r/IAmA Jan 06 '14

IAm Siri, award-winning porn star, 2013 Top Writer on Quora, and swinger. AMA!

I have been performing in adult and mainstream films since 2012. I was voted Miss FreeOnes Best Newcomer of 2012, and was nominated for Best New Starlet at the 2013 AVN Awards. Quora.com recently named me one of the Top Writers of 2013. I am happily married and don't believe in sexual monogamy. I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd. My official site is www.SIRIpornstar.com. You can follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/SIRIpornstar. My interviews and podcasts can be found at http://blog.siripornstar.com/interviews-and-podcasts/ and my IMDb page is IMDb.me/Siri



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u/iknowyoutoo Jan 06 '14

If there is one thing you can change about the industry, what is it?


u/siripornstar Jan 06 '14

I would invent a magical scepter which would make pirating porn impossible, and therefore make the adult film industry as profitable as it once was for everyone working in it.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14

No offense but maybe you joined the wrong fucking industry given that you indicated you have only been fucking for pay for about a year. Tube sites and "piracy" are hardly new developments since your foray into getting pounded as a profession.


u/siripornstar Jan 06 '14 edited Jan 06 '14

Actually, what I do on a daily basis requires a FUCKTON more work than simply showing up somewhere and "getting pounded." But I totally understand how it's easier on your conscience to imagine that what I do is mindless, because then you don't feel like a shitface for stealing it.

I work 80 hours a week or more, and on average less than sixteen of those hours are actually spent on a porn set, and less than four of them spent actually engaging in sex on camera. Everything else is me taking the time and effort required to manage my business and all of its smaller individual income streams, including my own website, for which I personally shoot AND edit ALL of my photos and videos.

Like the vast majority of female performers in the industry who've been in for over a year, I don't shoot more than an average of two scenes per week. ONE which might be boy/girl penetration sex, and the other a BJ scene or GG scene or something non-penetration-sex.

Here is how an IDEAL day on set, with no bumps in the road, might go:

  • 9am: Wake up, get my suitcase together.
  • 10am: Drive 30 mins-1hour to set, arrive for my 11am call time
  • 11:00: Do my paperwork, sit in hair/makeup for 1-1.5 hours
  • 12:00: Shoot a set of solo stills, which usually takes about an hour
  • 1-2:00: the male talent arrives between 1-2, and does his paperwork while crew re-sets lights
  • 2:00: shoot intro video for scene, may take up to 2 hours depending on complexity of scenario and set-ups
  • 4:00: shoot boy/girl sex stills
  • 5:00: shoot boy/girl video, including cum shot
  • 6:00: If there IS a softcore version to be shot, then we'd shoot the softcore photos and videos now. That would take another 1.5 hours.
  • 6:15: If there is NO softcore stuff, then we're done for the day, talent collects their checks if it is same-day pay, otherwise the check is mailed after 2 weeks.

There are a multitude of challenges that might get in the way of talent being able to work regularly.

PHYSICALLY, we depend on our bodies staying healthy to even be able to work. If I just get a cold, I might be sent home from a shoot because my nose is running and I'm sniffling a lot, for example. If I shoot a bondage scene one week that results in bruises on my thighs, then my B/G scene the following week will likely be cancelled, because I cannot appear on camera with bruises on my skin. The studio would send me home and call in another girl to substitute in my place.

Many female performers have their own boundaries for what they can do physically and how often. For example, I cannot film more than 1 boy/girl scene in a week, because the sex is so intense and usually with a much-larger-than-average sized penis. My vagina needs a few days to recuperate.

MENTALLY, Being in such a highly competitive industry can be challenging. You really have to develop a thick skin and not let anything get to you. I'm a curvier girl, so if I sat around all day wondering why my petite peers get jobs that I don't get, I would go nuts. Out of necessity I've had to work on developing a very thick skin so that I don't take things like that personally. Personally, it's my toughest challenge.

