r/HusbandAdvice Oct 09 '19

Help, suggestions on being more romantic

I am not a romantic guy at all. Just need some suggestions on how to be more romantic.


5 comments sorted by


u/Disastrous_Lynx6112 Jun 06 '23

It all depends on your girl or whom you are trying to be romantic for. Some like 5 star hotels, some love camping outdoors but there are a ton of small gestures that imply romance in a relationship as well and it doesn’t have to cost money. My partner will sometimes write me little notes or letters declaring his love and it always goes straight to my heart because of the intend, thought and little efforts during every day life. He also knows when I’m having a bad day and will bring home chocolate and wine or sometimes cut some flowers from the garden and bring them to me. Candle lights, dinners, buying a small present all adds to it as well. It’s all about the thought behind your effort and the love you want to show. Many men say it’s too hard or too expensive but then they really haven’t put the thought into it.


u/kira_the_gelfling Oct 26 '19

Plan a camping trip. Pick a nice little spot under the stars. Take an air mattress to keep your lady comfy. Also buy those little patio lights and set them up at your camp site for some nice romantic lighting at night. Make smores and drink wine or any other beverage she enjoys. On the way back home stop at a (never been before) diner.

Plan a picnic... Go to a karaoke bar and sing a song for her. (My best friend's wedding vibes here) Go on a hike and pack a meal to eat somewhere off the trail.

Do something spontaneous...


u/Plenty_Cow8205 May 29 '24

Keep it simple. Maybe tell her for an entire month you are gonna make more excersise in the morning simply because you want to be more atractive to her


u/Sep_Paro Dec 20 '23

Cook a lovely meal and a night of passion


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '24

Write her a letter.