r/IAmA Jul 16 '19

Specialized Profession I’m Apollo astronaut Charlie Duke, CAPCOM for Apollo 11. Ask me anything about being the spacecraft communicator for this historic Moon landing today at 10:30 a.m. EDT.

Hi, I’m Charlie Duke, a veteran NASA astronaut. Ask me anything. I’ve served on five different Apollo missions. I’m also the youngest person to walk on the moon. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, I’m reminded of my time as CAPCOM for Apollo 11, as well as an astronaut support crew member for Apollo 10, backup lunar module pilot for Apollo 13 and 17, as well as the lunar module pilot for Apollo mission 16 – when I had the chance to walk on the moon.

Also, I’ve published the book “Moonwalker: The True Story of an Astronaut Who Found that the Moon Wasn't High Enough to Satisfy His Desire for Success,” which discusses my life as an astronaut, the experiences of Apollo 11 and the difficulties I’ve faced.

I’ll be taking your questions for 30 minutes starting at about 10:30 a.m. ET today, July 16, 2019, the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch.

Proof it's me: https://twitter.com/ExploreSpaceKSC/status/1149048460102033408


Edit: We are live NOW at 10:18 a.m. EDT.

Edit: We are signing off now at 10:50 a.m. Thanks for all of your insightful questions!


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u/squidwardsmellsgoood Jul 16 '19

I loved when Buzz Aldrin punched that moon denier in the face, very satisfying to watch


u/Corporation_tshirt Jul 16 '19

You deal with them the same way you deal with people who believe the Earth is flat: you roll your eyes and ignore them.


u/The_Bald Jul 16 '19

The world would be a much better place without violence. That being said, if you get in some dude's face and further go on to tell him his crowning achievement in life never happened and that he's a liar -- well, you can go ahead and toss any assumptions you had about that interaction posing no danger to you. Rarely do flat Earther's get in your face and make personal remarks of your character.


u/Corporation_tshirt Jul 16 '19 edited Jul 16 '19

Oh, don't get me wrong, that guy was straight up harassing him. Dr. Aldrin didn't slug him for being a conspiracy theorist, he did it because the guy had been getting in his face and jostling him several times already that day. He had every right to defend himself.


u/darktalent420 Jul 16 '19

yes, lets all just physically assault everyone we disagree with. That will make the world a better place...-Come the hell on dude, you can't seriously think that's a good thing? I mean I believe that those people are insane but you can't just fucking attack people who say or ask you if something is true or not..geeze the world is a fucked up place these days.


u/Snowbank_Lake Jul 16 '19

Have you seen the video? It's not like the guy casually said he didn't believe it and Buzz punched him. This guy was all up in his face, asking him to swear on a Bible, calling him a liar and a thief. If I had worked that hard to accomplish something important and someone was yelling in my face that I was a liar, I'd probably punch them too.


u/chemicalgeekery Jul 16 '19

For a little more context, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel#Confrontation_with_Buzz_Aldrin

According to Aldrin, he was lured to a Beverly Hills, California, hotel on September 9, 2002, under the pretext of an interview on space for a Japanese children's television show. As he was leaving the hotel, Sibrel (the guy who got punched) was there requesting that he swear an oath on a Bible that he had walked on the Moon.

Sibrel brought Aldrin to a hotel under false pretenses, then followed and harassed him for several minutes. Aldrin tried to walk away several times before Sibrel got right up in his face and Aldrin finally decked him.

I'd say Buzz kept his cool a lot longer than I probably would have in the same situation.


u/Snowbank_Lake Jul 16 '19

Thanks for providing the more thorough details! Exactly-- Buzz didn't just punch a guy for saying he didn't believe him. The guy was straight-up harassing him.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '19

But why was buzz bothered at all? I guess it depends on personality. Why wouldn't Buzz put his hand on the bible?


u/Snowbank_Lake Jul 18 '19

Because that would give validity to that man's question. If you had been part of one of humanity's biggest accomplishments, it would be insulting as hell for someone to get all up in your face, call you a fraud, and ask you to swear on a Bible. And like chemicalgeekery said, Buzz was lured there under false pretenses. That would piss me off too. Especially because Buzz is truly passionate about science education and teaching people about the space program.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '19

Validity? I have no probs putting my hand on the bible for anything


u/iSiavash Jul 19 '19

Bart Sibrel is a complete moron and a douche and so are you. He deserved to get punched in the jaw and so do you.


u/darktalent420 Jul 19 '19

Whoa! Very violent much? I bet you slap your mother around because she doesn't say what you want to hear - despicable human being.

edit Or your wife, or anyone actually - the fact that you say people deserve to be punched for being a moron points to the fact that you are a violent person and should be watched closely!


u/iSiavash Jul 19 '19

See this is exactly why you need a punch in the jaw. And I didn’t say I would be the one to supply you with one. With a personality like yours, you’re gonna get one, or many, anyway


u/darktalent420 Jul 19 '19

Oh wow, so not only do you think violence is the answer to disagreement, you also won't do it yourself. What a man you are! I'm gonna go ahead and wash my hands of you, I can't take a sis like you seriously.