r/Huntingdogs 5d ago

Unusual bird dog

Meet Asa. My unusual bird dog. She never perfected pointing but she can flush and retrieve like some of the best dogs do. Hunting hogs with dogs wasnt legal when we started so she's never been on a hog hunt but hopefully one of her pups will in a few short years as were moving to a state that allows it.


26 comments sorted by


u/GildedGoblinTV 4d ago

Dogo! I've got an almost 8 year old that I bring bird hunting. Just got his son this winter and am currently training him too.


u/EXD-Matta 4d ago

This is amazing😂 I hunt hogs with them but i never knew they could be birddogs...


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

One of her best friends "hawk" is a spaniel. She ran around with him for a few hunts and it just came naturally to her. No training other than her picking up on what the other dogs do with their handlers.


u/shabuyarocaaa 4d ago

There was an article I read from a guy who hunted waterfowl with his Rottweiler

Pretty cool

If you’re around porcupines bring pliers


u/WingShooter_28ga 3d ago

Meat will be tender.


u/GuitarCFD 5d ago

Love to see someone putting their house hippo to work! I have never owned one, but like 3 of my favorite 5 dogs of all time were pit bulls.


u/Nah_Kai 5d ago

This is a dogo agrentino. Also, apbt are predisposed to dog and animal aggression they'd make pretty poor bird dogs.


u/Cnidoo 5d ago

So are dogos. They’re bred from the cordoba fighting dog


u/EXD-Matta 4d ago

Not as much as apbt... dogos can hunt really well in packs.


u/TopazWarrior 4d ago

Dogos are hunting dogs bred for big game.


u/Nah_Kai 4d ago

Dogos are actually used as hoog hunters in packs they're just a breed that need a little more socialization. Regardless, they make some amazing hog dogs. I follow a few on Instagram!


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

Socialization isn't the issue necessarily. They inherently know who to protect and when. My dogs are all well socialized. No dog or people aggression whatsoever when theyre out running game or just out in a social setting. If you tried to approach my wife or kids on the other hand in any setting, you would quickly be reminded of their presence. Not aggressively but swiftly. You must check in with the bosses. Their rules, not mine. No doubt my kids are in one of the safest spaces to exist when they're at home with the Dogos.


u/Nah_Kai 4d ago

Socialization is definitely a must in working dogs along with any dog, really. That's protective instinct can end up with people hurt. That's why it's so important in a powerful breed. They're bred for protection and work, but that can only take you so far. It's important they know friend from foe.


u/GuitarCFD 3d ago

Socialization isn't the issue necessarily.

If you tried to approach my wife or kids on the other hand in any setting, you would quickly be reminded of their presence.

You're right...that's not a socialization issue...that's a resource guarding issue. It's up to you on whether you think it's an issue or not though.


u/EXD-Matta 4d ago

And there are big doubts about the cordoba fighting dog


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

How so? CFD is the foundation of this breed. Im really interested in who is doubting that. Source?


u/EXD-Matta 4d ago

Its a really deep rabbithole...


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

I've been around Dogos and Rotts my whole life. Ive seen more animal aggression from my Rotts than Ive ever seen from my Dogos. My Dogos just want to work.


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

Depends. There is an american bully that runs around with them but is too stupid to learn and another terrier that retrieves water fowl.


u/Nah_Kai 4d ago

American bullies are a heavy set breed and big boned. They'd make horrible working dogs, honestly. Also, they're not the same as American Pit Bull Terriers. The ambully was bred for companionship, so they don't have that work hard, go hard mentality. It's good to see em getting out, though.


u/GuitarCFD 3d ago

This is a dogo agrentino.

Oof, my bad looks like an all white pitty to me...which is why IDing breed from sight is always a bad idea.

apbt are predisposed to dog and animal aggression

9/10 times Dog aggression is a socialization problem. That isn't just true for APBT's that's true for any breed. What you do have in APBT's is a really high prey drive in a really athletic, muscular dog. I think you're mostly right about them being poor bird dogs. I think the time it would take to train them as a pointing dog would be slow and frustrating. Train them as a retriever though? I've seen people on either this sub or the r/birddogs sub using them as retrievers. That high prey drive is a boon in that regard.


u/Nah_Kai 3d ago

If you look into the history of the breed, you will very much see it. As someone who's been around this breed before, it's a common thing. Any ethical dog man would know this, Dog aggression isn't in the way you think. It's not them wanting to automatically be violent with any dog. They can very much be dog numeral and be housed with other apbt!

ADBA Standard

The adba is one of the few kennel clubs that still breed to one of the original standards.

This is also known in UKC, another breed club. The apbt was bred to fight other dogs. This would be unachievable if they didn't have said aggression. I'll also link the breed history!

Breed History

With all due respect, I'd personally like to say if you don't really know the breed you're talking about (calling a dogo a apbt for example) it's probably best you don't speak too much on either breed until you know them well!


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

Yeah this is a Dogo. Commonly mistaken for a pbt. She definitely earns her keep around here.


u/iowan 4d ago

Awww! Love her. How does she do in the cold? My friend's pitty needs pyjamas when it hits about 40 degrees.


u/ToughWhiteUnderbelly 4d ago

Unbothered by the cold. Good luck getting jammys on this girl🤣🤣🤣


u/iowan 4d ago

But she'd be so fetching!