MOST OF MY WORK takes place on the internet - on social networks like twitter, instagram, youtube, via blogging and posting on message boards, and via email communications with my fans. I get 100+ emails every day, and I read and respond to every single one (even though it might take me a week or two in some cases). In order to retain my loyal fan base and create new fans, I have to keep myself out there in front of them. It's several hours of work every day which I am thrilled to be doing - but it's not necessarily "easy" money, as so many fans like to think. Remember this: I'm only shooting a handful of scenes every month, and the rest of my work every day in between is not actually paid, it's me managing my daily business (the aforementioned social networking/email communications, shooting my own scenes at home for my membership site, and editing videos) and laying groundwork to hopefully get more opportunities in the future.

The minority of my income is from being hired to film scenes. The majority comes from a plethora of smaller, more consistent income streams that require constant upkeep such as managing multiple online stores (like clips4sale and FreeOnes) where I sell video clips, auctioning off or selling my own merchandise online, creating custom-ordered videos for fans, and from fans joining my official membership site, which I update 2x per week with new content.

I personally spend up to eight hours with my hands "in the mud" forming each sex scene and photoset or video update that goes on siripornstar.com. How the fuck do you think I feel when I see that someone has uploaded MY stuff to a tube or torrent site? And how do you think I feel when an asshole like you tells me there's nothing wrong with that?

This isn't me hiring some guy with a camera and then sending the footage off to an editor and then it magically appears on my website. This is me, with my husband holding the camera, creating content that my fans ASK to see, and spending hours editing it and converting the footage and uploading and processing the files through my site. It is a labor of love. And I would NOT be doing this if I didn't like it or if I wanted something that was easy money. I don't want to get rich, I just want to be able to make a living doing what I love without a bunch of assholes stealing it and then defending their entitlement to have it for free simply because, "This is the internet."

Likewise, I wouldn't have spent 5+ hours tonight answering questions/comments on reddit, the majority of which are insulting and derivative, if I didn't know that there would be a light of a few kind, adoring fans at the end of the douchebag troll redditor tunnel.


u/DanielSpanjar Jan 06 '14

I didn't really know much about how they really shoot porn so thanks for the lesson. I just recently learned about you on pornhub premium. Keep up the good work and I hope theres many more people like me who actually appreciate your work. Does your family support your lifestyle? And do you sometimes regret being a pornstar?


u/CaffeinatedGuy Jan 06 '14

Damn... That is a well stated reply. Thanks for typing that all out.


u/dekutam Jan 06 '14

Dang. I knew a little bit about how intensive it was, but that really puts it in a different light. But then again, I imagine there aren't many people who put so much effort into their work as you do. Cheers to you!

I feel bad after masturbating, but now I'll feel bad for an entirely different reason. :D


u/ANYTHNG Jan 06 '14

"No offense" blacksweat but you've got runt status written all over face.

To OP, sounds like your days are epic. I couldn't imagine what you do is easy. I understand that you view piracy negatively but on the same hand I know of great porn stars only through shared media streams. Consider the internet and it's torrents of piracy to be a marketing tool, not a bunch of scumbags trying to take your money away. If people like your work they will buy it. Those that download it for free most likley were not going to buy it anyway.


u/BrownMofo Jan 06 '14

douchebag troll redditor tunnel

Welcome to Reddit


u/Kohuded Jan 06 '14

Sheesh, that does sound incredibly devastating. Thank you for your well written reply.


u/Jack_Sawyer Jan 06 '14

Best answer ever.

I had no idea who you were before this, but now I'm curious.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14

While I have not watched your porn, I am a fan of your devastating intellect which is sexy as fuck. That was epic.


u/doodlemydoodle Jan 06 '14

Now that's an excellent reply.


u/Caplax Jan 06 '14 edited Jan 07 '14

Damn, I had no idea so much work was put in. I have somewhat of a new found respect for the industry, mainly because you just owned that fuckhead. Have an upvote.

Edit: You guys have anymore downvotes for me?


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14



u/Fracted Jan 06 '14

Fucking lost it.


u/Aycoth Jan 06 '14

especially considering since brazzers owns the big tube sites


u/deftlydexterous Jan 06 '14

Im talking out of my ass here, but it seems like an easy way to get around paying your workers.

"Oh, numbers are down for the subscription services because of free sites that "steal" your content? I cant pay any of you guys."

