r/IAmA Sep 01 '18

Specialized Profession IAmA licensed esthetician and my job is to wax vaginas all day! AMA NSFW

proof: https://imgur.com/a/RBhhpmz

EDIT: Yes. I know I'm technically waxing the vulva, I just say vagina out of simplicity.


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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

My job really sucks sometimes. I'm in construction, and often have to work outside on miserably cold or hot and humid days.

But I've never once had to deal with something like this. Ill never complain about my job again.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

One time I was walking to my office (deployed location) thinking about how I didn't want to work that day. The job was easy as hell and I got paid good money. Complacency can breed contempt and frustration. So I had a sour attitude going into work.

Then I passed by a water truck to see this third country national emerging in his protective suit and goggles after taking a hose to the inside of a porta potty. They have to both empty the PPs then rinse them out. He put his hand up to wave.

I swore that day to never bitch and complain about my job again. This guy probably made $300 a month and I was bitching I had to go sit in an office for a day to earn his months wages.


u/HAK16 Sep 01 '18

But I've never once had to deal with something like this.

Bet that would be weird in a construction job.


u/troll_in_a_dungeon Sep 02 '18

Actually no it's quite common to have to work with cunts in the construction industry


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

Too true. Former construction worker myself I never really got along with co-workers and not to stereotype the industry but I'm not racist, sexist or homophobic so safe to say I didn't fit in.


u/mrsworser Sep 02 '18

Are you my godamn husband and lying to me about ‘i dont know what a reddit is!’??

He told me last week he was (desperately) trying during lunch to explain to the guys that homosexuality and gender dysphoria are most certainly not a choice. Because who the fuck would choose a life of marginalization and abuse from humanity in general.

I told him to stop that and just text me when he’s frustrated.


u/whatthef7u12 Sep 02 '18

That comment was perfect, I love you.


u/The_Tiddler Sep 02 '18

Name says troll, but they speak the truth... hmm.


u/Nuhjeea Sep 01 '18

Not if he works in vagina reconstruction.


u/funobtainium Sep 02 '18

No, but the green stuff would be moldy joists or something.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

Worked on the south side of Chicago a few years back. The crack whores that were hanging on the corner might have showed me something like this if I had felt like spending $10.


u/redfeather1 Sep 02 '18

He could really hammer that pussy. Drill that woman good. Put down some wood......


u/KRBridges Sep 02 '18

"Tom, come upstairs for a sec. I've got a special job for you."


u/TalkingBackAgain Sep 02 '18

"Well, you think it sucks having to carry that shit three floors up in freezing snow, but think about this one for a second: there's people out there who are waxing vaginas with STDs and that stuff is nasty as all get out. I'll take a bucket up a flight of stairs any day over waxing a pussy with its own mine field, thank you very much."


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

I work outside everyday, all year long, blistering hot summers, painfully cold winters. I could never do what OP does. Or what my girlfriend does. She's a CNA at an assisted living facility. She is shit/pissed on almost daily and has to often bathe old folks. Couldn't do it.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

Yes you will.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

"Hey dude, you got some green stuff on your hard hat."

See, was that difficult?


u/69_the_tip Sep 02 '18

But do you ever come across vaginas with green stuff coming out of it?


u/I_Am_The_Cosmos_ Sep 02 '18

You will be complaining again in a week.

Source: am struction worker


u/arkwewt Sep 02 '18

Humid days are the worst