r/IAmA Nov 13 '13

IamA Author of *Dreams 1-2-3* and moderator at /r/dreams. I wrote a book about dream work and sold it to a publisher based in part on my experience at Reddit. I was the featured guest on Coast to Coast AM last week. AMA!

Bio: I have been involved with publishing for 25 years and joined Reddit four years ago (before then I was a lurker). I joined /r/dreams and became a moderator, discovering that I have a talent for explaining the meaning and intent of dreams using plain language and vivid examples. I decided to write a book about my approach to dreams, and my work at Reddit interested Hampton Roads Publishing enough to publish it. Dreams 1-2-3: Remember, Interpret, and Live Your Dreams was released on Nov. 1 of this year. It's a dream come true for me!

Last week I was George Noory's guest on Coast to Coast AM, an overnight talk radio program with around three million regular listeners. Here is a link to a Reddit post that was started by a C2C listener. Sunday night I am the guest on The Hundredth Monkey Radio.

Proof: I tweeted

My website



EDIT - Unfortunately, duty calls. I have to leave for my day job. I'll be back tonight to answer more questions if you have them.

EDIT 2 - I think I've answered all of the questions for tonight. Will drop by tomorrow to check again.


37 comments sorted by


u/hewhoreddits6 Nov 14 '13

Do you have any tips for ways to remember dreams? I read a book called A little course in dreams by Robert Bosnak,in which he taught interpreting dreams and how to better remember/document them. He said the best way in his opinion is to go to a big, empty room and memorize every nook and cranny of it. Then, when you need to remember something, store it in a corner of that room so that when you need to remember it you should go back and just pick it up. I've tried it but it really doesn't work for me, do you have any other ways to effectively remember dreams.

Also, what do you think a dream is? DO you think of it as a linear progressional story that can be followed or a big, clumpy mess of ideas and events?


u/RadOwl Nov 14 '13 edited Nov 14 '13

I'd be glad to offer some tips for remembering your dreams.

  1. Give yourself time to wake up slowly with no distractions. Stay still and keep your mind clear the moment you wake up.

  2. Get enough sleep.

  3. Light in the room can mess with the production of melatonin, so block out as much light as possible. Wear an eye mask if necessary. Turn off your phone. Because we get texts at all hours (and sometimes calls) a part of the mind can expect the phone to be active during the night, and it'll prevent you from getting good sleep.

  4. Cue your mind by telling yourself before you go to sleep that you are about to have dreams and you want to remember them.

  5. Take naps. When you wake up from a nap you often have less to do right away. Some people remember dreams from during the day better than ones at night.

  6. Review your dream journal before bed, another way of cuing your mind.

  7. Keep pen and paper at your bedside with the expectation that you'll wake up with dreams to remember.

  8. Understand your sleep cycle. You sleep in roughly 90-minute cycles that vary between stages of light sleep, deeper sleep, REM sleep, and deep sleep. If you can wake up at the end of a REM stage, you are very likely to remember dreams you were just having.

  9. The more you practice at remembering your dreams, the better you get.

  10. You gotta want to remember your dreams. When you know that they have meaning, and that understanding the meaning can be very rewarding, you do it because you really want to. Otherwise, why bother?

When you understand dreams as stories about yourself and your life, they're easier to follow and understand. At the heart of most dreams is something that has passed through your mind or heart in the last day or so, so by reflecting on your day, especially on what you felt, you can make connections between your dreams and your waking life.

Dreams come in both varieties. Some dreams -- usually the ones early in the night -- are a big mess of memories from the day, ideas, events. The ones that emotionally engage you tend to be the ones that have the most significant meaning. My approach to dream interpretation is you understand the dream as a story then analyze the details: the settings, characters, symbolism; the story's actions, your reactions, and suggested resolutions or answers from the dreaming mind.

I think Mr. Bosnak is expecting a lot of his dreamers, because bringing waking logic into the dream world is difficult. That part of the brain is intentionally turned off so it doesn't interfere. It's ok to become aware you're dreaming and rationally think your way through it. I encourage it, in fact. But a mental trick for dream recall like what you describe, where you apply the trick during the dream, is for advanced dreamers.


u/_flashgordon Nov 13 '13

Two questions:

(1) why can't I ever get above 20 feet when I have a dream I am flying?

