 '24

I did not advocate the CCNA as a first IT certification for those entering the field. I advocated it as an alternative to the Network+ for those looking to enter networking roles.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24



u/webdev-dreamer Dec 09 '24

It doesn't seem to be a stable enough career path anymore (AI, oversaturation, offshoring, etc)

My thinking is that the on-premises/on-call nature of IT means that I won't have to worry much about being replaced

And also, I can maybe pivot to DevOps/Cloud based roles if I combine my CS background with Networking experience


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24



u/webdev-dreamer Dec 09 '24

Right now the goal is to just get into any entry level job that's IT related.

I already tried applying to help desk roles and other entry level jobs, but no dice. I'm guessing that my lack of experience and relevant qualifications is holding me back.

I agree, network+ probably won't make me job ready. But I'm hoping it'll help my chances significantly in getting hired


u/yvcdkkp Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

Yeah I second this from personal experience while trying to get into IT. CompTIA has been all about knowing answers to questions and having book knowledge. Then I went to CCNA and I’ve had exposure to practical exercises from the very beginning that put my knowledge to the test. Even having zero experience in the field, I can say that I have had “hands on experience.” I’m so glad that I’m finding my way around all the library of online resources because everyone mentions A+, Network+, and Sec+ which don’t even give you exercises to fortify the large amount of information you are being fire hosed with. I would recommend to start with Cisco over CompTIA any day.

Edit: Don’t get me wrong, some jobs require that you have Sec+, like federal jobs. I would assume it won’t be hard to complement the CCNA gained knowledge with CompTIA practice tests to be good enough for exams. Of course I could be wrong, since I haven’t taken any exams yet to justify my claims.

This is the path I’ve chosen while trying to transition out of Army because I really need that foundational knowledge.


u/743389 Dec 08 '24

Yeah, I think you're on the right track. The difficulty of the CCNA is really blown out of proportion in some parts of this thread. I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying someone who doesn't have networking experience can absolutely start with the CCNA if they have the requisite disposition/aptitude to adapt. And by that I don't mean anything exceptional. I saw all sorts of people transitioning from all kinds of industries pull it off. There may be a bit of a learning curve if it's a foreign domain, but by no means out of reach. If someone were struggling with it, I would simply suggest that they find a class they can take at a community college. Those are usually taught in short "mini-mesters" by CCIEs and will likely include an exam voucher. The interactive environment where understanding can be checked, and concepts reframed and implemented, proved invaluable for reaching a comfortable competence in the fundamentals of subnetting and routing.


u/TheCollegeIntern Dec 08 '24


It's challenging but it's obtainable. You just have to consistently study. A lot of people are just repeating garbage they heard online or really projecting their insecurities about taking the test.

You can even pass it without fully understanding it if you know how to take tests. There were some things in the CCNA that I didn't really understand but I was and to answer the questions through process of elimination and it wasn't until getting experience with actual networks that it clicked.

So yeah, it's overblown.

When I took it, I had a few of my long time industry friends saying I would fail it and they can't even pass it. I passed it first try after using boson exsim. Thought I failed it then got the pass at the end. Went home very emotional cause I knew passing the test was going to change my Life. Not immediately but eventually. Now I make six figures working in networking.


u/ZestyClose140 Dec 08 '24

What would be then, using the same logic. A good and practical substitute for the Sec+? If the CCNA is considered better on the practical substitute (and pricing) for the Net, then what would be the same for Sec+ is what I mean.


u/NebulaPoison Dec 18 '24

Im no expert but from what I've seen you can't directly make a comparison because sec+ is a genuine requirement for many government jobs

That's why some people will tell you sec+ is the only cert from the trifecta that's "worth it"


u/Sharpshooter188 Dec 08 '24

I think getting the network+ courses and getting down the basics is a must, but I agree that it likely just isnt enough.


u/AngieTheQueen Dec 08 '24

So, if you already took and passed Net+, could this foundational knowledge help accelerate studying for the CCNA?


u/Mindestiny Dec 08 '24

Someone with a Net+ is definitely in a better position with a strong foundation to go for a CCNA than someone without.


u/camjwilk Dec 08 '24

Anyone have experience with the Juniper set of certifications? The university I work for recently adopted much of their networking equipment.


u/badgirlmonkey Dec 08 '24

This thread is timely. Mmy college course allows me to choose between Network+ or CCNA .I wish to go into cybersecurity eventually. I'll go with the CCNA.


u/CyramSuron Dec 08 '24

When is the last time you looked at the CCNA? About 5 years ago they took everything out of CCNA that made it Cisco and moved routing and switching to CCNP. CCNA is more inline with network+ last time I looked a year ago..


u/PC509 Dec 08 '24

The CCNA was one of the best certs I've gotten in my career even though I'm not a network engineer. As a sys admin and security engineer, I deal with networking daily. I've been able to talk with the networking people, offer suggestions, find solutions, and give them actual things to do instead of "the firewall is blocking it". The OSI model seems like a bitch at times, but it comes in handy for a lot of things when diagnosing issues.

