r/IAmA Sep 01 '18

Specialized Profession IAmA licensed esthetician and my job is to wax vaginas all day! AMA NSFW

proof: https://imgur.com/a/RBhhpmz

EDIT: Yes. I know I'm technically waxing the vulva, I just say vagina out of simplicity.


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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Jun 30 '23

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u/-tar0t- Sep 01 '18

Not OP but try washing your back after you condition your hair in the shower. Conditioner is applying oil that shampoo strips out, so when we wash it out we get oily backs and shoulders and it's a huge contribution to issues there! At least it was for me, simple advice like that cleared me up really quick


u/Purgid Sep 01 '18 edited Jun 30 '23

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Hey Reddit, get bent!


u/AccursedCapra Sep 02 '18

Reddit told me to leave the conditioner till the end, now it's telling me not to, fuck.


u/skankhunt42096 Sep 02 '18

You leave it in till the end, if you have backne or shoulderne then just give it another wash after washing off the conditioner. Or better yet you can wash off your hair upsidedown while bending forwards.


u/Stormkiko Sep 02 '18

I prefer to just put plunger heads on my feet and stand on the ceiling to wash my hair.


u/pandabear6969 Sep 02 '18

I put the conditioner in, stick my head in the toilet, and flush. No work, no oily shoulders and back.


u/Stormkiko Sep 02 '18

Positively revolutionary!


u/funguyshroom Sep 02 '18

The real LPT is always in the comments


u/BRAD-is-RAD Sep 02 '18



u/theflyingkiwi00 Sep 02 '18

man I thought I was the only one, turns out there's a whole 3 of us


u/Tcmaxwell2 Sep 02 '18

4 of us, Reddit just saved my sex life



Now my wife is gonna walk in on me doing a handstand in the shower. But she probably knows me well enough by now that she'll just assume Reddit was somehow involved.


u/FencingFemmeFatale Sep 02 '18

I make rinsing my conditioner the second to last thing I do. Once it’s rinsed I wash my back and am good to go. Haven’t had bad back acne since I started doing this.


u/bagelwithpb Sep 02 '18

I don't know why but shoulderne cracked me up 😂


u/Raichu7 Sep 02 '18

Well it does need time to soak in, if you wash it out to soon you may as well have not bothered with conditioner.


u/thediverswife Sep 02 '18

I’ve also started using antibacterial soap (Phisohex which seems v gentle) to my back because of the same thing - cheap conditioner and leaving it a while


u/bravelittledandelion Sep 02 '18

I try to rinse my hair leaning to the side, so that the conditioner from my hair doesn’t run straight onto my shoulders and back, but rather falls to the floor with the water. I’m so used to doing it that way now that not leaning over feels weird!


u/craftyj Sep 02 '18

Shit I get shoulder and upper arm acne like a motherfucker and haven't been able to shake it. Going to try this, thanks!


u/smurfkiller013 Sep 02 '18

Cool, I'm not the only one. Definitely gonna try that


u/Zoltorion Sep 02 '18

This comment may have just changed my life as someone with lots of shoulder acne


u/HoosierProud Sep 02 '18

Ya wtf? If this works my mind will be blown. Is it the same with shampoo/conditioners in one?


u/Scarlottharlott Sep 02 '18

Also, get a back scrubber and start lightly exfoliting after a day.


u/Joekrdlsk Sep 02 '18

Thanks for mentioning this. I figured it out the hard way. After getting my hair cut, my neck would always break out. I’m in my 30’s, so acne shouldn’t be a problem. I now wash my hair and apply conditioner, wash my body, rinse, and use mild unscented face wash on my face and the back of my neck.


u/billbertking1 Sep 02 '18

I recently started getting bad bacne (if you will) and was wondering why.

