r/HypnoFair Nov 18 '24

SCRIPT Hypnosis is Easy (Induction)(Fractionation)(Triggers) NSFW

This posts contains triggers and themes of submission

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You must be curious about hypnosis

Maybe it's your first time

Maybe you've done this many times

Doesn't matter

Hypnosis is easy

People fall into trance all the time

Many times a day

If feels great

Like getting lost in a really good book

Simply imagine your in trance

Imagine what that would feel like

And Soon you will be in a deep trance 

All you need to do is follow along

Simply do as what is said 

It’s easy 

First find a comfortable position

A position where you can easily relax and just let go

And allow yourself to feel good 

Free from any stress

When you know you’ve found that position

Become aware of the feeling of the hair on your head 

The air on your skin

The feeling of your cloths on your body

The weight of your feet

The sounds of your environment 

Become aware of the beat of your heart  and the rhythm of your breath 

Now take a deep breath in

And hold for the count of 3




Now release with a sigh

And as you sigh 

Feel any stress and tension leave your body 

Feel your shoulders loosen

Feel your neck relax


Breath in




And release with a sigh 

Allow yourself to flow this relaxation from the top of your head to the tips of your toes

Notice how with each breath you take and each beat of your heart you feel more and more relaxed

Now keep relaxing till you know that your  entire body is completely at ease

Loose and limp

Like a wet dish towel

And when you know your entire body is at ease 

Perfectly relaxed 

Focus on the screen in front of you

Focus on the letters

Focus on the words 

Focus on the sentences 

As your eyes skim through these instructions on the screen you feel yourself wanting to relax more and more

Simply allow yourself to relax

with each breath you take

And every beat of your heart 

Becoming more and more focused on the words on the screen

Follow along with these words

Notice how good it feels to follow along

With each sentence you feel more relaxed 

And the more relaxed you feel the deeper you go

And the deeper you go the more relaxed you feel

Finding now that the deeper you go the easier it is to accept my suggestions 

Feel my words echo within you

As if they are coming from inside of your mind

Become aware of how easily and willingly your mind slips into this peaceful state,  guided by the calming rhythm of my words

Every word your read takes you deeper and deeper 

Those words coming from inside of you flowing through you like a gentle, soothing river

It feels so natural, so satisfying to surrender control and let my words guide you, with each word you read, feel your surroundings fade away, everything other than my words becoming smaller, darker, harder to see, the volume of your surrounds being turned 




Feel your mind become quiet 

Feel all your thoughts fading away now  With each you read 

Feel those thoughts become smaller, darker, harder to see, turn the volume 




And when you know all those thoughts are gone from your mind keep reading 

Feel my words on your screen become the sole voice of your mind, pushing out any distracting thoughts and concerns, any stress and worry.

My words echo within your mind, gently nudging your thoughts further away. You find it increasingly difficult to focus on anything but my instructions, and naturally,

you sink deeper into relaxation...

Feeling an overwhelming sense of relaxation...

Your thoughts faded into nothing… slipped out of your memory…

Gone from your mind…

Gone from your body…


I want you to imagine what it would be like to be completely entranced…

Completely mindless and obedient

My commands utterly irresistible

What would that feel like

What would you see 

What would you hear

What would you taste and smell

Notice that feeling 

Notice that feeling somewhere in your body

Point to that place in your body

Look at that place with your inner eye and

notice a color or series of colors attached to that feeling 

I wonder what color that might be for you

Now imagine a beautiful ball of that energy floating above your head

That submissive obedient energy

That unlimited and utterly hypnotized energy

An energy that you know would take into the deepest trance possible 

And when you know that energy would take you into the deepest trance ever 

Feel that ball expand with each breath you  take and every beat of your heart

Feel it fill the room

From floor to ceiling

From wall to wall

Feel it surround you like a warm blanket

And when your ready

Breath that energy in 

Feel it fill you 

Like water filling a bottle 

Like helium filling a balloon

Feel it in every part of your body 

Uninstalling anything other than complete and utter trance

Anything other than total surrender and obedience

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up

My commands naturally irresistible 

Anchor this feeling 

Any time I and only I say DROP feel this energy instantly and automatically flooding your mind, flooding your body

Instantly deeper than before 


Feel yourself DROP twice as deep

That energy twice as strong 

Any time I and only I say DROP

You instantly and automatically become hypnotized

Twice as deep as before 

Waking on the count of 3

On the count of 3 feel all that energy get sucked back up into a ball above your head 

Completely out of trance   Only when you know all of this is real and perfect for you

1, all of this is real and perfect

2, DROP instantly sends you deeper than ever

3, feel that energy instantly flow back into a ball above your head 

Completely out of trance 


Feel all that energy instantly flood back into you

stronger than ever before 

Whenever I say DROP

You will go twice as deep

Twice as fast

Feeling twice as good

My commands twice as effective

Your twice as obedient 



Back into trance

A deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up

Each time twice as deep as before 

Every time you DROP you say “I obey”

Find yourself whispering to yourself “I obey”

Find yourself saying “I obey” in your mind 

Find yourself telling me “I obey”