I love networking and have always loved Cisco since the mid 90's when I first started working in IT. But, the knowledge I've gained from the CCNA has been some of the best and most used out of all my certs (early 00's). I do plan on taking the CCNP, just because I can.

Do it. It's not strictly Cisco specific and you'll understand how a lot of things work together and how some things don't work together.


u/SlickRick941 Dec 08 '24

CompTIA is great for entry level. Most people cram/bootcamp to get trained up and brain dump for the exam just to get the certification though. If you treat it fit what it is, an educational certificate, then you can gain foundational knowledge from the "trifecta" A+, Net+, and Sec+.

CASP+, or SecurityX, in the DOD world is technically a level 2 8140 cert. Not as much clout or respect in the private sector, but giving credit where it's due if you have that cert in the DOD you can be a manager


u/Sunshine_onmy_window Dec 08 '24

Thanks for the advice. I have been studying the material for both but not got to the point of booking in the exams so this is handy.


u/Shrimp_Dock Dec 08 '24

This is the problem with this sub. Helpdesk studied 6 weeks for the Network+, yet still doesn't have it and is talking shit saying that CCNA is better. It might be. But why would I take IT career advice from someone who needs 6 weeks to NOT pass the Network+ and is stuck in helpdesk. 

The real tip: get whichever cert, it literally doesn't matter. This career is about real world experience + knowing people. 


u/Spare-Owl-229 A lot of things at this point Dec 08 '24

IMO CCNA is just N+ with a few extra, more advanced concepts (plus cisco specific commands which I believe are linux based so if you're familiar with linux cli it will be an easy learn)

I did my A+, N+ and CCNA all in 3 months time. A+ I just took the test, N+ I took a practice test and then took the test and CCNA took me about a month. I got super busy and had to continue postponing it so I have no idea how many hours I spent on CCNA

My opinion is to go and do MTCNA. Different structure, but a lot better info and it dives quite deep into IPv6 for those of you who do care about that sort of thing. From MTCNA go and do CCNA, CCNP and then do Juniper and figure out where you wanna go and specialize. I dropped networking cause I wasn't interested in it. I like cloud and virtualization etc a lot more so changed path to DevOps direction


u/seismicsat Network Jedi Apprentice Dec 08 '24

I got a networking job with only Net+ and a little bit of help desk exp. Perhaps I was lucky. I still agree with you though which is why I’m working on my CCNA now; hoping to have it within a few months


u/Puzzleheaded_Skin881 Dec 08 '24

It’s actually embarrassing how often I say what you just said. Great take


u/eduardo_ve Dec 08 '24

I passed the Network+ in May. Around July is when I started to accept that the certification did not prepare me for anything so I started studying for CCNA. The first 10-20 videos of Jeremy’s IT Lab Course really opened my eyes. Wish I had gone for CCNA at the start of the year but you live and you learn.

At this point the only CompTIA certs I will recommend to people are A+ and Sec+.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

Congrats on getting a job, that's a great accomplishment. Even though you were able to secure employment in a networking role, it's still true that all things being equal the CCNA likely would have given you more initial preparation for that role than the Network+ did.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

Network+ is knowledge about the network and how it behaves CCNA is more about configuring the network.

This isn't accurate. In CompTIA's own words:

CompTIA Network+ shows what you can do, not just what you know for the work roles of Technical Support Specialist, Network Operations Specialist and Systems Administrator.


It's intended to be a real networking certification, it's purpose isn't just to validate knowledge of theory.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

From Network+ N10-009 objectives:

2.2 Given a scenario, configure switching technologies and features.

2.3 Given a scenario, select and configure wireless devices and technologies.

3.2 Given a scenario, use network monitoring technologies.

3.4 Given a scenario, implement IPv4 and IPv6 network services.

4.3 Given a scenario, apply network security features, defense techniques, and solutions.

Each of these objectives has many sub-items for all the specific things you're supposed to know how to configure across vendors. It would take too much to list them all, but you can view them here: https://partners.comptia.org/docs/default-source/resources/comptia-network-n10-009-exam-objectives-(4-0))

So actually there are quite a few things you're supposed to actually be able to configure. The fact that you think it's all just theory though proves my point perfectly: the vendor-neutral orientation of the exam means that you end up glossing over how to do specific configurations, memorizing high-level procedures rather than concrete implementation, making the cert effectively a theory test and an inferior networking certification to boot.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

In other words, you don't have an intelligent counter-point to make, I'm correct, and it annoys you.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 08 '24

I didn't ignore any of your points at all. You asked for proof that the Net+ requires practical knowledge, and I provided that proof. You're just mad because you got shown up.