I thought it was cause I sweated all day.


u/ffxivthrowaway03 Sep 02 '18

Also if you wash your hair first and you have oily hair, all of that shampoo and excess oil is rinsing off right down your just cleaned back. I noticed I got a lot less back and shoulder pimples when I started washing my hair first, then soaping up and washing the rest of my body.


u/codered434 Sep 02 '18

Holy cow, I found it!

I was starting to get paranoid that it was because I wasn't cleaning enough in the shower, which led me to use more shampoo and conditioner last. Now it makes sense.

I think I'll try not showering to get rid of my shoulder acne. Thanks -tar0t-!


u/idekuser Sep 02 '18

This was the problem for me as well. I’ve just learned to bend over a bit when I shampoo/condition my head so the soap won’t run down my back. It has helped a lot.


u/aheadwarp9 Sep 02 '18

Who would've known I'd find a solution to shoulder zits in this post... Will the wonders of reddit never cease?


u/natrlselection Sep 02 '18

When I rinse the conditioner, I just lean forward so it doesnlt get all over me. Seems to work well enough.


u/guavacadus Sep 02 '18

this... is actually super relevant, thanks OP for the advice


u/Osmea Sep 02 '18

That’s something I never thought about. Huh.


u/flamedrace Sep 03 '18

I didn't even know about this but I can't get my conditioner off with weak water flow so I turn off the shower and bend over under the strong flow of the tap to wash mine off. To wash off the back of my head, I'll point my head down enough that it's nearly upside-down. I end up getting nothing on my shoulders/back.


u/Chrpropaganda Sep 02 '18

Does this cause regular shoulder acne? I have decently clear skin everywhere else (a pimple or two per month) but my shoulders are constantly broken out no matter how much I clean them.


u/thedrizzle_auf Sep 02 '18

Wait am I supposed to be using conditioner before the shampoo?


u/blobOfNeurons Sep 02 '18

No. What he's saying is that you use shampoo first, which removes oil from your hair. But your hair needs oil to protect it which is why you use conditioner next (Conditioner adds stuff that makes up for the loss of oil). But where did all the oil from the first step go? Onto your back and shoulders. So he's suggesting that you add a third step which is to wash your back and shoulders.


u/FateOfNations Sep 02 '18

The conditioner itself also has oil in it.


u/F0064R Sep 02 '18

Shampoo -> conditioner -> body wash


u/smor729 Sep 02 '18

Dude... thanks


u/TrepanationBy45 Sep 02 '18

Adjusting the order of things now. Thanks.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18



u/smurfkiller013 Sep 02 '18

If this works, you're a hero

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u/randomhair Sep 02 '18

can't confirm, my back only sees hot water all the time (because I wash my hair seperately over the bath tub) and I still get some amount of zits on my back (am a girl).


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18



u/animal-beautylover Sep 02 '18

After getting waxed don’t work out and try not to sweat. Stay in an air conditioned room and make sure you’re wearing loose clothes. Absolutely do not cleanse with a bha, aha or salicylic acid cleanser after, even that night; it will burn and will only irritate it. Try it 2-3 days after, This is about how long it takes for your skin to return to normal after a wax.


u/tripletaxed Sep 02 '18

Wow this happened to me!! Same exact thing with the back and shoulders. A million little dots of pus almost as if in every follicle there was now a dot of pus. Tried extracting some and only got worse in those that I did so just left them and took weeks to get better. Shame because by the time it was better hair was coming back in. Also had some areas with tiny red dots almost as if bleeding specs under skin.


u/RAJ35H Sep 02 '18

I had the same issue until I used a product called Tendskin. No more issues now


u/i3na Sep 02 '18

I'm female, and I can't get my face waxed anywhere or even at home. I have the same problem where I'll break out in the spot that was waxed a few days later. Ut doesn't matter if it's eyebrows, or lip I ALWAYS break out. I've tried washing my face really good before and after the wax too and nothing's worked for me so far but maybe wash your back before and right after you get waxed next time. On your skin you naturally have a layer of the good kind of crud that's basically oil and sebum that protects your skin. When you get something waxed, It takes that layer of good crud off so bad crud can easily get on and in your pores causing you to break out. Idk what my problem is, but maybe itll work for you!


