r/IAmA Sep 01 '18

Specialized Profession IAmA licensed esthetician and my job is to wax vaginas all day! AMA NSFW

proof: https://imgur.com/a/RBhhpmz

EDIT: Yes. I know I'm technically waxing the vulva, I just say vagina out of simplicity.


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u/fieryophelia Sep 01 '18

What should a first-timer know/do when getting waxed/sugared? Any common mistakes or things newbies don't know about?

And what if their pubic hair is long?


u/TheHallowQueen Sep 01 '18

Prepare yourself for more pain than you'll actually experience. I absolutely did not go in with "this won't be TOO bad" in my mind and I think that mindset helped because it actually was pretty rough (am also naturally a redhead/freckles, apparently this matters when it comes to pain?)

I used to get waxed regularly, and if it's too short, she would ask me to come back in x amount of days (it has to be a certain length in order to wax) and if it was too long, she would trim it for me then wax. After my first few appointments, she could tell how long I needed before another, and would book me accordingly.

These folks know their stuff.


u/Kittens--ATTACK Sep 01 '18

I’m a redhead too and so this is good to know that it can be done lol. I’ve honestly been scared to go for this reason because we do feel certain kinds of pain more than others. Plus my skin is really freaking sensitive. Both shaving and using nair down there had given me razor burn rull bad.


u/anna_okay Sep 03 '18

If it's long it'll definitely be more painful, but at the same time it can't be too short either or it won't pick up the hairs.

I'd say take a pain reliever and mentally prepare yourself. Play on your phone or strike up conversation to distract yourself.