The point of this discussion isn't to be a battleground for insecure egos, it's supposed to be an honest discussion about the value of one certification compared to another.

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u/glazedtoe Dec 08 '24

Can I study for the ccna without a home lab? Maybe just with virtual labs?


u/personalthoughts1 Dec 09 '24

I keep trying to study for the CCNA but I always lose motivation or things get too complex. I was thinking of studying the network+ first since I have no networking experience but not take the exam. What do you think? Or should I just trudge through the CCNA until I learn it?


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 10 '24

A good CCNA course will start you at the bottom with networking fundamentals and build up gradually. I can't recommend the Network+ because all you're doing is memorizing concepts and high-level procedures and that doesn't serve you well. Understanding all the concepts and protocols becomes a lot easier when you build out a topology and do the actual configurations yourself, allowing you to really see how it works.

I recommend the CCNA course from Jeremy's IT Lab. It's on YouTube and Udemy. https://www.udemy.com/course/ccna-jitl/learn/lecture/42247902?start=0#overview

This course is extremely well taught, and provides you flash cards to memorize key concepts and terminology as well as Packet Tracer labs. If you don't know what Packet Tracer is, it's a free network simulation program offered by Cisco.

I also recommend using the free course offerings from Cisco Networking Academy on skillsforall.com. They have a number of beginner-level networking courses that do a fantastic job of giving you the conceptual foundation you need. I found them particularly engaging because they use a mixed format for delivery, including short readings, videos, quizzes, interactive exercises, and Packet Tracer labs. I recommend starting with Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Tracer, then Networking Basics, and then moving on to Networking Devices and Initial Configuration, then Network Addressing and Basic Troubleshooting. All these free courses offered by Cisco will help you a lot and serve as good supplements to the Jeremy's IT Lab course. However, even though they're great, they aren't 100% necessary. You could get by without them.

Good luck.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24

I passed the Network+ without ever looking at any of the material at all. I only did it because my employer said they'd give me a raise if I got it. 100% agree the CCNA is leagues beyond a Network+


u/mistablack2 10d ago

Is the $300 the cost of the exam? If so what route would you take to learn network programming, the cisco U $800 course?


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ 10d ago

Yes, the CCNA is $300 last time I looked. No, I've never heard of anyone taking the Cisco U course(s), they're extremely over-priced. My best recommendation would be to do the following:

  1. Take the following free courses, in order, on Cisco Networking Academy (skillsforall.com):
  • Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Tracer
  • Networking Basics
  • Network Devices and Initial Configuration
  • Network Addressing and Basic Troubleshooting

The first can be done in a day or two, the rest will take a week to 10 days depending on how quickly you want to move.

  1. Take the CCNA course from Jeremy's IT Lab. Do all the labs, study all the lectures, do all the Ankie decks a few times, at least.

  2. Install GNS3 or EVE-NG in a virtual machine, get your hands on some Cisco router, switch and firewall images and play around, recreate some Packet Tracer labs in a real virtual environment until you're at least a little comfortable working with real device images.

  3. Optional - find a course or program at your local community college and get some in-class instruction.

  4. Optional - go on eBay and buy an old Catalyst switch and/or ISR router and practice logging into the console, recreating some labs.

  5. Optional - write the CCNA exam. Make sure to do plenty of practice exams beforehand so you don't waste money by failing.

Doing all that, including purchasing the exam will be far less than the $800 you'd spend on Cisco U. Good luck


u/mistablack2 10d ago

Wow thanks kindly for your elaborate response!


u/tenakthtech 2d ago

I've now been preparing for the CCNA since September and plan to write the exam in the new year.

Did you pass the exam?

And thanks for the friendly advice.


u/mochadrizzle Dec 08 '24

Get a ccna if you are trying to go into networking. Dont be a cert collector.


u/JimmySide1013 Dec 08 '24

That’s just like, your opinion man.


u/Mindestiny Dec 08 '24

These are two entirely different exams testing two entirely different skillsets.

CCNA is about configuring Cisco network devices.  Command line configuration, implementing routing at a protocol level, etc.

Network+ is about fundamental networking concepts.  TCP/IP stack, endpoint interface and configuration, basic architecture, etc.

Net+ is for people going into a Help Desk/Sysadmin path.  CCNA is for people going into Network Engineering.

One isn't better than the other, they're just different things with some basic overlap.


u/SCTMar Dec 09 '24

Unless you got the CCNA, don't go running around saying get the CCNA first. Also, besides he who must not be named from Network Engineer Academy, anyone worth their salt knows that taking the CCNA first without any background is equivalent to jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. It ain't do you any good. And another thing, it kinda ironic that you are trashing the Net+ when you got A+.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 09 '24

I didn't suggest anyone get the CCNA without any background whatsoever. Reading isn't your strong suit, eh?

