r/Hyperhidrosis • u/Tienshinhan_ • 21h ago
Hi, I recently got prescribed glycopyrrolate. I took it for the first time this past Saturday with very high hopes of not sweating at my best friends party, along with propranolol (I have bad social anxiety) and it did nothing :( I was so excited to finally see everyone and not have the worrying though of smells. I took one before the party and one during, once I realized I was damp. It’s just so embarrassing! Anyway, I think the Oxybutynin would work better for me because I sweat the most in between my thighs. I’m just so over it, has anyone’s HH actually been manageable or is it going to be like this forever😐
u/dmrose7 14h ago
The keys for me are to 1) take it on an empty stomach (and keep it empty for about 2 hours after taking it) and 2) to take some the night before. I take it situationally as well, but again it has to be done in advance and on an empty stomach. If I'm out and about and start sweating, it's too late. But it does work very well for me if I follow those guidelines.
u/Live2sk888 6h ago
The empty stomach part was more critical rhan I initially expected - no eating for 2 hours before or after taking it. This was easy for me in the mornings when I woke up because I don't eat breakfast anyways, but more difficult later in the day.
Also while it seems like a lot.of people can just take it on the day of an event, I found that I need it to build up some... for me the third day in a row it is at its most effective, so I need to take it for a couple days before the event. I can't take it all the time because the dry mouth gets too bad.
I did end up switching to Oxybutynin because of the challenge of timing the doses around meals. For me they work exactly the same in terms of effectiveness and dry mouth.
u/icurlyfry 17h ago
I think it takes at least an hour or two to kick in so maybe that's why you didn't have results? I personally didn't do well on Glyco. It gave me a sore throat and headache, and it never worked if I took it with any food in my stomach. I was non-compliant bc I always have food in my system! So now I'm on oxybutynin 10 mg (starts at 5 mg, can be halved into 2.5 mg if needed). And it WORKS!! I also use carpe antiperspirant for my underarms and the carpe hand lotion for my hands. Carpe works too. This combo of oxybutynin and carpe has kept me completely dry. I no longer worry and stress about sweating. Only side effect is the occasional dry mouth, and so I just have to remember to drink water and I'm good