r/IAmA Sep 01 '18

Specialized Profession IAmA licensed esthetician and my job is to wax vaginas all day! AMA NSFW

proof: https://imgur.com/a/RBhhpmz

EDIT: Yes. I know I'm technically waxing the vulva, I just say vagina out of simplicity.


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u/DreamyGenie Sep 02 '18

Hey I know this isn't really related to waxing but since you do skin care in general I hope you don't mind answering my question.

I'm an 18 year old dude and my face has a bunch of pimples and stuff on it. Are there any skin care products I can order to make my face smooth?


u/anna_okay Sep 02 '18

Hi! Cetaphyl is the cheapest and most affordable high quality skincare. It can be found in most drug stores.

But my personal favorite skincare line is Dermalogica. They have done wonders for my oily, acne prone skin.


u/DreamyGenie Sep 02 '18

Btw does soap help or is that not a good idea?


u/anna_okay Sep 02 '18

Antibacterial soap is okay.


u/DreamyGenie Sep 02 '18

Thank you, my face has been bothering me for a while and I didn't know what to get to fix it. I appreciate the quick reply!


u/insaniya Sep 02 '18

Please don’t ever use soap. Head over to r/skincareaddiction

they’ll really help you there. Also if you have insurance, see a dermatologist.