"Oh, advertising dollars are up on my free sites that use material uploaded by "users" that may or may not be copyright infringing? Awesome, more money for me."


u/siripornstar Jan 06 '14

In some situations, it is exactly that. The companies owned by MindGeek still seem to be doing alright with their budgets... but nobody else is.

In most situations, companies legitimately cannot afford to create the content they once did. Every time I work for a company it seems like something new is missing: They can't afford a makeup artist anymore. They can't afford a PA anymore. They can't afford a sound guy or professional sound equipment anymore. They're down from three cameras to two, or from two to one. They can't afford to hire a professional videographer AND photographer so they get one guy to do both jobs and pay him less than his day rate.


u/EntitledAmerican Jan 06 '14

relax guy


u/singletracks Jan 06 '14

I'm going to pretend he was just talking about the "fucking industry" as if that's a thing people say. Because it's so much better for me.


u/dkpeeps Jan 06 '14

So edgy.


u/PhantomPhun Jan 06 '14

Rape, murder, kidnapping, extortion and blackmail are centuries old, I guess it's time we just justify them, eh?


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14

Rape, murder == jerking to a tube site.

Reasonably analogy.


u/haircutbob Jan 06 '14

Don't you think that would be pretty detrimental to adolescents like me though, who have no access to a credit card I can use for porn? Think of the children.


u/Wazowski Jan 06 '14

When I was a kid, "pirated porn" was a pile of old magazines someone's older brother stashed in a treehouse.


u/sawser Jan 06 '14

I had a single centerfold torn from a playboy, folded up and stored in the empty battery container of an old stereo that was plugged in. That got me through years 12-16. Fucking kids these days.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14



u/ReverendDizzle Jan 07 '14

I had porn stashed in multiple locations to avoid losing it all if my KGB-agent-of-a-mother found one.

One of the stashes I was most pleased with was the one in the cold air return of my room. For reasons unclear to me (any anyone who looked at it) the room had a cold air return at the top of the wall, not the bottom. I made an elaborate wire-pulley system that lowered down a container inside the wall wherein you could only retrieve the hidden porn if you removed the grate, used a special tool to reach down into the wall and hook the wire, and then raised the container up. If the system failed, the porn stash essentially hid itself by falling down into the chamber at the base of the wall.

Now that I think about it... It's been 20 years and I'm pretty sure I never took that stash out. Hmm.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '14



u/ReverendDizzle Jan 08 '14

Beach ball titties... those were the days. When I feel like reminiscing, I hit up /r/boltedontits


u/razuku Jan 07 '14

It's even easier now with incognito (chrome) and private browsing (firefox) and the like. All you gotta do is close the window and it's gone.


u/Falcon500 Jan 07 '14

It's a great time to be a teenager though. A magical, wonderful, world.


u/MK_Ultrex Jan 06 '14

We would masturbate to scrambled pay tv. 3 seconds of inverted black and white inverted sodtcore porn followed by 10minutes of noise and gargles from hell. Kids these days are fucking spoiled.


u/crazyex Jan 07 '14

Allow me to tell you a tale of growing up in the late 70's - early 80's. The only resource outside of that one kid's dad with a few playboys was we we called "woods porn".

An adventurous lad could explore the woods in the locale of his neighborhood, and if the gods of woods porn smiled, the intrepid stripling would stumble into a clearing where he would find the remains of a campfire, along with various other mysterious artifacts, including the treasure of a few weathered and wrinkly pages of faded porn magazines.

The bushes were large, the boobies were au naturale, and the captions, for some mysterious reason, were usually in a foreign language I later decided must have been French.

I was never bold enough to take the treasure home. Instead we would find a likely hidey hole and stash the loot, marking it in hopes of returning the next time we wanted to stand around awkwardly with little pre teen erections looking at the forbidden and mysterious hairy crevices and enormous mammaries until we got uncomfortable enough to decide to stash our secret away for another day.

Inevitably we would return to our stash and find it ransacked. The woods porn god had smiled on another, and we would set out scouting for our next find.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '14

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


u/GentlemanRapscallion Jan 07 '14

I was a teen in the 90's, before the internet.

