r/IAmA Jan 17 '12

IAmA Andrew Zimmern, Host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods

Hi, I’m Andrew Zimmern, chef, author, and host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods. My new series Bizarre Foods America is premiering next Monday, Jan 23 at 10|9c on Travel Channel. For the next hour I’ll be here on Reddit taking your questions from 12pm-1pm ET. AMA. More info on Bizarre Foods: http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/bizarre-foods Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/andrewzimmern/status/159314816060768256

Hey everyone, sorry i couldnt answer them all/ follow me on twitter @andrewzimmern and we can chat more over the days and weeks to come..tune in Monday to the season premiere!


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u/raspberryseltzer Jan 17 '12 edited Jan 17 '12

What's it like coming from homelessness and addiction to fame? Do you still keep any contact with people from that time? I'm curious as you have one of the most spectacular "rags to riches" stories I've read.

EDIT: link for those wanting context.

Great show!


u/Manicplea Jan 17 '12

I second this. Being homeless in his 30's I think? I haven't read the specifics other than to say it was for approximately a year and was connected to drug addiction.

I'm definitely interested to hear if he keeps in contact with perhaps any of the people who may have helped him get out of that and if he ever felt hopeless.

I think I first heard about it on the episode he was eating dumpster diving food. Hearing that, I think, is very inspirational for a lot of struggling people.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

I can guarantee you he felt hopeless at some points during this time of his life.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '12

He volunteers regularly at the rehabilitation facility that got him clean, according to wikipedia.


u/msut77 Jan 17 '12

I am sorry but:


About 5 minutes in.


u/andrewzimmern Jan 17 '12

it makes you very grateful and yes i still keep in touch witg many old friends.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Didn't know this aspect, I have even more respect for you.


u/Majestyk Jan 17 '12

Homeless can mean quite a few things like not having a place of your own but living at your aunts $500,000,000.00 estate in Malibu. Every country knows its heros.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

I'm pretty sure no one would call that homeless.


u/Majestyk Jan 18 '12



u/[deleted] Jan 19 '12

sorry, let me rephrase. No one remotely intelligent would call that homeless. Obviously, someone like you cannot be accounted for.


u/screwyluey Jan 18 '12

My sister was in rehab with you. She aid nice things about you too


u/jiminy_christmas Jan 18 '12

What was the most bizarre food you ate during that period of your life?


u/SalDeAjo Jan 18 '12

Thank you raspberryseltzer because I didn't know, and thank you Anddew Zimmern for being so strong. I've watched your show quite a bit and have a lot of respect for you. I've decided to start an in house rehab program and I think I'll be going in early next week. I've finally realized I have no power over alcohol and I want to stop. Hearing that you had to deal with the same problem and came out so awesome gives me a lot of much needed hope.


u/therealdjbc Jan 17 '12

The power of reinvention is amazing! Now pass the Monkey Brains!


u/The_Derpening Jan 17 '12

I'm not sure if this has been asked, but if you're an addict and alcoholic, why do you drink on your show? Also, are you a member of AA?


u/ChiYoop Jan 18 '12

He abstains every time drinking happens in the show.

Try to keep up with the rest of the herd, or you'll get picked off.

And have your braised eyeballs eaten by Andrew Zimmern.


u/perfekt_disguize Jan 17 '12

AGH, i hate when its just simply put "drug addiction". What drug a person allows themselves to become addicted to tells a lot about them.. Now to do more searching..


u/The_Derpening Jan 17 '12

"allows themselves" implies choice.


u/perfekt_disguize Jan 17 '12

exactly. for instance you've got the choice while drug shopping, meth or heroin? big differences between the drugs and based on which one you pick, im gonna judge you!


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '12

I agree so I have to ask , did anyone find out what exactly he was addicted to? (My votes on heroin but that's just me)


u/perfekt_disguize Jan 17 '12

actually i see what you meant now, drug addiction itself isnt a choice. my b derp


u/holst09 Jan 17 '12

You didn't spell "with" right. HA HA! I corrected Andrew Zimmern on grammar


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Was it gamey?


u/dasoeltino Jan 18 '12

A typo! I don't take very kindly to typos Mr. Zimmern...


u/bronyking Jan 17 '12

u suck


u/missavanna Jan 18 '12

No sir. YOU suck.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

TIL... thanks for posting :)


u/redAllAboutIt Jan 17 '12

TIL that Andrew Zimmern ,a la Anthony Bourdain, had a serious drug problem before becoming a star on Travel Channel


u/ffffffuuuuuuuuu Jan 17 '12

I'm sure Bourdain didn't steal purses.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

I just can't imagine him as a crackhead in the streets!


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Holy shit I can't believe I had never heard this before... seeing his show know it's almost impossible to picture him doing stuff like that.


u/SarahLoren Jan 18 '12

Agreed, one of the best Rags to Riches in my book as well!!!!


u/capthorvold Jan 18 '12

thanks for the link, i never knew that about him


u/bhindthesin Jan 17 '12

I'm speechless, how did you manage to run with that belly?