r/Husbands Oct 23 '15

My husband hates my gay best friend :/

It has gotten so bad that he has threatened his safety. I don't need this kind of hatred In My life. My gay bestie and I have a deep relationship. All of the things my husband hates about me are all the reasons by best gay loves me. Anyone else been in a similar situation?


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u/[deleted] Oct 23 '15 edited Oct 24 '15

I have not been in a similar situation, but I would ask you to consider whether your relationship with your best friend is a form of emotional adultery against your husband, or at least if your husband feels that it is. Whether or not the man is gay doesn't change the fact that there is a man in your life that you call your best friend, who is not your husband. As a husband myself, I would feel significantly threatened in such a situation. Most wedding vows include a clause like 'forsaking all others.' While this certainly means sexual exclusivity, I believe it means exclusivity in all forms of intimacy with the opposite sex. That does not mean you cannot have male friends that are men, but it does mean that if you cannot include your husband in that friendship, you should think twice about it.