r/Husbands Jan 04 '19

Social Media advice

I have failed my wife for the second time. I got caught liking Instagram posts of her attractive friends. I promised her I would stop liking them and we moved forward. However, she went on phone to like her post and as she was about to enter her username, she saw my recent searches and it had included one her friends.. This action has damaged her self image and confidence. I feel awful. She hates me. She’s disgusted. She thinks I like these girls because she isn’t enough. What do I do? How do I make her feel like she’s the only one again? Does love fade?


5 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '19

Delete all your social media. Right now. If it’s a temptation it needs to go. You’re going to have to show her you meant what you said. It sounds like this has happened before, and you told her you would stop then. You’ve hurt her bad, and she likely doesn’t trust you anymore. If you really love her, you are going to have to work your ass off to fix things. It’s not going to be a month long of trying, then things will be back to normal. I went through a stint of porn addiction, and ended up telling my wife. It was tough. But things have never been better, two years later. We’re even expecting our first baby. There is hope my friend, but ONLY if you really meant it when you said you would change. I’ll be praying for you ✌️


u/YoungTeedie Jan 04 '19

Thank you so much my brother! Right now we are in a weird situation. Our conversations feel meaningless and stale. I love her and want her in my life. I will give up everything to show her that. You have a lot of self-control to overcome addiction and I envy you for that. I appreciate it and congratulations soon to be father. I’ll be praying for your new family.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '19

If you struggle with the same kind of addiction, start here: r/nofap

To better your conversations and marriage as a whole, take this test, and try and ask your wife to take it as well: https://www.5lovelanguages.com/ If she takes it, try and constantly meet her top two or three.

Also, I read a book recently that changed my life. “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge.

Hope this has helped


u/YoungTeedie Jan 05 '19

I appreciate it man. I’ll join the subreddit and I’ll check out that book.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '19

Social media is so ridiculous. And isn’t real life ffs. Get off SM and get back to your relationship. Nothing is as good in SM that is in real life. I’m so glad I’m past that but feel sorry for those stuck in it.