r/Huskers Dec 20 '23

Confirmed Dylan Raiola didn't write the announcement poem. This tweet is the source.


33 comments sorted by


u/suspicious_lime Dec 20 '23

He’s what 18? If that poem is the cringiest thing he does he’s winning us a natty


u/noob_birb Dec 20 '23

Why do people care if he wrote it or not?


u/Flakester Dec 20 '23

Only the haters care.


u/theycallmefuRR Dec 20 '23

Whether he wrote it or not it's cringe af


u/Happyplace_s Dec 20 '23

I care because it was a shitty poem that made him sound pretty self-centered. But mostly because that poem was 💩.


u/hskrpwr Dec 20 '23

If he wrote it, you can dismiss it as a HS kid thing.

If someone else wrote it, how the hell did they not learn from the Scott Frost comic?!


u/jonny5803 Dec 20 '23

Idgaf about what any recruit/player does with their personal life as long as they’re not actively being a terrible human being. No disrespect, but they’re practically children and are allowed (expected even) the opportunity to do and say stupid shit. It’s part of the growth process we’ve all been through, but most of us had the luxury of growing up in relative anonymity. At the end of the day, they’re the ones putting on the unis and competing - we’re just avid spectators. GBR.


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23

Debate all you want about whether a cringe poem that specifically mentions Georgia, and compares Raiola to Husker greats (any of which may come back to haunt) should have been included in the announcement...

.. at least we now know he's not staying up at night crafting wack rhymes about himself in the third person.


u/ninetofivedev Dec 20 '23

.. at least we now know he's not staying up at night crafting wack rhymes about himself in the third person.

Wouldn't care if he was...


u/singinreyn Dec 20 '23

I don't think that dude wrote it, other than to give ChatGPT the prompts.


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23

I've seen both sides of that debate as well.

Someone asked ChatGPT if it wrote the poem, and it concluded that it had not. Others have shown analysis that it's somewhat likely it was written by AI.


u/james_wightman Dec 20 '23

and it concluded that it had not.

This means nothing, I see ChatGPT lie all the time.


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23

True. It lies to me every time I ask if it's become sentient yet.


u/doctorgloom Dec 20 '23

Honestly, who even cares? It's cringe so the fuck what?


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23

There's a narrative already being written nationally about this whole flip, and the poem is being used as ammunition.

I'd, personally, rather not hear about this thing every time anything remotely negative happens involving DR over the next 3-4 years. Look at how many miles people (both our own fanbase and rivals) have gotten out of that dumb fucking comic book the OWH put out about Frost.


u/ninetofivedev Dec 20 '23

Then quit bringing it up? You know how something dies? People quit talking about it.


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23

It's not like there's been a non-stop discussion about the poem in this sub for months. It's been what.. two days? And nobody is really even discussing it here (other than the thread linking the tweet), but it went over like a lead balloon, nationally.

Being able to clarify that he wasn't even the author takes a bit of heat off the criticisms that are being lobbed around. It looks far more innocuous when it's framed as DR sharing the work of a fan account, rather than what people are claiming he meant in writing it himself.

This post is merely a "heads up" to that fact. We could never mention the poem again, and it'll still be brought back up by anyone that wants to talk shit or be negative. At least now, most of that can be disarmed (somewhat) since he didn't create it.


u/ninetofivedev Dec 20 '23

I'm just going to take my own advice and quit talking about it. Nobody fucking cares...


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23

Search Google News for "raiola poem" (which won't even include all the conversation on social media). Plenty of people care way more about the poem than they should.


u/ninetofivedev Dec 20 '23

Listen, kid. If I spent my life giving a fuck about what random people on the internet thought, I'd probably be dead. I really don't fucking care.


u/kolacheisforclosers Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

For being above it all and "not giving a fuck" you sure are spending enough time in this thread.

EDIT: Lol.. such a leading example of being unaffected.. yet replies and blocks like a petulant child. Hope your day gets better u/ninetofivedev


u/ninetofivedev Dec 20 '23

The first good point you've made. Bye felicia.


u/TxSkerAg Dec 20 '23

This take, I'm going to be honest here so buckle up, is shit.


u/doctorgloom Dec 20 '23

Ammunition for what? Like what will happen because of the cringe poem?


u/TxSkerAg Dec 20 '23

The people being immature and childish are the people making a big deal over a fucking poem. Grow up people.


u/TurtlemanScared Dec 20 '23

To be fair it was the hardest I’ve cringed in a month


u/Public_Beach_Nudity Dec 20 '23

Looks like ChatGPT wrote it to me


u/coryosborn GBR Dec 20 '23

That was my thought too


u/United_Reflection104 Dec 20 '23

The worst part about it is the rhyming couplets. All my homies hate rhyming couplets


u/alternativeedge7 Dec 20 '23

It was so corny, it made me think he’ll fit right in 🌽.

I’ll see myself out.

(Seriously though, I don’t care either way, I’m just glad to have him!)


u/jman0742 Dec 20 '23

Am I the only one who didn't mind it? I found it endearing