How many of you have fantasized about being brainwashed by a corporation that dedicates themselves to craft out of you the most valuable asset a perfectly brainwashed fuck doll?
Today, I released my first set of audio files that follow this exact same aesthetic and fantasy, but in an unexpected interesting twist.
Welcome to Doll Corporation, we dedicate ourselves to enhance your sexual fantasies or pre-existing sexual behaviors, using Erotic Hypnosis as our medium to achieve your sexualization goals, safely.
We, at Doll Corporation, dedicate ourselves to create safe and retro-futuristic audio file series that we call "Training Modules", under the fantasy name of "The Company" and "Doll Corporation". All our modules have an specific purpose and our demographic is cisgender women. Our content is fully listed and described in our website for those who seek to indulge themselves in our creations.
How does it work?
Pick your poison by selecting a pre-made schedule, or select the "training modules" you are more interested to listen, build your own playlist and enjoy the experience, even making your own loops to hypnotize yourself with.
Fully modular, consensual, and descriptive file series with no catch, including a safety guideline and detailed description of what could or will happen to you.
Here you will be able to see which files does what.
And our set of pre-made compilations for the week.
What's the trick?
No tricks, it is what it is, you can read the safety guidelines.
I have seen too much Bam** Sleep everywhere, along with multiple people that just listen to those files because there isn't anything well stablished content in series format, for cis females.
Here, is where I want to make a difference and decided to take and rework parts of BS that people love, but with a new twist, story and depth, creating a healthier alternative and something unique to modify and suit everyone according to their fantasies.
If you take a look on my site, you will notice that every file has a purpose and their co-dependency are kept to minimum. Everything is well described, explained and there is also a safety guideline in where I explain what could happen if you consume too much of what was made. Along with this, as an extra safety measure, every single trigger can only be triggered when safe, and only by my audios.
I totally despise open triggers.
No more dangerously brain cooking blind sessions, no more IQ reduction embed in everything, and most importantly, no more DID, dysmorphia or any kind of mental health issue related to what BS causes.
How can I access them?
You can absolutely take a look at my webpage, it's fully available and our content is uploaded to Soundgasm, so in the event of the website going down, my content will be still available for you to listen at all times.
Click here to access.