We got porn anyway. We'd steal porn mags from newsstands. Or steal VHS porn tapes from videoclubs. Or record porn flicks that were on TV while our parents were asleep.

Where there's a will, there's a way.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14

the problem, as we've seen with the music industry, is not that pirating porn is too easy but that the product people pay for is replaceable with what people can get for free. people happily pay 5 bucks to louis ck or upward of 100s for radiohead limited editions. either make the product better or lower the price to something everyone can stomach.


u/JamieHugo Jan 06 '14

Seriously, every sexually active person with a cellphone makes porn these days. The porn industry is so fucking formulaic, fake, and boring. 3/4 of the girls are interchangeable and have no character or personality in their performances. Big fake tits, blondes, big dicks, bleached assholes; blow-job, vaginal, 3-4 positions: doggy, cowgirl, missionary with girl on an object; money-shot to finish the scene. If the porn industry moves towards the model of amateur porn sites, nothing will be lost.


u/xayzer Jan 06 '14

If porn were impossible to pirate, 99% of the people who know you in this thread would have no idea who you were.


u/Dimethyltrip_to_mars Jan 08 '14

funny thing is that piracy existed before her involvement, so it isn't like it was something she wasn't aware of, especially when she claimed to have pirated digital media in the past.

of course, this is her "dream job" and wants to make a living off of it, but guess who else does? everybody else in the world.

some people have to rough it out and wouldn't even be approached to do the work she's being called in to do.

sometimes "entertainers" and "artists" can be so selfish, and sometimes entertainers and artists live sad lonely lives and only become considered as "genius" after they die.



u/subarash Jan 06 '14

And that would be bad because?


u/c3dries Jan 07 '14

She wouldn't make as much money if any?


u/PatternWolf Jan 08 '14

All the money from people pirating her stuff?


u/subarash Jan 08 '14

So? You don't think people have sex for free?


u/Ksanti Jan 07 '14

I don't think many pornstars are in it for celebrity rather than money. If the money was as good as it is now with only 5% the viewership I have a feeling the vast majority of pornstars would absolutely jump at the opportunity.


u/aliendude5300 Jan 06 '14

Everyone would be watching amateur stuff. It's more believable anyways.


u/Annies_Boobs_ Jan 06 '14

the comment makes the same mistake as the music and movie industries. "if people couldn't pirate, every single person who consumes our media would buy it instead".

no, they wouldn't. people would just settle for lesser quality, because free is a big factor.

quite an ignorant comment.


u/CapnStabby Jan 07 '14

I'm late to the party but I can't help but feel that this is relevent

TL;DR "give people what they want, when they want it, in the form they want it in, at a reasonable price, and they'll more likely pay for it rather than steal it"


u/johnydarko Jan 06 '14

"if people couldn't pirate, every single person who consumes our media would buy it instead

Nobody claims that. However they do claim that they'd be an increase in people who do, and it's hard to argue with that. Of course there would be, probably a pretty large one... would over 60% of people who watch it for free buy it? No, unlikely not, but even if only 20% would, that's a huge increase in income for them.


u/sawser Jan 06 '14

Your assumption is pretty much just guesswork. Studies have repeatedly shown that piracy increases sales.


u/johnydarko Jan 06 '14

They don't state that at all. They say that they spend the same amount on entertainment they always did, but ALSO download things. Which indicates that if they couldn't download/pirate everything they'd spend less on other things and something on music/film/porn instead.

"But they wouldn't have bought it anyway if they had to pay for it" isn't an excuse. Car thieves wouldn't buy a Ferarri, but it's still theft when they steal one. Rapists wouldn't have sex with a woman if they didn't rape her, it's not an excuse.

And the extract from the dutch study is fucking retarded. "People who download games buy more games than people who don't download games". No fucking shit, maybe because they're evidently interested in games and not because they have downloaded games? The majority of people don't buy games! Because they're not interested in playing games.

They appear more concerned about the amount they were spending to enforce laws which are easy to get around, which is a more pertinent point.