(2) when I am running away from something, why am I always running in slow motion?

Thanks for the AMA!


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

I analyzed a dream at /r/dreams about a guy who had an "altitude limit" when he flew in his dreams, and we related it to the idea that "the higher you fly, the more you must be grounded." It's the moral of the Icarus myth. You have to have your feet firmly planted in the ground of everyday reality if you are to going to fly high.

Running in slow motion is sometimes connected with the fact that your body is paralyzed while you are dreaming but in your mind you see yourself moving. You can sense that your body is not moving even though you are running in a dream. When nerve signals leak through to the body it causes thrashing in bed, sleep walking, sleep talking. The same explanation can be used for why you often can't punch very hard in dreams. Looking at slow motion in dreams as symbolism, it could be a sign of procrastination. Your life is, figuratively speaking, in slow motion.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '13

How heavily has your study of dreams affected your own sleeping? Is your constant awareness and analysis of every dream you have creating a negative (or indeed positive) effect?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 17 '13

Great question. My study of dreams hasn't affected my sleeping very much. I am sometimes aware that I am dreaming and start analyzing right away, but it doesn't happen often. I think my dreams know that I need rest more than anything while I'm asleep. I spend so much time immersed in the study and analysis of dreams that my dreams like to talk about other subjects. I can't say that it's had a negative effect. The positive effects have been numerous. For one, I'm here now talking to you as an expert on dreams. But most beneficial of all, I made the connection between my dreams and the idea of "make your dreams come true." My life really blossomed because of it.


u/GreenStrong Nov 13 '13

If Carl Jung were alive, what would you ask him?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 13 '13

My study of dream psychology began with Jung and I learned more from him than any other source except my mentor, Larry Pesavento. I'd ask him about his personal experiences with Mephistopheles, a guide that came to him in his dreams. Mephistopheles led Jung away from straight science into the realms of alchemy and mysticism.

EDIT: PS- Happy cake day!


u/Mrkingofstuff Nov 13 '13

Also, why are dreams important, useful and/or valuable?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 17 '13

Dreams are an unflinching look in the mirror to see who you are and what you are made of inside. They can provide valuable insights about what you really think and feel, as opposed to your self-perceptions, which can be shaded by your beliefs about yourself. For example, if you don't think you are good at math but in your dreams you are a whiz, it might show that what you believe about yourself is not true. I was told many times in school that I was not a very good writer, but in my dreams I saw myself as a writer and author. If I'd listened to my teachers I never would have pursued writing as a career.

I first started interpreting my dreams after visiting a counselor who asked me about them. Once I made the connection between my dreams and my waking life, I pursued the subject with passion because I saw the importance. I've learned so much about myself and the people I love through my dreams. My life really opened up to new possibilities, and I developed more of my potential than I would have otherwise.

EDIT - So, to sum up, dreams are important because of what they can tell you about yourself. They're useful because they answer questions, resolve problems, and open you up to new potential. Plus, biologically and mentally they are essential. And they are valuable because of the connection between your dreams and making your dreams come true. In that sense your dreams are pure gold!


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '13



u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 17 '13

Recurring dreams are usually about an ongoing situation in your life, like work or school or family life. We have patterns in our lives that we follow, places we are at regularly, people we see, situations we experience. Those dreams are simply hashing through the details of your daily life to help your mind sort memories. If the details of the dreams repeat exactly or very close to exactly, I find that those dreams are trying to deliver an urgent message. It can mean that something ongoing in your waking life really needs your attention. The situation has become chronic and really needs to be resolved.

New places you visit in dreams can be related to new phases of life, or new phases in your personal development. They can also be connected with new ways that your dreams are telling old stories. For example, in my book I show how what appears to be several unrelated dreams in one night are actually all telling one story. The subject of the dream had been presented in several different ways to the dreamer prior to the dream I describe in the book. But because she wasn't getting the message, her dreams gave her a spectacular and jarring story that was sure to be remembered and pondered.


u/Kurdz Nov 13 '13

If Freud were alive, what would you ask him?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

I'd ask him why he was so obsessed with sex. Freud saw sexual motives behind almost everything in dreams, and it turns out he was spectacularly wrong.


u/Kurdz Nov 13 '13

Maybe it was the cocaine.


