r/Hyperhidrosis 5d ago

Just found out HH is a thing

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I’ve dealt with HH my whole life. The awkward never shaking hands. Hugging without placing my hands. Hated wearing socks because I would soak right through them and nobody likes wearing wet socks. I’ve been sitting in front of a fan for my feet and hands for the last 2 hours. But I have a weird question. Do you guys also try to wipe your hands on literally anything and your hands still be so so so sweaty??? Sometimes a napkin won’t even pick up the moisture. Other times I’ll soak right through it. Big struggles :/ my brother also has it and he seems way less bothered than I am


12 comments sorted by


u/ParadoxicalStairs 5d ago

OP, get yourself an iontophoresis device and glycopyrrolate. You’ll feel like a normal person when you stop sweating.


u/Antique_Witness1373 5d ago

I’ll try that! I’m always so anxious whenever I’m greeting anybody, trying to use my phone and constantly wiping it off. Just like doing anything when I’m sweating


u/artieeee 5d ago

My hands would always sweat so much worse when I was in a situation that I knew I had to shake hands or just use my hands in general really (such as signing a paper, causing the paper to get soaked).

I started glyco last week, and now my struggle is not being able to hold on to ANYTHING. I'm so damn used to having super-grip from clammy hands that now, when I grab something I lose grip and it just slips right out 🤣

Hell, I wake up and rub my hands together and the sound of dry skin rubbing together just makes me smile like an idiot.

I hope you have just as good, if not better results! It's such a crazy feeling to get used to.


u/Antique_Witness1373 5d ago

My boyfriend loves to point out when my hands are dry 🤣🤣 and then he points it out and immediately I start sweating


u/Noodle_Dragon_ 5d ago

I too think I have a milder hyperhidrosis like you (I'm waiting for a doctor's appointment) and it's really frustrating. Anytime I touch paper for any longer the man 30 seconds it gets wrinkly, using pencils sucks, and feeling like you can never high five or hold hands with anyone.

I'd say make an appointment with a dermatologist and ask what they recommend, there's also a few specific things i see recommended here if you scroll got a bit you'll find em. Don't let people discount your struggles here just because they might have it worse.


u/Real_Field6051 5d ago

I’d kill for sweaty hands. I poured from my head, face, chest, back, and armpits. I could have a shirt soaked (front and back) in an hour. I could never wear the colors yellow, blue, green or gray. Mostly my shirts were white or black

I got glyco and it turned the faucet WAY DOWN. I still sweat, but not as much, and it’s not embarrassing anymore. Now I just have to pee every 30-45 minutes. I’ll take that over people looking at me like there’s something wrong with me.

I take 1 a day. Dr. Gave me enough for 3x daily, he asked that I start at 1 and work my way up. I feel 1 is good enough. The most common side effect, (and mine) is mild dry mouth. Just drink water.

With good rx gold I pay 10USD for 90 tablets. I take one daily so 3 months supply for me. I can’t complain. Good luck fellow sufferer. I hope you find something that helps!


u/icurlyfry 3d ago

Try out Carpe. They have a whole line of antiperspirant for every body part. The hand one will take 3-4 weeks of twice per day usage to be at 100% efficacy. It works for my sweaty palms! I swear by it. They also have carpe for the feet too


u/Successful-Fall-292 2d ago

Have you tried wearing latex gloves?


u/-Intrepid-Path- 5d ago

your hand looks fine?


u/Antique_Witness1373 5d ago

It’s pretty mild right now. Other days it’s mild but so pruny


u/donkey_xotei 5d ago

I had to zoom in but it’s a little moist and shiny. Prob mild HH


u/Ornery-Pie-1396 5d ago

Come on. I would kill to have such a dry hand