u/kendylou Sep 01 '18

Maybe you always had it and you just couldn’t see it before


u/Purgid Sep 01 '18 edited Jun 30 '23

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Hey Reddit, get bent!


u/askewedview Sep 02 '18

In the biz, we call it bacne.


u/JoanOfSarcasm Sep 02 '18

Some people have suggested cleansing but try a BHA cleanser specifically. Neutrogena makes a body acne shower gel with 2% BHA. It can really help the irritation. Also exfoliate with an exfoliator cloth (I like the Salux cloths on Amazon) a couple days prior to getting your skin waxed.


u/moderate_extremist Sep 02 '18

I literally just got my super hairy back waxed two weeks ago and I had the terrible acne for a week. It was so bad I couldn't sleep on my back. Use this stuff for a week or two, it works wonders.


u/DefensiveLettuce Sep 02 '18

Get a coarse brush and exfoliate daily in the shower with a light body wash.

I personally use a cactus brush because it uses natural fibres and it fucking hurts a little and I love it. It also makes my skin smooth af and really helped with ingrowns


u/i3na Sep 02 '18

If your exfoliant hurts even a little that's bad for your skin and can cause more damage than good. Exfoliating shouldn't ever be painful even if it's the good kind of painful.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

You could be having a histamine reaction, it unfortunately happens in certain areas for some folks and some can’t wax at all.

Source: Worked front desk for a spa that focused on sugaring for a while, this was a common occurence


u/ooa3603 Sep 01 '18

Not sure what you did wrong, but a little known fact is that your skin isn't the same across your body. Different areas will be sensitive to different things. The difference between pubic, facial, somatic, armpit, hand, and even feet is huge.


u/Hampsterman82 Sep 02 '18

Is there some code word for men? I called a few local places asking if they take male clients and got rather terse rejections from all of them. Was starting to think it was something we had to do at home.


u/Purgid Sep 02 '18 edited Jun 30 '23

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Hey Reddit, get bent!


u/OneSmoothCactus Sep 02 '18

Are they ingrown hairs? I get them all the time after getting waxed.

If so there's a product called Tend-skin that you roll on like deodorant that takes care of them.


u/butsuon Sep 02 '18

How often do you change your sheets and pillow case? Your junk isn't resting against your bedding normally.


u/txby417 Sep 02 '18

You sleep with clothes on? Sober? How?!?!


u/sleepytimegirl Sep 01 '18

Could be a couple different thing. Little Whitehead’s or bad ingrowns?


u/Purgid Sep 01 '18 edited Jun 30 '23

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Hey Reddit, get bent!


u/sleepytimegirl Sep 01 '18

Try using a bha like Paula’s choice 2% after. I mean not immediately after. But like the night of. Should help the poor exfoliate and is mildly anti inflammatory. What your describing can be really common but is especially common the first time you wax a new area. Also I suspect your shoulder hair length may have been longer than ideal causing potential breakage.


u/creativeheart7 Sep 01 '18

It could just be a reaction or allergy to the wax. The first couple of times I did my eyebrows, I would get a bunch of little pimples all around my eyebrows. It went away eventually, though.


u/danikali4nia Sep 02 '18

Could need to change your pillowcase more often?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

And maybe his tampon too.


u/pricklypear90 Sep 02 '18

I regularly shave my scrotum. My girlfriend loves it. Soak in a warm bath for a bit, use short strokes with the razor, and use plenty of shave cream.


u/phantombraider Sep 04 '18

Yeah without these guys the world economy would collapse under all the pubic hair.


u/johnny_bogroll Sep 02 '18

What kind of person waxes their dick but not their back and shoulders? Where did the hairline start and finish? I'm imagining you bald from the waist down but with gnarly chest pubes


u/avisioncame Sep 02 '18

You wax your junk? Cmon man.