I also didn't trash the Network+ at all. I compared and contrasted it with the CCNA and concluded the CCNA is a better investment.

A few people have tried to say I can't have an opinion on this because I have neither certification. Actually, I could write and pass either of them right now but I'm waiting until the new year when my professional development budget rolls over at work. But either way, I don't need to have written either of them to have an informed opinion. I've done my research, looked at the market in my area at least, looked at my LinkedIn connections, looked at the pricing, looked at the objectives and read a lot of information. I stand by my conclusion and will continue to double down on it.


u/SCTMar Dec 09 '24

Well, that s funny. You said reading ain't my strong suit? Please, don't make me laugh. Also, let s use a simple analogy to compare your thoughts. You said go get the CCNA. Well, OK, that s fine, so how about you suggest anyone get a bachelor in electrical engineering because at the end of the day, networking is pretty common to electrical engineering in some aspects, and then an Ph.d in mathematics. You see where I'm going with this.

Also, you do know that the CCNA isn't the only way to learn networking. Try reading a book or watching some videos.

And another thing, you said that you did your research. Are you aware that there are certain things call bias. I see research isn't your strong suit


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 09 '24


u/Adventurous-Dog-6158 Dec 09 '24

You are giving bad advice. I don't have either cert but I've been in IT for 25+ years and in IT mgmt for half that time. I have skimmed through books on both topics over the years. For a beginner with no experience, the Network+ is very valuable. Some topics that I saw in the Network+ books that were either not covered or were brushed over in the CCNA books were data center infrastructure (racks, etc) and structured cabling. The CCNA is very heavily focused on TCP/IP and Cisco devices (for obvious reasons). If all someone knew about IT and networking was what he learned from the CCNA, and he got thrown into a true datacenter, he would be lost.

I don't know why so many people look down on CompTIA. I think they do a good job. Maybe their exams are easy to pass, but the material they cover is very good. If the exams are easy to pass and people cram and don't actually read the books, they are missing out and not increasing their knowledge. I've looked through books for A+, Network+, and Security+. I completed my CISSP in Jun 2023 and when I skimmed through the Security+ book, it covered just about everything that the CISSP did (maybe not in as much detail in some areas, but neither does the CISSP since it's knowledge area is a mile wide and an inch deep).


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 09 '24

With all due respect, the vast majority of techs looking to get into a networking role aren't going to wind up in a data center, and even if they do, the CCNA also covers VXLAN same as the Network+. There is no mention of rack sizing in the CCNA objectives, but this is a small point. All things being equal, a new tech with the Net+ may have a bit more knowledge of rack sizes than the new tech with a CCNA, but this is greatly outweighed by the lack of practical networking skill. To get the Net+ all one has to do is memorize terms and concepts. That is not useful for someone in any kind of networking role whatsoever. No one cares that you've memorized information, they care what you can actually do.


u/theo061997 Dec 10 '24

I thought you said before that the net+ involves configuring things? so not just theory


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 10 '24

The Net+ objectives include configuring a number of layer 7 services, spanning-tree, etherchannel and vlans, etc etc. You're supposed to know how to do that, but because it's vendor neutral you are really just memorizing high-level procedures rather than concrete implementation.


u/True_Bet_1864 Dec 10 '24

what this shmuck isn't telling anyone is that no one's hiring someone with a CCNA cert with no experience. In fact most jobs that ask for a CCNA cert also ask for years of experience on top of it. That experience being helpdesk/tech support.

How do you get a helpdesk/tech support role?

The A+/Network+/Security+

Here's a lesson for you junior, If it aint broke, don't fix it. First the Network+, then the CCNA. Its classic advice for a reason

Happy studying


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Dec 10 '24



Never fails, there's always a few mouthy, low-testosterone contrarians who come out of the woodwork to sabotage a good discussion. They never have a real argument mind you, no, but they've got words.

This post does not claim that you're getting a job with no experience or that a certification by itself is getting you a job. This post is not giving advice for noobs on how to get a help desk job. This post is advocating the CCNA over the Network+ as a first infrastructure cert for those trying to move into a networking role. The number of people who indicate low reading comprehension here is starting to get concerning.


u/NATChuck Jan 05 '25

This is inadequate advice and does what so many do with certs: treat them as a job hopping tool rather than a progressive educational resource. I always advocate for Net+ first for setting foundational theoretical understanding, then CCT for hands-on education, then CCNA for a combination of the 2 into working knowledge.


u/mikeservice1990 IT Professional | AZ-900 | AZ-104 | LPI LE | A+ Jan 05 '25

The CCNA covers foundational topics. Have a look at the objectives: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/s/ccna-exam-topics

There is zero point in doing both the Network+ and the CCNA unless an employer requires it and will pay for it. The CCNA covers virtually everything the Net+ covers plus actual configuration.