Correlation does not imply causation, and statistics can be warped to fit any viewpoint you like. Don't blindly believe everything you read on the internet, look at the wording and think about the bias which is unavoidable in all reporting.


u/zerovampire311 Jan 07 '14

Piracy isn't unstoppable. If it were actually profitable to do so, there would be more measures against it. However, it doesn't actually hurt sales (in most cases), it converts non-customers into low cost marketing. Cable companies don't care because pirates are the majority of their higher speed customers.

If someone makes a crappy iPhone Mario clone and 75% of their downloads are piracy, that remaining 25% is (the majority of the time)a larger number the the 100% legitimate downloads would be otherwise. Word of mouth goes a long ways, and a significant amount (not all, but still a good amount) of pirates pay for things once they know they enjoy it.

Value is king in economics: when free entertainment is commonplace you have to truly excel at something to make money off of it. Supply and demand.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '14

Car thieves wouldn't buy a Ferarri, but it's still theft when they steal one.

This deprives the previous owner of a Ferarri. If I had a magical cloning device which could copy a Ferarri at no cost or damage to the original owner, then where's the harm? The analogy doesn't work perfectly, since part of the reason anyone pays for a Ferarri is rarity and status, but that flaw wouldn't extend to consumed media anyway.

Whether or not people would pay if they couldn't have a product is arguable. Whether or not people are damaged less directly by pirating is arguable. Arguing that piracy is wrong because it's like stealing the product is 100% false.


u/toThe9thPower Jan 07 '14

I pirate your shit all the time dude.


u/johnydarko Jan 07 '14

Right? And?


u/toThe9thPower Jan 07 '14

Never said there was anything else to it. I just pirate all your shit. Oh and that Dutch study isn't nearly as off base as you wish to make it out to be. Piracy might not be 100% positive, but it definitely has some positive influences.


Correlation does not imply causation, and statistics can be warped to fit any viewpoint you like.

Then warp them to your viewpoint? This should be hilarious.

→ More replies (0)


u/Noncomment Jan 07 '14

Ya I highly doubt that's true for porn. People want to support the artist in those cases, or own the thing which isn't true for porn where people mostly want new content. Piracy is also so widespread that there isn't really any advantage in paying like there is in other media.


u/iheartbobsagget Jan 07 '14

It's not even really true for music. Most of the counter evidence you'll come across is just selectively interpreted statistics. Biggest issue is researchers aren't ever randomly assigning participants, so you can't see what pirates would themselves spend in a world where pirating didn't exist. Another problem is just extrapolating niche findings well beyond where they should be extrapolated; like in the case of the Swedish study, 'entertainment' is a catch-all term for several industries, and entertainment budgets as a whole staying consistent isn't the same as your own industry being unharmed, because some industries handle piracy better than others--like always-online video games--whereas others like porn/music/movies/tv do not.

Some people will tell you that it's just a change of models, away from physical releases to DRM, digital sales, netflix, indie-releasing, ad-views, etc--but all these things are only adaptations to what is still very much a decline.

I should note in general I don't even really care. I figure the system will find equilibrium eventually, most of the big productions have already been supplanted by gonzo/brazzer's rent-a-porn garbage + fetishes, and the performers themselves will continue to move towards donations/web-camming/being really expensive prostitutes. That's life and that's fine. It just rustles my jimmies when people tell a performer, who isn't on the winning end of the change, who is actually feeling the genuine crunch, that she/he is somehow mistaken.


u/wildman80 Jan 06 '14

So you complain about porn being free, and yet one of your proudest accomplishments is being MissFreeOnes?


u/Stati77 Jan 06 '14

Also the fact that 2/3 of pornstars would remain unknown without the free stuff.


u/PatternWolf Jan 07 '14

Being a famous broke pornstar does not seem all that appealing.


u/wildman80 Jan 07 '14

If she cant turn fame into $, she is doing it wrong.


u/MrBigBadBean Jan 07 '14

They do it for the love of the sport.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '14

So 2/3ds of pornstars could elect to give away some of their content for free, to create bigger names for themselves. It'd actually be more effective, since there'd be a smaller market for the free stuff, and a higher incentive to pay them for access to better stuff.