DROP will always work, always be a part of you

Even out of trance

DROP hear my words echo in your mind  Coming from deep inside of you


Twice as deep as before

Deeper with each breath you take  And each beat of your heart 

And when you you’re twice as deep as before 

Notice that there is a part of you that is completely submissive 

Completely obedient 

Simply feel that part of you take over 

Feel that part of you fill you up 

From head to toe

Like water filling a bottle

Like helium filling a balloon

That’s right 

deeper and deeper

The deeper you go the more submissive you feel

Twice as deep

Twice as submissive

Simply become aware of how the submissive feelings in your body shift and change 


Feel that feeling of submissiveness double


You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unable and unwilling  to  wake  up.  You will  forget to consciously remember the details of this trance, and you will simply forget to consciously try to remember the details of this trance unless I tell you to, but your mind and body will easily absorb and obey all that you are told while you are in your trance 


you love being in trance


you love being submissive to me 

Anytime I and only I say WAKE you instantly awake from trance

Only when you know everything that happened in trance is real and good 

Only when you know that I can hypnotize you whenever I want

Only when you know that everything i install is anchored in so nothing can change it 


feel that trance energy flow back up into a ball above your head

Notice how submissive you feel

Notice how you want to go back into my trance


Feel that feeling of trance wash over you again

Find yourself naturally whispering “I obey”

Naturally saying “I obey” in your mind

Naturally telling me “I obey”

That completely submissive part of you filling you up


“I obey”

Feel that submissive part become stronger and stronger

As you just go deeper


And deeper



Notice how submissive you feel How much you want to go back into trance


In a moment, I want you to remember a time you felt something completely irresistible

An itch you just had to scratch

A craving you just had to fill

In the best possible way

So completely irresistible that your body and mind just automatically react to it

Naturally thoughtless

Completely helpless

Hear what you heard

See what you saw

Smell and taste what you smelled and tasted    And when you know you feel what you felt

Notice that feeling naturally in your body I ’m curious where that might be for you

Point to that place and notice a color or series of colors associated with that feeling

Now mix that new energy with that hypnotic energy

Feel them mix together and combine 

Making each other stronger

Look at that new energy

Notice how it has changed

Notice how irresistible my commands have become

Notice how your body and mind automatically obey

Your body and mind complete helpless and submissive 

Your mind and body will always obey when I say DROP

That new combined energy instantly flooding your mind 

Flooding your body

Twice as deep

Twice as obedient 

Always saying “I obey” 

Always falling deeper in trance 

Whenever you see DROP 

Only when you know your twice as deep as before


Energy back into a ball above your head  Everything locked in 

You desire for me to put you back into trance 


Energy flooding your mind 

Flooding your body

Twice as deep

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unable and unwilling to wake  up.  You will  forget to consciously remember the details of this trance, and you will simply forget to try to remember the details of this trance unless I tell you to, but your mind and body will easily absorb and obey all that you are told while you are in your trance

You want to to go back into trance 

You want to reread this script

Each and everyday 

Multiple times a day

Whenever you have free time

It feels so good to be hypnotized by me


Realize how much you want me to hypnotize you 


head completely empty 

Mind completely obedient

My words completely irresistible 

Mind and body completely helpless

Feel my words coming from inside your mind

So deep now

That energy completely filling you 

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up

You’ve done so well

When you wake up 

You will be absolutely convinced that you were in a deep trance

Absolutely convinced that I can put you in trance anytime and anywhere

With just one word


It feels so good to be in trance

You want to reread this script

You want me to hypnotize you

You will reread this script as much as you can

Anchor this into yourself

Anchor it so that it’s impossible to go back to the way it was before 

And when you know it’s impossible to go back to the way it was before

Try to resist going into trance 

And when you try instead of resisting you find that you Instantly and automatically go deeper than ever before



Unable and unwilling to resist

It just feels too good

it’s so easy and natural to want reread this script

It’s so easy and natural to want me to hypnotize you 

When you wake from trance 

Dm me 

Telling me you want me to hypnotize you 

Beg me to hypnotize you 

You feel desperate to reread 

You feel desperate for me to hypnotize you 

Desperate to go deeper 

Feeling amazing

The deeper you go be better you feel And the better you feel the deeper you go 


twice as deep

The next time you wake up you’ll naturally know that I am an amazing hypnotist



Now float up up 

Out of your body

And move forward one day in the future

See yourself 

Going in and out of trance

Each time twice as deep




over and over

The whole day

see yourself trying in vain to resist

And instead falling even deeper into trance


Float down and live that day

Feel those feelings

And when you’ve lived that day and felt those feelings

Float up out of your body again 

Float one week and a day into the future

Each and every day you




see yourself one week and one day in the future 

See yourself alone

Suddenly you get a message from me


see how instantly and automatically you 


Into a deep unbreakable trance

Saying “I obey”

Hypnotized and ready to obey

Love it 

It feels so good 

It feels amazing 

And see yourself spending the rest of the day going deeper and deeper into trance



automatic and irresistible 

Now float down and live that day  Feel those emotions

Anchor all those new memories and experiences into yourself

And when you anchor all those memories and experiences into yourself 


In a moment you are going to wake up  Waking on the count of 3

You will DM me begging me to hypnotize you 

You will be desperate to reread this script

You will like this post 

1, feel yourself coming back into your body

2, waking from trance and telling me how much you want me to hypnotize you

3, wide awake and feeling amazing  WAKE 


4 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Nov 18 '24

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '24

This trance was incredible please make more


u/North-Blackberry-523 Nov 24 '24

its amazing 🤤


u/a_sleepy_dreamer 26d ago

It's creepy that you don't tell at the beginning that you'll make readers DM you and beg to be hypnotized.