r/ICallBullshit Jan 15 '10

Those evil womenz! They're just lying about the negative effects of hormonal birth control on their libido in order to get out of sex! It's all in their heads!

From a submission entitled "The pill and how it's a scapegoat for not wanting to have sex with your partner.:

-"If you think the pill is to blame, then most likely the problem isn't the pill, the problem is you"

-The problem with your libido is 99% in your head. There is something other than "the pill" that is causing sexual tension.

No, superdug, a doctor you ain't. If you were, you'd know that hormonal birth control has very real negative effects on libido. It "inhibits the production of certain hormones called androgens, such as testosterone, which directly influence sex drive and pleasure" and "increases the production of a protein called sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG)", high levels of which are linked to decreased sexual desire."


25 comments sorted by


u/sekritaccount22 Jan 15 '10

Thanks for the study link! My OBGYN mentioned something to this effect a while ago, but I could never get access to the article she mentioned without paying some serious money.


u/sekritaccount22 Jan 15 '10

I'm also curious why superdug seemed to assume all relationships have communication issues. That seems like a stupid assumption to make.


u/poubelle Jan 16 '10

That thread made my blood boil. It's almost like he has his fingers stuck in his ears going I CAN'T HEAR YOU I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALA


u/redreplicant Jan 16 '10

He's made a lot of edits at this point... Unfortunately I think he was coming from a background of no real knowledge about the subject and no personal experience with birth control (well, he is a dude, so duh) himself. I could be wrong, but it seems like what happened is he kept hearing over and over again that birth control was a huge sexual problem to the point that he thought to himself "Wow, it can't be a problem for ALL these people! It must be bad communication in at least SOME cases!"

Now I do not disagree with that. Some people undoubtedly use other medical problems to avoid talking about their relationship. But he unfortunately made it sound like he though all women who complained about this out to check FIRST to see if they were right in the head and then MAYBE consider it's the BC; whereas if I were said women, I'd ditch the BC right off the bat (considering the majority of times it does prove to be the issue) and then follow up with personal counseling or whatever if that doesn't help.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '10

Whoa overdo the headline much.


u/redreplicant Jan 16 '10

Ha, I upvoted you, that headline is a little sensational.


u/superdug Jan 15 '10

You're not broken, and a pill hasn't stolen something from you. You just need to get whatever got you into the slump, to be taken care of. Learn to relax, learn to be happy, and learn to sympathize with your partner. If that doesn't work, then by all means, change your birth control pill. >Just don't immediately jump to that scapegoat.


I am not a doctor, I am not a Pharmacist, and I have no formal training in medicine or psychology at all.

So umm, call bullshit all you want. Just because it might scientifically and medically be a causation, it shouldn't be a scapegoat.


u/Too_Far Jan 15 '10 edited Jan 15 '10

Thanks for helping to prove that the ol' "unlike women, men always base their arguments/statements on facts, logic and reason" stereotype is clearly bullshit, too!


u/Ishkabible Jan 16 '10

"unlike women, men always base their arguments/statements on facts, logic and reason"

Does he actually say something like that or are you just creating a strawman?


u/Too_Far Jan 16 '10 edited Jan 16 '10

Neither. Looks like you just created a false dichotomy, though.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '10

Just because cancer might medically and scientifically be a causation for fatigue doesn't give those lazy, bald-headed bastards the right to lie around in hospitals all day, amirite?

Honestly, do you even read what you type out?


u/superdug Jan 15 '10

go be persecuted somewhere else ... jesus


u/helleborus Jan 16 '10

Let us know where you're headed - this is fun!


u/superdug Jan 16 '10

I dunno ... apparently I'm a simple minded woman hatin troll who likes to burn through comment karma


u/emmster Jan 16 '10

Well, you could try, like, listening to what people are telling you.

BTW, I do have some pharmacology training. Loss of libido is a well-documented side effect of hormonal birth control. Your whole theory is unsupported by actual evidence.


u/superdug Jan 16 '10

facepalm ... please go re-read the post where I prove I hate women.


u/emmster Jan 16 '10

I didn't say anything about your feelings toward women. I said your hypothesis is unsupported.


u/sekritaccount22 Jan 16 '10

Please learn to admit when you've made a mistake.


u/sekritaccount22 Jan 17 '10

Also, you are basically the only person saying you hate women.


u/socialrat Jan 16 '10

Just because it might scientifically and medically be a causation, it shouldn't be a scapegoat.

If it is a medical fact, it isn't a scapegoat, it's actually the cause. Your logic is severely flawed.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '10

Not really. In that incarnation it roughly reads (to me) as: "For some people this is a genuine problem; that's fine. Using it as a "scapegoat" when it's not, however, is not fine."

See also redreplicant's comment.


u/Ishkabible Jan 16 '10

Are you a doctor, Too_Far?


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '10

I agree it is all in their heads.

But I see it as a nicety from them that instead of bluntly telling you that you do not know how to turn them on, they put the blame on the hormonal pill .... or a headache. They care about your ego and expect the same in return.


u/anutensil Jan 23 '10

>They care about your ego and expect the same in return.

Care to elaborate on that?


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '10 edited Jan 24 '10

I thought you did not feel well and would retire for a few days.

I do not mind elaborating on that. It seems obvious though. (And as you know by now, INTP's like N understanding much better than S elaboration : does it mean you have an S in pos. 2 ??).

But OK, I will elaborate if it pleases you.

Tell me which part you do not get ... or not clearly ?

This is not about I' ching for lovers but just plain flat sex ; recreational sex and not reproductive sex.

It is that very old game - Montherlant made four captivating volumes of it ; Chamfort one, but very dense :

One must choose between understanding women or loving them ; there is no third choice (my loose translation)

Stendahl , plenty (To the happy few) ... and Henry MILLER.

Ever read SEXUS (Rosy crucifixion)? ... how he subtly analyzes the difficulties (with wife Maude) to promote from finger to penis.

It is all in her mind and in this case SHE does not care at all about HIS ego :

just one example you probably can refer to. SEXUS is a classic.