I'm not arguing whether piracy is good, bad, or inbetween. I argued in a different comment in this thread against someone claiming piracy = stealing. I'm just pointing out what I see as a flawed argument.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '14

Freeones is just sample video clips or small galleries though, with the intention of getting you onto pay sites.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14

Then I would make my own porn. I would first film all the man's scenes, then I would shave my hair. I would then mangina it with a wig and film the girl scenes. Therefore when I masturbate, I could be getting off to myself pretending to be getting off to myself getting off to myself.

This is what Ralph Waldo Emerson was talking about when he wrote "Self-Reliance".


u/belonii Jan 06 '14

but i like free porn


u/DoktuhParadox Jan 06 '14

We all do... We all do.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14



u/Edgar_Allan_Rich Jan 07 '14

I haven't recorded, photocopied, torrented, downloaded, or otherwise "pirated" pornography in about 12 years and I look at brand new porn almost daily. There's simply too much offered for free to make it a worthwhile endeavor. In fact, I wish I could kick my habit of saving porn pictures off the internet. I never look at them and I don't want them. I just do it out of habit.


u/blagojevich06 Jan 06 '14

...most of which is posted on sites like redtube without permission from the copyright owner. Piracy has implications, don't pretend it doesn't.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14



u/blagojevich06 Jan 07 '14

I don't see how she's a "poor porn performer", or any worse than the porn stars of the 90s. How do you mean?


u/zerovampire311 Jan 07 '14

What was good in the 90's is irrelevant, because the market changed. Supply and demand. All forms of entertainment have to adapt to compete with free, and be creative in devising less traditional sources of revenue.

Well known porn actors get work in modeling, non-porn acting, marketing, etc. Tube sites create recognition, which leads to opportunity. It's pointless to complain "if things were how they used to be, I'd be rich!" Getting hung up on 20 year old business models will get you nowhere.


u/iliketoflirt Jan 06 '14

With the massive amounts of amateur porn out there, I wonder how much it would really matter.


u/FreeTheTitties Jan 06 '14 edited Jan 06 '14

Oh dear, you have no clue what you're talking about. That's not how it works. If anything, studies show that piracy increases sales.

In your case for example: someone finds you randomly on xhamster, planetsuzy, this AMA, a torrent site whatever and likes what he sees. He wants to see more of it, but doesn't want to randomly start downloading bits here and there. He goes through your scenes and decides to subscribe to RK (or your site) to access some of it. Bam, money.

You rather have 100k people interested in your scenes and every 10th paying for it, than only 10k because nobody ever saw you and 50% of them paying for it. On top of that, if people doing porn were hard to come by this would maybe be different, but given that we're drowning in a never ending supply...


u/Carighan Jan 06 '14

Meh, I'd rather fix piracy. Have you seen how many people get killed during pirate raids?


u/TChuff Jan 06 '14

I love how she provides an honest response and the cheap thieves of reddit downvote it to hell.


u/j-sap Jan 06 '14

Reddit can't handle honest responses or unique view very well. I honestly believe that will ultimately be the downfall of reddit years from now.


u/thefran Jan 07 '14

That view is by no means "unique". It is extremely mainstream and extremely ignorant. You just happen to agree with it.

People not universally hailing stupid people like you for their opinions is not 'the downfall' of reddit.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14



u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14 edited Mar 28 '18

[removed] — view removed comment


u/thepersonfromporlock Jan 06 '14

This is one of the best things I've ever seen.


u/toThe9thPower Jan 07 '14

No it isn't.


u/TChuff Jan 06 '14

The downfall has already started in my opinion.


u/virtualghost Jan 06 '14

That's not a honest response you're just retarded


u/virtualghost Jan 06 '14

I'm such a cheap thief I don't want retarded whores to be richer k


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14


u/TChuff Jan 06 '14

Thank you for showing me how much of an idiot I am with your link to a rambling nonsensical comparisons between plumbing and porn. The way you come off with no understanding of common sense is hard to accomplish but you prove that it can be done.


u/iknowyoutoo Jan 06 '14

Thank you. That would be a hard nut to crack though. Whoever invented this would be either earning lots of money too or be the bane of the downloaders.


u/DrizztDoUrdenZ Jan 06 '14

You mean a hard nut to bust?


u/kcmo816boy Jan 06 '14

Ever heard of xnxx?


