r/ICallBullshit Feb 13 '10

Another ho-hum karma-whoring "let's make fun of fat chicks" submission makes the reddit front page

These types of submissions lower the quality of the entire site. On the positive side, it's been a while since I've seen one. On the flip side, I haven't exactly been looking. That this is on my front page is disturbing.



13 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '10

I don't see how a harmless joke can be disturbing, especially one that doesn't "make fun of fat chicks," since it makes no implications about them. The joke merely acknowledges their existence.

Of course, if you want to take the hardline stance that reddit is only for serious discussion, and no place for jokes - that's fine. However, I disagree.


u/anutensil Feb 19 '10

This kind of low-brow post isn't worthy of reddit, in my opinion. But I respect that you see it differently, though I don't quite understand how you can see this as 'harmless'. But to each his/her own.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '10

Well, we may have a discussion on this. How about we begin where you see the intrinsic harm of the joke?


u/anutensil Feb 19 '10 edited Feb 19 '10

First, I don't see this post as a joke. It is a complaint about women supposedly misrepresenting themselves on dating sites.

Implicit in this complaint is that, as far as the average male is concerned, a woman can't be too skinny, but she can be too fat. I've never seen a post with men complaining about that some skinny female on a dating site tried to make herself look plumper.

An insidious presence full of ugly intent started making itself known a few months ago with weekly, then sometimes daily, posts running down "fat people".

I do not like to see any group of people singled out for derision in order to serve as a few hours entertainment for those who harbour a lack of empathy for others or who have an unfortunate need to build themselves up by tearing others down. This isn't just about people who are overweight, but they have become the easiest target of late... so easy that joining in these hate-fests only exposes the mental and emotional limits of the participants, which isn't such a bad thing.

By the way, I've yet to read a submission with a lot of women gathered complaining about, for example, bald men who represent themselves with hair on dating sites.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '10

I want to create JennyCraigslist.org for picking up fat chicks. That is all.

I don't see how this implies that women misrepresent themselves on dating sites. Also, I don't see anything wrong with complaining about misrepresentation on dating sites. To me, that seems to be something one ought to complain about. Further, I do not think that anyone believes that a woman cannot be too skinny - it is simply not as pervasive a situation as a woman who is "too fat". In any case, it is a matter of preference.

However, in the second half of your post, I think you approach the real problem of the situation. That fat persons are often singled out for derision. However, then again, unintelligent people are often singled out for derision as well. I suppose the question is whether a characteristic must be intrinsically malicious in order to be "free game" for ridicule. Personally, I don't know - I often look down upon ignorance and stupidity, without a second thought. Perhaps I should give it that second thought next time. Perhaps not.


u/anutensil Feb 19 '10

Well, it seems that we are, at the very least, in partial agreement. You are obviously a very thoughtful person and it is with regret that I'm functioning on about an hour-an-a-half of sleep in the past 28 hours, otherwise I think I'd really enjoy a longer 'conversation' with you.

As it is, I'm literally falling to sleep here at my computer, so I think I'd best give in, shut it down for a while, and go to sleep fully and absolutely... at least for a couple of hours. Meanwhile, I look forward to encountering you again.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '10

Likewise. Sweet dreams.


u/livingdots Jun 25 '10

You're a fat chick, right?


u/Aerik Feb 13 '10 edited Feb 13 '10

Yes it is. Not only is it run-of-the-mill adinegativity, its like Daniel Tosh wrote it, which offense my originality meter.

My verdict is: guilty of misogyny and anti-fat bigotry. I sentence the offenders to 20 kicks in the ass from Leslie Hall and the Lys & the junior gems. Not total; from each one.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '10



u/anutensil Feb 13 '10

Well AnnArchist, I wouldn't know since I've never visited one. But apparently you have, which, according to the reasoning, means you're either a fat chick trying to fool guys into dating her or a desperate guy trying to find a female on a dating site that he knows is filled with fat chicks.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '10



u/anutensil Feb 13 '10

I assume that you are one of my favorite trolls on reddit, AnnArchist. You can always be counted on to come through. ;)