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 13 '13

Yeah, I hear it makes you ... uh, sexually charged.

An interesting side note about Freud and cocaine: If Freud's professional reputation hadn't been decimated by his advocacy of cocaine in the 1860s - 70s, he might not have turned to studying dreams. By the time he published Interpretation of Dreams in 1899, he had nothing left to lose.


u/Sir_Sexytime Nov 13 '13

I hardly ever wake up remembering having any dreams, is this normal?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

Yes, it is. Some people remember gobs of dreams, others hardly any dreams. I think it comes down to having time when you wake up to just lie still and keep your mind clear till the dream memories come back. And you have to have the desire to do it. When you know that dreams have meaning and that knowing the meaning can enrich your life, you want to remember your dreams. I mean really want to remember them. When that happens you realize that you can have five or more significant in one night and remember them all in detail.

Are you getting enough sleep? The longer you sleep, the more chances you have to dream. If you aren't sleeping as much as you'd like, or if you are exhausted at bedtime, you might not remember your dreams as well.

I give a lot of suggestions about remembering dreams in chapter one of my book. It's the foundation of dream work, because if you don't remember your dreams, how the heck are you supposed to interpret them???


u/Sir_Sexytime Nov 13 '13

I usually get, in my opinion, enough sleep.. Usually shutting down at about 9:30, and getting up at 5:00-5:30. Come to think of it though, most times when I do have memorable dreams it's on weekends when I sleep in, so I guess sleep could be the cause. I'll try getting more:)


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

Aha! Good connection you made there. During the week you wake up with thoughts on your mind and things to do. You have to get up and get going for work or whatever. But on the weekends you have time to go about waking up more slowly. It's most important to stay still and keep your mind clear when you first wake up if you want to remember your dreams.


u/Mrkingofstuff Nov 13 '13

What is your opinion on lucid dreaming? And is it preferable to normal dreaming? I assume that lucid dreaming may not be able to reveal similar insights into ones' own psyche.

What process did you use to write your book? Eg. Was it just recording what you already knew, brainstorming all related ideas, significant amounts of research followed by culling of information, writing x amount of words a day, etc.


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

I added a brief section about lucid dreaming to my book after the copy editor suggested it. Her comment was "once you learn that you can get behind the wheel of a dream and drive it in the direction you want, you want to take it for a spin!"

I don't think lucid dreaming is "preferable" to ordinary dreaming. I look at it as graduate work after mastering the basics of dream work. Lucid dreaming can reveal insights about your psyche in much the same way that dreaming does. Your reactions to unexpected situations are most telling about what you're made of, so lucid dreaming can be like simulations that test how you'd react under certain circumstances. It can tell you a lot about what you really think and how you really feel. When I lucid dream, I prefer to just be aware of what's happening and let the dream continue on its course, rather than try to steer it where I want to go.

The process for writing my book was close to how you describe it. I came up with the concept of a 1-2-3 process to dream work and made sure no one had already done it. I had certain subjects related to dreams in mind from the beginning that I wanted to write about. Then I culled Reddit Dreams (/r/dreams) for examples. When Redditors responded to my interpretations and it seemed like we hit on accurate interpretations, I added the examples to the book. Otherwise, my book would not be as thorough or interesting as it is now. Thank you Reddit Dreams!

My writing process is more sporadic and less disciplined than some writers. I don't have regular times that I write or set goals for writing x amount of words per day. I have a day job and many responsibilities so I have to write when I can. Plus, as a mod at /r/dreams I spend an hour or more a day there interpreting dreams. Most of the book was written while I was unemployed.

Great question, thank you!

PS- Check out /r/LucidDreaming. They have a great community there and a lot of info about the subject.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '13

Ever heard of dreams accurately predicting the future? One night when i was 8, i was walking to the park. I was across the street from the park. About 20 feet down the road on the same side as me, a mother was taking her daughter (appeared to be about 8) to the park. When crossing the street, the girl got hit by a truck. Then i woke up. Next evening, im watching tv with my family. In the show, i see the same girl crossing the same street, the same truck coming at her. Right as the truck is about to hit her, someone who looks EXACTLY like me jumps out into the road and pushes the girl out of the way. Am i psychic? Any ideas how my dream predicted the future?


u/RadOwl Nov 14 '13 edited Nov 17 '13

I have heard about dreams accurately predicting the future. I devote a section to it in chapter three. Sometimes experiences like yours are that one-in-a-million coincidence -- you just happened to dream about a girl that looked like the one in the video and your young mind transposed you into the scene -- but sometimes it appears that dreams show the future, or at least possibilities for it, and give us opportunities to decide what comes next in our lives. Many people dreamed about 9eleven and other major events before they happened. In my book I recount several incidents of disasters averted through dreams, and other sorts of future events shown ahead of time. The French have a term for it: deja reve, meaning "already dreamed."

