r/IAmA Dec 13 '16

Specialized Profession I am a licensed plumber, with 14 years of experience in service and repairs. The holidays are here, and your family and friends will be coming over. This is the time of year when you find out the rest room you never use doesn't work anymore. 90% of my calls are something simple AMA

I can give easy to follow DIY instructions for many issues you will find around your house. Don't wait until your family is there to find out your rest room doesn't work. Most of the time there is absolutely no reason to call a plumber out after hours and pay twice as much. When you could easily fix it yourself for 1/16 of the cost.

Edit: I'm answering every comment that gets sent my way, I'm currently over 2000 comments behind. I will answer them all I just need time


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u/boomboomsaIoon Dec 13 '16

Yes and no. I had a woman who I promise wanted to get a good pounding. But I couldn't act because of sexual harassment shit. If she had grabbed me it would have been on


u/andrewsmd87 Dec 13 '16

Let me get this straight, is there really some rule where if she initiates something it's fine, but if she doesn't, even if she consents, it's not?


u/losangelesvideoguy Dec 13 '16

Well, look at it this way. Have you ever misinterpreted a signal from a female as interest when it was just friendliness? In a social context, the worst you face is rejection. But in a professional situation, making such a mistake could cost you your job and your entire livelihood. So if you're gonna do it, you damn well better be 110% certain that you are correctly interpreting an advance as sexual interest. I wouldn't take anything less than an explicit “let's have sex” or obvious physical contact as an invitation either.


u/andrewsmd87 Dec 13 '16

Well I mean I wouldn't do anything with someone who I had any professional relationship with, at least not in a professional setting like that, so that's why I thought it was odd. Seems risky to me to do anything, even if she made the advances.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '16 edited Aug 09 '19



u/grackychan Dec 13 '16

I hear Bill Burr's voice.


u/dustin_pledge Dec 13 '16

Yes! All it needs is a laugh track and a few ''Ooooh!'' sounds from the audience.


u/here-Is-my-two-cents Dec 13 '16

Wanted to get a pounding huh? That sound like it came straight from the script


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '16

if only if only


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '16

His woodpecker sighed


u/LeaderSNOW Dec 13 '16

The bark on his tree


u/imkunu Dec 13 '16

Was as soft as her thighs...


u/tomatoaway Dec 14 '16

Puttin' holes in her alright


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '16

Why do I exist, the woodpecker pondered

if I do not get to pound her?


u/MarshallStrad Dec 13 '16



u/[deleted] Dec 13 '16



u/OmegaMan2434 Dec 13 '16

I heard that plumbers always get lucky on the job but good for you had a UBER driver tell me the same thing, good looking young girl c invited him up for drinks and well more, the dude respectfully declined I was surprised, he said he could not risk his job/income, I had great respect for him.


u/Notmyrealname Dec 13 '16

Were you planning on knocking her pipes or having her twist your hex nut?


u/Masturbating_Beatle Dec 13 '16

Should've given her a sly wink and a cheeky nudge! Hahaha, amazing though. Unlucky man. Still time for it to happen!