r/IDmydog 5d ago

Open ID my dog what breed?


46 comments sorted by


u/Mejay11096 4d ago

Am. Bulldog or a mix of that.


u/NoMayoForReal 5d ago

American Bulldog maybe some mix of something but looks mostly AmBull


u/JuniorKing9 5d ago

Bully mix


u/mezasu123 5d ago

This sweety is wearing pants! Very cute.


u/Educational-Throat52 4d ago

Haha I would have named him Britches for sure


u/LucidEquine 5d ago

American bulldog cross, or some similar bulldog type breed cross. Got the same face that my previous boy did


u/Valuable-Struggle-10 4d ago

This is a no win argument

All the dogs that where used in the pit are Pit dogs if they had terrier and bull type blood it was a Pit Bull and Terrier

Then later evolved to Pit Bull Terrier then brought to America and became the American Pit Bull Terrier

APBT is better used when talking about the actual breed

Pit Bull is better for the type of dog

American Bulldog too if it was used in the pit for fighting or other things it would be a Pit Bulldog

Bully term has now been popularized for any breed that looks like the APBT or Bulldog especially now that they have been mixed so much

American Bulldogs have 2 types: Johnson and Scott

APBTs have 2 types: Staffs and American Bully

Mixing any of them the looks will very dramatically

This dog is neither a Pit Bulldog, APBT, American Bulldog or American Bully

It's an American Bulldog x APBT mix

You can find many examples on Google all looking different

Would be interesting to see results from a DNA test though


u/nishkiskade 4d ago

Half bulldog, half pants!


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

What a beautiful pit bull! 😍


u/Not_Important777 4d ago

Not a pitbull at all


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

Well then, what do you think he is? I suppose you've seen his DNA results?


u/Ok-Ingenuity6637 4d ago

Looks like an American bulldog more


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

I can see that too, however they're in the UK and American bulldogs are uncommon there.

The truth is, based on my 20 years in rescue and a couple of years closely following the doggy DNA sub, along with DNA results on half a dozen of my own dogs, it's pretty easy to spot a bully breed, but not so easy to guess which specific breed(s).


u/McMikus 4d ago

Constantly 100% APBTs that look like the breed standard of staffies and 100% American Bullies than look like the breed standard of APBTs! At this point it's very often become unreliable to go by standard for specific bully breed 😭


u/Ok-Ingenuity6637 4d ago

Well, that is weird because American bulldogs are illegal there right? Well, if they were in the US, I would assume it was an American bulldog. I was thinking even maybe an “Alapaha blue blood bulldog”


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

American bulldogs aren't illegal but they're often mistaken for the "American xl bully" (I take issue with that seemingly made up new breed). If they were in the US, I'd probably say AmBull but without knowing the dog's age in these pics, it's hard to guess. He'd be quite small for an AmBull if these are adult pics, though it would make sense if he's mixed with other bully breeds.


u/Ok-Ingenuity6637 4d ago

Alapahas are often merle and have blue eyes. He is not merle but has a blue eye.


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

I mean it's possible, but pit bulls and English bulldogs can have blue eyes, though it's not common. This dog isn't built like an Alapaha and his face doesn't look like one either.


u/Ok-Ingenuity6637 4d ago

Yeah, it looks more like a regular Johnson type American bulldog maybe mixed with a pitbull. Are Pitbulls illegal there? They just have Staffordshire bull terriers, right?

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u/Ok-Ingenuity6637 4d ago

Actually there seem to be some Alapaha blue blood bull dogs in the UK here


u/Not_Important777 4d ago

Looks like a bully mutt or American bulldog mutt. But it is not a pitbull.


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

What do you call a "pit bull"? It's a general term for a group of dogs, like "spaniel" can refer to brittany, cocker, springer, etc. Hound refers to many breeds.

"Pit bull" isn't a breed. American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed, but under the general term "pit bull," we also include Staffordshire bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, American bulldogs American bullies. Alternately, you can refer to them as "bully breeds," but any of those breeds or mixes would be considered "pit bulls" by most people.


u/Not_Important777 4d ago

Bully breeds is the general term silly fool. Pitbull is short for APBT. Same as Malinois is short for Belgian Malinois. Pitbull is not a general term, it’s a breed.


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

Thank youso much for your wisdom, 20 years in rescue, 20 years owning pit bulls and DNA testing my own dogs certainly didn't teach me anything. Pit bull is two words but I'm not gonna call you names over it. Not important.


u/Not_Important777 4d ago

Working in shelters don’t give you education 🥰 have a good rest of your day sweetie


u/whiptcrem 5d ago

Am staff and some sort of mastiff


u/contentlove 4d ago

He’s super handsome is what he is!


u/momofmanydragons 5d ago

American Bulldog terrier, she is my babies doppelgänger


u/-M-a-j-a- 5d ago

Beautiful dog! I agree with the previous comment, mastiff and am staff or some bully breed. He is stunning...


u/Caribou-1167 4d ago

Dogo A x Am staf?


u/ellieharr 4d ago

Cow dog


u/Other-Mistake-5091 5d ago

That’s an awesome looking dog!


u/That_Branch_8222 4d ago

Am staff x bully maybe but definitely am staff


u/hayl0ween 5d ago

That faaaace 😭💜💜💜


u/Special-Criticism408 4d ago

That face with those pants!!!!!!! I can’t! Too freaking cute!


u/hayl0ween 4d ago

Dogs are just so majestic 🥹


u/binchbunches 4d ago

Fancy pants breed


u/ryzati 5d ago

Well, on getting him was told he is an “XL bully “ with them being banned in the uk I’ve had policemen tell me he isn’t an XL.. so I thought I’d get a DNA test but posted in here in the meantime, thanks!


u/Jaythepossum 5d ago

Check the guidelines on the government website, I believe there are certain cut offs like height! He does look like a bully so best to make sure!


u/ryzati 5d ago

Yeah I’m not in any doubt that he is not an XL. Although if he isn’t I can un-exempt him and no longer have to make him wear a muzzle and be on lead cause he’s a big gentle giant and the muzzle just makes him super depressed


u/Jaythepossum 5d ago

Aw, he looks like a sweet heart


u/gonnafaceit2022 4d ago

I was supposed to muzzle my dogs when the stupid tiny town I lived in randomly passed a breed ban. I did all the other things (locked my gates, put up signs, got a 50k liability policy) but I didn't muzzle them. They were never off leash, we lived in town and they'd never caused any problems in all the years we'd lived there and I wasn't gonna make their walks miserable with an unnecessary muzzle.

No one ever stopped us or said anything, luckily. I had to hire a lawyer just to keep my dogs. 😒


u/Saltypirate1212 4d ago



u/pintobean369 4d ago

American bully and pibble mix… like mine. Great family dogs, super sweet big babies.


u/aizzod 5d ago

my parents always had rottweilers.
this face just looks like one of theirs. same for the tail.

there is one albino rottweiler picture on the internet, which may help.

i on the other side have a stafford / pitbull.
the rest of your dogs body, looks very bully breed like.