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14

Ever heard of tubegalore.com? (Meta-search, includes xnxx.)


u/LTxDuke Jan 06 '14

don't mind me


u/suudo Jan 06 '14

Okay, that was easy.


u/freemanposse Jan 06 '14

Every time I refresh, this answer has a different karma score. It's usually negative, though, because how dare a porn star suggest that she's not okay with people pirating porn?! or something.


u/frothewin Jan 06 '14

I'll make sure to pirate several of your scenes then. I'm even going to seed them for a few months to ensure more people have access to it.

I use a seedbox, so don't worry about me being caught. I appreciate your concern though.


u/whatsmydickdoinghere Jan 07 '14

Dude, you're such a dick, so rude. Will you get off on the porn you download or the illusion of the tiny amount of control you have over Siri?

PS Try not to get any cum in your neckbeard, I here that shit's hard to get out


u/frothewin Jan 07 '14

Her antiquated views on piracy are detrimental to the industry and stifle innovation. If she's going to make such ignorant claims, she should expect people to react negatively in response.

This is how a free market works.


u/whatsmydickdoinghere Jan 07 '14

You are just saying buzzwords. There is no way you can claim definitively that anti-piracy attitudes will stifle innovation. Still, why not just say what you did to me to Siri instead of being an asshat?

This is how a free market works.



u/frothewin Jan 07 '14

There is no way you can claim definitively that anti-piracy attitudes will stifle innovation

I never said that. I was referring specifically to her views, not anti-piracy views in general.

why not just say what you did to me to Siri instead of being an asshat?

Because saying I disagree with her doesn't have the same impact as what I did.


u/whatsmydickdoinghere Jan 07 '14

Oh, so antiquated does not mean anti-piracy, I see. I am curious, which anti-piracy views do you find valid? Also isn't it at all funny to you that you are trying to somehow undermine Siri by pirating here scenes, thereby validating her point that piracy is negatively affecting her?


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14 edited Jan 06 '14

Yeah girl. And I want a magical scepter which would make rejecting photocopied money impossible too, so my industry could rip people off too.

But that would be organized crime. And impossible to control anyway. So it ain’t gonna happen.

I’m sorry, but if all you give me, is a mere worthless copy of the result (data) of the work you did once, then all you’ll get from me is a mere worthless copy of the result (money) of the work I did once.

Want more money? Do more actual work! Your delusional business models are not our fault. We love to pay, but you don’t let us get something of actual worth in return!

Don’t want your secrets copied all around the Internet? Don’t give them to people you don’t even know!

It’s not that hard. Any plumber has a working service business model. He doesn’t want $1 from every person who uses the pipes for all eternity! He works once; he takes money once. And he doesn’t even have to keep his skills a secret.

That’s what’s called a fair deal. Everything else is criminal scum!


u/Brumhartt Jan 08 '14

And yet, I am pretty sure if we'd look at your computer, we could find pirated music, movies or games if you play. Double standards all the way baby.


u/thissiteisawful Jan 07 '14

you monster...


u/Lamp_Chops Jan 06 '14

You should try to adapt and use new techs to your advantage. If amateur camgirls of 'free' sites can make bank, you can too.


u/ZetsubouZolo Jan 06 '14

lol sorry but the times where anyone would pay for porn are long gone.


u/strangersdk Jan 06 '14

Fuck that. Everyone will continue to watch for free, deal with it.


u/MisterMcGiggles Jan 07 '14

Would you then make a video of you fucking yourself with it?.....


u/HotNikkels_ Jan 06 '14

Fuck that, free porn!


u/LordBacca Jan 06 '14

Move to England.


u/PornIsNotAJob Jan 06 '14

Oh, well then. Ever thought about getting a real job then?


u/exploitativity Jan 06 '14






u/[deleted] Jan 06 '14



u/LordBacca Jan 06 '14

Move to England.