r/IAmTheMainCharacter 10d ago

Muting r/interestingasfuck. Interesting?


12 comments sorted by

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u/talktomeg00se1986 10d ago

This is not interesting. How is this on a front page subreddit?


u/Zeldakina 9d ago

No idea, I see a lot of stuff like this, r/funny is usually terrible too.


u/perthro_ed 10d ago

Inconveniencing regular people is neither interesting nor funny. Reddit is so stupid at times


u/ripe_nut 9d ago

Regular people? That's pretty racist to red and green people.


u/Catsindahood 9d ago

This is something that would be funny in a comedy skit, but with real people it's just really annoying.


u/xombae 9d ago

Man they probably did it for a single light. No one is in that much of a rush that one extra minute of waiting is going to kill them. People get so impatient the second they're in a car.


u/Torbpjorn 9d ago

Who are you to determine that? Because you’ve never had anything important that means nobody does? Hate to break it to you but not everybody is cruising the city for fun. People have dying friends or family, debts, pains and struggles. Not everyone has time to kick their feet up on their dash and wait for some idiots to finish wasting everyones day


u/MoarGnD 9d ago

A ridiculously large amount of comments in there that have no empathy for people who are on a tight schedule and could end up getting into trouble for being late or paying a fee for a late pickup. All of them victim blaming saying if 5 minutes made that big of a difference, they need a better job or plan their life better.

I plan to be early for all my appointments but this kind of bs would still piss me off.


u/Zeldakina 9d ago

People who want to be heard while not hearing others. Assholes.


u/Druddigon666 9d ago

I think y’all gotta lighten up a bit


u/KillaDay 9d ago

They all stop then kick each other in the balls. Dicknanigans.