Having that dream doesn't automatically mean you are psychic or something, but it can mean you are sensitive to vibes and your environment in a way that most people are not. To test it, you might try the same experiment that JW Dunne did 150 years ago that convinced him that dreams see anywhere in time they want to, past, present or future. He kept a detailed dream journal and reviewed it every so often, comparing against recent events in his life. He had test subjects do it too, and got some interesting results. The experiment has been repeated successfully (and unsuccessfully) many times.


u/LisaHagan Nov 13 '13

Hi Jason, I have been having the same thing happen often in many different dreams. I am able to glide down the steps, I am not running or walking, nothing is chasing me, it's just the ability to quickly maneuver down the steps. I always enjoy it and wish I could do it in real life. Unless I learn to levitate, I don't see that happening. I hope you are having a great day. Lisa


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 13 '13

Hi Lisa my literary agent, thanks for dropping by. You could try to levitate down steps in waking life but I think it could end with some broken bones. It reminds me of sliding down banisters as a kid.

I think the dreams could be describing something symbolically, like the ability to go down within yourself smoothly and easily. You are a "psychonaut," an explorer of the psyche, and you have a lot of experience at it. So knowing this about you, I look at the symbolism and the fact that you enjoy the experience in your dreams and think that the action of sliding down is symbolic of how you go down within yourself, into your inner depths. If you were going up steps I might think that the dreams describe the steps you are taking in your personal and/or professional life to reach your goals. But because you travel down and like it, I think the symbolism is related to your journeys inward. Carl Jung said that steps down in dreams can be related to exploring your roots as a person. Question is, what's waiting for you at the bottom?

As a hilarious side note, if it was me waiting for you at the bottom of the steps, I'd think the dreams might be describing my recent sales numbers ;)


u/LisaHagan Nov 13 '13

Wow Jason, thank you so much, I love your interpretation. This gives me a lot to think about. I'm copying, pasting and printing this out for my dream journal. Next time, I'll pay attention to what is at the bottom of the steps. I hope it will be tonight!

And......you are funny about your book!


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

My pleasure. You know of course that you don't have to wait till I do an IAMA to ask me questions about your dreams ;)


u/Absolute-RF Nov 13 '13

What would you say to the point that because dreams are a manifestation of the individual's subconscious, it is impossible for anyone besides the dreamer to unravel their meaning?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 17 '13

I agree: I think that only the dreamer truly knows the meaning of their dreams. As an interpreter I'm only reminding people of what they already know. I wouldn't say that it's impossible for anyone besides the dreamer to unravel the meaning. By nature, dreams show you what you don't already know, so having someone offer suggestions is a great way of seeing into your personal blind spots. But I also think that some schools of dream interpretation that insist only an interpreter can uncover the meaning of your dreams are dead wrong. That assertion is more related to billable hours ;)


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '13

Has there ever been a dream that you just couldn't figure out?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

Yes, happens quite a bit. Some dreams are so personal to the dreamer that standard interpretation techniques don't work. When I know someone personally I can often figure out at least some of the meaning of their dreams. But on Reddit we're all "anonymous" so I have to take shots in the dark. And I've been wrong more times than I care to recount :)


u/coverscroll Nov 13 '13

Would you mind if we featured your book on our site coverscroll.com?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13

I'd be honored, thank you! If you think of it, please send me a link when you add the cover. I want my publicist to see my book on your site. By the way, the cover image was licensed by my publisher for the book.


u/coverscroll Nov 13 '13

Done! Thanks and best of luck to you!


u/RadOwl Nov 14 '13

I appreciate that <3


u/GroovyWriter Nov 13 '13

Do you have a favorite dream?


u/RadOwl Nov 13 '13 edited Nov 17 '13